In the far-off, northern island of Mended Horn, the party there has learned that they face an enemy they have dubbed "The Traveller." They have decided to go to an old, abandoned village there in hopes of rescuing some communist sailors.
In Baltimare, Dark Star tries to get things in order, while Virgin Flame looks for her old friend.
362 replies and 15 files omitted.
First for Nadir and buttered toast
See, now I'm sad because Captain Waters didn't give me the flammenwerfer I asked for. I wouldn't have missed with that.
Screw it, I've decided that Brie will be forfeiting his surprise round, attacking from the air in a flyby, and is using the 19 he rolled on initiative last night. This is the best I can discern his intent
Mala shoots at the starfish that is closest to him - the one on the left on top of the house wall.
[1d20+8 = (20+8) = 28]
Rolling Initiave on the Abomination
[1d20+3 = (6+3) = 9]
[1d20+8 = (17+8) = 25]
[1d20+1 = (4+1) = 5]
[1d20 = 9]
[1d20+2 = (20+2) = 22]
>>185002 →If I was unavailable for any reason I'd be fine with letting somepony else "puppet" Cavaliere or Amber, like how I gave Brie control of Cavaliere on the boat. I understand this however and I think if we're not unanimous we should wait.
>>185004He should have listened to his instincts.
>>185006…or I guess not. Hopefully Brie shows up before combat ends.
So, it's Posey's turn now?
Initiative Order:
Posey's turn
>>185008If we're doing it. I give anyone permission to puppet Dust. You have to rhyme if dialogue is essential though or I will kill you. I'll post his sheet in OOC, and I'll make sure I give spells whenever I prepare.
>>185011She defiants on my dust til I move at the end.
She does a repeat of her previous turn, cursing herself for squandering the benefit of surprise. Luckily, the enemy is still flat-footed.
Posey attacks with her bone now:
[1d20+6 = (12+6) = 18]
[1d10+3 = (8+3) = 11] (iajutsu needs to be rolled separately)
Iajutsu Focus
[1d20+8 = (9+8) = 17]
Her Dreads fire their rifles
Dread 1:
[1d20+5 = (10+5) = 15]
[2d8 = 10]
Dread 2:
[1d20+5 = (1+5) = 6]
[2d8 = 11]
She attacks the Starfish, hoping to eliminate it before it can take its turn. If the starfish is already dead before the third attack, redirect the next attack at the abomination.
>>185013Iajutsu damage
[2d6 = 4]Posey then takes a move action to move 30 ft away. Both of her Dreads fly 90 ft in the air.
>>185013I'm going to assume that you're talking about the Starfish that's very close to Posey and has already suffered buckshot to the face.
With a hit from Posey's bow, it screeches, trembles, and then with something like a rupture, evaporates into black mist
The first dread does not pierce the hide of the abomination, while the second goes wide.
The surviving Starfish fades, as if out of existence
Silver's turn >>185006>>185018How far away is Mala away with his shotgun? He wasn't mentioned when we were moving up.
>>185019Not very close. Presumably with the group, which means basically only the starfish and perhaps the Petrushkas are close
I'm honestly worried about Brie's player's reaction to us going on ahead without him in combat. I haven't heard his thoughts on us controlling his character for him in combat when he's gone, and without hearing it from him something tells me he'd be very upset.
>>185023That's true, but we scheduled this combat well in advance and it's just one of those DnD moments. I might not be available tomorrow night myself. GM Pone put the onus of responsibility on himself. We will have more fights this mission too if Brie feels like he missed out.
Chances are this fight will only last two rounds anyway. Let's finish it.
I really don't like this, but fine>>185018Okay, so, Mala is informed that the possessed ponies are not to be killed if it can be helped.
Silver takes aim at the abomination, working the bolt on his rifle and firing.
[1d20+11 = (15+11) = 26][2d8 = 8]Once again, Silver works the bolt, and fires a second shot.
[1d20+6 = (2+6) = 8][2d8 = 8] >>185026The first hits, the second bounces off
Mala can't shoot at the abomination because it's too far away, he can't shoot at the starfish because one is dead and the other has vanished, he can't shoot at the Petrushkas because Silver doesn't want him to, and he can't melee attack the Petrushka's because the wall is in the wall to prevent a close attack. Narrowing the distance between him and the Abomination just means he's more likely to get hit, and the same is true with the Petrushkas. So Mala just assumes a ready position for if and when the second Starfish shows up.
Brie will fly over the Abomination and shoot it with a pistol right on the Spinal Column
[1d20+10 = (2+10) = 12][5d6 = 15] >>185030Whelp. Brie is justified now in saying I'm not allowed to roll for him
Even though with his luck it would have been a Nat 1 insteadGarv's turn
The ambushing griffon notices the grotesquely thick hide of the beast in front of him and how his bullet buffeted it but failed to penetrate. He came equipped for a stealth mission, not a big game hunt and he wishes he had some heavier weaponry available. Now with an opportunity for a second shot, he takes aim at one of its horrific but vulnerable pony heads and fires once more from the blind before attempting to hide behind his concealment once again.
[1d20+6 = (4+6) = 10]
[2d6 = 6]
[1d20+3 = (16+3) = 19] (I don't know the concealment/circumstances bonus)
Cavaliere shoots, but does not pierce the hide.
The abomination roars
[1d2 = 2]
The Abomination looks over towards the Party with one of its four eyes. The other three go wide, although Dust may believe that one of the two eyes from the more vestigial head is looking back towards him.
It picks up another stone, and tosses it at Kira
[1d20+5 = (3+5) = 8]
[1d8+6 = (6+6) = 12]
From inside, a shot is aimed upwards at the Abomination
[1d20 = 7]
[2d8 = 10]
>>185034Kira: "meep"
Kira dodges out of the way of the stone, and uses the opportunity to taunt the Traveler and Abomination as a free action.
Kira: "Hey Traveler! You're a big stinky doo-doo head and so are these demons you've summoned and we're going to stop you!"
>>185026pets u>>185034Dust runs at a full gallop, hoping to close the 100ish foot difference quickly. He takes out his flail as he approaches. Idk speeds, but I'm gohha assume that's all I can do.
>>185037You could also sling a bullet after your move action, since your next turn should have you close enough to charge.
>>185036Next to Kira, the air starts to twist and turn in on itself, before a black hole, suspended in the air manifests, allowing no light to come out, and with the edges where it meets our reality circling and letting off sparks as the circle widens
[1d20+7 = (19+7) = 26]>>185037Did he shoot from 100 feet away?
>>185039Sling is a full round action. Move to load, standard to fire. Plus I'm double moving.
>>185041Yeah, range of searing light is 160 feet. The idea was maybe the abomination would focus on the weird glowing zeeb and march towards him so the others could flank and such.
>>185042>Move to load, standard to fire.Could have had it already loaded.
>double movingTaking the Run Action would let you move at 4x speed.
The sailor Petrushka turns around and jumps over the wall, to try to narrow the gap between it, and Kira/Silver/Mala/Posey.
The Marine Petrushka shoots at Brie
[1d20 = 11]
[2d8 = 12]
Kira's turn
Please note that the demon that has been summoned right next to her doesn't quite exist without the material plane yet
>>185045>Please note that the demon that has been summoned right next to her doesn't quite exist without the material plane yetDoes that mean it could be disrupted?
Arcana check to determine this
[1d20+11 = (14+11) = 25] >>185045Still, as Kira lets out her meep, her ears fold down and she has to wonder to herself if taunting the interdimensional being was the wisest move.
Her next action depends on the results of Posey's Arcana check, because knowing if it can be disrupted or not would be valuable information to have.
>>185047Short of like a cleric's banishing spell?
>>185050I meant interrupting the spell before it transpires, since it evidently hasn't yet.
Not from where the party stands, except again, through certain spells
>>185050Okay, Kira takes out her spear, and readies an attack on the demon for when it appears.
>>185054Next to Kira and facing her, comes a jet black creature that is vaguely caniform or feliform in shape, with a flat nosed gargoyle-like face, porcupine like quills down its spine, bat-like wings that are missing most of their webbing, and a long, naked tail
Take the action now, for it moves next
>>185056Kira: "YAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!"
Kira thrusts forth twice with her spear into the freshly summoned entity.
[1d20+10 = (17+10) = 27][1d8+3 = (6+3) = 9][1d20+5 = (18+5) = 23][1d8+3 = (1+3) = 4] >>185058Well, switching weapons is a move action, so only one attack could be made.
[1d4 = 3] Kira is in melee with the summoned entity, and Posey doesn't have precise shot, so she targets the Abomination with ranged attacks.
Posey attacks with her bone now:
[1d20+6 = (19+6) = 25]
[1d10+3 = (3+3) = 6]
Her Dreads fire their rifles
Dread 1:
[1d20+5 = (12+5) = 17]
[2d8 = 4]
Dread 2:
[1d20+5 = (12+5) = 17]
[2d8 = 9]
>>185058>>185062Does that effect what you want to do?
Kira penetrates the thing with her spear
Mala shoots it
[1d20+6 = (17+6) = 23][2d10 = 11][1d20+6 = (7+6) = 13][2d10 = 6][1d3 = 2]>>185063ScrunchWait your turn
It howls, then moves forward to bite at Kira
[1d20+10 = (5+10) = 15]
[2d8+5 = (7+5) = 12]
>>185065No, Kira would still stab
>>185066Kira: "eep!"
Kira barely manages to dodge back out of the way of the snapping jaws.
>>185063Now it's Posey's turn
The first one hits.
The other starfish comes out, and charges at Mala, swiping at him
[1d20+5 = (19+5) = 24][1d4+3 = (4+3) = 7] >>185069Silver: "Mala!"
Seeing his friend threatened immediately causes Silver to turn his attention to the starfish. Silver fires at it with a
[1d20+11 = (7+11) = 18][2d8 = 5]Working the action, Silver fires again with another
[1d20+6 = (8+6) = 14][2d8 = 4] Brie Circles around, and makes a second pass, shooting at the abomination with his pistol
[1d20+8 = (17+8) = 25][2d6 = 4]>>185070Mala:
Yelp!Silver hits with the first, but the second seems to hit at an angle, and deflect off of its tough hide.
Cavaliere is out of sight of his fellows to the left, but knows they have encountered trouble if the gun shots, howling, and shouting are any indicators. He cannot know how badly their strategy is deteriorating but he again targets the abomination to weaken it while concealing his position. Brie's bravery and ambush tactics are helping to win the day once again.
[1d20+6 = (9+6) = 15]
[2d6 = 9]
[1d20+3 = (10+3) = 13]