Dark Star has been contracted by the occupying government to lead a team to infiltrate and stop a meeting of the Communist party in Baltimare. He discovers that they are importing arms, and more importantly, special forces advisers from foreign nations. Things reach a literal boiling point when a warehouse of gasoline drums is set on fire, and now we will see who will live and who will die
Welcoming Silver, the unicorn fighter
1692 replies and 106 files omitted.
>>72528RWSS could have prevented this.
>>72527Is the number of AoOs you can make with Combat Reflexes limited by your armor's Max Dexterity Bonus?
>>72533No, wait, "Is" is correct, there.
>>72535Your Dex is pretty high, so your best off using a Breastplate.
>>72528Shit How am i gonna explain this?
>>72531We do have the boat to escape with quickly and quietly. Also, we're going to reach the bump limit for this stuff. When we are all ready, we should jump thread yet again.
Anyone of you were in that Le epic maymay RPG campaign I remembered was at the Overboard forever?>>72532I would think so. The heavier the armor, the harder it is to move in it.
>>72535In that case, I think Combat Reflexes will be Silver's final Feat.
>>72536By the way, if one does not have improved overrun, how does the enemy sidestep the action?
>>72540An enemy can choose to avoid you if you try to overrun them by dodging out of the way. They also get an AoO.
>>72542>also get an AoOWiki doesn't say that
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Improved_OverrunAlso, what do they roll when they attempt to dodge
>>72543Rules are detailed on this page
https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/SRD:Overrun>I prefer this site for core rules >>72523This is a campaign setting where three kinds of combat may be needed: Non-lethal quiet, quiet lethal, and ranged and loud. That’s an unusually diverse set of needs for D&D I know, but I think that any fighter build playing in this campaign needs to do at least two of those well.
Purely in terms of damage, a character with strength and a great sword is at no disadvantage at all against level 1 warriors with knives, rifles, or pistols. And fact that a sword doesn’t alert every enemy and police officer in a mile is invaluable. But all these sand enemies need to do to make your sword useless is to stand on a higher floor, stand more than the 40 or 60 feet away you can charge in a round, or fly. And sometimes, the attention you attract from the Homicide detectives of the police agencies can be very undesirable. An unconscious enemy, it is true, can be a witness, but live hardened gangsters don’t talk to police much more than dead ones, and overworked police can’t be bothered to investigate misdemeanor assault
>>72545Is this campaign going to be mostly urban, or are we going to go explore dungeons and forests for the better part?
>>72536Probably more of a question for the GM, but what would the Interwar/WWII equivalent of a Breastplate be, do you think?
>>72545Oh, so that is why you want me to keep my unarmed attack for nonlethal damage. However, can't bludgeoning weapons be nonlethal somehow? I guess I can always just break weapons with weapons and then punch the lights out of them, but I'd rather not tread on shaky ground by unequpping my weapon every time I want to hit the pony.
>>72547I could ask the same question.
>>72545Honest question, then: could Silver use the pommel of his sword for non-lethal damage, to try to knock opponents out?
>>72545What Would Be the best Quiet lethal that Dark Star can use?
>7 str gang >>72550You can deal nonlethal damage with a lethal weapon, at a -4 penalty to Attack rolls.
There are also Merciful weapons. A +1 Weapon enhancement that aren't that expensive, but popular/useful because they only deal nonlethal damage:
https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/SRD:MercifulSaps (blackjacks) and unarmed strikes also deal nonlethal damage.
>>72552I would say a Longbow except
>7 str >>72554>>72552Rocks best weapon. No need for str there.
>>72555You mean a sling?
Pretty reliable, only rocks only do 1d3 damage. Sling bullets aren't expensive though.
>>72555>>72552But you add your strength modifier to damage for slings and thrown weapons, so that wouldn't work either.
>>72558That also applies your Str mod.
>>72557Lolno, I can't do that for missles apparently, If rocks count as handheld, unarmed or grapple I could've used +10 modifier. It is actually decided by dex, not str.
>>72560>>72559i should take weapon finesse i think.
>>72562You don't want to do that.
You'll still do abysmal damage in melee.
>>72546>>72546The original idea was to use Baltimare the same as Independence, Missouri in Oregon Trail: just a starting point to find party members and equipment before going on a long journey in the wilderness. But it looks like Baltimare can hold its own as a setting. Combat in the Rainforest will be much more lethal and gun friendly
>>72550>>72550Yes, with a -4 attack roll
>>72552With 7 strength, your options are limited. Maybe a light crossbow doesn’t have a strength limit
>>72548Yes, unarmed attack with a hell of a lot of strength is king
>>72547There were attempts at making an infantry version of the flak jacket with more steel. But at the end of the day, this will not be a heavy armor campaign, as a representation of the superiority of the bullet over armor at the time
[Read more] >>72564Oh. Well I guess it's true.
>>72560>crossbows>silentThey are not as silent as you think, unless you fire from far away, unless game logic dictates otherwise.
>7 strMeans -2 to all of your melee damage rolls.
>>72553>>72566Does Weapon Focus for a lethal weapon still work with a non-lethal strike?
>>72568>>72568Have you ever shot a bolt action rifle, an AR 15, or a pistol without hearing protection? It hurts like hell, and you will learn real quick the antithesis of “silent.” And growing up in Texas, I can tell you that if any of your neighbors are testing out their guns, you’re going to know
>>72577Indiana here, I can confirm this.
>>72566Well, you convinced me for the time being of "not going for bludgeoning weapons". However, are you going to increase goon health further on? I'd like not to die of goonbanging and I can't have that fabled two weapon fighting, but I can place weapon focus, weapon specialization for increased effectiveness and then place the last feat on improved initiative to increase the chance to attack first.
>>72577>tfw want to shoot a real gun but can't cause no money and country is very restrictive of themAt least there's some ammo my grandfather had, however it's just .22LR