Dark Star has been contracted by the occupying government to lead a team to infiltrate and stop a meeting of the Communist party in Baltimare. He discovers that they are importing arms, and more importantly, special forces advisers from foreign nations. Things reach a literal boiling point when a warehouse of gasoline drums is set on fire, and now we will see who will live and who will die
Welcoming Silver, the unicorn fighter
1692 replies and 106 files omitted.
Ash hears a very loud drawn-out sound, like a sort of typewriter perhaps
Bullets fly into the police car in a sort of line left to right. The stallion is hit three times, once in the head. The door and the windshield are hit and the windshield shatters. The mare on the driver’s side takes three hits and falls down to the ground. All this happens not more than 20 feet from Ash. A blood filled cough shows that the mare isn’t quite dead yet.
[YouTube] "Road To Perdition" Best Scene HD
[Embed]The Red maned unicorn with black fedora, coat, and submachine gun walks up further, next to Ash, and looks ahead down the dark road, aiming her gun that way. She looks to Ash and says “The police are here, sister.”
Dark Star, Onyx, and Shimmer see the same, but from 100 feet behind
>>71159Ash makes an absolutely mortified expression before running off as fast as she can.
>>71164Still looking for the colt..
>>71159Onyx walks up beside Ash and stares at the scene
>>71165Which direction?
>>71166Not if she's running deeper into the black unknown
>>71167The direction she was directed in the first place.. unless I'm mistaken...
Which way could he have gone?
>>71169He must have evacuated when the explosion occurred. I take it Ash wants to go into the big open area between the mare firing the gun and the other mares firing their guns, so she's in between the two sides fighting each other?
>>71170"Umm... now what? I don't suppose we can drop this on her now from here."
>>71171I have no freaking idea where anything is...
Is there a way around she could detour to?
>>71173Also, is there any cover anywhere?
>>71172"Shoot her with a laser beam or something, youre a unicorn."
>>71173If this were a vidoegame, there would either be a cliff with 200 ft drop, an invisible wall, a whale that jumps and eats you, a minefield, or just a timer with the warning "leaving combat area: 10 seconds until character death"
But this isn't a video game. On the far end are police who are using a car as makeshift cover, pointing guns at those who want to proceed down the road
>>71174She can stand next to marecuse, who is in the alley between the Union Hall and the building next to it, or she can go back the way she came
[1d20+1 = 11][1d20 = 19]>>71177Scratch that. She's standing out in the open, with her energy shield. Because she can do that
>>71176"The thing is... I only have a set amount of magic I can use. It was a birth defect. I got only one shot left. Should we try to use it now?"
[1d20+7 = 13]
As Onyx is walking toward the unicorn he decides he's had enough of pretending to be a commie, and sticks the pointy bit of his weapon directly in her flank.
-5 for power attack, +2 for charge.
[1d20+5 = 21]>>71178Iron makes the effort and attempts to swim all the way to the motorboat. Maybe he can reach that veterinarian to patch his wound and come back to fight.
Thought of a question regarding attacking: if a unicorn swings or throws a melee weapon using their magic, does the unicorn still add their Strength modifier to the attack bonus, or do they use a different ability?
>>71183Why did I use the E-mail field instead of the name field?
>>71183IF I had to guess, then I'd say sure, since magic is like an invisible force of your mind?
>>71184Thanks for putting your name. I sure appreciate it.
>>71185Decided it would be most useful. Also, only just realized we now have three characters named after metals.
>>71178>No space to run>Kid could be dead by nowFuck it! It's now or never: Wild Shape.
Sister Ash meditates as a standard action, giving a prayer in the ancient language.
She turns into a bald eagle (medium) and soars up over the city.
Then she continues to scan the area looking for Ollie with her remaining move action.
>>71182"All in good time. I think our bartender is in trouble. We need to help him."
>>71185I suppose it would be easier.
>>71188"Hmmmmm, yea lets get closer to them."
Onyx Steel
Quite funny if you ask me.
[1d20+13 = 30]>>71187Spot check to find the colt.
+8 racial bonus, +3 Wis, +2 circumstance (high ground)
>>71180The clopping sound of the galloping horse gives Marecuse just enough notice to know that, well
something is coming her way, and she must have turned something his direction as well, because his weapon hits an invisible obstacle before it can make it to her hot flank
Roll for will save
>>71181He is able to swim well enough, and raises his head on occasion above water. He makes it to the side of the motor boat
>>71187Can you please not? We can do this if you want to, but... Just
>>71189I advance alongside Dark Star.
"Walk toward the pony with the gun... I'm not liking this. What's the plan?"
>>71193I'm pretty sure your Will save is better than that, but if not, Onyx is placed into sleep
>>71194"how well can you throw things?"
>>71192I guess not then...
Sister Ash turn back the only way she could come, and slowly makes her way towards the evacuation area.
>>71197"I wouldn't place your trust in it. And by the looks of it... you shouldn't trust close range combat. How's your throw?"
>>71198I mean, she can change shape in front of two police officers who are going to shout "CHANGELING!" and shoot at her, while leaving Onyx unconscious and the other two to try to defeat Marecuse on their own. Just don't expect to find the colt without a damned good dice rollShe comes across onyx, who is asleep on the ground. In the middle of a damned battle at that
>>71199"im good at throwing things, how heavy is it though?"
>>71200I gallop over his stomach nondamagingly (but painfully) as I run by, at full running speed.
[1d20 = 8]>>71196Is Onyx the U.S. Constitution? Because someone stepped on him. He is rudely awoken
>>71202Rolling for the fire
[30d20 = 289]
Marecuse continues laying down a stream of bullets, although with much less effect now that her opponents have sought cover
Anyway, Onyx gets up. Can he attempt an overrun with his turn?
>>71205How many people are shooting?
>>71206I would recommend coordinating an attack with at least one other character on scene in case he fails a dice roll. I don't want to have to kill characters
>>71207Two officers and Marecuse at the moment
>>71208Half the fun is getting your character killed.
>>71199"Fuck it. Lets just shoot her."