The Adventure continues
Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The Eastside Tavern Gang has broken through the house and pool-house of the politician Comte Burgher. What they found has been nothing short of astonishing. Deeds for properties bought by secret societies, seditious communications, cryptic booklets, concerning academic interests, and above all else, a sex dungeon with two young colts chained up, and traumatized. With these, they found something else: two caged and chained up adolescent Changeling drones. So doing what any logically minded group of people would do when encountering caged life-force vampires, they let the things suck on them, then took them home and hugged them and loved them and squeezed them and called them 'George.'
Dark Star is coming to terms with loss in the Stallion's room of the Eastside tavern, while Iron aids him. Silver dreams of an Equestria that is no more and his long lost family (while sleeping in a fairly awkward position). Ash awaits a new dawn of service, Onyx a new life of possible employment, while Brie and Spark stay in a small room with two strange guests
1962 replies and 50 files omitted.
>>88039Dark Star walks to Sea Breeze
>>88042"You've returned with information I hope"
>>88041"Du warst wie ein Fohlen und zeigst Pflege und Zuneigung. Ich habe sehr wenig von dir gesehen, was bedeuten würde, dass du nicht liebst."
>>88043"yes i have,sir." Dark Star hoofs over the camera. "i saw a deal go down."
>>88045He takes the camera immediately and passes it on to another pony
"And what did you see?"
>>88044The foal tilts his head to the side a little as he looks up at Silver
"Die Arbeiter sind nicht so nett wie du. Die Ponys in Tall Tails sind auch nicht so schön"
>>88046Silver sighs. "So oder so bleibt der Punkt bestehen. Ich kann dich nicht zwingen, einen Weg über den anderen zu wählen. Ich bin mir jedoch nicht sicher, wie glücklich Sie auf lange Sicht hier sind. Ich kann nicht hier bleiben, um jede Stunde des Tages auf dich aufzupassen. Ich habe andere Verpflichtungen, um die ich mich kümmern muss."
>>88047He continues looking at Silver
"Wie gut wird sich die Polizei um mich kümmern? Wird die Polizei mich lieben?"
Kerr interjects:
"Ich verstehe nicht. Sie lassen uns beißen, aber Sie haben die Macht über uns. Halten Sie uns als Sklaven?"
>>88046"the captain of the ship exchanged Gold with what appeared to be a Dragon."
>>88049"I see, we've been wondering what connections if any they may have"
>>88048To Wesley: "Nein, im Gegenteil, sie mögen keine Veränderungen."
To Kerr: "Nein einfach nein."
>>88051Wesley has a look of concern. But for Kerr, however, concern pervades his whole body. He rises to his deformed and holey hooves and speaks with fright and anger
"Du wirst uns töten? Oder vivisect uns?"
>>88050"There was also a mare, i got her car and license plate in one of the pictures."
>>88053"A mare? That could mean any of a number of things. I guess the photos will tell"
>>88054"And his second in command went into a building and started talking to someone on a radio."
>>88055"Did you get a picture of that radio? To see what frequency he was using?"
>>88052Silver for his part tries to adopt a stern yet reassuring voice. "Nein, das würde ich nicht zulassen. Ich werde dich nicht zur Polizei machen."
>>88056"i took a picture of him using it, i'm not sure if that was caught in it though."
Kerr responds "Also wirst du uns töten und nicht die Polizei"
Wesley brushes off Kerr's fear, and reassures him
"Oh bitte, er will nur, dass wir Sex mit ihm haben. Aber er hat Liebe und füttert uns, wenn er uns dazu bringt, es zu tun"
>>88058"Well, we will have our analysts look at it"
>>88059Kerr responds to Wesley indignantly:
"Ich werde keine Ponys mehr saugen"
Wesley is annoyed by Kerr's difficulty
"Möchten Sie hungern?"
>"Ich möchte mit ihnen sexuell nichts anfangen""Wir befinden uns derzeit nicht in einer Verhandlungsposition">"Dann gehen wir dorthin, wo Jäger herrschen""Wir können nicht dorthin gehen, ohne uns mit Ponyjägern zu beschäftigen" >>88059"i also gained the captains trust to an extent."
>>88059>>88060Silver sighs, and looks down in defeat. "Nein, ich möchte keinen Sex mit dir haben und ich werde dich auch nicht töten. Ich möchte dich nur beschützen und dich sicher nach Hause sehen."
My mind is in the completely wrong place to do dialogue effectively.
>>88063Kerr turns his head in puzzlement as he tries to understand the motivations of his captor
"Du wirst uns verkaufen?"
>>88062"i started some conversation with him about all the places he has sailed. he said if i ever wanted to talk with him again i should feel free to."
>>88067"Well, sounds like progress should you ever need to talk to him again. Let's hope that him knowing your face does no harm in the future"
>>88065"Nein, ich werde dich nicht verkaufen. Ich werde nichts von diesen schrecklichen Dingen tun."
>>88068"if it does ill deal with it when the time comes."
>>88069Now Wesley asks
"Was wirst du tun?"
>>88070"Well, thank you for your help this morning. We will have our analysts look at this information"
>>88071"Wie gesagt, ich möchte dich nach Hause schicken."
>>88071"it was my pleasure,sir. if you need anything else done let me know. actually sir i had almost forgotten, there's a valuable member of the team i put together, he has done some great things that has helped me accomplish the things that i have. and he mentioned to me the other day that he would love to become a citizen of the state. i would like to help him get his citizenship if possible."
>>88073"That could be arranged. Do you know why he is not a citizen?"
>>88074"He is a Crystal pony, i believe he crossed the border into Equestria after the changelings occupied the crystal empire."
>>88075"I see. Either a Marelito or one of the Reichflüchtling. We are technically supposed to turn those over to the Changeling Hegemony, but suffice it to say that treaty is not often honored"
>>88076"Forgive me,sir. but im not sure what either of those words mean. he has been given the changeling test and i do not believe he is a spy. and i recall that he may be interested in joining the Party."
>>88077"Well, I'll have him meet with our liason then, and she can file the paperwork for him"
>>88078Dark Star looks joyful when he says this
"Thank you,sir."
Brie sits in silence, even the voices in his head seeming to shrug defeatedly at the conversation going on in front of him.
"Uh, I don't suppose you could give me an idea of what is being said," he whispers in Silver's direction, not wanting to interrupt but tangibly curious.
Seriously, I don't suppose we could switch to English for protracted such as this? I promise I'll authentically use broken and incorrect sentence fragments,...
Also, sorry for dying last night
>>88082Everyone dies at some point.
>>87974What do you think?
Imo, Brie and chaotic-neutral characters in general should probably adopt the worldview of Egoism. It's fascinating.
>>88088Chaotic neutral characters aren't necessarily selfish.
>>88090This. I think he likes when an ideology is followed to the extreme and chaotic neutrals are a good fit for this particular ideology. Maybe chaotic evil is more fitting than neutral.
>>88091I am a fan of obscure ideologies, yes. An Egoist does not see good or evil except in relation to him and so would be closer to chaotic neutral, though he would appear chaotic evil to others if his actions tend to harm them.
Seriously though, it's a good read. Something like proto-objectivism.
>>88090Stirner also wrote that criminals are basically Egoists who don't know it yet, so it would make sense if a thief is one.
>>88091I see the moral alignment compas as a combination of two axis.
Lawfulness means respecting/following rules and traditions. Chaos means doing the opposite, breaking down or defying laws and traditions, but may also entail the liberation of oneself or others.
Goodness is doing what's morally right; upholding righteousness and sanctity for the sake of objective virtue. Evil is embracing wickedness and depravity; being willing to commit unspeakable acts for your own selfish ambitions.
>>88093Chaotic alignments are pretty common for thieves.
Tbh, something I like about d&d is the simple alignment system. Makes it easier to tell right from wrong, and mortal enemies from potential allies.
There's goodness and evil, law and chaos. Where you stand on that chart effects how NPCs will percieve you, as well as how certain spells affect you.
>Tfw Detect Evil isn't a class spell for Druids >>88088You think so? Thats good, cuz just this morning I was thinking to myself "Hmmmm, I wonder what anon thinks I should do with my character". Thanks.
>the last 50 posts isn't enough