The Adventure continues
Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The Eastside Tavern Gang has broken through the house and pool-house of the politician Comte Burgher. What they found has been nothing short of astonishing. Deeds for properties bought by secret societies, seditious communications, cryptic booklets, concerning academic interests, and above all else, a sex dungeon with two young colts chained up, and traumatized. With these, they found something else: two caged and chained up adolescent Changeling drones. So doing what any logically minded group of people would do when encountering caged life-force vampires, they let the things suck on them, then took them home and hugged them and loved them and squeezed them and called them 'George.'
Dark Star is coming to terms with loss in the Stallion's room of the Eastside tavern, while Iron aids him. Silver dreams of an Equestria that is no more and his long lost family (while sleeping in a fairly awkward position). Ash awaits a new dawn of service, Onyx a new life of possible employment, while Brie and Spark stay in a small room with two strange guests
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>>87255That's a rather strange comment.Iron nods, then proceeds to the blight zone described. He inspects the tree's toughness. With some bucking, they could be torn down. He also guesses if the cutting could potentially damage the abbey or any other building.
>>87256Wesley's ears droop
>>87258The trees appear to have been orange trees, or some sort of tropical fruit. There are a little decayed and weakened by the blight, and they were never particularly of thick stock
>>87259Before trying to dislodge the trees or break them down, he asks the nun who asked for help. "Is there any danger that these trees may hurt buildings or foals? If not, we can start the process of cutting them down."
>>87259Silver smiles at him. "Hey, es wird okay sein. Zusammen dauert es nicht lange." Silver starts to gather up the marbles, using his magic to sweep them up into a nice little pile.
Fuck. I didn't anticipate a need for 'small' missions. I guess I could have a 'go to this police officer and see if he takes a bribe,' or a 'see if this griffon merchant offers to sell illegal shit' or 'pick up surveillance bugs from this location' or 'talk to this bureaucrat and see if they are persuadable to talk about revolting' but I'm not sure if I can do those without it being rote or boring>>87262Silver is able to push them along the floor a little, and Wesley tries putting them into the bag
>>87261"We are hundreds of yards away, there shouldn't be any danger"
[1d20-1 = -13]>>87263Search: Silver looks around the room for any more marbles that are out of sight.
[1d20+6 = 16]>>87263He nods. He stands in front of one of the blighted trees. He ensures that all nuns are behind him and proceeds to buck the tree. Rolling unarmed damage with power attack, adding +5 damage and subtracting -5 from hit chance.
>>87264a couple by the provisions stack and a couple more under the bed
[1d3+12 = 13]>>87267Rolling damage to that tree.
>>87267He uses his magic to grab them and put them by the others. "Ich weiß nicht, wie man Murmeln spielt…Aber ich weiß, dass sie gerne überall rollen." Once finished, he pats Wesley on the top of the head. "Behaltet sie im Auge, damit sie nicht fliehen, okay?"
>>87232Silver's stomach grumbles yet again. Seeing Spark is still asleep, he trots over to him and tries to poke him awake.
*poke, poke poke*
>>87269I groan but slowly open my eyes.
"Ah. Morning already?"
>>87270"Seems like it. Just helped Wesley with marble mess. Surprised you did not hear it." Silver pats the side of his empty belly. "Anyways, I am starving, and I think changelings can look after themselves for few minutes. Want to go get something to eat?"
>>87271"I could. But are you sure they should be left alone? Something tells me they are not going to like being locked up in here, especially after what they went through."
>>87268Oh it's very damaged, but not quite dead
>>87269Wesley laughs
"hehe, okay"
>>87266Fuck it, let's do this
Sea Breeze leans down and rests his foreknees on the table
"So you've shown you can handle the dangerous stuff. Let's see if you can handle the grunt work. Sea Captain Wind Bard's Ship is returning from Saltmane. See what he is up to this morning"
>>87272"I suppose I should ask them, then."
>>87273Silver turns towards the two changelings. "Wesley, Kerr. Denkst du, du kannst dich selbst im Auge behalten, während Spark und ich essen gehen?"
[1d20+6 = 12]>>87273Supposing the tree will fall down soon, he decides to call it out to the nuns. "First tree is coming down! Clear the area!" He then prepares the second buck, same as last one.
>>87273"yes,sir! Sir,may i ask if the name of the ship is the "Jungle Express?"
>>87276He smiles
"Smart boy. Pier 10. Pier twelve has been closed after a warehouse fire, so the ship was redirected to another berth. It's a seaport, obviously. Try to look like a dockworker, or someone who belongs there. You don't need to alter your whole appearance like a changeling does, but what you will be doing will require you to go unnoticed."
>>87277"What would you like me to do sir?"
>>87274"Ich denke schon, wir haben viele Spielsachen."
"Oh, natürlich kannst du essen, während wir hier festsitzen"
>>87278The tree breaks in the mid section, and falls over
>>87279"Observe who he speaks to and what he does. Take notes, and take pictures. If you interact please, please, note that they get very suspicious quickly" He hands Dark Star a camera
Dark Star Takes the camera and salutes him
>>87281He nods in acknowledgement
>>87280Iron nods. That's one down. Iron looks how many trees are remaining and estimates what time it took to down one tree. He then turns to the closest nun. "Do we also need to pluck out the stumps?"
>>87283"The stumps will likely need to go eventually, but for now simply killing the trees will suffice"
3 more blighted trees
>>87282Dark Star heads off to the Docks
[1d20+6 = 21]>>87284Another nod. He places himself in a bucking position at the next tree and bucks it same as the last two times.
>>87280"So ist es nicht…" Silver sighs. "Es tut mir Leid. Ich bin jetzt sehr hungrig, weil ich seit einiger Zeit nichts gegessen habe. Sie werden hier nicht mehr lange stecken bleiben, aber ich muss essen, um klar denken und sprechen zu können."
>>87285Two blocks south of Black Briar road, onto the seaport itself. At this time it doesn't look as if walking up to the docks themselves requires going through security, although it does look like many ponies are using the area. The steamer in question is pulling into position. There are a couple warehouses prior to reaching the sea wall, a situation similar to the experience a few nights ago
>>87286The hind hooves hit the tree squarely, and leaves fall from it towards the ground
>>87287*pouting changeling noises*
Kerr seems to accept this answer begrudgingly
>>87290Silver nods, thankful. "Vielen Dank. Ich werde nicht lange."
>>87272With that, Silver turns back to Spark. "They will be fine here. Do you have anyplace particular in mind, or should we just stop at first place we come to?"
>>87290Are There any buildings close by where the ship is docking?
>>87291"I'm just as new around these parts as you are. Whichever you think sounds good will be fine I'm sure."
Spark gets up and stands ready at the door.
>>87293"Then we will stop at first place we see." Silver steps out of the room and makes his way down the street, looking for the first restaurant he sees.
>>87294Spark follows, making sure to wave bye to the changelings and close the door behind them first.
>>87292There are two warehouses within 500 feet. There is a smaller structure on the opposite side the loading dock at the base
>>87290After the last two bucks
which I'll assume took down the tree being attacked, leaving 2 more., he decides to do some small talk. "So, how has the two foals that recently came with Ash been doing?" He says as he goes towards the third tree.
>>87296Dark Star walks over to where the boat is docking like he is supposed to be there
Is Anypony working close by?
i caught that skyrim reference >>87297"Well, we are trying to integrate them back in. They were not very eager for breakfast this morning, but were accepting of toast after a while
>>87298Yes. Close to the ship, a couple ponies moor it. A few more ponies prepare to load coal into the ship's bunker. On the dock itself, ponies move crates
>>87298 >>87299Dark Star walks over to a crate and starts sliding it
[1d20+6 = 20]>>87299"I see. I heard bad stuff happen to them." He positions himself and bucks the third tree with his hindlegs. Same attack as the other ones.
>>87302It's a little weaker than the first. It is kill
>>87300Crates are by the seawall, but can be moved. Over by the ship itself, the mooring is tied up, and the gangplank is coming down
>>87301"Oh yes. I haven't heard what, but from the way they talk about it, it must be unimaginably bad"
>>87303Iron nods, then changes into a thinking expression. "What is your usual routine at the abbey?" He walks to the last tree to be taken down.
>>87303Can i see anypony standing on the deck?
Alright, between my getting only 5 hours of sleep last night, and my wanting to finally get this damned job application turned in, I am going to sleep now
>>87306Alright. Night GM. I'll go to bed too.