The Adventure continues
Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The Eastside Tavern Gang has broken through the house and pool-house of the politician Comte Burgher. What they found has been nothing short of astonishing. Deeds for properties bought by secret societies, seditious communications, cryptic booklets, concerning academic interests, and above all else, a sex dungeon with two young colts chained up, and traumatized. With these, they found something else: two caged and chained up adolescent Changeling drones. So doing what any logically minded group of people would do when encountering caged life-force vampires, they let the things suck on them, then took them home and hugged them and loved them and squeezed them and called them 'George.'
Dark Star is coming to terms with loss in the Stallion's room of the Eastside tavern, while Iron aids him. Silver dreams of an Equestria that is no more and his long lost family (while sleeping in a fairly awkward position). Ash awaits a new dawn of service, Onyx a new life of possible employment, while Brie and Spark stay in a small room with two strange guests
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>>88678That sounds good. Congrats.
I think. >>88678Does this mean you're officially employed?
>>88683Ah, good luck with that then.
>>88685No, and its my fault that he's unresponsive. I was harsh in a political argument and he didn't take it well.
>>88686Oh. That does not sound good.
"I wonder where Ollie could be..."
Iron wonders mentally about the two colts taken for gang training.
Also if Ash would accept his advances after helping the foals.
>tfw tired but can't sleep
>>88696I'm just staring at my character sheet for the 80th time...
>>88699I see. Frankly, I don't feel the same way about Iron.
Maybe if I go for the changeling bard character I would since there's more to worry about like permanent spell slots and 'does my character have to pick up shapeshifting spells if its race ability is to shapeshift' kinds of deal
>>88711I was thinking the same thing tbh
>>88712Tbh, I wouldn't recommend it for any other character, considering that it screws you vs 40% of enemies.
>>88713I know. That's why it's so great as a character flaw.
I don't remember Iron hitting any mares as of yet, unless petting Marey was considered assault. >>88714Hitting mares is a generally uncool thing to do.
Although, in an Equestrian setting you can expect more than half of the toughest opponents to be mares.
[Sweaty Fighter Horse Noises]
Gonna try to fix my sleep schedule, so odds are I won't be awake for too much longer.
>>88715Silver's backstory is an example of that. Let's hope that they like gawking at Earth Pony muscles more than fight.
>>88716Well, goodnight in advance.
>>88718Thanks, but I'm not heading to bed just yet. It'll just be a lot earlier than it has been in the past.
>>88719So if I recall correctly, Silver told Kerr that he was
not going to have sex with him, a statement that I think sounded less weird in context. Then Kerr responded with “Well I’m going to suck the love right out of you anyways,” and Silver responder eith “listen here you little shit. If I have to make ONE more saving throw, so help me Celestia, I will cut your wings off with hedge trimmers and rub sand in the bleeding stumps.” To which Kerr responded with “if you want to watch me beg as I slowly waste away from starvation, then you will be sorely disappointed.” And then Silver said “does some creature need a hug?” And Kerr was like “maybe...” and then Silver hugged the bug and platonically cuddled him for a while
>>88720Kerr is one unstable boi.
Cute bug, tho. I hope Iron fights Kerr when he gets older, see how strong can he become. >>88720Well, that's basically it, yeah.Silver looks over the sudden appearance of sweat, finding it odd when Kerr felt so cold while hugging him. "Why am I so..."
He pauses for a couple seconds, thinking of what next to do. "Kerr, Wesley, gibt es noch etwas, was du brauchst?"
“... Nein”
>>88722Unstable? What would have made more sense, given his experience with ponies and the way the conversation went down?
Alright. I'm going to go to bed and try to sleep for real.
Goodnight, guys.