Dark Star has been contracted by the occupying government to lead a team to infiltrate and stop a meeting of the Communist party in Baltimare. He discovers that they are importing arms, and more importantly, special forces advisers from foreign nations. Things reach a literal boiling point when a warehouse of gasoline drums is set on fire, and now we will see who will live and who will die
Welcoming Silver, the unicorn fighter
1692 replies and 108 files omitted.
>>71913Redclaw stated earlier that they could escape to the South and by the sea. Trucks can drive south on the wharf
[1d20+2 = 10]
New Enemy Shoots at The Fucking Wolf
>>71916Miss against dex. Iron's Turn, then Ash
>>71916Is that enemy in melee range of the wolf?
(Just asking, because I want to position it for AoOs)
[1d20 = 7]>>71917Iron shoots his rock against the new enemy. +5 modifier going to damage
Hopefully one of you can do 3 damage to the driver before he leaves us, right? >>71919The shot fails to hit
>>71918In charging range yes, in reach, no.
[1d20+7 = 12]>>71921The wolf reflexively charges at the enemy that shot at him with a bite attack.
>>71922Does Ash have an attack of her own?
I believe that is enough to hit
[1d6+3 = 5]>>71922First rolling damage for the wolf's bite.
It can also trip him as a free action.
[1d20+3 = 12]>>71924Now rolling to trip him prone.
>>71846>>71925New enemy 1 is wounded and prone. Ash's turn
Sister Ash doesn't have any weapons on hand aside from her club.
How many enemies are threatening her?
>>71927Her? None. I take it disabling the truck before it leaves at the end of this turn is not an option
>>71928No. I have produce flame to make a 1d6+5 fireball that I can hurl as a ranged touch attack.
Can I target the cars tires or the driver from this position?
>>71929You can certainly attack the tires or the fuel tank. I had imagined Ash to not be in line of sight because she is behind and to the right of the truck, but since you never specified, you can try to attack the driver directly
>>71929Produce Flame lasts for 5 minutes, and has a 120 foot range. Throwing a flame reduces the duration by 1 minute.
[1d20+5 = 16]>>71930Ash is less than enthusiastic to attack ponies, and the car is a larger target with no Dex AC; so she decides to target the car and gives a prayer in the ancient language that causes a ghostly white flame to erupt from her horn, that she promptly flick at the underside of the car.
>>71932Well, that's certainly enough to hit it
>>71933Rolling damage against the vehicle, although idk what it takes to pop a cartire.
Dice are 1d6+ caster level (1d6+5).
[1d20+1 = 19]
New Enemy 2 shoots at Dark Star with a rifle
>>71937That's partially why I chose to be next to the crates.
[2d8 = 8]Shimmer then Onyx next in the order of initiative
>>71936>>71934A flame lights up. Nothing is obviously damaged yet, but the flame maintains, and the underside of the truck is on fire
>>71937Dark Star is hit, rolling damage
>>71942Dark Star, you must bolt to cover. If you use your action to only move, enemies don't have AoO against you.
>>71933Sister Ash let's a sigh of relief, never having been confident in shooting things with her horn.
[2d8 = 8]One wounded enemy, 2 unwounded enemies, and 1 prone enemy are in play
>>71940Dark Star takes 8 damage, leaving him at something like 12 or 11
[1d20 = 11]>>71942I turn my attention to the second new enemy. I aim and hope this works as I pull the trigger.
>>71943You can only AoO with a melee weapon anyway. Moving out of a threaten square provokes AoO, so does aiming a ranged weapon.
>>71946He is wounded, 4 health remaining. We now have two wounded enemies, an unwounded enemy, and a prone enemy. Onyx's turn
>>71949I think you are thinking of loading a ranged weapon
[1d20+10 = 17]>>71950I was asked to take control of Onyx as he is out for a minute.
Onyx rushes the last unwounded enemy with a charge attack.
[1d9 = 3][1d9 = 6]There are now 2 wounded enemies, and 1 prone enemy. But 2 more challengers enter this round. Rolling their initiative
>>71954Fucking gutted.
>>71955The Initiative is
Dark Star
Prone enemy - wolf attacked
New Enemy
New Enemy
Wounded enemy
Wounded enemy
The driver of the truck spins his wheels, and the truck lurches forward 30 ft, causing an unsecured crate to fall to the ground. But the back portion of the truck explodes
[Read more] [1d20+1 = 3]
Oh yeah. A wounded enemy has a shot. He shoots at Onyx
>>71957Hope Dark Star doesn't follow with him on that dice.
Dark Star appears to be absent for the moment
[1d20+6 = 23]>>71956Dark Star takes out his revolver and shoots the pony in the truck
He didnt surrender right? if he did i wont shoot him >>71961He pulled ahead 30 ft, then his truck asploded. Well, the rear fuel tank exploded, but he's reasonably disabled at the moment
>>71961I mean, if you want to change your target
[1d20+6 = 13]>>71963Dark star shoots at the one with the rifle that shot him