Cuz every bread gets stale if left for a day or so, so I has to bake a new bread. Not complaining, but dammit. Damn the nuts.
Last tine the party acquired a Black Dragon, which some have misgivings about, especially considering the Bolshevik massacre that happened a few days before.
At the same time,... not much else is happening, but the previous thread got crashy (at least on my device) so here's a new one. On less related news Ebin is back in /sg/ and GRDF15 has shown up again, who GM hopes might at least be the enemy of mine enemy. I'm not holding my breath, but friendship is magic no? Meanwhile, back to the Game, where a bunch of inter-character dialogues are happening. Infernius and Thez had a moment, while Taylor seems primed for >rape of Torcuil and whoever else she decides is a suitable rape-target. Norfilly is still super-cute and not around (cuz it would taint her appeal), Sad Alex is still a Sad Alex statue, Yak Lee is still getting beaten about @ the Figt Club, and anyone else I haven't metioned is probably doing their thing; right now, in front of everyone.
If you're new, you picked the WRONG thread, but please stick around. Otherwise you know what it do, so lets continue before GM's head explodes?
964 replies and 80 files omitted.
>>29528They both like screwing (with) the paladin?
>>29529Pic related
>>29530So you're telling me there are equines who are mean. These are really superficial similarities
>>29532Well, that and the sharp teeth...
I compressed that explanation, but I really just want to go to bed..
Shit. My grandmother had a cat named Tsavo. The thing was a massive cunt.
>>29536Meant to italicise that..
>>29537I don't think that describes the Tracy Cage OC well either
>>29533Cuz deleting my post is going to be without consequente
When was the /sp/ GETs? Was it april or may? We might consider celebrating that once in a while.
You will have to remove the taint of the jew, first.
>>29541Stop trying to be haxxor through eating shit
>>29540The day it started was July 16
>>29542That's something to think about..
>>29543I will not stop.
I will have her eat all of the monsters.
>>29545You ain't gettin' haxxor powers from them
When you use the Alter Self ability, do poisons count as physical characteristics? I.e, if you turn into a giant scorpion, would your stinger be venomous?
>>29546I'll eat them recreationally then.
I'm going to bed for the third time now. I have work tomorrow.
>>29543Damn, was it that much later? Plenty of time then.
>>29547No. In the same sense that your understanding of a dragon's breath weapon is not sufficient to replicate one physiologically(and therefore though polymorph, shape change, or alteraction spell one doesn't "get flaming breath")
Tl;dr No Trans-species shit in this house.
>>29545Also, where the hell are you getting the Tracy Cage OC as "canibalistic, man-eating, and predatory." I have been through mountains of Tracy Cafe OC, and I'm seen none of that. What I see in Tracy's character is
1. She's a complete and total bitch. Basically Lime Stone Pie's personality type
2. She's a murderer, especially through knives. She loves stabbing
3. She plays Soccer. A lot, for the /mlp/ team
4. She loves her /mlp/ comrades, and is seen alongside them as a sort of representative of a time in that board's history it was vibrant.
Less commonly, but still present, she takes ponies with strap ons, and she has sex with lots of random partners, generally for the purpose of getting pregnant. What I don't see is canibalism or those other things you named. If those exist at all, they are extremely rare. They are not a part of her character.
Stop trying to pretend /mlp/'s mascot is that much of a monster, it offends me
I was working Xp
Whenever Torcuil shows up, Thez <whooof> wants to know. "WHERE ARE THE SLEEVES, AND THE BELT, AND THE OTHER TOOLS?" She seems pleasant, but there's something to her tone of voice. She wants 'em now.
BUT, I posted the John Motherfucking Elway thread ON /sp/ XP
>be me
>be wearing "Burned Juice" shirt at grocery store
>clerk asks "Is that a um,... what is it, My Little Pony?" (literally, that grammar and phrasing,...)
>refrain from saying "Yes its the Nazi Pone"
>say "Yes it is."
>silence 4 rest of transaction
Found a pic of infernuis.
I wish I didn't care that much.
>>29553I'll figure out what the hell you're talking about tonight
>>29560Delete that absolutely abhorrent photo sir.
>>29553I know that Ponimaru has the belt.
>>29553Also, does this have something to do with her regen stone not working?
[1d100 = 7]
Tracy momentarily returns to the tower so that her faggot can roll for eggs
>>29551Yeah, I write retarded crap when I'm half asleep (I miss my charts). What I described was closer to Pinkamena.
I was going to delet that, but it seems like it already was.
>>29550Thanks for clarifying. I was unsure about whether or not venom glands fell under physiology.
>>29570What is Infernius doing atm?
>>29571thinking about going to the bazaar to buy thez some cosplay.
Pick up any scrolls while you're at it.
>>29573what if i find a scroll of Explosive Diarrhea?
>>29566And I get triggered by innocuous bullshit and write emotional responses pretty much every time it's past 12 AM...I deleted the post because GM said "that gives me an idea," which made me think "oh shit! Another monster has been unleashed! Not again!" So I deleted the post in a really ineffective form of damage control...I was actually thinking of Pinkamena last night as well, wondering if you had gotten the two confused, as both are stabby murder horses but Pinkamena is a cannibal while Tracy is just stabby (and bitchy).
The interesting thing about Pinkamena's cannibalism, I think, is that it seems to be a sexual motivation. That is to say, I think Pinkamena is a more or less normal serial killer who is at once a sociopath, and is sexually gratified by her kills. I think she has a permutation of voraphilia in addition to her sadism. If you read the original "cupcakes," there's a scene where Pinkie cuts flesh out of Dash's flank/leg, then eats some, but then
puts it in Dash's mouth and encourages her to enjoy it. That seems pretty clearly sexual to me.
>>29567You wanna try that again?
In the mean time, Tracy cast the necessary spells on her items in making.
>>29576But we're waiting outside Krenshall...
>>29575>Implying deleting his post won't just encourage him to do whatever he was doing twice as awful>>29577Tracy brought her shit with her. I.e. the belt, the hilts to the weapons, several un-enchanted daggers, the cloaks, the help, etc.
That way, she could ask the gnomes for advice on speeding-up their progress.
>>29578>>29577if you guys find any cyber-bears buy one for me pls.
>>29565It was worth a try..."Need any help with that, Tracy?"
>>29575The cannibalism theme isn't nearly as strong in Tracy's character, but it's there, subtly.
>tfw Tracy folder was on phone.. >>29579This... might actually be possible
>>29581Nah, never seen it
>>29582There's not that much to do in Krenshall
>>29582ive got a drow to interogate.