Dark Star has been contracted by the occupying government to lead a team to infiltrate and stop a meeting of the Communist party in Baltimare. He discovers that they are importing arms, and more importantly, special forces advisers from foreign nations. Things reach a literal boiling point when a warehouse of gasoline drums is set on fire, and now we will see who will live and who will die
Welcoming Silver, the unicorn fighter
1692 replies and 105 files omitted.
>>71458>>71459The canister was probably taken near the union hall, and is now in central pathway only if Dark Star and or Shimmer brought it back. I think you still have spiked gauntlets and hide armor
>>71458That's the one. She says "We found Iron and regrouped with him, but he is pretty severely injured from a fight with a griffon adviser. Dark Star also got shot. Anyways, they have a plan to lure the griffon out - he's now by the docks - to throw a canister of compressed explosive gas, shoot it, then magically light the gas. I think they want this to take place near where they are stacking the crates next to the seawall. All of the others are outside the front of the warehouse, if you want to see them"
>>71460Well, we've already had one character arrested on suspicion of being a Changeling, so why not
[Read more] >>71462Well, I'd ask what the difference between a "Witch" and a sorcerer/wizard are in terms of legality, but that technical stuff can wait for some other time.
Sister Ash nods solemnly in acknowledgement, and heads over to the warehouse to get ready for the ambush.
>>71462Am I at the crates, ready to ambush the birb?
>>71464Sister Ash gets into position, chanting a silent prayer as she gathers herself. She positions herself about 100 feet away from where the gas canister was meant to be thrown.
If someone looked closely at her face, they'd see bags at the corner of her eyes, from both stress and exhaustion.
>>71464It's not quite that simple. There are at least a dozen creatures around in that area of the docks. It's not clear who would and who would not recognize Iron. Further, which way would he like to approach the crates? He can go along the seawall, through the warehouse, or around the warehouse and through the back
>>71463Isn't she already in the warehouse?
As for witch regulations, only the religious-minded really care. The Governate and Sunset don't out-right ban magic besides higher level Necromancy
>>71465Iron pats Ash's head. "Do not worry. This will be over soon. Once Redclaw is down, we can go."
>>71466Okay, she stays at the warehouse waiting to blow up either the gas canister, the fertilizer, or both, depending on what cue she's given.
She can cast Produce Flame to hurl weak fireballs at a range of 120 feet.
>>71467The mare shudders a bit at the initial touch, but appears slightly more relaxed. Slightly.
"I.. I just want all this mayhem to be over..."
>>71466Iron goes to the crates through the warehouse to reach the crates. Of course he did
>>71467 as he goes.
>>71469"I understand your fears. But I ensured your safety, and I would die for you to protect you. My honor is at stake." Iron crouches down and makes eye contact with the mare. "I will not let harm come your way."
>>71470If you want to go outside, you'll need to roll some dice, because you'll be plainly visible
>>71469The scrawny horsefly stands over a few feet, coming back towards Ash after first going a different direction. "Just wait until the Changelings attack in a few years," she says with a malign grin
>>71467"Not going for the bonus points are you?" says the mare, with a carbine rifle on her side
>>71472So I roll hide or what?Iron stays inside the warehouse with the scared mare before he goes.
>>71472Iron glares at the winged mare. "She clearly has not endured battle if you have not noticed. Have some compassion for her."
Wait, why are we attempting this sketchy gas canister plan when we could just surround him and shoot him to death?
>>71473There isn't really anywhere to hide when approached from that angle. He could certainly run to the crates and stay firmly on one side of them, but he'd be visible to at least some ponies from other angles. It's mostly a matter of luck. Who saw him jump into the water?
Blue Skies stares back
>>71475"Do you think that Chrysalis will be content just looking at Canterlot in the distance from a border checkpoint?"
>>71476Remember, he has supporting ponies with guns as well. It's not a 5v1 here, more like a 5v8 or 9 here.
>>71478Wouldn't it be best to target him with ranged spells?
How far away is he atm?
>>71479Look at the map. The ship is pretty far from the warehouse. I'd say more than 100 meters from it.
>>71476Also, this plan requires Dark Star to manage to hit the canister while it's in the air. That's isn't fool proof.
>>71480>100 metersI'd have to get closer then.
My Max Range for Produce Flame is 120 feet.
>>71481Honestly, I'd rather not cause the GM an inconvenience because my character dies trying to throw rocks at grunts with rifles.
>>71483Alright. Just let me know when to flick a wad of fire.
>>71484Dark Star will probably tell you.
>>71473After staring, the Ice colored mare says "Then
why is she here?"
>>71481Just shoot it when it's on the ground
>>71483That's actually a silent-ish way of dealing damage from a distance
>>71486"I honestly cannot understand either." Iron shakes his head. "But I will not let your fears affect her spirit too."
PLEDGE TO PROTECT >>71486"I only came to look for lost foals..."
>>71488Checking these Hitler digits.
>>71489"It is a good reason, Ash. That is what a mare should do."
>>71492"I lost Ollie.. I do know where he went.."
>>71492Pretend the name says Iron
>>71487"Let's hope you can keep her as safe from the bullets as you can from the bad feelings and vibes. Because may the Great Mother forbid that someone give her a realistic idea of what is on the other side of that wall."
>>71493"We can look for this child later, when the cowards lose both leaders here. The area will be very dangerous for anyone of us out there before those advisors are out of the frame." Iron smiles. "I am sure he is fine."
Iron scouts the area for any windows to throw rocks from.
>>71493>>71493“Well, someone blew up a building full of gasoline nearby, so his guardians must have taken him somewhere he would be safe.”
*contemplates blowing up second warehouse*
>>71495"Of course I can. I did it once before I can do it again." Iron pauses. "I feel sorry that no stallion did the same to you. You lost your motherhood by how bleak your view on life has become." Iron looks directly to Skies "I really hope you can find the stallion who can take you out of your fears."
[1d4+2 = 3]>>71499While we wait for things to get ready, I take 10 on my Treat Wound check to patch Iron up a bit more, then I spend both my Cure Minor Wounds Orisons to close the wound.
Rolling HP recovered.
>>715033 hp.
It's only mundane healing. First Aide.
>>71504Oh. I guess I got closer to 20HP, then.
>>71499She was, shall we say, disarmed by this. She is surprised, then speechless, then seems to silently cry
>>71496There are no windows in the warehouse
>>71506Iron stays silent, knowing that she needs to reflect on her life and realize what she lost.
>>71505"You need to take care of yourself... Your body has taken a lot of punishment.."
>>71509Iron nods. "Thank you for your attempts. I really appreciate what you are doing for me." Iron smiles softly.
>>71510"It's the least I could do.." she says, as she finishes tying the gauze.