Dark Star has been contracted by the occupying government to lead a team to infiltrate and stop a meeting of the Communist party in Baltimare. He discovers that they are importing arms, and more importantly, special forces advisers from foreign nations. Things reach a literal boiling point when a warehouse of gasoline drums is set on fire, and now we will see who will live and who will die
Welcoming Silver, the unicorn fighter
1692 replies and 97 files omitted.
>>71612"Comrade! Comrade! Mareques has been killed by the Fascist police!"
>>71609Sorry for that, had dinner. Do I roll for luck too?
>>71613>>71613Redclaw turns to Dark Star. This news concerns him so much that he takes his cigar out of his beak and holds it with a claw.
“Then we shall have to fight them back ourselves.”
A number of gunshots go off in quick succession from inside the warehouse.
“They are already here!” Redclaw takes a rifle from atop a vehicle, and sticks in a feeder strip, loafing the gun
[1d20 = 3]>>71615I guess I don't need to?Iron peeks out one of the warehouse doors closest to the crates, see what he can spot.
>>71602Sister Ash left the warehouse as soon as the gun started smoking.
>>71615Dark Star Takes out his revolver and charges towards the warehouses "Die Imperialists!"
>>71616>>71616He sees darksrar charging towards the warehouse with a revolver and Redclaw looking towards the warehouse with a loaded rifle.
If you wish to exit the warehouse, please specify which exit he goes out of
>>71617Specify an exit
>>71619Iron, unsure of what is happening but knowing he is wounded, runs towards the entrance south of the crates and himself.
>>71619The one on the side adjacent to the mill.
This is the map of the relevant area. Black Spots are doors. Say something like “Up/East; Left/North; “Down/West; or “Right/South”
>>71623*But not before grabbing his gear
>>71620It is So. He can see ponies near the trucks. They have line of sight on him, but money recognize him as hostile
>>71621Onyx and shimmer should be there
>>71625Iron, not wanting to die for nothing, bolts it back into the warehouse, picks his gear up, equips it and exits to the exit south of him to his right.
>>71626"Take this." Ash says, offering him her shield (which is visibly charred)
"I need my hooves free for what I'm doing."
>>71625I see the very nervous druid.
>>71627"Umm... hello there."
>>71627Iron picks up the shield and places himself diagonally in front of Ash to her left.
>>71629Iron went the exact opposite direction of Ash, that is not going to work. He cannot now go through the building
An explosion rips through the building, and it USB’s most certainly on fire. The explosion only affects things inside of the building
>>71618Smoke comes out of the building. Suddenly, there is an explosion inside of the building. Not enough to take out the building, but it sends black smoke outside
>>71630Yeah, that's fairly edgy. Also, everyone's IPs are changing a lot today.
>>71629Sister Ash takes the total defense standard action, putting her AC at 14 (16 if you count Iron as partial cover).
>>71632I've been going for walks and stuff.
Onyx pokes the sorcerer
"Any plan?"
>>71634>>71633I have Iron as exiting to the right, and Ash as exiting to the left, on opposite sides of the building
>>71631Dark Star looks back at redclaw
>>71636"Not really... I suppose they blew up another building so that means trouble is nearby. Keep an eye out."
[1d20-2 = -2]>>71632I was on the road, so was GM. I'm home now tho. But enough of that.
Brie wakes up from one of his narcoleptic fits, and finds himself on top of the Foundry. "Oh, that's right,... we were infiltrating the docks,... but now some of it is on fire. I hope I haven't been left behind." he Eeeee's to himself, scanning for immediate activity.
Spot check (I forget which stat is the modifier, but I think its Wis so that's what I'm applying).
>>71638I can see redclaw, right?
>>71638So I went straight to the enemy. GreatIron, utterly devastated that the building exploded, decides to run into the warehouse flames like a madpony, in fear that the griffon
may recognize him and to look strong to the fellow ponies that do see him go inside.
Should I roll something to guarantee my safety? >>71641>>71641He can see creatures on the docks near the crates and the trucks. He sees a lone pony in the motorboat in the sea next to the rolling mill. He sees two griffins on the ship. He sees shimmer, ash, and onyx in the path between the rolling mill and the dry goods warehouse. Further away, on the road on the bottom of the map, a military truck is pulling in filled with griffins and ponies in military uniforms and guns, and ponies in black uniforms with sub machine guns. They are further away from the scene
>>71644Are you sure about that? He cannot see the griffin from where he is. He’d take fire damage if he went inside, and would do hsve to roll for luck to see if there is another explosion. There is also a part between the two warehouses
>>71643No, the warehouse blocks line of sight. If she stepped forward, maybe she would see him a few hundred feet to her right
[Read more] >>71645I only need 120 feet.
Sister Ash creeps closer slowly around the corner, moving defensively but slowly to avoid being shot at.
>>71645"Griffons eh? They
always have cash." he smirks, and then leaps into the air on a course to land on the top of the mast.
>>71645Fine, Iron holds position behind the crates, not wanting to be in sight of the griffon.
>>71646Two ponies run in her direction, though distant, aiming rifles at her
“Are you Police?”
>>71648This is doable, if he uses the trucks or crates to block the view. He would have to move around as the griffin moves
>>71647He flies over. It looks like a pony spots him and aims s rifle at him... or not. They stop and lose interest.
He is on the mast. It’s a steam ship though, so the mast is not attached to sails, and it is overtop of a sort of bridge/control room. The two griffins he saw are facing the other way towards the pier and the shore
[Read more] >>71649What's the layout of the ship look like? There's the one pony who's gonna die, but where is he with respect to the Griffons? Can I get some close-up map love?
>>71649Sister Ash, covered in soot and dressed in the shredded and charred remains of what used to be a religious attire and her raging mane a total mess, whinnies in response.
"Do I look like a cop to you?"
>>71649Iron decides to scout the trucks, see if he can roll inside it as well as be undetectable under it.
>>71650I am away from my laptop, so a map will not be possible tonight. The one pony is on a small motor boat that is by the shore. The two griffins are on a freighter ship. The ship has a superstructure in the center, which Brie is on. This superstructure is three floors, with a bridge on top, and a door on the first . On the forward portion of the shhip, the cargo doors are high enough above the deck that they provide cover when crouching. One griffin is near the center, the other is near the front
>>71651“With those religious clothes, you certainly don’t look like s communist.” They come closer
>>71652He can go under if he crouches, or into the cab. One truck has a busted window
Sister Ash just stands there.
>>71656>>71655"Have you seen a young colt run past here by any chance?"
>>71655Iron crouches and starts to go under the truck, maybe it will conceal him a little more and can throw rocks at the ponies that close in enough.
[1d20+11 = 13]>>71655So he has the drop on the griffons? Stealth check, closing distance.
[1d20+2 = 16]>>71656>>71656On every moves closer, the other maintains a ready stance to shoot Ash. “What are you doing here dressed like a nun? Why are your clothes burned?”
>>71659I’m giving the griffins a small racial bonus. Rolling
>>71658Well, if his intent is to shoot rocks, he needs to buck them. That cannot be done when crouching under a truck. He would need to be only partly covered standing behind an object to do that
>>71660"I'm dressed as a nun because was volunteering at an orphanage. I came here looking for a lost colt. My clothes are burned because they caught fire when that warehouse exploded." She replies, panting
>>71659Oh dear. One of the griffins sees him. At least at the moment, neither seems to be holding a rifle.
“What are you doing here bat!” One of them yells