The Adventure continues
Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The Eastside Tavern Gang has broken through the house and pool-house of the politician Comte Burgher. What they found has been nothing short of astonishing. Deeds for properties bought by secret societies, seditious communications, cryptic booklets, concerning academic interests, and above all else, a sex dungeon with two young colts chained up, and traumatized. With these, they found something else: two caged and chained up adolescent Changeling drones. So doing what any logically minded group of people would do when encountering caged life-force vampires, they let the things suck on them, then took them home and hugged them and loved them and squeezed them and called them 'George.'
Dark Star is coming to terms with loss in the Stallion's room of the Eastside tavern, while Iron aids him. Silver dreams of an Equestria that is no more and his long lost family (while sleeping in a fairly awkward position). Ash awaits a new dawn of service, Onyx a new life of possible employment, while Brie and Spark stay in a small room with two strange guests
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>>88726Sleep well.>>88721Silver turns to Spark. "Do you think you could keep an eye on them for bit? I need to take shower and go see Blue about what sending them home would entail."
>>88729"Of course."
The sorcerer watches the changelings.
>>88730As he turns to speak with the changelings again, he pauses and looks back to Spark. " would not happen to know where Black Hooves headquarters are in Baltimare?"
>>88731“They are stationed in a hotel.”
I take out my map and show where it is located.
The universe knows how to piss me off at just the right times. My internet cut out. >>88732He takes a look at it, nodding and creating a mental marker for future reference. "Thank you."
>>88725Silver turns back to the changelings. "Kannst du dich für Spark benehmen, während ich weg bin?"
>>88733“Okay... Er scheint nett zu sein“
“Keine Zusagen”
>>88734Silver chuckles at Kerr's response. He turns to leave the room. "Ich werde nicht zu lange weg sein." He heads to the bathroom to take a quick shower, before making for the location Spark marked on his map.
>>88734 I won’t be able to go for much longer without my internet. Spark is unsure what to do next, but smiles and hopes the changelings will be easily entertained until Silver gets back.
I feel like I should go to bed. Goodnight everyone.
>>88735Assuming that Silver has not been recalled to the room after his shower because all hell has broken loose, he can make it to the headquarters.
The building is located in near the center of town, to the west, and in a relatively affluent commercial area. The building is the Grand Baltimare Hotel, one block south of Main Street, on Kingsely, Five floors in total with beige stone exterior and small balconies on some windows. He can tell that it was once a grand civilian building with ornate architecture and an exoensive interior, confiscated and repurposed for the political and security needs of the new overlords. The main entrance is accessed through a short set of steps to the main lobby
Outside, to either side, are guards in brown outfits. Griffins, both of them.
>>88736Something a little like pic comes and sits before Spark
I sit still though to see what he wants.
>>88741He looks at Spark, cutely, tilting his head ever so slightly. He probably wants
something but who knows what it is
>>88742I tilt my head too. I can hardly hold back the urge to hug.
>>88739Silver grumbles to himself about how the Black Hooves decided to occupy the fanciest hotel in the city out of every option available to them. Oh well. Nothing he can do about it, and it's not as if him grumbling to himself is going to serve a purpose.
He's thankful he left his weapons back at his room as he approaches the griffon guards. "Excuse me, are civilians allowed on premises?"
>>88744What is your purpose? The bird asks back, with an indeterminable foreign accent
>>88743He continues looking right at Spark, with a smile
>>88745He's somewhere from Griffonia, Silver bets. Where exactly he doesn't know. "I would like to speak with one of your number about private matter. Blue Skies is her name."
>>88745I smile back. I levitate a toy over to him to see if he wants it.
>>88746He looks a little irritated
“Are you trying to find your hen friend? Anyways, go inside and see if they know who you are talking about”
>>88747He does not seems interested in the toy
>>88748Well, that answers Silver's question at least. He trots inside the Grand Balitmare Hotel to see if there's anypony at the desk who can help him.
>>88748I have another idea. I hold my hooves out to see if he wants a hug.
>>88749There is more than one, but one s only one is marked to the administration of “counter-subversion.” It’s a unicorn with a dark blue coat, and a lighter blue mane. But he does not look to be in the best of all conditions. He has an eyepatch over his right eye. He wears a hat like the old Dominion hats, but his horn, which sticks through, is called inn gold. Almost like a golden crowned tooth. His front right leg is almost completely gone, replaced with a steel prosthetic. His right leg below the thigh is also prosthetic, and his right flank seems to be scar and naked pink. His cutie mark, at least in his right side, is gone, seared off. He wears a somewhat fancy black uniform.
>>88750He starts to hold out his hooves. The a marble flies by. Then another marble flies and gits his side. He raises up a good to cover himself and turns towards the incoming projectiles. Then one hits him fairly squarely around the head, and he reacts with a “HISS!”
I quickly jump in front of the incoming marbles and shield him. I then look around to see the source of marble slinging magic.
>>88751And here Silver thought
he was a fairly scarred individual. He trots up to this unicorn. "Excuse me, do you know where Blue Skies is at moment, and if I may speak with her?"
>>88754This gets his attention immediately, and he looks into Silver’s eyes.
“How do you know her, and what do you want her for?”
>>88752Shimmer is hit by two marbles flung by Kerr, while Wesley has his back arched up like a cat and is hissing back
>>88755Silver meets the unicorn's gaze and puts every ouch of truth he has into his eyes as he makes his statement. "She is friend of mine. I would like to speak with her about private matter."
>>88755I sit down back down near Kerr and look at him.
“Silver is a good pony. I serve Silver.” I say calmly, knowing they won’t understand, but trying to calm them down.”
>>88756He sighs, and tells a white griffin, “will you find Blue Skies, and tell her that not only is one of her boyfriends aware of who she works for, but is standing right here”
>>88758He furrows his eyebrows at the word 'boyfriends'. "I have helped her before with some work."
>>88759This completely changes his expression, from contempt and concern, to confusion
>>88756>>88758The white griffin goes off and into a hallway. It is at least a minute before nine other than Blue Skies comes out. She has an extremely irritated and angry look on her face. Then when she sees Silver, she stops. Then she prances over to him
>>88757Kerr picks up the toy gun and starts shooting it at Wesley “pew pew pew” then says something in his language
>>88760>>88761He nods, Blue's arrival cutting him off from any further explanation. He turns to Blue. "It is good to see you, Skies. If you are not too busy, I would like to converse about private matter."
>>88761“Ah. You want to play it seems. This is going to be harder than I thought isn’t it?”
I levitate some toy soldiers along the ground and move them to mimic marching. I try to use this to distract Kerr from Wesley.
>>88728I meant to ask, what's Iron's cutie mark?
>>88765I was thinking a boulder broken in half.
>>88768Yeah, not sure what else I could place a pony whose main talent is his body strength.
>>88766Did he get it by breaking a boulder in half?
>>88771Eh, it's a good excuse, but it could also be because he cracked somepony's skull or something.
Maybe I could add some vines around the broken boulder, just to cement he's a native. >>88762She looks to Silver with an expression of uncertainty. Then she goes back to the unicorn and whispers something to him. She comes back to Silver and says, without much emotion, "What do you need?"
>>88763Kerr jumps on the marching soldiers. This seems fine for a few seconds until... Wesley jumps on Kerr
>>88774The lack of emotion is a little unnerving to Silver. Despite his best efforts, it shows in his face. "Uh...I would prefer if it was discussed in private."
>>88775She goes back to the unicorn, yet again, and whispers in his ear, and he whispers back, for a very short conversation. Then she comes back to Silver
"Where do you want to go?"
>>88776Silver's unease grows to mild concern. "I...did not have anyplace in mind, no...look, if it is bad time, I can always ask at later time."
>>88777"You bothered to come into the Dragon's den specifically to find me, so it is obviously important to you. What is it?"
>tfw when can't interact with foals due to my armor scaring them
I'll be out for a bit, have to do some errands.
>>88779Can we drag Dark Star to the tavern?
>>88778The concern is now joined by a health dose of frustration. "Yes, it is, but..." It looks like he tries saying something, but no words actually come out. It continues for a couple seconds before he just gives up with a sigh. He puts a hoof to his forehead while silently cursing in Cyrillic. "Look, it is obviously bad time, so I will ask you about it later. I am sorry for having bothered you. Have good day."