The Adventure continues
Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The Eastside Tavern Gang has broken through the house and pool-house of the politician Comte Burgher. What they found has been nothing short of astonishing. Deeds for properties bought by secret societies, seditious communications, cryptic booklets, concerning academic interests, and above all else, a sex dungeon with two young colts chained up, and traumatized. With these, they found something else: two caged and chained up adolescent Changeling drones. So doing what any logically minded group of people would do when encountering caged life-force vampires, they let the things suck on them, then took them home and hugged them and loved them and squeezed them and called them 'George.'
Dark Star is coming to terms with loss in the Stallion's room of the Eastside tavern, while Iron aids him. Silver dreams of an Equestria that is no more and his long lost family (while sleeping in a fairly awkward position). Ash awaits a new dawn of service, Onyx a new life of possible employment, while Brie and Spark stay in a small room with two strange guests
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>>87887Ash is not having breakfast, nor Sister Leather Sickle
>>87888From Palestine to the Phillipenes, from Russia to Infonesia, there are more than a billion Asian Muslims
>>87891White, marked as 4000 gallon “recovery” tanks. Two of them
>>87885No. She's a Druid. That's it's own religion.
>>87892She checks the tanks for leaks.
>>87892Well, she doesn't blow up so she can't be a muslim. At most she makes herself a ball of fire, but fire cannot melt steel beams.I know. Perfect logic.Iron is a bit concerned. He waits for some sisters to finish eating in order to approach her and question where Ash went.
>>87892"my shift is over for today, if you need anypony to help shovel in the coal. they look like they are strong." Dark Star points to the group of ponies he talked to earlier "i liked talking to you captain, you're stories filled me with awe and excitement."
[1d2 = 2]>>87895He holds up his hoof in a sort of thanks and he smiles
“You’re always welcome to hear more”
>>87894Pretty sure she dies blow things up
One is finishing
>>87893Neither seems to be leaking, although both seem to be able to discharge
>>87896"wow! thank you captain!"
Dark Star holds out his hoof for a hoof shake
>>87898He smiles, and shakes Dark Star’s hoof
>>87896She does not follow any religion apart from treehugging. As Ash stated before, she is exploring religion on a spiritual journey. Muslims do not do that. They would be killed due to apostasy.Iron approaches the one nun finishing up. He pokes her side. "Excuse me, have you seen Ash around the abbey recently?"
>>87899Dark Star walks down the gangplank
>>87900Still blows up what she doesn’t agree with. Still a muzzie“Yes, she prayed with us this morning”
>>87901Wind Bard precedes him, it is so
>>87897She looks closer.
"Now let's see what we have here..."
Is there any sign of what they could be holding?
>>87902No u, fgt
>>87902Well, you got me there.Iron cocks his head. "Do you know why she is not here having breakfast at the moment?"
>>87902Dark Star's Stomach Starts growling and Dark Star Thinks to himself "I need to go get some pancakes."
And heads to a diner.
>>87904“She must be out doing... something”
>>87903Yes. Marked as “white liquor recovery storage” on a steel plate next to the unit
>>87905WAFFLE MANIA! Or are you serious about “pancakes”?
If so, a pancake den is also available. Go further into town for higher class establishments
>>87907Waffle Mania seems fine to me.
>>87907>white liquorHmmmmmmmmmmmmm
"Liquor..." She ponders.
"I wouldn't suppose this has been polluting the river..." She wonders out loud
>>87906Ash will eat food even if she burns ponies on the touch>>87907"So you do not know where she went." Iron pokes his chin. "Who in this abbey keeps an eye on everything going on?"
>>87910"Marery guides our schedules and keeps an eye on us, but it wouldn't really be accurate to say that everypony is supervised every hour. We are largely allowed to do our jobs"
>>87908When he goes there, a certain golden Earth Pony with her mane in a bun remembers Dark Star
"Nice to see you again here!" she says jovially
"What can I get for you?"
>>87911Iron is feeling like something may happen to her while he's here. "Well, do you have anyone that could have seen her go outside the abbey?"
>>87912"Yes, Rosemary and Leather Sickle should have seen her"
>>87911"Oh hey,nice to see you again. can i get 2 orders of waffles with peanut butter on them?"
>>87909Actually, maybe I should go take this Sister home and meet up with Iron before I commit any random acts of violence...
Sister Ash sighs and looks up to the nun.
"There not much we can do right now. I'd like to speak to the manager of this establishment later though." She says, a bit sadly
"For now though, I would advise against irrigating the fields with this stream.. it seems as though they've been dumping in it.."
>>87913Leather Sickle is not here either. "Thank you for the information. You have been very helpful." A bow. "Do you know where Rosemary is?"
>>87914With the large tip Dark Star gave her the last time he ate there, he could have asked for the blood of newborn infants in the place of syrup and she wouldn't have dropped her smile. Rather than saying anything about this offense against nature, she says
"Sure thing, I'll get that right out"
>>87915"Very well then, but it looks like we understand now why the field is under performing"
>>87916"She should be out in the garden right now"
>>87917Well, once again, it looks like Silver and Spark are sleeping, the former right above Brie, the latter blocking the door. It is early light
>>87918"We do indeed..." Sister Ash replies darkly, through gritted teeth
>>87921She makes her way back to the abbey
>>87918Iron nods. "Thank you again." He proceeds to go to the garden, see if he can find Rosemary or Ash
if he's lucky at the gardens as the nun said.
>>87918Dark Star goes to a table in the corner.
Brie shuffles out from under the bed, and surveys the strewn about assortment of toys, smiling with a bit of satisfaction in recalling watching the Lings play. He starts picking up toys and piling them together in a corner by type Autism!, but plainly in view so that they're not missed.
>>87921And thus I believe they walk back. Probably
>>87924And so he sits
"Would you like something to drink?"
>>87923He runs into Rosemary as she is walking in
>>87925And thus he does so. Kerr sleeps over top of Silver's legs, undisguised. Wesley is curled up in pegasus form next to Silver, evidently determined to pass himself off as Silver's grandcolt
>>87926Goddammit, you've done a great job of winning me over to the cuteness of changelingsBrie sits in a chair and silently contemplates the Ling's situation and how to proceed.
>>87926Iron bumps into her. "Sorry to bother you, but have you seen Ash recently? I cannot find her eating breakfast."
>>87864The sorcerer is back... sorry with how long I have been taking lately. It may be worse tomorrow due to my job. Now to backread.
>>87928Is Rosemary the Sister that Ash left with?
>>87934I think it's Leather Sickle, not Rosemary.
>>87933Sync up the timeline, dummy. :-p
>>87928"Oh, yes, she went over to the East Hill with Sister Leather Sickle"
>>87927The sun shines into the room through the one window in the morning hours, while Silver, Spark, Kerr and Wesley sleep. To keep them all asleep requires a commitment to relative silence. Not that hard, if you're a bat burglar. It's not too late to make them into stew
>>87930>>87933If you want to communicate
with those two characters, rather than acting without interacting with them, I would recommend waking up either before they arrive back and thus making them redo part of the scene inside, or of waking up under the bed while Silver is talking to Wesley
>>87930"Orange Juice, Coffee, Water, several other kinds of fruit juice from mango to pineapple, tea both sweet and unsweet, soda..."
>>87937Fine, I'll wake up before they return,....
>>87937Sister Ash makes her way back to the garden with Sister Sickle, trying to hide her frustration.
"..Polluters... Some ponies only seem to care about themselves.." she mutters somewhere along the way
>>87937"I see. Thank you for your help." He bows and proceeds to start travelling to this East Hill Rosemary was talking about.
Does Iron bump into Ash and Sickle coming back?