The Adventure continues
Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The Eastside Tavern Gang has broken through the house and pool-house of the politician Comte Burgher. What they found has been nothing short of astonishing. Deeds for properties bought by secret societies, seditious communications, cryptic booklets, concerning academic interests, and above all else, a sex dungeon with two young colts chained up, and traumatized. With these, they found something else: two caged and chained up adolescent Changeling drones. So doing what any logically minded group of people would do when encountering caged life-force vampires, they let the things suck on them, then took them home and hugged them and loved them and squeezed them and called them 'George.'
Dark Star is coming to terms with loss in the Stallion's room of the Eastside tavern, while Iron aids him. Silver dreams of an Equestria that is no more and his long lost family (while sleeping in a fairly awkward position). Ash awaits a new dawn of service, Onyx a new life of possible employment, while Brie and Spark stay in a small room with two strange guests
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[1d20+5 = 22]>>87565Rolling. Here's hoping spaghetti does not fall off.
>>87565Sister Ash seems satisfied, dabbing at her wound with a bit of cloth.
>"Very well then. We'll be on our way as soon as we resolve what's been polluting the water." >>87566"I doubt it, but I don't exactly have proof otherwise. More likely though they just were really good friends with the super rich and powerful."
>>87565Dark Star Discretely closes the window takes a picture then gets back to the coal
>>87568Sister Ash goes over to calm the Sister, after ensuring that he Jackman has gone on his way.
>>87569"Maybe. I can not say I ever got to spend time in School for Gifted Unicorns, or that we were wealthy. Give your own story some credit.
"So, what is it you did once you left that school?"
>>87572"I wound up here I suppose. I said in school for... quite a bit longer than what is normal due to my grades. By the time I could see the end of the tunnel the orders had gone out to evacuate Canterlot."
>>87567He succeeds!
>>87568>"okay..." skeptically
>>87570The Dragon walks off. A Mustang Royal car stops by
>>87571Was she supposed to be following?>>87574More than a little startled
"Yes... sure. That thing is gone"
>>87575Dark Star takes another picture
>>87575Not if she didn't want to.
On second thought, maybe she should stay behind...
"Sorry about that.." Sister Ash says.
"You don't have to come if you don't want to."
>>87575Haha! Take that, trees! I can carry you all on my back! He feels proud of doing so, walking with confidence of his strength as he places all parts on his pack except the book to the burn pile.
>>87575>>87576He tries to get the license plate in the picture.
>>87573"Hmm. So, you have not had much chance to actually experience world, then."
>>87576From the car walks a Unicorn mare, Pink in Color, hair black in part and white in part, wearing an elegant white and gold dress that seems to be an old Canterlot Carousel dress. They don't make 'em like that any more. She carefully comes up to Wind Bard, and starts talking to him
>>87579Hmmm. It is perpendicular to the ship, so that is not possible from this angle, or at least not while the vehicle is stopped. Perhaps when it drives off
>>87578And thus Iron has established the natural order with trees, or at least dying trees, below him.
"Alright, this way to thee burn pile"
Says the sister
>>87577"I think I'd rather walk with you than back alone" she says
>>87580"Let's just say, I wouldn't have been ready to if there never was a war. I suppose it is rather sick to say there could have been a positive out of all of this, but it forced me to grow up a bit. Not without its costs though."
>>87581"... Very well then..." Sister Ash says with a nod.
She continues following up the stress, searching and sniffing for any signs of what could be polluting the water.
>>87582Nah, I probably would have said it on my ownShe leads him to a spot with several dead plants pilled up over black, grey and white ash
"Onto here"
>>87581Dark Star Snaps a picture
>>87583Silver nods, with a hint of sadness. "War has its ways of doing so."
>>87585Iron dumps off all plant matter he has on his back, being sure not to throw the book in there burn pile, which is in his mane.
>>87587"It does. Though my mind wasn't exactly ready for the sudden change I'm afraid. A life where even the reach of war was softened for the longest time, to one in and around the jungles near where the war first came here. It just was a bit too much for a while."
[1d3 = 1]>>87584The area next to the stream widens into a meadow
>>87586The mare in pink talks to him, before some time a trio of griffons approach. Two large black colored ones, with green work clothes on. And in the center, a white griffon with elegant white suit and pilot's cap on
>>87588It is so
"Thank you with all of this. Hopefully that should keep the blight from spreading and killing the rest of out fruit trees. Eventually we will want to use that land for other plants, and so will need to dig up the stumps, but I think we can let it rot for the moment"
>>87591Iron nods. "Well, your group did let me sleep here so it is the least I could do." He smiles. A pause, then smile turns to chin poking. "How come there is not any other stallions here to help out?"
>>87591Dark Star Whispers
"What the buck is going on here?"
[2d20 = 31]>>87591"Lovely place we have here." Sister Ash says, enjoyingbthe scenery.
May as well roll two perception checks for her and Caleb to see if there's any danger.
Both are +5
>>87590"It seems you have adapted since then, and are doing fairly well for yourself." He thinks for a moment. "Where are you currently residing, if I may ask?"
>>87594Nothing much, just mud, grass, a trio of rather large puddles, and a couple rusted barrels in the meadow
>>87592"Our mendicant order here is all female. We do have some older colts, but we have them in class at the moment"
>>87593Wind Bard pulls up the brief case and opens it in front of them. The mare uses her pink magic to pull something out of it, as the Gryphin in white examines it
>>87595"I don't have a place really. Just sleeping where I can. Which reminds me."
I hoof Silver 10 bits.
>>87597"Hmm, what is this for?" Silver looks at the Bits, not yet taking them.
>>87598"For letting me stay at your place."
>>87596Sister Ash moves closer to examine the barrels.
>>87596"Right. I asked Marey once about the fuss of sleeping in the same room as Ash. It got kind of awkward." He chuckles. "Hopefully she is feeling well now."
>>87596Can i see what it is from here?
>>87599He pushes the Bits back towards Spark. "Unless you want to split rent and live as roommates, I do not need Bits from you for merely staying for one night."
>>87601She tilts her head a little confused
>>87595>>87598She delivers oatmeal
>>87602Roll spot. You are rather far away. Well, you are not exactly close
>>87600A bit damaged, used to have blue paint, some rust. Two are visible
>>87604He waves it off. "Sorry. I did not mean to bother you. I suppose that is all, right? If so, I would like to ask Marey about the book we found."
>>87603"I don't think I would make a good roommate. I don't have income until I can get this damn quarry taken care of."
>>87604"Thank you."
I take a bite of oatmeal.
>>87604So, they're empty?
Sister Ash examines the puddles, looking for any signs of oil or other pollutants.
>>87604"Thank you." He grabs his respective bowl of oatmeal.
>>87607"As long you do not throw wild parties, I do not doubt you would make for at least passable roommate." He takes a bite of his own oatmeal. "I should also mention that I do not have income either until we finished quarry job, so we should talk about getting that finished once changelings are sent home."
>>87605He can see. They are gold bricks
Wind Bard closes the briefcase, and the griffin in white takes it. All three shake hands
>>87606"That should be all. Thank you for your help. It would have been rather difficult for us to have knocked down those trees"
>>87610Dark Star takes a picture and goes back to shoveling coal
>>87610"It is my pleasure to help out a mare in need." He bows. "I will take my leave." He proceeds to look for Marey, hoping she can understand the mumbo-jumbo this book provides.
>>87609"I already promised you I would cover, to the best of my ability, your expenses should you run low on bits. But yes, it would be most helpful financially to get that place cleared. I just hope that the others don't want to abandon the project because so far it has proved less than profitable."
>>87613"It has admittedly proven to be more difficult than it should have. Though that might be partially of our own making." He thinks back to Sister Ash setting fire to the library's worth of books.
>>87611The Mare in dress walks back to her vehicle, where two Earth ponies stand, and help her back in before the vehicle drives off
>>87612Marery seems to have been talking to another sister about some matter
>>87615Iron pokes Marey. "Excuse me, are you currently busy?"