In the far-off, northern island of Mended Horn, the party there has learned that they face an enemy they have dubbed "The Traveller." They have decided to go to an old, abandoned village there in hopes of rescuing some communist sailors.
In Baltimare, Dark Star tries to get things in order, while Virgin Flame looks for her old friend.
1177 replies and 57 files omitted.
>>186979Okay then, you're now the plan maker and party leader.
>>186977I agree with this plan, but that means we have to take everypony with us.
>>186980Brie shrugs, but wastes not a moment.
"Garv, flank out, shoot anything that moves. Silver, you're on Ms Kubana, she has marines to locate. Rosie? Uh... I trust you to do the magic thing. Dust... keep an eye on her, but conserve your energy; we're likely to gather more injured before this is over," he takes a moment to reload the 3 shots from earlier.
"Any questions?"
Brie snaps his hoof to indicate this isnt an idle question
>>186982Fine, let's do it. Survival roll to watch out for enemies and to track the marines.
[1d20+11 = (12+11) = 23]
"Ill be the eyes in the sky. If I call out, its cuz surprise or stealth is no longer the priority."
If theres no further questions, Brie will resume his arial vantage, spot checking as he do
>>186989"That would be an unnecessary risk for her, whether the threat comes from the Fellow Traveler or the GRU," he insists.
Also Pipette is right there.
>>186990Brie will attempt a little eye-play with Garv. What he will attempt to communicate through facial gesture and body language is that in that the Traveler likes dominating a geoup, it might behoove to have a group on hand to maybe distract it with.
Finally, Brie will take a long, deep breathe before turning to Silver.
"I really don't line the idea of spending any time on this thing, but you may be correct, and it may be the thing that gives us an edge. Fuck me," Brie paces nervously. You've never seen him do that. "Fine. I dont like it, but I'd rather have a hugeton explosive and not need it, than need a hugeton explosive and not have it," Brie says, returning command to Silver
>>186994"Go, I'll follow the gunshots," and Brie begins to take a 20 on the torpedo
yes, Im sidelining Brie u fucks >_<
This better be good
theres an l16 cow otw if I need retribution
"Fucksake move, Soldier!" Brie barks, not moving his eyes from the prize
>>186991>>186993Cavaliere narrows his eyes with a side glance.
He turns back to the mare.
"Miss, you might be partly responsible for this situation, but that's not our concern at the moment. Even if it threatens our chances of getting off this island alive, we will do our best to keep you and the prisoners safe, because that is our duty."The griffon gives the mare his derringer and ten rounds of ammunition. He discreetly points to her, points to his eyes, and points at Brie.
Staring at the torpedo, Brie has a moment of reflection. He thinks about where he ginds himself, the situation he's in what with the Traveler and all this madness. He thinks about these ponies and griffon he is cavorting with. So much of this seems off to him. But he banishes such thoughts from his mind, pulls off his mask so he can breathe better, closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath.
"Centipede," he mutters, before he starts going to town. His last interactive moment will be for him to not even bother to address anypony, but simply to call out: "I trust I dont need to emphasize how important it is that I'm not disturbed?"
>>187012It wasnt what I planned either, but it sounds good, an it will be likely faster. ^_~
>>187013If this derails a plan, it can be undone, but ngl, the party could prolly do with a stint without (ahem) my shit
>>187012I fell asleep around midnight. Sorry.
>>187008"A .38 would be better for self-defense. Thank you, Brie." He then leaves the batpony alone. If Brie gives the .38 to Pipette then he will keep the derringer and its ammunition.
>>187019It is suppressed, with a filter attached,... probably only 6 rounds of supression left in it.
"Oh, here," he says absentmindedly shifting to allow access to certain pockets.
He tosses out 2 6-round reloaders
We're all good now, though. Everything's settled.
"Go on then, ye bastard," Brie quips, slightly revealing 'his' accent, but wiping a frenly tear he'll never admit to
>>187023Silver smiles at Brie, and gives him a nod. "Thank you, my friend. We will see you soon."
Now just gotta wait for GM pone to get on. Also maybe at least one other player.
I'm confused. What is the issue at hand?
>>187025It was late, something was said that just caused me to give up. Things have been sorted, apologies have been made, we're all good now.
Especially now that it's the morning and I'm feeling a lot better, I see the point that you're making about going to the Airponies first, and it's a good point. I hope though you can see the point that I made about time being a factor as well.
>>186939Okay, first of all, why are you a fun-vampire? Why do you shit on other people having fun? The party has come upon a new area that has things to explore, and it has an NPC that they can interact with. At least one player actually does want to explore and interact with that NPC, and to furthermore, consider options for next moves coming from that NPC. Okay, you don't want to interact with the NPC and you don't give a shit about the bomber. Great. Good for you. You only care for combat or whatever, we get it. Can you sit quietly while other people actually try to play the game rather than say shit like this post. Jesus Christ. And this bitching is
always out of character. Just play your character or don't, and stop bitching that Silver is actually trying to, you know, play.
Second, Jesus Fucking Christ,
you know I make new threads on the odd millenial posts. You know this. You have been told "stop making large numbers of sequential one line posts, all it does is walk up the numbers." And yet we have this
>>186991>>186992>>186993>>186994>>186995>>186996>>186997Seven posts in a row, all immediately before 187000 which are basically
guaranteeing I'm not getting the 187000. Why can't you just accept that everyone else is asleep? Why can't you wait a minute before posting so that instead of making three posts because you think of something new, you only make the one post?
Oh, will you look at this. >>187000 was actually your post, which was just a wasted "noted" which you actually deleted, as was 187001 and like six posts after the millennial post. What the fuck is your issue?
>>187029>fun vampireNot my intention. But a legit criticism.
The ponies in question have established backgrounds. Silver - for example - is ex military iirc. But no offense to his player, but he doesnt display the decisiveness one might intuit from ex military. There may be reasons for this, it hasnt been explored yet.
I'll grant that that post - among many - have crossed a line, thats party to why I wanna chill for a minute.
You are correct
>The postsThe first one makes perfect sense, the second was a skill check because he lied to her face, and the third was a follow up
4 is where I decided to let go and let you guys have fun, 5 was a follow up to that, and 6/7 was where I hoped aomeone was still online
I didnt know you wanted the digit, I'd have accommodated if I had
>>187030My issue is, I'm impulsive with a poor recognition of boundaries. I very often make posts I 'think' are a good idea, only to realize "No, that was actually a really douche thing to post", moments/hours later.
Sorry, I think in hieroglyphics
I think we can resolve the rest in OOC, and the party can fuck off and maybe save some marines :3
>>186594>Perhaps you'd like the report?"Thanks for the offer but nah, I'm as dumb as bricks. I probably wouldn't be able to make much sense of it," Virgin said. "Just give me you're expert opinion on who you think is most likely to have done it and I'll ask them for it back."
>>187036Thank you, but let's focus on GM
>>187029I was careless and inconsiderate. No parsing of words. This is largely why I'm offering to extract myself for a duration.
So, are we going to get the airponies?
Posey packs up her loot and readies to go.
Let me backtrack so I can tell what is going on.
Posey hears fragments of the conversation Silver has with Pipette, before deciding to heed Silver's insistence to find this new pony.
Posey approaches Pipette.
"The Commissar, Black Heel was it? Are you certain that he is of sound mind? Has he not been taken by the Traveller already?" she inquires
"And you say that he may help us defeat it?"
She pauses
"Special Forces have arrived on this island, and seem to have labelled sailors of the Kostroma deserters. Perhaps Black Heel can speak to them, if he has not already been enthralled. The Special Forces complicate my our efforts to escape this island safely, whether or not The Traveller is defeated, so it is a matter that I hope we could help each other with."
Cavaliere does a quick search of the aircraft, as he hasn't looked through it like the others have.
[1d20+2 = (4+2) = 6]