>Mixed Nuts
To some, its a delightful role-playing venture based (loosely) on 3.5e D&D rules. To others especially a particular german poster,… love you btw its the worst thing to happen to Mlpol (which is saying something, cuz there's,….).
>What it do
On weekends we engage a dynamic storyline based largely on the GM's capacity to create and illustrate the situation. Sometimes he's a faggot tho.
>What about me?
New players and shitposters are always welcome. We have prohibited excessive >lewd, and non-players can assume casual roles as available (at the moment the world is a desolate wasteland tho so not for a bit). Ordinarily we have several side-characters with their own existing backstories, as well as a few player contributions including a very sad Alex Jones or Yak Lee, a literal MLP yak trained as a monk. If wanting to play, make a post about it in thread and there's plenty of anons who can steer anon in the right direction.
For the time being the party has successfully conquered the Gigajew, and through the tunnels beneath has all-kinds-of tortured to almost death (there will be more) James Alefantis and several patrons/staff of Comet Ping Pong. Through this tunnel network, there is only one direction to go, and that is the upper path, which seems to lead toward the usurped Trump Tower.
>>64148"It okay now kids"
>"So now what?"
"Hell if I know"
What does Tracy see as she slowly sneaks towards the tower's entrance?
>>64152The tunnel trends and bends upward at a curve, leading toward the unmistakable pyramid entrance of the tower. As Tracy creeps forward, she notices an unnatural and lingering darkness upon the area, unnaturally diminishing the available light.
>>64154Infernius proposes casting a spell that will take an entire day to effectively perform. The party has the opportunity to interject.
>>64153Keeping her eyes and ears perked, Tracy advances at half her pace.
She pulls out her Detect Magick wand and checks for any possible nasty detection/trap that may have been cast in the vicinity of the entrance.
>>64155I move to veto this action
>>64156The air tingles with magic of the darkness spell, but beyond the entrance is impossible to determine
>>64157"We'll need to rest eventually, but I agree; we don't need to stop yet. Unless you're hoping to hallow the Tower, which will require much more exploration than just walking toward the entrance."
Which technically, only Tracy has yet done so
>>64158Torc and Snek follow, eager to get out of this timeline
>>64158Gulping, Tracy advances forward.
>>64159Stay enough paces back not to mess up her stealth, pls.
Lenos and his lady start trying to herd the rest of the party up the tunnel
>>64159Torcuil and Snek plod along behind, ensuring that any stealth that Tracy has established is otherwise wrecked. They, and much of everyone likewise I would assume, find very much the same thing. The Triangular-arched doorway of the temple is shrouded in darkness, all that issues forth is a clinking sound, as well as a very distant argument from the sounds of things.
Thez>Ready-move <whoooof>
>>64162>stealth wreckedreeeeee
[1d20 = 14]>>64159*pokes with stick*
>>64158>>64162"Fine me can wait to hallow. Lets go"
*walks into the doorway.*
[1d20+25 = 32]>>64164Get fucked
Torc walks right up and inspects the darkness
spellcraft check
Thez is holding to the back with Kiynen and Lenos, entirely fixated on keeping Adeline safe.
>>64168Its magical, no doubt about it
[1d20 = 14]
Being in a strange area where they were just attacked at, Stix listens for anymore trouble that may be around the corner.
Listen check
>>64169How useful
"Welp, I know one thing about this with absolute certainty"
Torc turns around to face the others
"It's definitely some type of magic"
>"What would we do without you?"
[1d20+25 = 33]>>64169Tracy glares threateningly at everyone who walked up behind her, before advancing towards the sounds.
Rolling to Sneak.
>>64170A distant but continuous rattling of metal against metal some distance away along the dais area, also the arguing sounds lower in the tower.
>>64173Tracy sneaks towards the dais.
>>64174Tracy begins to speed off, allowing none of the other characters the opportunity to plan or strategize. Only by making an obvious sound could they stop her now.
Thez lunges out suddenly. "Addy don't! Fuck!"
A giggling follows Tracy.
>>64158Trumpaladin casts Daylight on himself, and walks into the Tower
>>64171"No shit"
>>64178The darkness quickly negates the daylight, only allowing about 15' of illumination despite the ordinary effects of the spell. This is not enough range to see Tracy or Addy, especially since the latter is literally clothed in shadows.
>>64181Heads towards addy.
>>64181Proceeds steps forward into the Tower, and detect evil with the move and standard action. Moves along with Fae.
Now what part of the tower are we in?
>>64183We're at the entrance.
Where are you headed?
>>64184Tracy is headed towards the dais, although she neglected to say so.
>>64184Dias, since it is the most logical location for a portal to hell
Unless we can get Stix another or something
Tracy continues as quickly as she can without hampering her stealth excessively.
>>64186Has Thez mentioned that she's trying to get to hell yet?
>>64188Yes. That conversation was had in Durpistan, when Trumpaladin asked her how she believes the damage could be undone, Thez said "I must retake my throne." And she confirmed that she meant the House of Thez and not the Elven kigdom on followup
[1d20 = 13]>>64183Stix follows Trump as he goes into the tower. He decides that such a place taken over by the enemy must have some sort of trap awaiting them.
Search check
>>64189Wait, so is the party's goal to get to a portal?
>>64191What did you think it was?
>>64190*Pets on the head*
"Good Job Stix. Keep searching as we proceed"
>>64188To my understanding yes, but its been some time since that was iterated
>>64191Get to the rooms
I guess Torc and Snek follow them all
"Yeah, let's just run into the strange darkness, I'm sure nothing bad will happen to us."
>>64194"White and Nerdy one, my aura of daylight is being suppressed. What would give off continual darkness?"
>>64195Ay, nice reference"Uh, now this might sound far-fetched, I'm gonna guess a darkness spell"
>>64193I'm not exactly sure where the rooms are, but Tracy advances towards the rattling sound she heard earlier.
>>64197Well this is the tower
Oh motherfu-
I have to leave for the next half hour.
I'm sorry guys..
>>64196"No shit, but what would make it last this long?"
>>64198Peek into the stables
>>64199Well Tracy is set in motion anyway. Addy is shortly behind, with Infernius following further behind.
>>64199There are layers and piles of horsehide alomg with buckets and jars of a red liquid.
>>64200"Make it permanent? That's my best guess"
>>64201>horse hide"Poor horses"
>>64201>Horsehide"Oh.... Oh no"
>"Torcuil? You okay buddy?"
>>64201Uh, was that intended for me or for Tracy?
>>64202"Let's walk up to the Dias. Peek into the stable along the way"
>>64207The horsehide is in the stable, so for you. Oh, sorry, I mis-linked it.
>>64205You've seen deadpool's uniform right?
>>64208Trumpaladin is silent for a moment, but then says,
He moves further into the room to inspect it
>>64211Stix lags behind Trump and is noticeably sickened by the display.
>>64212>>64211Torc silently follows behind as Snek stays by the door
>>64211No answer issues forth. The stables are mute and effectively dampened
>>64216The moment Tracy ran off up the stairs
>>64216Tracy went off and did her own thing, with Adolphina following and then Infernius following her.
Trumpaladin peeked into the Stables, and Torcuil, Snek, and Stix have as well
>>64218Is he still on his way to the dais like earlier?
>>64219Yes, but at the moment, the other group is inspecting the stables, since they stumbled upon pure horror
>>64220Its not bloody skins, its meticulously washed skins and buckets of
blood an undisclosed dark-red hue.
>>64219My understanding is that Tracy, Addy, and Infernius
>>64221I thought Brad was going there too, since he mentioned the portal.
Okay then, so Tracy didn't pass by the stables.
Can she determine the source of the rattling?
>>64221"I don't like this..."
>>64221Detect evil from the center of the stables, to cover the whole stables
"Hello? Is anyone there?"
>>64221Tracy presses on towards the dais, in stealth.
"Addy come back."
The ambient rattling increases
*sneaks closer, dagger drawn*
>>64230*wanders down hallway*
>>64230How far ahead is Tracy in relation to the rest of the group?
>whooosh noises
all these are whispered as the party slowly - and not-so-slowly - advances.
>>64234What else is in the stables?
>>64234"... I think I recognize that autism.." Tracy says under her breath as she creeps closer.
>>64234Does Torc hear that?
The metal-on-metal rattling continues. As the party/players continue, a backdrop of chains becomes evident.
The tower is largely as it was, except drape everywhere are chains. With the unnatural dakrness the chains are faint and peripheral.
>>64238Everyone hears that
>>64239>>64241Uh, if Detect evil and a call do not reveal anything in the stables, then proceed to the stairs to go upwards
>>64242faggy is up, with two smaller signatures down
[1d20 = 7]>>64241Perception
>"AFUCKINGGNOME?!"Snek shoots off after the source of the sound, and Torc chases him before Snek has a meal Gnome a la mode.
>>64244Trumpaladin ckecks his knowledge of the structure. That portal room.... It's in the top, right?
>>64246The tower is no longer friendly
>>64249"The towers not friendly!"
>>64250A shadowy reee/shudder issues throughout, spurred by Trump's declaration
[2d20 = 22]
Two shiny objects dart at Tracy as she climbs the stairs
Torc then takes a moment to catch his breath
>>64251"After we kill you shadow kikes me am gonna cover your bodies and the tower in bacon!"
As Tracy ascends the central staircase, she feels pulled from back and to the left by her arm. Looking, she finds a wicked barb protruding from her hoof, stretching across into the darness
Whispers from the surrounding environment.
>>64256e_bil without underscore
[1d20+4 = 24]
[1d20 = 10]
Everyone roll initiative, +4 is Thez
Thez spins in place
T>Ready move, sunder the incoming strike on Addy
[1d20 = 14][1d20+6 = 16]>>64259Rolling. Fae is the one with the modifier
[1d20 = 6]>>64259Stix initiative
[1d20 = 7][1d20+3 = 21]>>64257"I told you this would happen"
>"I have to admit, this is the last thing I would have expected to happen""Anyway,I'mawaremyfriendisindebtbutIcanhelpyouwiththepaymentifyouhe- What was thou"
>>64259So it turns out Snek gets a +3 to initiative
Thez (1st) detects nothing, maintains ready-stance.
Fae, Trump, Stix
Sentry, Infernius
Thez got 20 so already moved.
Snek is #2, Torcuil is last so far
>>64268Uh, Are Fae, Trump or Stix aware of any enemies in their vicinity?
Lenos and Kiynen being more brute-forcers. they can interject but squish
At current, Tracy only, and she's barbed
[1d20+16 = 32]>>64271Trumpaladin does his round to Detect Evil again
Fae does a Spot check
>>64271Can she react to being barbed?
>>64268It took me a very long time to figure out who "Sentry" was
[1d20+9 = 29]>>64268Snek 'blep blep's and listens a bit while Torc isn't talking to the Gnomes
[1d20 = 13]>>64272“What’s wrong Trumpaladin?”
Stix listens for more trouble in the dark
>>64276Whispers to the little pony"There's a Globalist. It would be nice to bypass him but if we must face him let him come to us
[1d20 = 17]>>64272There's four serious signatures, fluctuating in their positions.
>>64273Depends on dice
>>64274Who are you, and what have you done with real Trump?
A whoooshing sound permeates
>>64278What is their proximity? Does he know enough to make a strike of his own, or to communicate to others?
>>64279Whispered ambiently. Only Tracy and Stix have a chance of pinpointing atm
>>64281Is the barb thing sticking out of her leg sufficient enough to draw a straight line towards the enemy?
"Afuckinghuman! Let'seat'im!"
"Pain." This one sounds/feels different
So Tracy and followers are ascending upwards. Trump, Stix, Torcul, etc are invading lower levels?
>>64284Until her turn, Tracy stares directly down the line at the space where the faggot who shot her should be standing.
>>64285Uh.... I think so? Last I checked they would be in or about the Stables. Certainly they are not as high as Tracy
[10d6 = 32]>>64283"Fuck"
>"You know, I'm glad you didn't let me eat these Gnomes"If it's Torc's turn now he decides to have an LGBTBBQ and sends a lightning bolt arcing towards the voice.
If it's not his turn, he does it when it his turn
>>64288B-but what if everyone's connected by the chains?
Too late tho..
>>64286The barb, which has remained motionless, still hangs (ish) from her pale hide. A spot of blood is all that really mars the scene (her hoof).
>>64290Oh, I thought it was connected to a wire.
>>64292Don't worry, Tracy is still controlled
"We're about to fight things by the way!" Thez calls from near or far, giving bonuses to save against illusions.
>>64291I'm gonna assume that's the reflex save and kindly inform you that the strange voice failed
>>64296Try magick missile. It's pretty consistently good against enemies with concealment.
Stix readies his bow.
“And I was hoping we cleared out the trouble”
Trumpaladin calls out to the Darkness
"We're right here you Globalist Weasels. Did you think you had finished us before?"
Trumpaladin pulls Vanderiem and the Bees shield, and readies a full round attack on whatever unfriendly comes in his space
As a free action, he activates the charm power to give a bonus to charisma, hoping this will be the last time today he will need to use it
Can Tracy lash out at the thing that shot her?
So far, Snek/Trump
Other then that Thez rolled a 20, dice is Addy, idk about Trump, Infernius or Torcuil
As Tracy crests an elevated position along the tower staircase
>>64302Stix readied his bow in
>>64307Oops nevermind that roll
Three weird snek sounds dart toward Tracy. A couple more toward Addy (thats 7/12) and Thez (another 2, 8 more to go)
d20's if you please (-2 for everyone not indicated)
[1d20 = 20][1d20 = 14]>>64310Sure
The tower now is a mass of swirling and clattering chains. Chains of all size and variety hang along the tower walls
>>64314Tracy pulls out her own chain.
>>64316As Tracy readies herself so, her allies on flank provide resistance. While various shades and images attempt to form and solidify, others fail to by the flailing and resistance. Tracy seens to only face one larger opponent, rather than 3 separate.
The other party didn't do so well on this dice roll, so I'm stalling for later. Maybe not much tho
[4d20 = 41]>>64317Tracy lashes out at the center of the image with her own spiked chain, stabbing into the large opponent with a full round attack.
>>64318Now you
definitely don't have four attacks with the chain
So currently, Thez and Tracy have a chance go act. Additional characters will, but after modifiers
>>64321Was rolling a Nat 20 bad?
>>64322Nat 20 is never bad, but only Tracy gets the bennies
>>64323Did Tracy's attack land?
>>64324No, but those werent attack rolls, they were supposed to be initiative
[3d20 = 30]
But while we're at it we may as well. 1st gets +4
A sound not unlike the tightening of chains echoes throughout the temple.
>>64330Still initiative rolls,... 1st is 2nd, last is 1st, and mid is last.
>>64331Ce-gnome-bites in this case
(comparble to Cenobytes, but with gnomes)
So Thez and Trump had first move. Tracy has second move, followed by Fae, Infernius, and others.
[4d20 = 60]>>64335If enemy perceptible within striking distance by either vision or Detect Evil, then full round attack. If no enemy perceptible within striking distance, then ready a full round attack for the time an enemy comes within perception.
For the attack, Vanderiem is used in slashing action, and Divine might is added to boost damage by +8 points per hit. This is with the Charm Power being activated to last ten rounds and give +4 charisma. I think something like 6 or 5 turn undead moves remain for the day
>>64337pls save these dice rolls if he cannot make a melee attack yet. That's a Nat 20 and a 19, which is also within Vanderiem's threat range
>>64338>wants to maintain >boufAny objections? Its gonna get complicated,....
>>64339What's going on? Can we even see the enemy?
>>64340The advance group (headed by Tracy) is pressing the stairwell. There are noises.
The rest are mingling around the base. Safe, but ill advised
>>64341"Something's ahead of us." Tracy whispers back, as if it weren't obvious.
She takes a move action to determine the direction of the scents of the creatures.
>>64342Can she sense the creatures ahead?
>>64342>>64341*cats grace on tracy*
The ambient chains begin to rattle excessively. No penalties, but its a jarring sound
>>64346Tracy moves towards the rattling, sword in maw.
[1d20 = 11]>>64346I use my movement action as a perception check to try and find the enemies that are whispering.
>>64347Clinkety clink clink,... clink
The sound quiets
>>64347Eager and on edge, Tracy braves forward, as silence descends on the entire group.
"NOW!" cuts through the silence, as Thez begins to assault the brooding darkness around them. "Focus!"
>>64350"Say again Thez? Focus on what?"
>>64349>"Shit..." Tracy thinks, as she slowly creeps through the darkness, preparing to dodge the first wave of the oncoming blood-orgy.>>64350"Umm.. ugh, okay."
"Whooof, whish, swoop, whaff, swish, floooo" whisles as Thez exerts herself.
Nex\\t is Trump, Snek, Fae, and Tra
>>64350"Me not so good at focusing"
>>64357Glowing, radiating with the power of Football, Trump swings and decimates every sequential foe. Vapors and whisps of opponent drift along him like dust, as his attacks render the zone safER
Amidst the barrage, and in the absence of phantoms and phasms, the battlefield - that is, the tower - seems clear
>>64359Don't get cocky
[4d20 = 32]>>64355Tracy has no idea wtf is going on, but instinctively stabs whatever is ahead of her.
>>64361At least the last roll should've hit...
>>64362Possible crit too.
"Uh so, we gonna attack them?"
>>64363What weapon? You said "chain" last round
>>64365She's using her sword now.
As Stix readies his bow, as Tracy lunges forward with battle-lust (not my idea Xp), as Trump and Fae and Torcuil and Lenos and Kiyne gradually invade the ambient darkness, a sound issues throughout.
All the while, a whooshing sound resonates and echoes throughout
>>64367If the room is evidently cleared, Fae peers out, and walks out towards the stairs
>>64367Torc looks like an arrow has been shot in his chest.
"M-my fault?"
"I have no idea what I'm doing..." Tracy mumbles as she advances forward, clueless and nervous, but confident in her reflexes.
As tje last of the whispering voices finishes, a single solitary figure seems to stand before the bulk of the party, amidst the main area of the tower.
>>64372*stares awkwardly at figure as faggot tries to make heads or tails of the situation*
"... Eheheh.. Hello.."
[4d20 = 61]>>64373Before Tracy, dangling from several different length chains, are several otherwise small figures smothered in black leather with a hint of blood throughout. Oh, one of them has their face exposed by hooks. They're all gnomish in height, and there seem to be four of them, who dash off with a chuckle as soon as they're observed
>diceall 4
>>64372>"Torc? Torc?! SNAP OUT OF IT"Snek slaps Torc across the face
Torc then notices the strange figure
"What the fuck..?" Is all Tracy can make out before an attack hits her
So we gonna fight now? Or are we gonna pretend that the creepy almost-gnomes are friends?
Everyone, roll for initiative.
Plz keep in mind visibility is magically minimal, and darkvision is currently negated
[1d20 = 5][1d20+6 = 24]>>64377ROLLING INITIATIVE!!!
[2d20 = 28]>>64377Rolling
Highest is Snek
[1d20+7 = 13]>>64377Rolling.
Damn, that's some high AF initiative rolls
[1d20 = 1]>>64377Stix initiative.
Deja vu all over again
>>64382Why do I consistently roll 6's on every initiative?!
Except Stix. Not ur fault, but dude
>>64384Rest in peace dude
So naturally, Stix goes first. The party is beset on all sides by weird-creepy-vaporous wtfe's. Your move?
Now in dealing with creepy-weirds previously, Stix probably knows that the sanctity of the weapon/object/site determines the strength of the opponent, so aside from immdediate zombies he knows that undead want to eat and not get eaten. Thez and Snek to follow
[3d20 = 16]>>64388Umm... ok?
“We are surrounded!”
Stix shoots the closest... thing three times with his magic bow
9/9/4 modifiers
I should also indicate that among the protagonists are 10 targets, in order:
1 Thez
2 Addy
3 Infernius/Stix
5 Trump
6 Stix
7 Lenos
8 Kiynen
The list is not time-specific, but its close.
>>64392A rasping sound issues from the darkness, nothing else seeming relevant.
[1d20 = 7]
[4d20 = 26]
CGB1> 4x Grapple
Addy> Sunder strike!
So as something, evident only by a whirling sound for most of the party, yet obviously adversarial, begins to encroach, neither its strikes nor Addy's strikes are successful. Lucky dice on that too. Xp
[3d20 = 35]>>64395Full round attack on the ankle biters
There's 2 above, one ahead, and one back and to the left. All have concealment
[1d20+11 = 30][1d20 = 12]>>64397Yes but that's not what I'm asking.
Fuck it.
Snek mlems a couple times to sight his target, then fires.
+11 is the shot, the one without modifiers is the mlem check.
<blam> echoes throughout, as Snek cuts the silence and motion with the sound of a gat. A slow shuffling suggests that something collapsed(ed) followed by a low an reverberating REEEEEE
>>64399Very nice shot actually.
The mlem check isn't as good tho...
>>64400Oh hey that actually worked
>"I've always wanted to shoot a gnome, you can help me cook him later""Fine,
this one time"
[3d20 = 24][4d20 = 42]>>64400Trumpaladin swings at the one ahead, or at least, at the one nearest
"Get out of my tower!"
Add Divine might because like 5 or 4 uses remain today, so why not?Fae lunges at a different one, perhaps one above if she can reach, and one to the back if she cannot.
[3d20 = 23]
Tracy makes a full round attack at the nearest creature with her chain.
[12d20 = 134]>>64406Ahem. Amidst the darkness, only one figure presents its self, which promptly gets skull-capped (thanks Snek). Otherwise, chains dart out from the darkness.
[4d4+16 = 27]
[2d4+8 = 16]
Fae takes damage, Trump takes damage, and <whoof, strike, wrestle> Thez takes damage. Thez is engaged in a grapple.
Infernius and Stix have next move. Visibility is blocked, commotion is evident, and threats are immediate, though not visible.
"Son of a.... That hurt!"
>>64411I cast true seeing.
>>64413Infernius's vision sharpens, to determine that there are 4 humanoid shapes in the mix, one of which is excessively skinny. They seem to be attacking without direct physical involvement.
Then Tracy/Torc
A ruby glint catches Infernius' eye as his spell takes shape, the form darting in a swirl of shadows and detritus.
[3d20 = 36]
Stix takes another three shots at the closest target.
[1d100 = 27]>>64416The first arrow flies off wildly but the second <thhhhunk> <SCREEEEEEE> seems to be effective, as is the third, except drawing less of a response.
>>64416Good shot
>>64414>>64415Can i use my move action as a attack?
A smallish pale figure darts from view as is struck by 2 of Stix' arrows. A low and gradual growl/hiss issues from the darkness.
>>64419Never can a move be swapped for an attack, only vice verse and in lieu of no other attacks.
[5d4+5 = 16]>>64420Well, I guess Torc can do something now.
He decides to fire some recreation Magic McMissiles
trademark pending at the strange humanoid thing.
Rollin damage
>>64421He's lucky those aren't attack rolls e_e
>>64421>recreation Magic McMissilesKek
>>64422>1While entertaining, wtf was that video
>2 If those hadn't had been d4's I would have given up
[1d20 = 7]
Tracy takes a move action to gain concealment with cloak dance, and a standard action to make an attack towards the creature that Torc just shot balls of light at.
>>64425Um.. that should be a +24 modifier, with BAB, Dex, and Enhancement bonus..
>>64424Chicken attaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack
The opponents have large or complete concealment, excepting the one already hit
>>64425Tracy scores a glancing blow, causing minimal but not insignificant damage. The shadows reel with a hissing sound.
>>64422>Druids in a nutshell
[3d20 = 36]>>64427Trumpaladin uses a quick action to draw out his blackberry, the one he gained from Cardishill, and tweeets out "Recreational McMissiles wand for sale," so as to be the first to make use of the mark "Recreational McMissile" in use and commerce, and so the senior user under trademark law
With his standard action, Trumpaladin casts Dispel Magic in the area of the creatures to end this damn darkness spell
Fae pounces the one that is already in the light
>>64431Oh come on
>>64431>NO SERVICEThe dispel however is effective. For a 60' radius, the darkness vanishes. The ambient darkness begins to encroach, but for the time being, the area around Trump has standard (unobstructed) visibility.
[2d20 = 34]
[1d20 = 11]
Fae erswhile, charges after the visible one, in pounce-mode
... and subsequently noms on a face
>>64436Despite Trump's satisfactory glance/gaze, Lenos and Kiynen both unleash a full-fury breath weapon behind the party. "We don't have time to play GAMES," Lenos insists, in demonically deep-voice, not familiar to the party.
>>64437Tracy steps forward, making another full round chain-attack at the nearest gnome-thing.
>>64438Newp. Trump, Lenos, kiynen, Thez, and Addy in rotaion
[4d20 = 63]>>64440"DIE. YOU. HOME INVADING BASTARDS!"
Slash Slash Slash Slash
I'm'a use divine might again for +8 damage per hit, even though the number of uses left in the day are depleting fast
>>64441Don't use that on gnomes..
>>64441I'm gonna say one target took 2 hits, while others took 1 respectively.
this, there's no entertron in this world
As the pseudo-matirix-flesh-stripped-but-still-stylish-gnomes continue to take assaults from the party, one of which - who looks oddly like Agent Smith, but who sounds like the leader of the gnomish trio,....- says in a groaning voice. "Jesus wept,....."
So, what happens next? I thought Lenos/Killy were next, but I'm not sure if that attack consumed their turn.
Okay, on review I kinda nossed the battle order. If anything, its definitely the gnomes and co's turn to attack, when we're all here
Well to start things off, let me take a moment to better describe the CeGnomebytes. None of this would come up in dialogue, so I'll just mention it for posterity.
During George Soros' conquering of the game world, he inevitably came across the gnomes. The Gnomes never work for free, which did not set well with Soros, and what's worse is that they are insanely autistic when it comes to operating, crafting, modifying, etc. magical devices.
... like the Tower.
So Soros turned them into something worse, where they would do his bidding. They still have their original personalities, except now they are in constant and lastingly excruciating pain. Also, they can't control their bodies. So when the Tower was abandoned, Soros set the newly-altered CGB's to commandeer the Tower, such that it could be used for his purposes. Of late, the entertron in particular had been used to allow interested clients from Comet Ping Pong to indulge snuff fantasies and then "fix" the individual who got snuffed. Fun facts.
But anyway, yes. The CGBs are all kinds of disturbingly mangled and contorted. They climb around/along the hanging chains unnaturally, not unlike a spider.
>>64455That sounds disgusting and horrifying.
I want their chains.
Whups. Left sage in the name space.
Of particular note in this case is that - in spite of my drunken GMing last night - none of the CGBs are in range, they're all somewhere along the chains. All dealt damage still applies, but its not going to be as simple as just doing full round attacks.
>>64455Welp, I'm slightly more tramatized than when we began.
>>64459That was the idea,....
[17d20 = 178]
To get the ball rolling, the CGBs are attacking. First off, Tracy needs to roll a will save, which is the first dice. The rest are attack rolls.
Lucky, Tracy's spiked chain was not taken control of. However, I'm seeing several hits. In fact, I'm seeing Trump, Tracy, Thez (again) and Infernius need to make opposed grapple checks (d20+str).
[1d20+3 = 22]>>64462Rolling
But there should be +17 base attack bonus
>>64464Bab is only for the touch attack to start a grapple.
>>64465And Tracy has 13 strength, not 14. So a +1, not a +2
[1d20+7 = 15]
[4d20+5 = 50]
>>64467If I beat the grapple, can Tracy roll to yank the chain towards her?
>>64469Yours is moot, he rolled a 1
Everyone passed, except Trump. There is a barbed blade sticking out of his arm now
>>64470Can Tracy counter-grapple by pulling the chain?
>>64471Pulling does no good. The gnomes aren't actually swinging/attacking with the chains, they're controlling them. The chains are still secured to the ceiling somewhere. Thez maintains a ready stance, prepared to attack any attack that comes near Addy. The dispelled area of darkness around the party shrinks to a 30' sphere, and the gnomes again have concealment.
>>64472With his other arm, can Trumpaladin attempt to sever the chain barbed to him with Suigoto?
Addy however, whispers at Thez, "Why aren't you doing anything? You could skull-fuck these guys." which draws her a stern look.
Infernius/Stix' turn, followed by Tracy/Torcuil, then Trump (if they survive that long)
[3d20 = 23]>>64474“Is at first you succeeded in making a shot in the dark... I guess keep at it.”
Stix launches another volley of three arrows at the next target.
>>64472>>64474I summon a couatl with a stahlhelm on.
>>64476Unsuccessful, gud try tho. Incidentally, we were talking and there's several useful options for nonconventional arrows that Stix will want to look into later.
>>64477With a what now?
>>64478>>64478A Stahlhelm is the standard German issue helmet since late WW1
>>64477Alright, a Couatl by the name of Quetzal appears in a display of magical fireworks n shit.
"Technically, you should be summoning a CG creature rather than a LG one, but Hitler's okay with it." The giant flying serpent quips.
>>64482"Hope your hungry for demonic gnomes"
>>64484Q> "I wouldn't say hungry, but I'm all out of bubblegum,...."
>>64485"Digest them,they let pedophiles rape kids to death then they revived them to start the process over."
Tracy uses a move action to gain concealment with Cloak Dance, and a standard action to cast daylight on one of the chains leading towards the creatures with her Hand of Glory.
"I didn't come here to chase midgets in the dark!" she hisses, frustrated by the gnome's concealment.
>>64486"Now who's the one with the vore fetish?"
Trumpaladin quips
[17d6 = 74]
For the 6 gorillianth time, Torcuil makes a Mike Pence joke while casting an electric spell...
How shocking...
Anyway, Torc casts Chain Lightning on the gnome demons, targeting one and designating the others as secondary targets.
>>64488*displays flacid benis*
>>64490"Oi, put that shit away before the children see it"
>>64490"Put that away!"
A>"Mom, is dad a weirdo?"
C>"This guy summoned me?"
>>64490"'bettin' that won't be so flacid if the gnomes get eaten right in front of you"
>>64493>"Remember to never let me eat anything in front of these guys""I'll try"
To Q "the paladin made me do it."
>>64493"We will hear a metallic thud from you if we see it."
>>64493"Flashy.." Tracy says with an exasperated sigh
"Can we all talk about our kinks
after we kill-off the home invaders?" she continues, scouring the darkness for any other signs of movement.
Now here's the thing about chain lightning. I looked over the specs. Since they're all connected to the chain, they all take initial AND secondary damage
>>64496"MY ARM HAS BEEN IMPALED BY A CHAIN! What do you want me to do but talk?"
Trump will need to roll a Fortitude save
>>64497>Zozzling intensifies>>64501>Jazz music stopsNow might be a good time to list reasons why I shouldn't be banned and Torc shouldn't be killed
[1d20+21 = 40]>>64502Rolling
>>64503Fae is still alive
>>64504I would say he passed
>>64505Plz not again
>"I'll prepare the funeral and obituary""I'm sure we can bring him back"
Snek then turns and mlems at Torc a couple times
>"I meant for you you fucking idiot"
>>64504Okay good.
Highly singed, but still quite alive (with very few HP remaining) Trump will be involuntarily twitching for some time, but he's not dead. The Gnomes,... they didn't make it.
>>64505Let's not waste any more spell slots.
>>64507>>64504*cure critical wounds*
>>64508Fae uses fangs and claws, not spells
>>64507If my character can't go after males anymore I am going to be pissed
>>64507>>64505*licks Brad all over to make him feel better*
>>64510I mean healing spells.
>>64515>>64513It's a Pence meme. He doesn't want to
be cured of his chronic faggotry.
>keking subsides
Alright. With the sound of a rattling of chains, three distinct thuds occur around the perimeter of the pyramid structure. Slowly the darkness dissipates, revealing the upper area of the tower, which has been covered in all sorts of weird tubes and giant wires, not to mention the piles of chains hanging everywhere.
>>64507After covering Brad in burn-curing saliva, Tracy walks up to one of the corpses and inspects it.
>>64517I shove them in my bag.
"Oh would you look at the time, Mr. Snek and I have to go do something"
>"No we don't"
The Sorcerer runs like a gnome who reports on YouTube drama and Snek sighs before following close behind
reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee exudes from Trumpaladin as the barb is removed by Fae, and maybe Stix, and Fae sets him on her back
>>64519"Hey, wait. I didn't even get to see what they looked like."
>>64521*licking intensifies*
>>64523*is licked by Tracy Apparently*
>>64521*cure critical wounds*
>>64522"Trust me you dont wanna."
>>64519C> Cast Cure Moderate Wounds on Trump until fully healed
"So, was there anything more you needed from me?
As he says this, a whooshing sound, that same whooshing sound that was there all along, increases, and sounds to be coming closer, from the base of the stairs.
>>64526"There are more enemies around no doubt."
>>64525"Reeee! I'll be the judge of that!" Cries the criminal body-snatcher.
"By the way, what the fuck is that whooshing sound? Do we need to call an AC repairman?"
[1d20+28 = 43]>>64524"I'm sorry, I stumbled while casting the spell and it hit you too. I swear it was a complete accident, and I am deeply sorry"
Did someone say Bluff Check? Of course, cause I did
[1d20+27 = 30]>>64530*Stares*
>>64531>Jazz music resumes>Keking intensifies
Upon the party turning to look, which I would assume they might, at the base of the staircase stands bones. Except, well, he's a little different.
With all those nails in his face, he can't >doot anymore. He's charging up the stairs now.
>>6453320 ranks in the skill, 5 from Cha, 3 from a snake familiar
"Uh, is that a skeleton with nails in his face?"
[3d20 = 23]>>64532Fae Pounces the Sorcerer of Lightning, who stands in the shadows
[3d20 = 49]>>64532Stix shoots three arrows at the clearly guilty sorcerer of lightning.
You don’t bluff only one player and expect to get away with it.
>>64535Fuck you
>>64536And fuck you in particular
AC is 24
"Uhm guys? Could you kill him later?"
*lenos casts force cage around fae and stix*
>>64538"Oh no it's fine, I'm quite used to it at this point"
"Oh I'm sorry. I thought you were an enemy"
>>64538"Then it would be premeditated"
>>64540You've got to admit this whole thing has been pretty funny
>>64541 Fae's int must be lower than Infernius'Sorry, did you guys hear something?
>>64539At least someone isn't being a dickhead to poor Torc
Meanwhile, Bones is attacking,....
FUCKING POWER OUTAGES!!! I hate this state's shitty infrastructure.
"REeeee! What'd they do to my butler!?"
[1d20+6 = 10]>>64543Takes more than a 16 apparently
>>64536>>64535HEALING SLOTS!!!
And he beat you in that bluff
>>64546REEEE Don't destroy my skeleton!
>>64547He beat
TrumpaladinI've still got Lay of hands points left, calm down
>>64548You don't have blackguard powers anymore right?
Besides, Tracy needs to lose
something in this timeline to give her incentive to go back in time
>>64533Tracy attempts to trip Mr, Bones with her chain, seeing as how he was a 1 HD skeleton last time she met him.
>>64550Save those slots for when you need them.
>>64551No, Trump very clearly turned him. He would blow up quite quickly and effortlessly
>>64533>>64542"Reeeeee bones!"
>>64553"WHY?!" Tracy screams, clearly upset
Trumpaladin heals the poor wounded Sorcerer with Lay of Hands points
>>64542Ill be finding spliting fae in half later hilarious.
>>64553Wait, THAT'S what turning does?
>>64555"And what would you have done? Reasoned with him? Like the Gnomes? This isn't our world anymore. That's
why we're doing this."
>>64558Depends on the circumstances. In this case, he's high enough of a level that destroying a 1hd undead would be simple
Tracy sweeps up the remains of her butler in a little pile, her lip quivering.
>>64559Tracy just hangs her head, still clearly upset.
So, wait, why did Fae attack Torc?
>>64560"Me will miss him too tracy."
>>64560"I'm sorry little pony"
>>64559Huh, well now I actually know what turning is
"So are we gonna investigate that noise without killing any sorcerers first?"
I was going to tie him up and throw him in the bag.>>64563"... I didn't even get to say hello..."
>>64561Cause I bluffed Trump so he wouldn't kill me, then Stix decided to attack too.
Thez departs for the rooms, intent on locating her device
>>64565"And I never got to say goodbye to so many of my people. I hope you see why we must go back"
>>64566Why did Stix attack?
*lenos heads for the control room to get the tower opperating right*
>>64570He's already pretty much there, the gnome fight was on the stairs leading to the controls.
>>64567"Hey, let me come!"
Torc runs after Thez
>>64568Tracy just sits there brooding, not at all feeling better.
>>64569I want to kill someone too...
>>64572"Hey addy how are you? Are you ok?"
Fae grabs stix, and Trumpaladin calls her, Warping the two through dimensions and to Trumpaladin's side
Tracy marches off to the lower parts of the tower in fumes, deciding it's better to check the area for any other potential enemies or friends...
With the force cage now being empty lenos dismisses it
>>64576A>"Sure! This is the first time I've been
anywhere!" she says spinning in a circle.
Thez emerges a few moments later, bearing a strange small stone archway covered in runes.
>>64578Tracy, as she's wandering, can hear voices in argument coming from below, in the direction of the Entertron.
>>64578She heads down towards the forge, checking the rooms on her way there, still carrying her little bag of bones.
>>64580"Come here"
*casts cats grace on addy*
[1d20+25 = 35]>>64580Tracy sneaks towards the noise, still angry, but focused.
Rolling to Sneak.
>>64582A>"Neat!" Addy hides and then appears and then hides again.
>>64583As she enters the medical area, Tracy sees two humans, one really slender and one rather fat. There's a number of dull-faced children standing around.
>>64584Trumpaladin will climb up to the mini mall, since thez mentioned something about a teleporter in that area a long time ago
>>64584"Oh, just what I needed.." Tracy says gritting her teeth, her bag of bones clenched in her claws.
Tracy decides to listen for a few seconds to see what the argument is about before painting the walls red.
Torc and Snek wander around, hoping to stumble upon something important
>>64585Thez has already acquired that, and I think you mean "head down" to the mall. As he heads that way, he hears the same argument, and sees Tracy further on, clearly in sneak mode. She casts him a discouraging glare.
Holy shit, it took all my self restraint not to kill those freaks on sight.
>>64589"Hi Tracy! Sorry about the bone thing"
>>64590*air temperature noticeably drops , as cold wind rushes from across the room*
>"Turn around. I'm busy"
>"Stuff." she beams, since the emp link doesn't allow for specificity
>>64588Trumpaladin advances forward
>>64591>"suit yourself"
>>64590The argument in the next room stops suddenly. A few whispers issue from, but the individuals in question seem to have been alerted to your presence.
>>64595Did she hear anything?
Seeing cover has been blown, Tracy readies her crossbow to snipe one of the faggots before they're alerted of
her presence.
>>64595"Hello. May I ask what you are doing in my tower?"
>>64598"Yooouuuuuurrrrr?" The skinny one says. The larger one smacks his lips, his eyes darting to the children.
>>64600I walk over to the door way.
>>64600"Nevermind. Who are you?"
>>64602The two exchange glances, sizing Trump up. "What an odd question. You CLEARLY don't belong here!" Their bodies distort into more crazy tentacle monsters.
[1d20+21 = 22]>>64600Tracy pegs him in the head from concealment with her crossbow, really out of frustration more than anything else.
Then she leaves.
Tracy lets out a shriek, blowing her own cover
"Just fuck my luck today!"
>>64601"INFERNIUS! Thank God, Elway, Hitler and the Allied War Council you are here!"
>>64604You have flanking. Stahp
>>64604>>64606I didn't mean to include the part where she leaves.
>>64606>>64603"What in hitler name is voing on over here?"
>>64608"These Two men don't know who I am!
Also they just turned into anime porn monsters"
>>64607>"Good Pony. Stay here"
"Uh where did everyone go?"
>"You have no self-awareness, do you?"
>>64609Tracy trots off, trailing specks of blood.
>>64611[unintelligible grumbles about being the worst week (15 years) since the season 2 finale]
>>64609"Son of bitch! Uh burn them!"
Okay to be honest I just threw the Podesta's in there for some blatant murder. Its not supposed to be a fight, just a general beat-down and later torture like Alefantis. So yes, hurry up and dispose of them.
>>64612Tracy heads down to the forge, going about her business checking the rooms on the way.
[4d20 = 48]>>64614Slashes!
>>64614Into the sack they go
>>64617That's a big fucking sack dude...
>>64618Sack of later rape
>>64619Just don't let it weigh you down.
>>64617"That's... just.... Why do you want to keep that?"
Alright. The tower is now - as Tracy is determining - clear of any further intruders, threats, etc.
>>64623How's the forge and the rest of the place look? Did they touch all of our stuff?
>>64624The place is ransacked
>>64623Detect Evil doesn't work on Thez any more right? Find Thez
>>64625*seething intensifies*
Tracy paces around the tower for a bit, trying to blow off some steam.
Back on the dais, Thez is inspecting her doorway-looking device, while Addy climbs along the chains.
I'm gonna be honest, I have no fucking idea what the hell Torc is doing at this point.
First he was supposed to be following Thez, then I think he's wandering around but I haven't heard shit.
>>64628Probably only after wandering around the tower yelling "THEZ!" for ten minutes, Trumpaladin walks upon Thez
"Hello, you say you have a gateway to hell in here?
Before we go, should we rest or craft anything for the new pony adventurer?"
>>64629He would be still afaik. There's nothing else going on in the tower outside player actions. The library is torn apart, the mess area is,... a mess. The whole place looks like it got raided by the DEA. Thez is trying to figure out how to make the device work, and failing miserably.
>>64629"Hey wanna torture some child rapists?"
>>64622"To keep jews that hurt kids in"
>>64630"The forge is a wreck. No crafting tonight!" Tracy shouts from across the tower
>>64632"Can't you like flush it down a toliet? It already smells bad and is going to smell worse"
>>64633"Awww. Maybe just a teeny little bit of crafting?"
>>64630"Yeah, this thing. Its supposed to be a direct portal for objects of mundane size." Remember that time she called in a favor? "But I don't know how to make it work when the other side isn't active."
>>64635"When you learn to create tools out of thin air!" Echoes the voice
>>64634"Ok you get second crack"
*slams bag against wall*
*opens bag and pours them on the floor*
"Take your pick"
>>64636"Uh, were you getting a favor from a friend in the Abyss?"
>>64637"Well I was asking Thez"
>>64633There is one thing of note however. That mace that was soaking in blood,....
>>64631After sulking across the tower for a few minutes, Tracy puts on a presentable-face and busies herself wiping the blood off of those expressionless kids.
>>64635"No sorry me need it, but me will wash it in river later."
>>64640*faggot ears perk*
>>64638Torc picks the runt of the litter and-
(USER'S POST WAS CENSORED FOR CONTAINING GRUESOME SHIT)Torc then realizes he's gonna need a new outfit...
>>64639"No, I was getting it from my brother, in hell," she says frustrated. "But that's not gonna happen. Fug. FUG!"
>>64642>"I need your help"
>>64646Checking those sweet digits
>>64643It was only soaking for 53 times the recommended duration...
>>64648Now the mace is still in the vat, but the vat is empty except for some drops of dried blood stained to the side. The mace its self has taken on a matte blood hue and appearance, and there's something,... off about it.
>>64645">with what?"
>>64644"Torc you have ice pick me feel like lobotomizing this one."
>>64650Tracy reaches out to grab it, because why wouldn't she?
>>64651>"I can't get this damn... stupid... thing... to work...."Infernius gets the impression she's hitting the thing.
>>64646Nice digits friend
>>64645"HOLD ON THEZ"
Torc then hands a small piece of paper, containing a note to Death on it, to the dying kike at his feet
"Do something useful for once, and deliver this to the Grim Reaper for me."
Torc then walks towards the area where Thez and Trump are
>>64653">Uh ok me dont know if me will be much help. But me on the way."
>>64654*puts living kiddie diddler in the sack of later raping*
"Hey come on, thez need help."
>>64656"No no no, he needs to die. I wanna see if I can get notes to Death like that"
>>64657"Fine just make it painful."
>Point blank shot to the forehead
>>64659Nice try, but Death only collects souls that need to be weighed and balanced. Those lot are pretty much set.
>>64652*poke poke*
Tracy knows nothing about magick items. Muind she made this one because it was the only one in the catalog that doesn't require spells.
should be done by now... Fuck, I forgot what it's supposed to do.."
>>64653*walks up to the dais*
[1d20+6 = 16]>>64665Rollin'
>>64664Upon returning to the dais, he finds Thez on her hands and knees, almost in tears at her frustration. "It has to work. Somehow it
has to. Its some type of planar gate, but I can't operate it. Milo always kept it up so I never learned how."
>>64666K, she's fine.
>>64667"Do you mean Milo the Great?"
>>64668"Oh he would sure say so, but I don't think we're talking about the same Milo."
>>64667"Hmm.. It doesn't
look magical too me.. Love the color though."
Feeling a bit better, having acquired something, Tracy tucks the mace in her bag and trots off. She then goes to see those kids as mentioned in
>>64670H-how bad are they..?
>>64667*puts hand on thezs shoulder*
"Its ok thez me can get this working. Stop crying k? Me hate to see you cry."
*casts miracle*
"Adolf me pray that you help us, me pray you let this machine work."
>>64667"Thez, do you mind if Snek and I check it out?"
>>64671How do
you think? They just got brought back to life
again by (((them)))
>>64672That'll work. As Infernius beckons to Hitler, the symbols begin to glow. Arcs of energy dance between them, glowing ever brighter along the surface of the runes. Eventually, in a swirl of energy not unlike a toilet flushing, the gate opens revealing a pile of rubble, some of which spills through onto the dais.
"It... it worked!" Thez' relief is quite evident. Addy is hanging upside down from some of the chains. "Wooooooow!" she exclaims.
>>64675Tracy just sits there, wiping the blood off of their faces one by one, silent and somber.
>>64675"Thats the power of hitler addy."
"So now that that's done," Thez says, still relieved "We just need to be small enough to fit safely through. It wasn't intended for people to use, cuz it was made during the travel ban."
Did I mention the door is only 3' tall?
>>64679"Well this should be fun"
>>64676Tracy could fit through...
>>64678"Can you place it on it's side so we can step over it and fall down it?"
>>64684No way you fit through it.
He's not that fat!
>>64687Well, he would at least have to take off the armor.
I was referring to Infernius though.
>>64681In brownie form, Lenos could walk through it without stooping.
>>64683"We,... could,... try? I don't think there's any way Infernius is getting through in his form. Also, you two should probably revert to humanoid shape, at least for the moment."
>>64691Could you cast something useful like Dimension Gate so we could have a separate portal?
>>64691Reeee stop using up all your 9th level slots.
One of those could've been Gate..
>>64692I thought of that, but Tracy wasn't in the room, and there was no way for her to know what that spell was.
I'm sure the skinny NEET could make it through
>>64693That's actually what I was expecting him to cast, but w/e"We should rest. You guys have cast a number of spells," she says to those in question, "And your duration ran out long ago." she says to Quetzal.
Q>"Oh, shit. My bad." and he vanishes with a poof.
>>64696Infernius's response was appropriate for what his character knew.
In the mean time, Tracy is still nursing those kids in the entertron, although it may be an exercise in futility.
>>64696"I can't fight anymore today, I know that...
Soros knows what we're doing, doesn't he?"
>>64699"Probably since me piss on his guys."
I kind of think she might experiment with throwing a bone chip in the entertron, but I don't actually want to see a living Mr. Bones...
>>64699"I doubt it, to be honest. He controls this world, but his throne is in the abyss. As far as he's concerned - and there's little arguing the point - I'm, well
we're the only loose end that needs tying up. He has armies for that."
>>64702"So you mean to say that we'd know already if he knew what we were up to?"
>>64703"Without a doubt."
>>64702"I say we rest for the night and take the highway to hell in the morning then"
>>64706"I agree."
Technically, the party can rest while discussing
>>64705"Well...... I guess that is comforting"
"Any chance you could make a bow or something for the Stix pony?"
>>64706"I agree. I am spent"
>>64707How many kids are there?
>>64708Doesn't he have Bob?
>>64710He does, but there are options
>>64708"I can help make stuff"
>>64709I'll go with 13.
>>64710I thought so, I've been giving him the enhancement bonus,.... Thez begins grabbing the immediate stones from around the other side of the portal and placing them aside. After a few moments of this, a 'sky' of blood red peeks through between the remaining stones. "Hmmm. It looks like the portal exit is on its side."
>>64708"Has anyone been to port barry?"
>>64713How are they reacting? Are they recoiling in fear, or are they
that mindfucked?
Tracy lies down in the center of the room sadly, full hoers-sized.
>>64715Thez stops for a moment. "Then you saw them," she says shamefully.
>>64717"Yes, I did...."
>>64718"Bad enough it's best not to tell you before you need to get some sleep"
Shouldn't he entertron's Resurrection restore previously-undead creatures to the creatures they were in life?
>>64720I know Raise Dead doesn't work, but my source says resurrection does.
>>64719"Okay but tell me when we wake up."
>>64716For the most part yeah. The children look around, not really comprehending what is happening. They've been conditioned to not respond to the situations they find themselves in. As Tracy moves to step away however, one of them grabs and holds her mane. Its a little girl, and she looks at Tracy with an emotionless expression, but she doesn't let go.
>>64722"You'll know soon enough. It'll motivate you to kill every last one of those sons a bitches"
>>64723Tracy stops and turns toward the girl slowly, not saying a word, but leaning down next to her.
Thez continues to remove rubble from around the gate, so that the doorway is clear. "Since its on its side, we'll have to be careful going through. As soon as we cross the threshold fully, gravity will take effect and pull us right back through. Do NOT touch the sides of the gate!"
>>64726That sounds like it'll take a dexterity check..
>>64726"Can we like use bubble wrap or something to keep the sides from touching? It's going to be hard to go all the way through without touching the sides"
>>64724"Me try to not think about it for now."
>>64728Thez grabs one of the rocks and holds it halfway through the gate. She then draws her arm toward the side, and as the rock makes contact with the edge it's cut cleanly in half.
"Portals make blades like Vandereim look like a wooden spoon."
>>64732I want one...
I'll figure out a way to use it...
>>64735>likes super-edgy things
>>64737What kind of rock?
>>64738A Stone of Wanting
>>64739*Makes not to collect 6 more stones*
>>64743Half-assed reference.
Well, Tracy probably won't leave that room for the rest of the night, unless she finds a miracle way to bring her birds inside.
>>64744O gawd. So while the party rests, Thez places her mask on and adopts the appearance of the creepy-weird evil-looking thing that Stix first met her as.
>>64745"I'll take care of that," she says as she <whoooof> . . . . <whoooof> reappears, with Birbs,... who rather like the addition of chains to climb around on.
>>64723>>64725Tracy lays down quietly, as if to go to sleep, pulling a blanket out of her bag to spread beneath her.
blanket is actually just a quilt stitched from clothes of GM's dead coworkers, because I never actually put a blanket in her bag."~Yay!"
>did not realize the tower was big enough for them"Sammy, Bunny, come over here." Tracy calls out, beckoning towards the entertron.
Returning to the portal, she sticks her head through. "I thought so," she says, pulling her head back out. "The portal is lying in the ruins of the house of Thez. We won't have to travel far to get to our destination."
>>64749>>64746"So no cuddling?"
>>64749"The House of Thez is Ruined? How does that affect our plans?"
>>64747The pyramid section is, as well as the holodeck. Getting them from point to point is a little trickier, outside of teleport hax.
>>64750At first the question seems to confuse her, but then it dawns on her what he's talking about. She starts chuckling, then laughing, until she's almost in tears for different reasons. Wiping her eyes as she finishes, she looks at him, not looking dreadfully serious for the first time since the party arrived. "Thanks, I needed that."
>>64751"It doesn't, the destruction of the house has long been known to me. That's not where we're going."
>>64752The entertron is in the pyramid section, right?
Btw, what'd those freaks do to the Elway statue? Does it still work?
>>64752"Where are we going exactly?"
>>64754"House Bogdanoff."
>>64755"Didn't you say Soros attacked them? I remember you mentioned them before"
>>64753*dusts off pedestal out of politeness*
>>64752"You cute when you laugh ana."
>>64756"Attacked? No, they made an agreement. Soros gets to keep the game world and the abyss, while the house of Bogdanoff rules all the levels of Baator."
>>64758"Thanks. I can't remember the last time I laughed out loud," she punches him playfully in the arm.
*contemplates assembling fluffpile for entire party, but feels biologically obligated to stay and watch over kids*
>>64761She could lead them to where the rest of the party is,....
>>64759"That sounds.... Bad. What do we need from Bogdanoff?"
[1d20 = 19]>>64760*Headlock*
>>64762I guess so.
Not knowing what else to do, Tracy gently herds the broken children towards the rest of the group
"I found another dozen..." Tracy says lowly, choking in disgust
[1d20 = 17]>>64764"Oh you turd!"
>>64763"Just... his... head," she says, struggling with Infernius.
>>64766*noogies playfully*
As Tracy enters the room, a look crosses Thez' face. She looks at Infernius, kisses him on the nose and says, "I'll be right back. Oh, probably should take this off,...." she says pulling her mask off, before <whooof> . . . . <whooof> appearing with the rest of the children (it would take more than one trip, but since its non combat I'll just say "brings 'em all").
>>64768*is standing in herd of children, looking confused an flushed*
>>64768>>64769"Wh-what'll we do with them all..?" Tracy says, her eyes darting across the crowd
>>64766"What can we do with the Bogdanoff's head?"
>>64770"For now, we stay with them I guess. They can't come with us, but at least here they won't get,... "picked up"."
>>64771"If I can take his head, I can take his throne. With the full power and weight and authority as sovereign of hell, I can send you all back."
>>64772"Is taking the throne of Hell as simple as killing its King?"
>>64773"For a head of household, yes."
>>64774"Alrighty then. So how do we do it?"
>>64776"Exactly. Only a head of household can challenge the throne, and whoever holds it can't deny a challenge. I had thought about trying it before you all showed up, but in order to do so," her eyes drift toward Addy, who is playing with birbs, "I would have had to reveal
>>64777>only a head can challenge"Wasn't your household destroyed though?" Tracy asks, not knowing a single thing about Infernal politics
>>64777"You let all of this happen for the sake of one child?"
Trumpaladin asks, lacking any sort of etiquette
>>64778"And what happens if a head is killed by someone who isn't another head? Does the organization just collapse?"
>>64772*looks sadly at children*
>>64778"The building, and almost the entire household, yes. All that's left is me, and Addy, and him," she says, her eyes drifting to Infernius.
>>64780"It honestly hasn't ever come up."
>>64782"I am glad there is something left to you"
Trumpaladin says with a hint of bitterness
>>64783*rubs against back*
"Our household is safe for now, Flashy..."
>>64779She cocks her head, weighing his words. "What would you have done?"
>>64782>never come up"Sounds like an awfully rigid place.."
>>64786>>64779Tracy also looks towards Brad, staring directly at him
>>64787"Its hell, its the geographical embodiment of order and evil."
>>64786"Taken on Bogdanoff. Gotten my city back, mine and everyone else's that hasn't been so lucky these years"
>>64785*pets head*
>>64789"Hmm.. I've never been, but it sounds.. Interesting.."
>>64790"Well, we're making up for lost time then," she replies with a sigh, a bit of ironic emphasis on "lost time".
>>64790"B-but what if I had to give birth in the middle of it, and couldn't travel as easily? I'd follow you to Hell in a heartbeat, but I'd have a baby to protect..." Tracy says nervously
"Thez had a baby girl to take care of. She couldn't risk taking on something like that.. not alone that is.."
>>64794"This, she smart brad."
>>64793"Very well then.
What is 'Balaator'?"
>>64794*pets head again*
"Don't be silly, you've many months until you are due."
>>64795"The sake of the many above the sake of the one"
>>64796"The Nine Hells of Baator" as its officially known."
>>64798"So he has all nine? Where is Soros from? The chaotic realm?"
>>64797She winces at this. "I did the best I could with the information and resources I had at my disposal. I... I won't fault you if you resent the choices I made."
>>64795"I-I couldn't imagine trying to bring my only child to Hell,
and then having to fight..."
>>64796"Thez wasn't."
"What would you do, if I had to give birth soon, but we had to go to another world?" She asks again, her eyes filled with worry
>>64799"Yes. Soros is from the Infinite layers of the Abyss. Both realms are infinite in nature, one being Lawful Evil, the other being Chaotic Evil."
>>64802Stupid question incoming
"How can you tell it's infinite? What if it's just too big to measure?"
>>64800"Let's kick Bogdanoff's ass, then Soros's ass, then all the respective asses of these rat-people"
>>64801*looks into pony's eyes, and starts petting around her ears*
"You'll be okay, little pony"
>>64804"Yea! They are jews it simple to call them that."
>>64804"What about our foal though?"
*hoof touches abs*
"... Our foal is more important to me than all the world.."
>>64804"If this works, we can kick Soros' ass with the help of Port Barry, Sparintenar, Cardashil, Krenshal, and every other race, group, and nation that stands in opposition to him."
>>64805"What? They are humans that have the power of transformation into giant rats. Were-rats. They also have a religion that worships the creators of the abyss, with Soros as their sort of god"
>>64806Tracy gets Wuffled
>>64807"Now that sounds like a plan. Can't imagine Kefka himself is too fond either"
>>64809"... Are you suggesting bringing Kefka back...? That sounds like a bad idea.."
>>64809Thez mutters something about being on the same side as Kefka. "You're probably right. He'll be quite surprised to hear his fate."
>>64810"Kefla brought Kefka back. He appeared before us at a party in Sparintenar like the Cheshire Cat. How do you not remember?
>>64811Trumpaladin shrugs
>>64814"I mean this timeline's Kefka."
>>64813"That's not what he's suggesting I don't think. Kefka brought himself back through his own means back then. Whatever those means were now, they've been countered, but in your time Kefka is still very much alive."
>>64816"But he's kaput in this timeline, right?"
>>64818"... So then, would the Kefka from the past really be any easier to reason with than the Kefka from the future?"
>>64819"O-or the present.." she says, rubbing her temple "I hate time travel.."
"The bottomline question is, which Kefka do you want to meet?"
>>64819"The enemy of my enemy...." she says, absentmindedly leaning against Infernius.
>>64820"Neither to be honest, but we know nothing about Zion's capabilities in your time. We may need the help of the empire to stop them."
>>64820"Because if we brought back Kefka now, that'd be the Kefka of the present, but if we went back and met the Kefka of the past, he probably wouldn't believe us when we told him he was going to die."
>>64822"I'm sure we'll think of something," she says in a manner that Trump can immediately detect she's not saying something.
>>64820*Infernuis eyes glaze over at the subject of time travel*
>>64821"He's far from mindless. He had more reason to keep us alive when he appeared before us in Sparintenar. He has 'allies' he wants rid of. And he believes we are useful to that end"
>>64822"Bring back evidence"
>>64823"You've got a way, don't you?"
>>64823>>64825"... So..."
*fishes mummified hand out of her purse*
"What'd happen if we just brought him back now?"
>>64827Tracy steps towards the altar.
>>64827"I'd prefer to limit our risks by limiting our Kefkas"
>>64826"... yeah," she replies, and as she does so, she gives Trump (and potentially only Trump, unless other characters want to roll a spot check) a barely perceivable shake of the head, indicating that she won't say.
>>64829"Literally just what I was going to say."
>>64829"Worst case scenario, he'd try to kill us."
She looms over the revival bucket
"Although it might not hurt to question him."
>>64831"You do need a body to cast spells, if I recall correctly..."
Tracy notices, Infernius doesn't.
>>64831"I really don't think its a good idea," she says, wedging herself further against Infernius.
>>64835"Meh, it's just an option." Tracy says, slipping the purple hand back into her Jew-claw.
>>64830"I'd think it would be as simple as the testimony of one witness, if you could be sure that witness was neither lying nor deluded. Something like Zone of Truth or Detect Lies. But maybe the time shifting powers of Hell can do more, or there are other spells. Or maybe there is physical evidence - somewhere. I don't know"
>>64831"Worst case Scenario, he
does kill us. In this timeline all of his enemies - Sparintenar, the Sils, the Court - are all dead. He has less reason to be faithful here"
>>64837"Sounds like he'd be awful bored to me. I know the type who like destroying things."
"But, that's a question for another day." Tracy says, seeing the children off to their own beds, before going to sleep on her birds
>>64839"I'm sure you do," Trumpaladin grumbles
>>64837"Actually, that's a good idea," she says muttering "better than mine". She takes a long deep breath. "Any other thoughts or questions?"
>>64842"Say.. so, it was because Kefka lost his dog-thing that the Imperial Court back-stabbed him, right?"
>>64842"Who sent us through time?"
>>64843"... So, what if, hypothetically, when we told him he was going to be betrayed, he found a way to.. bring it back?"
>>64843"I don't know that that specifically was what triggered it, but I'm sure it helped."
>>64844"That,... I still don't know. But I imagine that it was someone, perhaps several such, among our adversaries."
>>64846"It happened at the precise moment we were ready to face agents of the Court active in Cardishore"
>>64847"Ready is a bit of an overstatement.." Tracy grumbles, remembering her morning
>>64845>>64846>>64843"There are some betrayals you can't sense until you've felt the stab wound, and there are some you can foresee perhaps even years in advance. Kefka's relationship with the undead is the latter"
Glancing over to see that Addy is still occupied (she's running around the tower now), Thez turns to Infernius. "You said something about cuddling,...."
>>64847"Yes, when we assaulted the blacks. Cardashil was quite appreciative of our intervention. A pity the alliance is what led to their destruction."
>>64850*Infernuis snaps back to reality*
"Yea me love to cuddle."
"If there's nothing else, I'm fatigued that's a joke, she has endurance so what exhausts a normal person only fatigues her."
>>64852She blushes slightly, saying "We can do that afterward." and they both vanish with a <whoooof>
Tracy goes off to sleep in her fluffpile.
Trumpaladin sleeps with no pony to cuddle
Maybe Stix
>>64857He could just ask.
I just realized Tracy's pet "rock" has been dangling on the side of her saddle from his jar just watching all this shit go down since she abducted it.
It could write a memoir.
*attempts to pet mimic*
>>64859After reeeing o loud that the entire tower shook, Tracy looks to the mess hall to see if the synthesizer is still working.
>>64871It isn't, it seems to have been largely scrapped for parts.
>>64873[hungry pony noises]
Tracy decides to put a piece of pelt in the entertron to see 1) If it still works, and 2) If Slovenia is still alive or not.
>>64875The crystal-glass display flashes a red X with a muttering of disjointled words, almost sounding like a jumbling of the sounds that would make words. Its unintelligable, whatever it just said.
The party begins to settle in for a rest period, inside the largely ruined, bastardized, corrupted, and usurped intent of what had come to be known as Trump tower.
Lenos spends a good amount of time at the input console, fiddling with things beyond the comprehension of anyone in the party. What can be seen is that there's a strange spherical image in front of him central to the dias, and that he keeps waving his hands around resulting in slight chang3es to the sphere. After a good 30 minutes of fiddling with the device so, the lights come up dramatically, displaying the fullness of the tower in an inescapably red brightness.
The walkways, the corridors, the staircases are lined with tubes and cords of minimal to extra-ordinary (8"diameter+) weaving throughout such almost to take a negative modifier if engaged in combat. The air is dry and cold, causing exhaled breath to dissipate immediately and tracelessly.
In the midst of this, and with random bits of debris
there's always debris Thez lights a fire in the middle of the dais. Its not a magical, summoning, or metaphysical fire, its just the sort of fire that you might roast mashmellows over.
>>64877Tracy sits down next to Thez, and starts roasting a questionable piece of meat on her sword.
>>64878Making a few last gusts of breath to generate heat, since the tower is otherwise a cold and sterile environment (even outside being mostly buried in the hillside) Thez finishing the building of the fire.
"I don't know what they did, but they fucked everything up," Lenos remarks climbing the stairs toward the dais. "My password and ID has been changed," he says.
A clinkety-clink sound - occasionally accentuated by giggling - suggests Adeline is present
>>64878*stares judgmentally*
>>64879Tracy's face is reflective of the situation.
Her bag of bone meal is sitting next to her, and she glances over towards her birds with a look of worry.
>>64879Trumpaladin cuddles up next to the pony in the cold
>>64883Trumpaladin also pets the head and the ears of the other pony
>>64879"Hey Thez, would you mind giving us a Quick Rundown about the Bogandoff guys, before we're gonna' head out?"
>>64885As she finishes bolstering the fire, Thez looks up at Tracy.
"Sure. The Bogdanoff's only want one thing. They want everyone to bow to them. Its a form of sub-contract, where if everyone bows to them (deliberately *or* inadverdently) they are given rulership of everything. The house of Thez was their superior rival for a great long period."
>>64886"How many houses are there in Hell?"
>>64887Shitty question to ask, I'm tired as fuck.
>>64886"And the Bogs themselves; what are they like?"
>>64887"You assume there is a limit,"
>>64888"A devil most clever and vile. Once, back before you lot left, there was Igor and Grichka. Both were impressive and formidable in their own right, but they were twin devils, with special properties *still* not known. And yet, at some point there weren't two. Suddenly across the vast wastelands of the outer realms emerged IgrichKora, intent on (and seemingly given de facto ownership of) the unending torment of Hell."
>>64889"Do the houses compete? Is there contest over the rule?"
>>64890"Of course, Hell is foremost a hierarchy determined by ability. In Hell, House Bogdanoff was leading, exacting, and set to take rulership of Hell,... until I showed up."
>>64891I'll continue asking questions in the morning.
>>64891"If there's infinite houses, just how do the Bogs go around proving they're the best? And what did
you do?"
>>64893"I beat the piss out of them. The way it works is, only House Principles can challenge one another for supremacy, but ranking house members are free to fight either in a recognized challenge or in,... shall we say,... 'less official' capacities. For millennia the House of Thez had maintained the strongest principle,... but the ranking members were a bunch of pansy-ass little bitches who only cared about their artistry and crafts. Then, Mom assimilated me into the house and,... well the dynamic shifted, and the Bogdanoff's were not pleased about it."
>>64894"So, how did you turn out to be the head of house?"
>>64895"By default. Ordinarily, succession of a house is determined internally. A ranking member will usurp the position from the standing principle; very rarely is that determined by a challenge for supremacy. I however wanted nothing to do with it, which had alot to do with why I left. But it seems that even Southelehren had her limits," she says with a sigh.
>>64896"And this Southelehren lady.. who is she?"
>>64897"She was the Principle of the House of Thez. She's the golden woman whom you've seen, after the first encounter with Soros. She is who brought me into the House, and who allowed me to depart from it (though never leave)."
>>64898"Is she a fiend too then?"
>knows nothing about the plains"Why'd you get accepted into the house? And why'd she turn over the chair?"
>>64899"A fiend yes, and most ancient. I was brought into the house for several reasons. The first is because I had pushed her more in combat than previous challengers for supremacy had. That alone impressed her, and even in my defeat I still survived. As far as the chair, she didn't turn it over. It fell to me at the time of her demise."
>>64900"Wait.. when did she die?"
>>64901>is confused"We saw her at the football field. Just what happened in the last 15 years?"
>>64901"I can't be certain when, alot happened in rapid succession and I was,... occupied," she says glancing over to Addy, curled up with Kiynen and her two iguanas. "The assaults were coordinated, designed to distract and occupy several fronts so to maintain a lack of concerted opposition. There were more factions at play than Soros and the Bogdanoff's, that is certain."
>>64903"If there's more factions in play.. Just how many houses do you expect to take on in the other world?Won't they all come for you?"
"I know what it's like to take out a target with connections. Some guys don't like it when you knock over their house of cards."
>>64904*sharpens daggers on sharpening stone*
"These devil guys sound like the kind of faggots who just listen to who's in charge so long as they're stronger than you, because those are the rules. But what if the rules have changed since then? If demons and devils have been working together, who knows what we could expect when we get there."
Tracy glances over at Addy, the dragonlets, and her birds.
"There's a lot at stake... you know.."
>>64905*stronger than they are
>>64904>Won't they all"Yeah, they will," she says grimly.
>>64905"Well, I
do have a plan,...."
>>64905"I don't mean to sound like a pussy, and I believe that you could take out the biggest fish on the hellscape if you were lucky and fought hard; but what if, when we're all still licking our wounds after the, the
second biggest fish on the hellscape comes to cut all of our tails off while we're helpless?"
"That's what I would do if I , anyway." she says, checking her reflection on Edgy's polished side.
"After you take out this Bog guy, what's your plan?"
>>64908*that's what I would do if I were him
Man, I have to pay more attention when I'm typing.
>>64908"You won't be fighting him, it will be a duel. You'll be keeping I'nis and Addy alive. They're ranking members of the House of Thez."
>>64910"Stab anyone or anything that gets near 'em. Got it."
"What's your plan after you walk out of this duel then? If you walk out, that is."
*cuts into mystery meat with freshly-sharpened daggers*
"Gosh, it feels great to have my girls back."
"The only way to eliminate a house is for ranking members to be eliminated. There's no such thing a s a house of one, even with the strongest principle.
That's why I've spent all my time keeping Addy a secret."
>>64911"If I can defeat him, I will only have a moment before the other Principles respond. I'll have to take the throne and exert my Will before then."