Dark Star has been contracted by the occupying government to lead a team to infiltrate and stop a meeting of the Communist party in Baltimare. He discovers that they are importing arms, and more importantly, special forces advisers from foreign nations. Things reach a literal boiling point when a warehouse of gasoline drums is set on fire, and now we will see who will live and who will die
Welcoming Silver, the unicorn fighter
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>>71210Onyx and Ash are nearby. You can talk to them if you like
Marecuse runs out of ammunition, and ducks into an alley, as she pulls out a drum magazine
>>71213Well, your character is already not identified as a hostile
Can I see her from where I am?
>>71214he runs over to her
"Shit Comrade are you okay?"
>>71218"The Police haven taken cover in front of us, but I am holding my own." She says with an accent
>>71217Well, not like I can do anything...
Sister Ash keeps running to get to the evacuation area.
>>71221I don't want to get shot.
>>71219Dark Star takes cover beside her and yells at shimmering "Take cover comrade"
>>71222Moreover, is there anything I could possibly do that wouldn't end in me dying in one round?
>>71222I mean, doesn't she have some abilities she could use to potentially help her friends?
>>71225I don't have any buffing spells prepared.
If I tried to cast offensively and didn't kill her, I'd die...
>>71223She jams the drum magazine in, pulls back the bolt, and returns to firing position. She says
"I can hold them down if you run around and flank them"
>>71225Yes, like killing the enemy or treating the wounded
>>71219Dark Star is gonna take some shots at oynx and miss on purpose
>>71228Is there some kind of cover I could cast from so she doesn't kill me the same round I cast?
>>71226Dark Star gives Shimmering a look that says "Do it now."
>>71230You have three other players there to use as shields. Or use a Metal trash bin, that works. Or retreat behind a wall. Or just do it the same turn as everyone else attacks, so you are guaranteed to win
>>71209Looks like Shimmer and Dark Star walked right up next to her. Get back in here
>>71233I am here, waiting to know what to do.
[1d20+14 = 28]>>71232Fuck it.
(Tense whispering)"I've had it with all this gunfire!)
Sister Ash grits her sharp teeth in despair and gives up her WindWall to cast Summon Natures Ally and summon an augmented dire wolf.
It has a 59 foot range, so I'll put it a mere 10 feet behind her to promtly charge her by surprise (flanking, no Dex bonus to AC for her).
>>71235Does that hit?
It appeared right behind her and charged from a flanking position, taking a big bite out of her ass.
[1d20+3 = 23]>>71235I yell out. "ATTACK!"
I use my last scorching ray on her.
[1d20+7 = 20]>>71237OH SHIT
Onyx now decides to charge again with -5 from power attack, +2 for a charge.
[1d8+14 = 16]>>71235Rolling damage, because that obviously hit.
*Bites her ass off*
[1d20+6 = 26]>>71233Dark Star Shoots her with his shotgun
>>71241Oh sure, NOW we get two 20's
[1d20+12 = 26]>>71235Also, the wolf can trip her as a free action.
>>71235>Ass bitten off>Thrown to the ground>>71237>Face melted off>>71241>Torso blown to bitsPress S to spit on the overpowered bitch's grave.
[3d6 = 13]
[5d10+18 = 42]
[1d8+10 = 17]
>>71256Thinking she can survive just because she could shoot an adult dragon to death in one round...
>>71235Marecuse stares forward, aiming down range at covered officers. Ash summons a dire wolf, that springs forward and tears its fangs into Marecuse's back
Shimmer sends a sorching ray down range that hits her squarely in the chest, and lights her shirt on fire. Onyx charges forward and skewers her in the side with his halberd, and finally Dark Star shoots her with his shotgun, making white sparks against an invisible shield before penetrating through and into her face
She falls down, and with a brief flash of blue light invisible shield disappear. Then, with a flash of quickly fading light, Marecuse's cream colored coat turns to black, and her Blood red mane to a green-blue swiss cheese. Her legs are filled with holes that run straight through, her horn is bent, a green wing pokes out through her coat, and her one remaining eye is pure green. She is dead, a greenish blood surrounding her