Dark Star has been contracted by the occupying government to lead a team to infiltrate and stop a meeting of the Communist party in Baltimare. He discovers that they are importing arms, and more importantly, special forces advisers from foreign nations. Things reach a literal boiling point when a warehouse of gasoline drums is set on fire, and now we will see who will live and who will die
Welcoming Silver, the unicorn fighter
1692 replies and 109 files omitted.
>>72211"So should we move towards the others? You did not answer my question."
>>72212I'm kinda hinting that I'll roll for it >>72215Again, there are two floating objects, one of which is sailing in the water
>>72216Do I need to post the Shia Lebouf video?
[1d20 = 12]>>72212I'm guessing the driver is down. I guess a spot check to see where the others are and any more enemies?
[1d20 = 12]>>72212Dark Star trys to tell where the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing came from
>>72218Whichever one Onyx is driving.
She moves closer.
>>72219Moving motor boat, Dark Star has been near the trucks, Ash has been too. Shooting and EEEEEEEEing from the ship
>>72200This leads him to the Ship. There is a gang way to the ship, and he could hear shooting from there earlier
>>72216"Sure, if you think it's best"
>>72222Nice number.
The sorcerer limps toward the shooting on the boat, despite his better judgement.
Wait, weren't we meaning to escape right now?
[1d20 = 9]>>72224Iron, trying hard to understand the vehicle, attempts to move the motorboat closer to the ship. He thinks that's where the noise came from. Rolling ride
Cuz driving a boat is the same as a horse >>72217Good enough. He is unshot and by the door. The door, when opened, has the other griffin on the other side, and a hallway down the middle
>>72227There is a Griffin with a rifle on the far side of the superstructure
>>72226There is a gangway to the ship
>>72229>>72224Well, it is closer. A griffin with a gun looks over the side of the ship at the morboat
[Read more] >>72230Fine.
I guess I didn't prepare detect magivk for nothing.
Sister Ash moves towards the ship.
[1d20 = 10]
Iron throws a rock at the griffon, using the +5 modifier for damage.
[1d20+6 = 25]>>72231>GunHostile
D E T E C T E DYada yada carbine, you know the drill
>>72234Onyx is a freaking killing machine.
>>72231I go up the gangway and look around.
Can Sister Ash get on the ship?
[1d3+10 = 11]>>72233You're lucky I didn't give that griffin a dexterity modifier when it was shooting at brie. Rolling damage
>>72238>>72237The griffin just got shot and hit by a rock, it is dead. There is a superstructure
>>72240Sister Ash gets on the ship.
>>72234>>72240Iron is not so impressed by his gunplay unlike his halbred skills. Although he still respects him in general.
Sorry, gotta keep the charade for his "tools r bad" spiel here He flings a dagger down the hallway, more as a diversion than any attempt to injure, and then takes flight to swoop around to the Griffon's position.
[1d3+10 = 13]>>72242>>72241Through the door leads a pathway
>>72245After flying to the griffons position, 2 rounds later, he can see that the griffin is dead. But... Is that another two griffins on the back of the ship?
>>72243Right now, he looks dead
>>72244I get it
I prefer the halberd too, tbh"Eh, I like using my trusty blade better. But I can't use it from a range sadly"
>>72246There sure are a lot of griffons around.
>>72246I got down the pathway... Are there doors along it?
He picks up his thrown dagger, and then flies back to the other corpses to retrieve his other daggers, before closing on the rear griffons.
Ha! Fooled you didn't I? No, he picks up his thrown dagger, and then enters the superstructure, looking for the Captain's quarters.
>>72246Iron, now grasping driving the boat, gets even closer, see if they can get out on the pier near the ship. "Does this thing stay here? If so we can continue."
>>72244Iron's jealousy at Onyx's kill count is noted
>>72248He can see that a griffon opened a door. Down the hallway, he is holding a shotgun, but looking a different direction
>>72249Name of the Ship is
Frequent Voyager, Registration, Skyfall
>>72250shit, a griffin holding a shotgun looking down the hallway, but not at Shimmer. Also Dark Star is there
>>72251Does he not want to kill the two new griffins he saw?
[Read more] >>72255Nope, he wants to secure the ducats
>>72252"I don't know, I just figured this was are best chance of getting out of there"
>>72249This campaign is essentially recursive fanfiction of the Hearts of Iron 4 mod, "Equestria at War." That mod has as many griffons in it as ponies>>72256Well, there are two dead griffons outside of the ship
[1d20 = 4]>>72255While Spark is still alive, he casts Mage Armor on himself. +4 armor bonus
>>72260Does he not want to move out of the hallway?
>>72258"I do not know. I thought Dark Star went this way from way back, so I decided to come closer." Iron seeks some rope while on the motorboat. "I think we need to tie this for now. I am sure he entered for that insane bat."
>>72259She gives a silent prayer to repose them a before she heads inside.
[1d20 = 16]>>72261Well... a little late for that huh? I failed the spell and have to wait a turn.