The Adventure continues
Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The Eastside Tavern Gang has broken through the house and pool-house of the politician Comte Burgher. What they found has been nothing short of astonishing. Deeds for properties bought by secret societies, seditious communications, cryptic booklets, concerning academic interests, and above all else, a sex dungeon with two young colts chained up, and traumatized. With these, they found something else: two caged and chained up adolescent Changeling drones. So doing what any logically minded group of people would do when encountering caged life-force vampires, they let the things suck on them, then took them home and hugged them and loved them and squeezed them and called them 'George.'
Dark Star is coming to terms with loss in the Stallion's room of the Eastside tavern, while Iron aids him. Silver dreams of an Equestria that is no more and his long lost family (while sleeping in a fairly awkward position). Ash awaits a new dawn of service, Onyx a new life of possible employment, while Brie and Spark stay in a small room with two strange guests
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>>88359Brie responds in kind, offering his wing.
>>88359Sister Ash gives Abby a long hug and pats the back of her head.
"Being punished for so long may feel disheartening, but it will come to pass.. Be a good filly while I'm gone today, okay?"
>>88360I should have said clawHe shakes, wing to wing. "Mazel Tov"
He gives him 3000 bits
>>88361*pony is hugged*
"I'll try"
>>88359Silver nods in understanding, even if he's annoyed that Kerr keeps thinking he's a captive of Silver's. "Und wissen Sie, wenn Sie etwas brauchen, können Sie mich frei fragen."
>>88362"A pleasure doing business with you. Should I have,... a family emergency such as this, I hope you don't mind if I happen by again."
>>88363>>88362After a bit of holding, Sister Ash picks up the tray and gets ready to leave.
"I'll see you later. Goodbye."
>>88365"But of course. Anytime any of your close relatives meet an unfortunate demise, I am here for you"
>>88364He moves back slightly
"Ich brauche jetzt nichts"
Then he lays down on the floor, his black and narrow muzzle between his deformed forelegs. His eyes convey a slight expression of sadness
>>88363The fillie does
not sound hollow when pat
>>88366"I'll still be hear, writing prayers"
>>88367"Do work hard now. I'll be back."
Sister Ash leaves to meet up with Iron.
>>88367After a couple seconds of seeing this, Silver clears a section of floor close to Kerr, and lays down next to him. "Bist du sicher?"
>>88367Brie salutes with a wing and a smile before exiting, making note of the shop and the shopkeep (who he didn't catch the name of, as is preferred) before returning to the Eastside Tavern.
>>88368Ash finds there is an unexpected guest, being Dark Star. Iron waves at Ash. "I was not expecting you to finish up so soon."
Don't mind Star, he may have some IRL stuff to do or has passed outWonder where Spark is too. All characters skilled in diplomacy are down right now. Strange. >>88372Iron chuckles. "No need to bow to me." He stops chuckling and opts for a small smile. "Was your interaction with the filly successful?"
Understandable. >>88373"She said she didn't hide the book. I could only take her word for it." She replies
>>88374Iron nods. "Was she doing well? I think her punishment may be too severe for a foal, specially since it was not done by a parental figure."
>>88375"Oh, I believe she could handle it. She's a rather tough one."
>>88376Iron is unsure. "If you say so." He looks around for a bit. "This may come out of nowhere but I see that you are rather fond of foals. Am I right about that?"
>>88378"Yes. I do take pride in serving them. It's a rather virtuous endeavor, if I do say so myself."
>>88370"My name is Elijah Talonberg," the old bird answers at request
>>88369Kerr lays out, though with his legs bent underneath him
Silver can see that Kerr's neck has some discoloration, presumably from the leash during unsuccessful shape-shifting attempts. There are clear bruises on the Chitin of his barrel and especially on his elytron. There is more discoloration on his head that could not be caused by any simple process.
Kerr moves up his head a little
"Na ja... vielleicht ein ..."
He cannot bring himself to complete that sentence
>>88372"hello, i brought some toys for the foals."
>>88379Iron nods, confirming his suspicions. "I see. Have you ever thought about having your own?" He says this with a curious expression.
>>88381"How generous." Sister Ash replies gleefully
"Do you need help unloading?"
>>88380Silver feels his heart break in his chest for the poor changeling. He slowly puts a foreleg around him, and draws him into a comforting embrace. "Es ist okay, Kerr. Lass alles raus."
>>88382Sister Ash twitches slightly, as if unsure how to respond
"... I.. I have indeed
thought about it..." she says, trailing off and looking at her forehooves
>>88380>>88384Finally back and backread it all.
The sorcerer sits and watches, mainly in confusion.
A Lotof toys. i may need some help."
>>88385Iron nods. "Interesting. Sorry if it bothered you." He strokes her mane. "You would be a good mother, that is why I asked."
>>88387"Just point me to them and I will carry them for you."
>>88384About now Brie returns from his errand.
"What did I miss?"
>>88389*blushes*"..O-oh, don't worry about it.."
>>88387"I'll hop to then."
>>88391He smiles. "Alright." A pause, his face turning neutral. "Now where ae those toys?"
>>88391>>88389i bought 100 bits worth of toys"I have them in my bags here."
Dark star motions to his Saddle bags and his satchel
>>88384Kerr is not as pleasant to hug as Wesley. For one, the chitinous hide, while fairly smooth and in some objective way not really that strange feeling of a surface, does not at all feel like the hide of a pony, being neither furry nor soft and forgiving. Rather, it is hard and smooth, although the elytron is softer than it looks. Second, while Wesley felt as if he had been left out in the cold, Kerr feels almost icy. And there is something more, a sort of feeling of static electricity around Kerr. At least, that's the closest way to describe the sensation.
But while Silver's experience in hugging the proud insect-pony may not be so pleasant, it does seem to produce an effect. Kerr lets out a strange buzzing sound from his partly opened mouth that sounds kind of sad. It some way he seems contented by the contact, and he lets his hind wings slip out slightly from under his elytra
>>88393That's quite a bit.
Sister Ash floats off exactly 45 pounds of it.
>>88393>>88394"Oh. I see. I think we should unload them somewhere else. The abbey should have a place to store toys to begin with." He walks towards one of the sisters and asks her where are the abbey's toys stored.
>>88396Pretend I'll carry the rest if you would like. Not sure if Iron can carry it all on his back.
>>88396"We... have a few chests, here and there. One bigger play room, and some chests in each of the dorms"
>>88395Ash also accidentally pulls out a photograph
>>88399"Oh, it seems you dropped this." She says, giving it to him.
>>88400its this picture if she looks at it
"oh thank you."
Although she probably wouldn't, unless she had a reason to.
But for the sake of it:
"Nice photo."
>>88394The hugging isn't for Silver's sake, so he doesn't mind how it feels at all. All he cares about is trying to comfort Kerr in his time of need. He keeps the hug firm, and tries to act like he's a warm, comforting blanket to the 'ling. He pats Kerr on the top of the head softly.
>>88398"The playroom it is." Iron walks towards the group.
>>88401>>88400"Alright, we should carry all of this to the playroom. That is where most of the toys are." He picks up 200 pounds worth of toys. "Do you know where the playroom is, Ash?"
>>88402"Thanks, she was the best mother a pony could ask for."
>>88406"I do not know the way. At least I do not think I know."
>>88404"I do. Right this way please." She says, walking off in that direction
>>88405>WasSister Ash makes a sympathetic expression, but says nothing.
>>88408Iron follows her with 200 pounds worth of toys on his back.
>>88406He beckons Star to follow with what's remaining.
>>88408Dark Star seems a bit sadder than usual
>>88409"i'm right behind you."
>>88409>>88410Sister Ash leads the way to the playroom