The Adventure continues
Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The Eastside Tavern Gang has broken through the house and pool-house of the politician Comte Burgher. What they found has been nothing short of astonishing. Deeds for properties bought by secret societies, seditious communications, cryptic booklets, concerning academic interests, and above all else, a sex dungeon with two young colts chained up, and traumatized. With these, they found something else: two caged and chained up adolescent Changeling drones. So doing what any logically minded group of people would do when encountering caged life-force vampires, they let the things suck on them, then took them home and hugged them and loved them and squeezed them and called them 'George.'
Dark Star is coming to terms with loss in the Stallion's room of the Eastside tavern, while Iron aids him. Silver dreams of an Equestria that is no more and his long lost family (while sleeping in a fairly awkward position). Ash awaits a new dawn of service, Onyx a new life of possible employment, while Brie and Spark stay in a small room with two strange guests
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>Brown substanceHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Sister Ash examines the brown substance more closely. Is it oily?
>>87838Ash’s experience with plants allows her to immediately recognize it as plant lignin. It smells sulfurous
Pardon my interjection, but how far behind am I at this point?
>>87839Sister Ash's expression darkens as she moves further upstream.
"... There's something fishy going on here..." She mutters
>>87840Not too far. Silver and Spark returned to your position. The room is littered with many toys strewn about and Silver is about to start talking to Wesley about going home to his family.
>>87839Not much really. It's still really early morning. My character just finished prayers.
>>87840You have a couple options, actually. Wake up before Silver (restricting you to exit through the window, being silent, and can’t kill or kidnsp the changelings), wake up after Silver and Spark leave for breakfast (can be noisy and leave through the door, but can’t remove or kill the changelings), or wake up while Silver is discussing his plan to hand the changelings over to Immigration with the changelings (no restrictions)
>>87839Not much really. It's still really early morning. My character just finished prayers.
>>87841“I don’t think there are any fish in this stream,” comments the Sister
>>87844>Kill the changelingsWhat kind of monster do you think I am? I'll opt for the first.
Going to dinner for a bit. Iron is still doing laps around the abbey.
>>87847Alright, just understand that for continuity reasons Silver and Spark can’t wake up, and the changelings need to still be there when they wake.
It’s first light, something like 6AM, Silver is sleeping above Brie on the bed and Spark is sleeping on the floor by the door
>>87846>*Pauses to consider what ifiomd horses would use*".... Exactly..." She says, as she proceeds up the stream
"There's nothing growing here. Something must be poisoning the water.."
She walks towards the source of the steam
Dinner and a movie is fun.
>>87850Uh, yes, although we could have the last attempted scene with Brie as occurring in the morning. None of the characters have started main quests, although two of them have started their own separate mini-quests
>>87851After some advancement, she can see what it is: the stack of a factory or mill
>>87853Sister Ash is visibly infuriated, but (barely) keeps her cool.
"... Was this property recently sold off?" She asks the other Sister
>>87854“We just passed the property line, I think”
>>87810Just get some mods, they have a vici 2 politics mod
>>87828>IsorrowEwww Remmy MasterRace!
>>87853K. I should be ready to play in about an hour
>>87855*Looks up riparian water policy*
>Undiminished fliw and qualityYep, dumping waste in the water violates the NAP.
"Well, even if this section is on their property, they're affecting the whole stream." She says indignantly
How big is the building?
>>87856Wind Bard seems to take a certain pleasure in talking about his experiences
“The dragon islands are different from those inhabited by ponies. When you approach you can see the great volcano off in the distance. The ground isn’t devoid of plant life, but it is very rocky and full of rubble. There are sharp reefs around the islands, dangerous to any navigator who isn’t careful.”
all of this area is owned by the same paper company. They bought our lot some months ago. The one with the old priory on it. We’ve been trespassing on their property for a while now”
>>87858Alright. Again, Brie can start any time from 6AM to 10ish on morning Day 5
>>87861Well gosh darn it.
*Contemplates burning down factory.*Sister Ash seems visibly distressed.
"Well... There's the source of the water pollution.."
I should offer a quick correction to something I said earlier in relation to pony languages in this game: the Rijekan language of the River Republic is the pony equivalent of Croatian, not Polish.
>>87861"What are dragons like? i've never met one."
>>87865“Kind of cocky, arrogant, a little aggressive and greedy. Mostly they don’t want anything to do with ponies”
>>87863“That... that could explain it”
>>87861I would have him wake up before Silver and Spark, but not really to do anything. I can wait until they're available to continue. He won't be wanting to attempt anything at the Prancer residence until nightfall.
>>87867Sister Ash dusts herself off a bit.
"I think I would like to get a closer look." She says, as she continues along the side of the river
>>87867Can Iron have some breakfast at the abbey at this time?
>>87867"Reminds me of Griffons."
>>87870When she gets closer, she can see a white walled mill with a steam stack coming out from a separate hearing unit, and a few large white tanks closer to her. A few trucks are next to it
>>87872“Yes, but dragons are more so”
>>87873AlrightAfter about 20 minutes of a brisk jog around the abbey, he decides to get some food to eat. He enters the abbey and goes to where his nose tells him there's food.
>>87874Looks like a staggered breakfast. A number of sisters and especially foals are together in a large dining area eating breakfast. Mostly this is toast with jam, biscuits, and oatmeal, with some fruit
>>87875Iron grabs some of everything and places them on a table. He then digs in, not really using any utensils or something. Just his mouth.
>>87876None visible outside at the precise moment.
>>87873i like wind bard so far, i hope hes not involved with curwhinny,but it seems that way so far."Have you ever seen New Mareland?"
>>87878She moves closer, still following the side of the river.
>>87877Well, it’s not food that requires utensils, and just using no the mouth rather than the hoof avoids problems with sanitation, so Iron’s eating habits are not so uncouth as to attract stares
>>87879Again, he seems to enjoy speaking of his world travels, like it makes him special.
“I haven’t been there since it was The Dominion, Haygle, the trade embargo and all, but yes, I’ve visited a few places there”
>>87881"Wow! that's so cool! i wish i could see the world but i'm just a dock worker."
Big Iron looks Sad after he says this last part.
>>87881After finishing up eating his food, he looks around the area. See who else is having breakfast.
>>87880The white tanks are the closest. The mill is on the same side of the stream
>>87882He pats him
“How lucky you are there are others to see it for you”
isn’t having breakfast?
>>87886How about Ash? Can Iron see her?
>>87886"Do you know what time it is captain?"