With Nuts of course.
Happy Holidays to everyone! Whether you celebrate Christmas, Yule, Hearths Warming, or some other degenerate (Kwanza) or (((unspoken))) tradition, I hope you have a safe and 'as happy as possible' holiday season as you no doubt maneuver in and out of the world of normies and others!
I have no idea if any crucial gaming will occur weekend, but its about to get funky-fresh on several fronts. We last left Torcuil trying to navigate through Krenshal for someone skilled and crazy enough to build a Robo-ponk. Trumpaladin and Tracy were getting their things together to hunt a Unicorn with Elway's blessing and direction. Thez is being a little bit emo (its the hormones) while Infernius continues being a dutiful and upstanding guy.
What will happen next, and in what order? Will the players defy GM's careful designs for the umpteenth time? You can bet on that!
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>>36760>>36763*jerks around, accidentally nicking herself on the edge of a new dagger as she whirls*
"I'm sorry, Flashy; I was busy and didn't hear you. What did you say just now?"
>>36766"Do you want to kill Trollestia?"
>>36769"Then why are you playing arts and craft right now rather than killing her while you have the chance?"
>>36768Nonsense. Paladins don't lie, and neither does Trump.>>36770"I can kill her any time I feel. Would you like to start now?"
>>36768It was a question. There was no statement. It can't be a lie because it can't be true or false>>36771"Why are you putting it off?"
>>36771You asked what he said
>>36772You replied with a statment that was not what you said, therefore lying
Plz no ban Btw, i mention in the last thread that she'd moved her birds to aniother room. She pushed the furniture out of one of the VIP suites and left them there; they're currently chowing down on a pile of ground elephant and scrambled yolks in the center of the room (they should be big enough to eat it themselves now).
>>36772"I wanted to wait until you were ready."
>>36773That's the joke.>>36773Well then I answered a different question. But it's really the same question, just approached a different way. The question is "if you want to kill this bitch, then why are you playing ninja with chains, or crafting macaroni images, or whatever you're doing, rather than killing her while we have the chance?"
>>36775She'd kill her even if the tower were full, so she doesn't actually see it as a chance.
>>36773Oh shut up. Tracy obviously doesn't mean she wants him to repeat what he said. She wants him to clarify his intentions. That's what he's doing
>>36776Also, Tracy's faggot wants to get at least 1 feat per weak.
>>36774"As I have said before I do not want to kill her. But waiting is making me anxious. Soon, or never. Make up your mind. I prefer the latter, but it is your choice"
>>36779*taps wand against dagger*
"I'm ready, Flashy.
Just go to the stables and make your move. I'll be lurking."
Tracy rummages through her bag and pulls out the old Conceal Alignment scroll she got months ago at the shop
"That bitch alwats greeted me with that obnoxious smile every time I enter the stables before we put the dividers up; I'm going to take a minute to make sure she's caught off guard this time.
I'll make my move the moment after you do, Flashy, so be ready."
Remember he has the Shackles and the rope.*gestures over to a prepared barrel of pure grain alcohol*
"Make sure that sword of yours is drunk off his saddle before you start."
[1d20+17 = 18]With that Tracy vanishes.
Rolling to Move Silently across the tower as she gets ready.
Also, Detect Good, to ensure the cunt is in the stables
>>36781This is part of the reason why I was waiting. The forest should be burning down as we shitpost, but idk anymore... [1d20+17 = 30]>>36782>*trips and falls face flat, knocking over furniture as she goes*"I.. I'm okay...!"
*Slinks off once again, deciding to wait a few minutes before she goes back towards the stables*
>>36780"Very well. We'll do it tonight. Now think of a full strategy while I go take some measurements for Fae to fit her into new armor, and then get her set up in the holodeck to train for multi attack, while my faggot goes to see a movie."
>>36784What movie?>Once again I can't do anything ingame without GMWhy this always happen to me?
>>36784We can Train our animals for feats? Can Tracy train her birds?
>>36787Would that mean Torc could train.......
Why do I always forget Torc has a Snek? Maybe I should unbind him from the staff so I alway remember.
A big ass snake would be great for scaring some dwarves
>>36788You should make a Greater Magick Fang Potion, and an Enlarge Potion, and make them permanent on him.
>>36788>unbindMake the staff intelligent and animated, then give it the ingrained special purpose of "Protect Torc" and give it extraordinary powers for said purpose.
>>36789>animatedYou sudgestion has been noted and will be considered
>enlarge potionMr. Snek is already ~20ft long, and thats enough for me
>magic fang potion>Rangers lvl1 can cast it as a spellI want to dual class more now, but not a bad idea
>>36787I'm accessorizing the hell out of my kitty, that I know.
>>36786Coco. I've seen it before and I'm now dragging a friend to see it. I like how it has what seems to be an Aztec Dragonne in it
>>36792hey if trollestia could teach you about being a ranger i probably could to.
>>36793Have fun.
>>36791That post is actually the reason I hoped Tracy/Trump's child would be a cenataur
See you guys later, I gtg
>>36793Doesn't it normally take an Epic Check in Handle Animal and at least one whole year to Train a Magical Beast for things?How many ranks did you put into Handle Animal? Help train Tracy while you're at it, if you can.
>>36795God dammit, I thought I wouldn't be so long
>>36797That's alright.
>tfw need to cook for family soonTracy is snooping around the Tower in stealth, making sure Troll is in the stables before Trump goes there.
How many of y'all are going to be lurking tonight? I'm probably not going to play tomorrow, since it's the holidays.
>>36800My friend is pissed off because Coco is an incredibly sad movie and it made him cry...
I may be able to play later. I want to either kill that unicorn or make her a Paladin's mount, but one of the two (or both?). I hope GM will be on long enough for that
>>36801So Torcuil's teleportation would work, positioning him away from the cluster of gnomes manhandling him.
He unpolymorphes and throws down his snek staff, bringing Mr. Snek into play.
"OkaylistennoworI'mleaving. Idon'twanttohurtyou. Ijustwishtobuyarobotmadebyyourpeopel'shandiwork. Ihavenotbeeninthislandlong,butIhavealreadyheardthatyourpeoplearemastercraftsmen. Ididnotwishtocauseproblemswithmydeception,butitseemedtheonlywaytogetintothecity. Iunderstandifyoudenymeservice,butIwishfornomorefighting."
Torc then doublesover, catching his breath from talking so quickly.
Mr. Snek:
>hiss >>36804The gnomes look at eachother speechless for a moment, before breaking into a small round of applause. An older one approaches. "Thatwasprettygoodyoungfella,youspeakhalfdecentgnomish(whichisn'tanindependantlanguageitsjustonethatsspokenreallyfast.Mostcommoners,thatsyoufolkwhospeakbasiccommon,nevergettheknackforitandalwaysenduptellingustotalkslowlywhichonlymakesthemmoremadwhenwedoforsomereason.Soyouwantaroboteh?Whatlevelofsophisticationarewetalkinghere?There'syourbasicgolemofwhatevermaterialsyougotortherearecompositeconstructslikeshieldguardiansandthelike."
>>36805Torc looks ready to shoot himself realizing that it wasn't the fact they ignored his pleas, its the fact they didn't like him speaking slow.
Torc grabs Mr. Snek, and uses the staff like a walking stick.
"I'mlookingforarobotIcanuseasamounttoo. I'mthinkingmaybesteampoweredwithabrassconstructionandsomeotherspecificdetails."
>>36808He said he was looking for someone too make a robot, not asking the ones infront of him you idiot
Tracy confirms with her detection abilities that Troll is in fact in the stables.
>>36812Yes, though she seems unusually wary today. Everything looks and smells normal.
>>36813"thez you sing me a song?"
[1d20+5 = 23]>>36813*grabs bag in stables and leaves nonchalantly*
Sense Motive check to get a hunch if she's caught wind of something
>>36794Not so much
>>36759"RIght now? Uhm,... I don't know too many upbeat songs."
>>36815Hye, smoe ehva a drah miet ithw ti. Yur'ou pbbrloay efni w/ arcsdelb oto he? >>36816The way she's eyeballin', she definitely suspects Tracy of something.
>>36817"as long as it from the heart me will like it."
Btw, can Tracy use the fluids she collected for Barry's corpse to make AIDS-coated daggers?
Also, I forgot, do you need to roll for Sneak Attacks when you're using poison?
>>36818Tracy sticks her tongue out at Troll like she does every day, and leaves in a huff.
>>36820)/ inec>>36819https://youtu.be/8FZ9dQcHbuAStart at :55
>>36821No, the poison is automatic upon doing damage, the fortitude save is to determine if the individual's immune response is effective or not.
>>36822What's the fortitude save for AIDS? (yeah, I was serious)
>>36822*wipes away a tear*
"that song almost as beautiful as you ana."
>>36823Barry doesn't have AIDS, he has spastic colon.
>>36824The older one crosses his arms, placing one hand at his chin."Thatservesasamount?That'sgoingtorequiresomesophisticatedbio-sumlatoryengineering.Againthequestionarises,howspphisticatedarewetalking?"
>>36825"I thought you'd like that one. Its one of the few I know thats in German. And what has you in such a sentimental mood today?"
>>36826>spastic colonIs that contagious?
I'm trying to buff my biological arsenal.
>>36828No, its not, its just very painful.
Trumpaladin's faggot arrives at a bar after like 30 minutes of driving, and is ready for his character to finally kill, fuck or marry this damned unicorn
>>36823Just use Tracy's blood if you want to kill enemies with syphilis or super AIDS
>>36831I already said she's resistant to STDs. And she needs to keep her body healthy, because those diseases fuck-up fetuses.
>>36830Don't neglect the scene on our behalf but,... yeah I do get a kick out of the idea of you reaching through your phone to take swings at a unicorn
>>36832The ones Tracy knows of,....
>>36833How many doors that will let a horse through are there at the stable? Can we lock it? Where can locks be obtained?
>>36835There's not really doors. Rooms are connected by open archways or corridors that connect areas.
>>36836You're shitting me. There is nothing we can close?
>>36834>'I'm near the stables. Go for it; I'll be there.'Your character has Magic Weapon as a 1st level spell, and so does Tracy. Damage Reduction isn't an issue.
And yes. Her sword is magical, as are three of her daggers.
>>36835Just do the deed as soon as you get the chance. She'll get suspicious if you try to lock the door. She's a
>>36836Is there a corner she can hide around?
Tracy is crouching ~60-ft away from the stables, trying to figure out how many rounds her conceal Alignment scroll lasts, keeping an eye on the stables as she does.
>>36838She moves around a corner before she does that.
>>36826"WellIwantittohaveapersonality,forstarters. Designwise... onemoment."
Torc picks up his tome and rips out an empty page. He sketches pic related but in greyscale.
"ThisistheroughshapeIwouldlike. Proballyabout4feettallorso. Maybeasmall3inchcannonthatfoldoutifpossible."
Torc takes another moment to catch his breath
>>36838>do the deedShe's a freaking demigod. Not a regular horse. It would take Trump almost four full rounds to kill her if almost ever attack landed
>>36840He lifts his glasses from his eyes and wipes his face. "Idon'tknowifyourealizethisbutgivingconstructsanidentityisn'tsomethingyoujust"do",thatrequiresingenuityandcreativitythatdoesn'tjustspringoutofnowhere,andifitwaspossibleyouwouldhavetobeafull-timeparticipantinitsconstruction.Imean,howimportantisthisthingtoyou?You'reessentiallydescribingaconstructartifact,entirelycustomandunique."
>>36841Try the shackles then the rope, or at least get a blow on her.
>demigodLike I give a shit. That only means moar XP
She's just a 13th level encounter. Her facing Trumpaladin and Tracy together is hardly a battle: it's a
murder. The most Tracy has to worry about is getting hit by one of those Good Domain spells.
>>36842>'She won't fall for that crap. She's already on to me. Do your thing, and don't choke.' >>36827A non-descript citizen walks up and whispers in Thez' ear.
"Uhm,... there's something I need to take care of." <whoooof>
The citizen bows briefly, then departs.
>>36827"me get sad around winter time, me never had family to celebrate with."
>>36844She has a +22 melee attack and also smite evil. She can kill Tracy in three rounds. But more importantly she can run away. The rope is weak. It could be destroyed by her. The shackles require a successful grapple, and she's bigger than him, she'd win a grapple check.
Torc seems a bit shocked by this statement. Torc reflects a minute on if he really wants this. He considers what it would mean.
Fuck, now you have me questioning this. >>36845Trumpaladin places the rope and shackles in his tie, and then enters the stables.
He has a sorrowful expression as he approaches Trollestia. He positions himself between the entryway and her
>>36849Boi he bout to fucking do it
>>36845*goes back to the tower.*
>>36851As Infernius enters, Thez whispers from an unknown location, "Act natural"
[1d20+17 = 36]>>36847Don't be a bitch.
Tracy has him to heal her anyway.
>she can run awayThen they'll follow her.
>shackles require a grapple check>bigger than himWhat about that night he used them on Tracy?
Either way, just do what you think is best; just do it
If you don't think the bindings will work, just go for a full attack and hope you land a 20, then they'll hunt her down.
Tracy is hidden around the corner, and now activates her True strike and Conceal alignment scrolls.
Rolling to Move Silently around the corner.
>>36853And he says to her "hello Troll..."
>>36852"No,Iexpectedittotaketime,Ijustwasn'texpectingittobeafuckingartifact. Wecanscratchthecannontoo."
Torc then remembers how much of a fith wheel he can feel like
>>36857"Trouble, maybe, I'm not sure myself."
This from around a different corner.
>>36858"Greetings, paladin Trump. What business?"
Detect Good one more time, to make sure Troll isn't using a Decoy of some sort.
>>36861Is left entirely stupefied before her, staring