Dark Star has been contracted by the occupying government to lead a team to infiltrate and stop a meeting of the Communist party in Baltimare. He discovers that they are importing arms, and more importantly, special forces advisers from foreign nations. Things reach a literal boiling point when a warehouse of gasoline drums is set on fire, and now we will see who will live and who will die
Welcoming Silver, the unicorn fighter
1692 replies and 104 files omitted.
>>72106Whatever he aimed those at is fucking dead. Each hits an eye, and the griffon slumps over
>>72107Hmmm, she's far away. very far away. What she can do though is hurl a great club at the would be driver of the truck with one flat tire
>>72108Fucking Invicible
>>72111Done. It will take about 2 turns or more
[Read more] >>72115Is there someone that Onyx can shoot to see if the luck carries over?
[1d20+5 = 18]>>72115In that case, I use produce Flame to shoot a fireball at him (no range increment).
This reduces the duration to 3 minutes.
Touch attack.
Or mod is rigging the dice >>72111Dark Star seeing both oynx and iron running to the boat he decides to run there as well
>>72117The pony in the boat that shot him
>>72119So much for pacifism. Fuck you unarmed guy fleeing the scene. He is lit on fire
Brie, with an understandable spring in his step, spins and looks in the general direction of the sniper and does a "Nonono" wag of his hoof, followed by a smirking shooing motion.
>>72122>Fleeing the sceneOh...
Sister Ash's eyes sieze smoking as she returns to her senses
"Umm.. whoopsie.."
>>72127Murder hobo best character
[2d6+2 = 12][1d20-1 = -7]>>72123He is slightly scared, but shoots anyways. -1 aim because he is unnerved by Brie's edge
>>72126Jesus Christ. Rolling damage
[1d6+4 = 9]>>72125I guess I outta roll damage
Rolling at decreased caster level, cuz she held back just barely
>>72126That pony is kill. The other guy next to him by the motor looks at onyx. He is unarmed
>>72123This Griffin has shot at and missed Brie a third time
>>72129Oh god, why were we scared of fighting these ponies when dice like this to just go for a streak?
>>72129>Edginess decreases the enemy's rollsNoted
>>72132Another one bite the dust...
>>72131Yes. The shooter is by the door of the superstructure
>>72132Remember to call me out when I reach the area near the motorboat so I can do something.
>>72137Because all armed opponents have been killed, he can walk there without rounds being an issue
>>72136What is the damage die on that fireball?
>>72135Brie tumbles toward cover (+4 ac)
>>72138It does 1d6+ caster level.
[1d20+8 = 17]>>72138Alright, guess I can interact with the motorboat driver."If you move this boat, your life is forfeit." Rolling intimidate against the driver.
>>72138The sorcerer sits there, holding a hoof over his wound. He levitates the glass and stares at it as he waits for a new sign of danger.
[3d6 = 9][1d20 = 19]>>72139Is so. Remember that the cargo hold is about 3 or 4 feet high, so he can have cover on most areas of the ship against other parts of the ship
He shoots yet again
>>72140Rolling damage
>seven kills>Not a single scratchThis is nuts
>>72132Onyx spares the unarmed man and makes sure no one else around him is armed.
>>72144Holy moley, I hope your critical edge doesn't work against you.
[1d20+8 = 16]>>72142Assisting
"ill blow your head off if you move this boat."
[2d8 = 7]>>72145The guy pulls the cord to start the motor
>>72139Even though behind cover, Brie is hit. Rolling damage
>>72149Does he have full cover against the sniper? If not, is there full cover available?
>>72150Sorry GM, saw that Onyx didn't try to stop him doing his thing.
[1d20+6 = 26]>>72149I choose to interpret that as a hostile action.
>>72153The Juggernaut strikes again.
Is there anything productive I can do that doesn't involve slinging fire at noncombatants? If not, I'll go back to healing dying guys.
>>72156Nono, keep throwing fireballs around. It would be so edgily funny that Ollie was in one of the trucks.
>>72156You could do something about the sniper,....
[4d6+2 = 20]>>72148>>72130He is very injured, but gets in the driver's seat and closes the door. That one flat tire may not get them far, but it may get them far enough
>>72151Is +4 AC not for the full cover?
>>72149>>72148He puts his hooves up. Then he gets shot in the head
>>72156More attacks on the structure of the truck, or intimidation of the driver
>>72158Don't say that!
[Read more] >>72153Jeez, you think you can slice the entire communist population with that halberd of yours?
>>72160No, the +4 AC is for tumbling to get behind full cover
[1d20+5 = 12]>>72159Thanks.
I sends a bolt of fire in his direction.
Touch Attack
[1d20+6 = 14]>>72160Dark Star tries to shoot the pony in the truck