>Mixed Nuts
To some, its a delightful role-playing venture based (loosely) on 3.5e D&D rules. To others especially a particular german poster,… love you btw its the worst thing to happen to Mlpol (which is saying something, cuz there's,….).
>What it do
On weekends we engage a dynamic storyline based largely on the GM's capacity to create and illustrate the situation. Sometimes he's a faggot tho.
>What about me?
New players and shitposters are always welcome. We have prohibited excessive >lewd, and non-players can assume casual roles as available (at the moment the world is a desolate wasteland tho so not for a bit). Ordinarily we have several side-characters with their own existing backstories, as well as a few player contributions including a very sad Alex Jones or Yak Lee, a literal MLP yak trained as a monk. If wanting to play, make a post about it in thread and there's plenty of anons who can steer anon in the right direction.
For the time being the party has successfully conquered the Gigajew, and through the tunnels beneath has all-kinds-of tortured to almost death (there will be more) James Alefantis and several patrons/staff of Comet Ping Pong. Through this tunnel network, there is only one direction to go, and that is the upper path, which seems to lead toward the usurped Trump Tower.
1121 replies and 29 files omitted.
>>64250A shadowy reee/shudder issues throughout, spurred by Trump's declaration
[2d20 = 22]
Two shiny objects dart at Tracy as she climbs the stairs
Torc then takes a moment to catch his breath
>>64251"After we kill you shadow kikes me am gonna cover your bodies and the tower in bacon!"
As Tracy ascends the central staircase, she feels pulled from back and to the left by her arm. Looking, she finds a wicked barb protruding from her hoof, stretching across into the darness
Whispers from the surrounding environment.
>>64256e_bil without underscore
[1d20+4 = 24]
[1d20 = 10]
Everyone roll initiative, +4 is Thez
Thez spins in place
T>Ready move, sunder the incoming strike on Addy
[1d20 = 14][1d20+6 = 16]>>64259Rolling. Fae is the one with the modifier
[1d20 = 7][1d20+3 = 21]>>64257"I told you this would happen"
>"I have to admit, this is the last thing I would have expected to happen""Anyway,I'mawaremyfriendisindebtbutIcanhelpyouwiththepaymentifyouhe- What was thou"
>>64259So it turns out Snek gets a +3 to initiative
Thez (1st) detects nothing, maintains ready-stance.
Fae, Trump, Stix
Sentry, Infernius
Thez got 20 so already moved.
Snek is #2, Torcuil is last so far
>>64268Uh, Are Fae, Trump or Stix aware of any enemies in their vicinity?
Lenos and Kiynen being more brute-forcers. they can interject but squish
At current, Tracy only, and she's barbed
[1d20+16 = 32]>>64271Trumpaladin does his round to Detect Evil again
Fae does a Spot check
>>64271Can she react to being barbed?
>>64268It took me a very long time to figure out who "Sentry" was
[1d20+9 = 29]>>64268Snek 'blep blep's and listens a bit while Torc isn't talking to the Gnomes
[1d20 = 13]>>64272“What’s wrong Trumpaladin?”
Stix listens for more trouble in the dark
>>64276Whispers to the little pony"There's a Globalist. It would be nice to bypass him but if we must face him let him come to us
[1d20 = 17]>>64272There's four serious signatures, fluctuating in their positions.
>>64273Depends on dice
>>64274Who are you, and what have you done with real Trump?
A whoooshing sound permeates
>>64278What is their proximity? Does he know enough to make a strike of his own, or to communicate to others?
>>64279Whispered ambiently. Only Tracy and Stix have a chance of pinpointing atm
>>64281Is the barb thing sticking out of her leg sufficient enough to draw a straight line towards the enemy?
"Afuckinghuman! Let'seat'im!"
"Pain." This one sounds/feels different
So Tracy and followers are ascending upwards. Trump, Stix, Torcul, etc are invading lower levels?
>>64284Until her turn, Tracy stares directly down the line at the space where the faggot who shot her should be standing.
>>64285Uh.... I think so? Last I checked they would be in or about the Stables. Certainly they are not as high as Tracy
[10d6 = 32]>>64283"Fuck"
>"You know, I'm glad you didn't let me eat these Gnomes"If it's Torc's turn now he decides to have an LGBTBBQ and sends a lightning bolt arcing towards the voice.
If it's not his turn, he does it when it his turn
>>64288B-but what if everyone's connected by the chains?
Too late tho..
>>64286The barb, which has remained motionless, still hangs (ish) from her pale hide. A spot of blood is all that really mars the scene (her hoof).
>>64288 >>64290Oh, I thought it was connected to a wire.
>>64292Don't worry, Tracy is still controlled
"We're about to fight things by the way!" Thez calls from near or far, giving bonuses to save against illusions.
>>64291I'm gonna assume that's the reflex save and kindly inform you that the strange voice failed
>>64296Try magick missile. It's pretty consistently good against enemies with concealment.
Stix readies his bow.
“And I was hoping we cleared out the trouble”
Trumpaladin calls out to the Darkness
"We're right here you Globalist Weasels. Did you think you had finished us before?"
Trumpaladin pulls Vanderiem and the Bees shield, and readies a full round attack on whatever unfriendly comes in his space
As a free action, he activates the charm power to give a bonus to charisma, hoping this will be the last time today he will need to use it
Can Tracy lash out at the thing that shot her?
So far, Snek/Trump
Other then that Thez rolled a 20, dice is Addy, idk about Trump, Infernius or Torcuil
As Tracy crests an elevated position along the tower staircase
Three weird snek sounds dart toward Tracy. A couple more toward Addy (thats 7/12) and Thez (another 2, 8 more to go)
d20's if you please (-2 for everyone not indicated)
The tower now is a mass of swirling and clattering chains. Chains of all size and variety hang along the tower walls
>>64314Tracy pulls out her own chain.
>>64316As Tracy readies herself so, her allies on flank provide resistance. While various shades and images attempt to form and solidify, others fail to by the flailing and resistance. Tracy seens to only face one larger opponent, rather than 3 separate.
The other party didn't do so well on this dice roll, so I'm stalling for later. Maybe not much tho
[4d20 = 41]>>64317Tracy lashes out at the center of the image with her own spiked chain, stabbing into the large opponent with a full round attack.
>>64318Now you
definitely don't have four attacks with the chain
So currently, Thez and Tracy have a chance go act. Additional characters will, but after modifiers
>>64321Was rolling a Nat 20 bad?
>>64322Nat 20 is never bad, but only Tracy gets the bennies
>>64324No, but those werent attack rolls, they were supposed to be initiative
[3d20 = 30]
But while we're at it we may as well. 1st gets +4
A sound not unlike the tightening of chains echoes throughout the temple.
>>64330Still initiative rolls,... 1st is 2nd, last is 1st, and mid is last.
>>64331Ce-gnome-bites in this case
(comparble to Cenobytes, but with gnomes)
So Thez and Trump had first move. Tracy has second move, followed by Fae, Infernius, and others.
[4d20 = 60]>>64335If enemy perceptible within striking distance by either vision or Detect Evil, then full round attack. If no enemy perceptible within striking distance, then ready a full round attack for the time an enemy comes within perception.
For the attack, Vanderiem is used in slashing action, and Divine might is added to boost damage by +8 points per hit. This is with the Charm Power being activated to last ten rounds and give +4 charisma. I think something like 6 or 5 turn undead moves remain for the day
>>64337pls save these dice rolls if he cannot make a melee attack yet. That's a Nat 20 and a 19, which is also within Vanderiem's threat range
>>64338>wants to maintain >boufAny objections? Its gonna get complicated,....
>>64339What's going on? Can we even see the enemy?
>>64340The advance group (headed by Tracy) is pressing the stairwell. There are noises.
The rest are mingling around the base. Safe, but ill advised
>>64341"Something's ahead of us." Tracy whispers back, as if it weren't obvious.
She takes a move action to determine the direction of the scents of the creatures.
>>64342Can she sense the creatures ahead?
The ambient chains begin to rattle excessively. No penalties, but its a jarring sound
>>64346Tracy moves towards the rattling, sword in maw.
[1d20 = 11]>>64346I use my movement action as a perception check to try and find the enemies that are whispering.
>>64347Clinkety clink clink,... clink
The sound quiets
>>64347Eager and on edge, Tracy braves forward, as silence descends on the entire group.
"NOW!" cuts through the silence, as Thez begins to assault the brooding darkness around them. "Focus!"