The Adventure continues
Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The Eastside Tavern Gang has broken through the house and pool-house of the politician Comte Burgher. What they found has been nothing short of astonishing. Deeds for properties bought by secret societies, seditious communications, cryptic booklets, concerning academic interests, and above all else, a sex dungeon with two young colts chained up, and traumatized. With these, they found something else: two caged and chained up adolescent Changeling drones. So doing what any logically minded group of people would do when encountering caged life-force vampires, they let the things suck on them, then took them home and hugged them and loved them and squeezed them and called them 'George.'
Dark Star is coming to terms with loss in the Stallion's room of the Eastside tavern, while Iron aids him. Silver dreams of an Equestria that is no more and his long lost family (while sleeping in a fairly awkward position). Ash awaits a new dawn of service, Onyx a new life of possible employment, while Brie and Spark stay in a small room with two strange guests
1962 replies and 52 files omitted.
On a completely unrelated note, I think my character should probably be taking care of animals a lot more.
I've been considering how Fluttershy seems to feed and heal pretty much every creature in the forest, and I think I should probably follow her example to be a proper Druid. It a question if animals in Equestria are even capable of taking care of themselves, since it seemed as though they didn't even know when to wake up from hibernation, if Fluttershy didn't wake them.
>tfw no Flutterdruid to teach me about taking care of animals
It was actually supposed to be Sister Ash's primary motivation in traveling Equestria to study ponies as the engine of their ecosystem, and caretakers of nature. The poverty services were meant to be her response to working in an urban environment (since she considers poverty to be one of the horrors of the modern world); since she considers ponies to be natural creatures.
>>88980He drops the field around her dock, a little surprised by her lack of reaction, and finding that her dock is not as ticklish as he would have expect. He's not disappointed, however. He moves his hooves up to massage the sides of her barrel.
"When Communists took over and made Stalliongrad independent, not all of Severyana joined them. Most southern reaches remained in Equestrian control, thanks to higher amount of Harmonist support in region than what Communists could manage. And now that territory is in your control."
>>88988I really don't see many chances to help out animals in an urban setting, but I'll be sure to remind you if I can.
>>88990Well, we're not going to be in an urban setting forever, and there's still a forest behind the abbey. I just want to explore my character's niche.
Besides, as a Druid, making sure the forest/animals/wilderness is taken care of is really her whole job; like, if it's supposed to be as mandatory as a Paladin's code. If she failed to serve her role to protect nature too many times, or showed and lack of reverence to the natural world, she'd lose the favor of the earth, and thus all of her class features.
By the way, I was thinking of leaving Star to interact with the foals and tell a nun to notify Star that we left and where we are going.
Either tavern of directly to the mademares,
but Spark should come in handy to do the pacifist route.>>88992I know. It must be tough to reel in the need to do some stupid shit for instant gratification,
like how I'm 'terrorizing' foals as a booping statue. >>88993Yeah, I really do want to finish up this sidequest so that my character can explore her niche a bit more.
Nopony said playing an Exalted character in a WWII setting would be easy...
I'm hoping I can select the feats I actually want after the level-up though.
>>88989“Oh I assure you, we know. There is and has been the concern they they will Invade south, to try to take the areas they think theirs. Even for creatures that do not appreciate the nation or the homeland, they still try to claim it... Their greatest window has passed, however. If they had struck during the war the Hegemony would have stalled, and the State would have been pushed back into the sea.”
>>88996"There is threat of Nova Griffonia to north. They might be worried that declaring war on one of their neighbors will give free pass to others to do same to them. No matter how highly Stalliongrad's officer corps thinks of themselves, they know they can not fight three-front war with ocean at their back."
>>88998>>88997Actually, I think I'll try to do that now.
>>88999Can Sister Ash tell a nun that she's leaving with Iron to run an errand, and to inform Dark Star that they left?
>>89004What errand? I know players like to be suber duvet sekret with their intent, but if this campaign is going to run continuously, be actually three delegate campaign for different groups of players, and I have to improvise half of it, then I need to know what I am supposed to be making up before I am asked to generate a scene
>>89005Well, I wanted to go investigate what was going on with those mademares, but I guess could hold that off until the weekend too.
>>89005"What Communists have claimed, however, is no match for what self-proclaimed Tsar Peter IV claimed was extent of Severyanan territory. I remember back when I was teenager and he was young and just starting out in politics, I read about then-infamous debate he and his Tsarist faction had against Loyalist faction that had been spread throughout all of Severyana. They claimed not only what Communists have claims on today, but also Grivvish Isles, Village-Up-North, and all of Nova Griffonia and Griffon Frontier, all way up to border with Pingland. Essentially, he claimed all territory ancient Severyanan tribe had control over back in times of Three Tribes."
>>89006>>89005Basically what Iron said.
>>89009Go to tavern, fetch Spark and go to the mademare OR just go to the mademares.
Of course, I will not take Spark away from the smol bugs until Silver comes back to his home or any other pony can take care of them.
Today, in Stable Mare News!
Openia has been defeated by the sickening insects that call themselves the changelings! Those disgusting monsters tore through the poor deer's defenses with their advanced weaponry and underhanded tactics befitting of parasites.
The Equestrians did nothing about this situation, further showing the true, hypocritical colors of those 'harmonists' which want to sacrifice everyone else for the sake of 'world peace'. First it was us New Marelanders, now it's the deer who live right next door. This is proof that they do not care about anything more than themselves.
This is a call to action! Vote the Duke on the upcoming elections! We must choose the pony who'll vouch for our safety instead of some cake-eating, backstabbing princesses that don't care about us! New Marelanders, choose the pony who will protect you against the pesky birds and the parasites around us! Choose the pony who will help restore this country's former glory! Vote the Duke!
So, I'm guessing there was some post number manipulation for the creation of the new bread at >>89000 because I accidentally took the millennial trips without realizing it. It's weird seeing (You) next to the name field when I'm not the GM.
>>89016Pretty much, yeah.
Thought it was weird too.
I'll take a smol nap for now. I'll be back in either old or new thread in about 1 or 2 hours.
>>89020Woah, where did the new thread go?
>>89022Spooky. Was there any posts made there in the last hour I wasn't away?
>>89025Bummer. I hope GM's alright
and did not abuse any possible mod powers he has.Or was it Brie the post manipulator? Who knows? >>89028The new thread was also missing it's title, iirc
>>89028I noticed it. It stayed up for about an hour, didn't get any replies in that time, then got delet.
>>89030>>89029Interesting info. I guess GM willfully deleted it to remedy the lack of title. Hopefully this will give Star enough time to come back and gain his plot relevance again.
Maybe I could whip out my bard as compensation of Star's loss, if the GM allows to multiroleplay.
I'll be fair with it. She's a friendly bug that goes along with everyone, because she knows that's the best way to obtain love. Well, I guess I'll go to bed.
I have things to do tomorrow.
>>89036Well, I guess I can add "cussed out by GM" to the list of reasons why today has sucked donkey balls. Thanks for that.
>>89037Well, that sucks in general.
It's not as if he's actually mad. Maybe it was a drunk post at worst.
>>89044Oh, whoops.
I wonder who's here at the moment, apart from you and GM. Maybe we could unite with Spark still.
Unless the GM needs some time to plan out the mademare encounters.Also you get to interact with the bugs while w wait. >>89045I've accomplished everything I needed to do today.
>>89046Alright, just need Spark boi and Silver present. Maybe Brie, if he can get into it
and is not too weighted down by Star's absence