Dark Star has been contracted by the occupying government to lead a team to infiltrate and stop a meeting of the Communist party in Baltimare. He discovers that they are importing arms, and more importantly, special forces advisers from foreign nations. Things reach a literal boiling point when a warehouse of gasoline drums is set on fire, and now we will see who will live and who will die
Welcoming Silver, the unicorn fighter
1692 replies and 107 files omitted.
I'll drop the feat after this battle. There are other cool feats I'm definitely going to want to pick at later levels, and I don't want to set a precedent of picking suspicious ones from other books.
>>71861Damage is 3d6 if you have the highest level spell. That is not as good as a fighter gets when they hit, but a Fighter has to roll dice to see if they hit while the infinite ammo weightless stealth flamethrower is automatic, and a fighter can't summon a dire wolf or change shape into a dire wolf. It's also more damage than most guns do, but with infinite ammo and no noise
>>71863Many ponies are there loading crates, so he could get right up to him with no suspicion. It looks like Dark Star is shooting Redclaw and Iron is also hitting him, so it would be wise for Onyx to target other NPCs with arms
>>71867Onyx gets close to the one with the biggest gun. If that's redguy himself the next biggest.
>>71868A guy is standing with a rifle at attention next to a truck
>>71867Oh. I guess that sounds bad.
>>71867Yeah, I get it. I'll let go of it.
I actually was reading about it on a blog just today when I thought to ask the question "is this really that OP" and the things I read were along the lines of "It's OP for druids because their Summoning ability let's them use it all the time".
>>71869The sorcerer must be close to Dark Star by now when he sees that another gun fight is breaking out. I take cover and ready my hoofgun.
>>71869Then Onyx sets up nearby, and waits for the shots.
>>71867I'm behind the crates. How many enemies are in the vincinity?
*Dark Stars life flashes before his eyes*
>>71875Alright, so you are going with your action of Shooting with the Shotgun?
>>71875I'll summon something to distract them as soon as I get an answer here.
>>71876Iron prepares another rock to throw.
>>718743 armed in immediate vicinity besides Redclaw. More would join in subsequent rounds
>>71878You are in the order of initiative
after Dark Star. Iron's action for this round has already been counted, even though Dark Star's damage has not been calculated. Therefor, you can go another time only after the enemies, Onyx, Shimmer, and Ash
>>71879Can I possibly myself around the other side of the crates so that they can't see me cast? I was hoping to use the crates for some kind of cover.
I want to summon a support creature to distract Redclaw for 5 rounds, but that's a full round action with somatic components (wiggling her arms in a voodoo fashion). My AC is 12, so I'm fucked if they notice me.
>>71880Fair enough. I did throw a lot of rocks. I wasn't going to shoot out another one, just for every player that I am ready in character to fight.
>>71881*Possibly position myself
>>71883Take a move action to get out of his melee range before you shoot him again. Take a 5 foot step first to avoid AoO.
[3d6 = 12]>>71881The problem is that while the crates offer cover from one side, they don't cover from all sides, and the ponies are evenly positioned
>>71883May God be the judge. Rolling
[Read more] >>71887Dark Star takes a 5 foot step and then moves out of melee Range.
Combined with the rock that comes and hits Redclaw immediately there after, Redclaw has taken 56 damage in total, placing him below 0. He is down. Three ponies with rifles are ready to strike, but not before Onyx, Ash, and Shimmer, can make moves. 2 more enemies will join next round
>>71884>>71873>>71872>>71881Your turns. Initiative for the next round will be assigned in order of posting
[1d20+9 = 28]>>71887>>71891Well fug, idk what I can do without immediately being shot.
Wait, you know what, I'm going to roll concentration to Cast Defensively and try to suppress the somatic components; see if they just dismiss it as frightened shivering.
I want to give up my Shillagh spell to summon a wolf 10 feet behind redclaw in a flanking position.
The DC to cast a 1st level spell defensively is 16. Wish me luck.
[1d20 = 13]>>71891I don't have many options. I aim my hoofgun at a communist and fire.
[1d20+7 = 14]
Onyx takes his halberd and slashes at the guy standing nearest to him.
-3 for power attack
>>71892Wolf is summoned, and Ash is behind Dark Star and Iron in the order of initiative
>>71894Good enough to hit. Rolling damage.
[2d6 = 5][1d10+14 = 23]>>71896Actually rolling this time
>>71895Good enough to hit
>>71897>23 damageNothing to scoff at, let's hope it's enough.
[1d20 = 10][1d20 = 9]>>71897One enemy is killed, another is 50% wounded. One shoots at Onyx, the other shoots at Dark star
[1d20+9 = 15]>>71892The wolf should attack right after my turn, so I'll have it charge Redclaw to finish him (since he's disabled ATM).
It's flanking, so no Dex AC.
Also, it's a fucking wild wolf that appeared out of nowhere. I hope it distracts the commies.
>>71899That's nice, guys, no hits for those guys.
>>71899Both shots fail to hit. Two more enemies enter. There are 4 armed ponies, one is half damaged
Next Round
Initiative is:
Dark Star
New Enemy
New Enemy 2
[Read more] >>71903Is redclaw unconscious now?
A Pony closes the door to his truck, he will gun it soon
>>71904Yes, and your move won't happen until after me.
>>71905Wow, that's r00d. Didn't wait for Dark Star to do his turn.
[1d20+6 = 24]>>71903Dark star Shoots at the pony in the truck with his shotgun
[3d6 = 7]>>71904That would kill him
>>71909Hit, through the glass of the truck. Rolling Damage
>>71911The pony in the truck is wounded, scared, and conscious
>>71910I give the lowest level enemies 10 HP
>>71912Close enough. Is the place fully on lockdown by those troops or they can escape still?
>>71911"Surrender i do not wish to keel you."