Cuz every bread gets stale if left for a day or so, so I has to bake a new bread. Not complaining, but dammit. Damn the nuts.
Last tine the party acquired a Black Dragon, which some have misgivings about, especially considering the Bolshevik massacre that happened a few days before.
At the same time,... not much else is happening, but the previous thread got crashy (at least on my device) so here's a new one. On less related news Ebin is back in /sg/ and GRDF15 has shown up again, who GM hopes might at least be the enemy of mine enemy. I'm not holding my breath, but friendship is magic no? Meanwhile, back to the Game, where a bunch of inter-character dialogues are happening. Infernius and Thez had a moment, while Taylor seems primed for >rape of Torcuil and whoever else she decides is a suitable rape-target. Norfilly is still super-cute and not around (cuz it would taint her appeal), Sad Alex is still a Sad Alex statue, Yak Lee is still getting beaten about @ the Figt Club, and anyone else I haven't metioned is probably doing their thing; right now, in front of everyone.
If you're new, you picked the WRONG thread, but please stick around. Otherwise you know what it do, so lets continue before GM's head explodes?
964 replies and 85 files omitted.
>>29322Fuck your wife
>>29321Fuck your husband, then do that shit
Torc will be his normal spaghetti self probaly
>>29323This. More sex to help with issues
[1d20 = 12]>>29323Good idea
>>29325"~Honey, I'm booooored..! This autist hasn't been talking for a long time, and he's just going to let it all out at once later. Let's go buck."
Rolling to grapple
[1d20 = 8]>>29327Aww hell no! Counter-grapple!
>"we should at least leave the city and go to the woods" >>29327Decent grapple,
Now Trump you just have to roll higher than a 12
>>29328lol she's stronger than you anyway.
*lifts into the air*
"I've got a better place in mind."
>>29330She needs to succeed on multiple rolls for that to work
>>29334She's not cauchemar! She's a rogue pony
>>29333She is in this form. Warhhoers has 18
>>29336I don't think she can do all of this in a half-form
>>29335Her nerfed transformation has the same flight speed. It just doesn't have the monstrous strength and constitution.
*lifts higher*
*continues flying higher*
She's holding tightly with her forelegs and mouth btw. You have the option to climb on her back though.
>Torc could polymorph Tracy to make sex worse for Trump
Highest bidder gets their wish.
We'll start the biding with Tracy
>>29342I could just level-up once in Assassin and do the same thing with Alter Self, but I don't want to start more drama
>>29343*rockets skywards*
... Can she fly upside down?
>what the gnomes see
*elevation intensifies*
>mfwtheresbeenlike125postswhileIvebeenworkingforlikethelast19800secondswithapossibilityof errorofapproximately600secondsmeaningfaggotshavebeenposting2.68imesperminuteonbasicaveragewhichisjfunnycuzthisissupposedtobeagaybathousebutapparentlyitsfunandinvolvingenoughforitsparticipantsthattheyhavemadeaninvolveddcommitmentoftimetokeepdoingandthatthatsisthelevelofinspiredparticipationandinspiredinvolvementthatmakesitallworthitforGMthoughhecanbeabitofafaggotwhatyoucanbeabitofafaggotdon'tlookatmelikethatitstru<BLAM>
>The gnome's ballpoint pen starts BEEEEEEeEeEEEeEeEEEEE and suddenly explodes. It's a loud concussive blast, but Trump is not in any way injured. There is a mess where a gnome used to be, but he has a good idea about gnomes now.
I should be done in about an hour.
>>29347Alas poor Farzelington. I hardly knew ye.
I think I'm being abducted by some kind of flying horse anyways
>>29347Trumpaladin and Tracy are just going to buck in space until the next gnome takes his place.
>>29349>spaceI need air. Also, can I grab onto her tail?
*goes to the sticky wicket and chugs 5 bottles of vodka.*
>>29351>airNecklace of Adaption
>tailIt's made of fire, but she confers fire resistance, so maybe..?
>>29353Does the necklace work if he's behind her though? And he'll need to grab on to something if there is no ground - maybe a lead rope. Or would she try to get to a weightless environment and transform to a pony so he can grab her?
Tracy is still climbing higher, giggling like a schoolgirl
>>29354>weightless environmentThey're not going
that far.
They share connections to the same items.
>>29352Torc joins infernius at the bar
"Bootle o' scotch mate, if you'd please."
"How are yah doing Infernius?"
>>29351Grab her by the pussy
>>29355Trump, let go.
Itll be less painful
>>29356???? Is you plan to have her transform into a pony, and they fuck while falling, then at the end he mounts her and she goes ethereal before they go into the ground?
*wraps gold-steel chain around husband*
"..The Ride starts now.."
*still going up*
>>29358Tbqh desu senpai, I don't have a plan (I threw out the booklet). She's still going up.
[1d20 = 11]
Grapple Horse Pussy
>>2362 →you're tied up, but whatever*buckles dangerously*
"F-Flashy! W-wait 'til we're there.."
*speeds upwards, dashing above the clouds*
[1d20 = 12]>>29367So this is how you properly spur Tracy
Rights himself from chains
Uses Right hand to increase Horse speed even more
>>29368>no escape artist skillYou're going to want that chain around him, because he's royally kill if he falls from this height.
>>29366"I know what yah mean. Hows the wife?"
Torc begins chugging
[1d20 = 19]>>29369He's still in chains, just upright
Leans forward, and licks horsey's ear
>>29370Grabs Horse Pussy again