The Adventure continues
Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The Eastside Tavern Gang has broken through the house and pool-house of the politician Comte Burgher. What they found has been nothing short of astonishing. Deeds for properties bought by secret societies, seditious communications, cryptic booklets, concerning academic interests, and above all else, a sex dungeon with two young colts chained up, and traumatized. With these, they found something else: two caged and chained up adolescent Changeling drones. So doing what any logically minded group of people would do when encountering caged life-force vampires, they let the things suck on them, then took them home and hugged them and loved them and squeezed them and called them 'George.'
Dark Star is coming to terms with loss in the Stallion's room of the Eastside tavern, while Iron aids him. Silver dreams of an Equestria that is no more and his long lost family (while sleeping in a fairly awkward position). Ash awaits a new dawn of service, Onyx a new life of possible employment, while Brie and Spark stay in a small room with two strange guests
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>>87510"what the buck?" Dark Star whispers
>>87511>Rolled a 1 on a diplomacy check>”You overgrown lizard! You tryin’ to take my territory with your fancy ‘ripparian’ concept of property rights. Well I’ll show you my concept of property rights!”>>87513“It looks like a sparrow”
>>87514Well, the rest of the part
did freak out over the well being of parasitic bees, so I guess he isn’t alone
>>87517They talk briefly, and go into the building, slightly out of line of sight
>>87510>>87487I point to the Wood Spoon.
"What about that one? Does that look good?"
>>87518is there a captains quarters?
>>87519Silver shrugs. "I have not heard anything about it, good or bad. Let us see what they have."
>>87518"So it is fine if let him hatch, right?" He starts walking towards one of the healthy trees, thinking on climbing it to put the nest on a branch. That's how nests work, right?
>>87518Sister Ash seems disappointed.
She tries to change the subject
>"Has the water in this stream been tasting funny lately?" >>87520Of the ship? Yes
>>87521>>87519And they go in, greater by an orange unicorn mare
“Why hello, what can I get for you?”
>>87522“Uh, I think so. I’m not really a bird expert. They can eat crops, but they can also eat the insects that eat crops”
>>87523You better score high on your next diplomacy roll
>>87526Alright, now roll for intitiave
[1d20+5 = 23]>>87525Iron nods. He then starts the climbing process to find a branch to perch the nest on. Rolling climb of course.
>>87526F>>87525"Hello. We are new to area, so we were hoping for menu, or recommendation as to what is good to eat here.
[1d20 = 18][1d20+3 = 17]>>87528The one with the modifier is Caleb.
>>87529He expertly climbs up the tree
>>87530You really should
>>87533>>87532Hah, now I don't have to since Ash has good rolls and the bear thing will have less 'cause probability says so.Iron then places the nest on one of the higher branches at its base.
[1d20+2 = 19]>>87531“Soup? Salad? What would you like?”
>>87532>”All you damned ponies commin’ onto my property tryin’ to take it. Well I ain’t gonna let you take it!”>>87534He finds a little spot where it should be balanced
>>87535Iron places it there, see if it actually works.
Also, jinxed it. Feeling guilty again. >>87535Silver finds this not very helpful. " you have...oatmeal, at this hour?"
[1d20+13 = 30]>>87535I'm rolling knowledge (nature), to identify what kind of creature this thing is.
This is a free action.
[1d20+4 = 14]>>87536In the captains quarters? Yes
>>87537And... seems to
>>87538“Yes, we do”
>>87532The order of initiative is:
The mascot of Camulet, Colorado high school
The trespasser
The dog
He attac
>>87540Iron now climbs down the tree and starts walking to the last tree again. "Sorry for the delay. We should finish the job now."
>>87540"Then I will take oatmeal."
>>87524Silver looks over to Spark to see what he wants.
[1d4+2 = 4]>>87539I think he hits, striking Ash with his claw
>>87541One more blow
>>87540is anyone watching? and is the window unlocked?
[1d20+6 = 15]>>87543Right. Rolling the same buck.
>>87542>>87543"I suppose I will take what he is having. I have trouble deciding when I go to a new restaurant."
>>87542She briefly gives him a look of “Are you crazy?” But writes it down
>>87544It’s a down time as the ship is in maintainance. It seems to be unlocked
>>87547She writes it down
>>87548Silver doesn't understand this look, but he doesn't say anything that would make him seem rude.
I suppose he also sits down at a table, if he isn't already. >>87540>>87543Ouch.
Well, that knowledge check was high enough for me to know that he can't go into Rage unless he takes damage.
Sister Ash winces in pain and responds by casting Scarecrow, a chilling aura radiating out from her.
The fat weasel needs to make 13 DC will save, or be Shaken for 5 rounds.
[1d20+2 = 15]>>87549>tfw the reference is lost>>87551Kind of awkward, but he falls on the floor
>>87549And thus, he sits
>>87546Tree is kill
[1d20+7 = 16]>>87552Spot to find anything important
>>87552Iron nods. "Well, that should be all of them. Now what do I need to do now?"
[1d20 = 15]>>87552Stupid weasel, making saves...
Caleb takes a moves action to get between Sister Ash and the animal.
Then he snarls.
>"Back off."Intimidate
>>87552Yeah, I have no clue what reference that is.>>87547Silver motions for Spark to join him. "Do you mind if I ask you about yourself? I do not know much about you, and with you being both my friend and my employer, I feel it is good that I get to know you."
>>87556"Well, I fear that I won't be able to give you anything as sweet as your story was."
I join him at the table.
"But what would you like to know?"
>>87553Navigation charts stand out immediately
>>87554“Well, if you could drag them to the burn pile...”
>>87555I think that works
He does back up
>>87558Iron nods, but he believes he can do better than just simple virgin dragging. He goes the chad carry on back to the burn pile, wherever that is.
>>87557"It does not matter whether it is good or bad, I just wish to hear more about you. I suppose beginning is good place to start, unless you have better idea."
>>87558Caleb crouches interposingly between the two, to give Sister Ash some cover, and prepare a readied action to strike if the animal attacks.
Sister Ash nurses her gash and tries to negotiate again.
>"We didn't come for a fight. We only came to resolve the issues with the water." >>87560"The beginning is perhaps the most boring. I was born to a moderately wealthy family in Canterlot. They always made up for it though with their connections and friends. If something wasn't to their liking, the could probably ask around and get it changed. Take my education for example. I am not exactly super gifted in intellect or magic, but yet I wound up in the school for gifted unicorns regardless. It didn't take me long there to figure how what they did however."
I chuckle as try to hide my glass under the table, unsure if that would get me kicked out of this establishment or not.
>>87559Roll strength check!
>>87562The dragon and Wind Bard leave the small building (only in there a couple minutes, dragon holding something, and wind Bard still carrying the brief case
>>87561Hugh Jackman seems unsure of Ash, but doesn’t want to get past Caleb
>”Alright... you can go by” >>87563He chuckles. "You make it sound almost as if they had underground contacts or something of that sort."