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>>184801Okay, that
definitely changes things. My vote is that we attack from where we are with our ranged weapons and advance. We can draw the attention of these abominations towards us and away from the survivors.
>>184804If we want to draw attention, I have an absolutely wonderful method. But I want confirmation that that's what we want to do.
>>184805Cavaliere's eyes are wide as he watches through a gap in the wall, and he quietly opens the cylinder on his revolver to check it before closing again.
"Do you have a plan to distract them?" >>184806Dust slowly nods
"To myself I can draw them
Though on my own I cannot take him
I ask that you all have my back
If this is our plan of attack"
Is Posey kill?
>>184807Silver readies his rifle, and Kira readies her bow.
Silver: "I have your back, my friend."
Kira: "Me too, Dust!"
>>184809Silver gives his friend Mala some pets. "Ready to take out some more demons?"
>>184810Brie flashes Silver a hoof-sign
"Lets do this."
>>184807The griffon nods.
"They are intent on the ponies there which might make it difficult. If you can lure them, we can hit them from three different angles as they approach. Make sure to not get close to the sealers in the back."He moves farther along the wall to have a flanking shot from the right.
>>184809If we can be said to advance strategically, Brie would be preparing to stealthily swoop, but I imagine that requires checks so Ill wait.
>>184808Sorry, I got distracted. I'm here
>>184809You're getting booped mister. Booped very hard
>>184808>>184813That's two. I'll wait for Posey and Brie to chime in
>>184815Yay! You get to see the abomination we're seeing! When you're done reading up, what are your thoughts on our plan of attack: do we attack now from range and draw the monsters to us, or sneak in closer and risk more harm coming to the commies?
>>184784Okay, Posey sees two monsters that haven't seen us yet.
It looks like they're targeting somepony in the building, likely surviving commies.
My money is on this monster being something like a modified spellwarped Ettin. It should be defeatable at our level of power.
We could either go around the distracted monsters and leave the commies to their fate, which would save our resources and avoid detection by the others, or we could save the commies and get information.
These decisions are a lot easier when killing things gets you XP.... But I say we should kill it anyway because they are ugly and ugly things are bad.
Since we haven't been detected, we should get a surprise round. If attack strategically, we could end the fight on round 1 without risking detection by the others. We already know the starfish can be slain, and I have doubts that the abomination has more than 70 HP.
>>184820>arguing with the guy offering to be living bait for the partyOkay
>>184822Would you like to use the zeeb as bait?
>>184823Im not arguing, Im saying Im already committed to killing
Rosey Ring readies her bow.
Her Dreads ready their rifles.
"As an experienced warmagus and expert in all things dead or dying... I propose that we kill them to death."
>>184823Healers never go in first. Healers stay in the back lines.
We should send the thief in first. The thief is the close range fighter anyway.
Just make sure Silver is within charging range (60 ft) before we begin the surprise round.
I could argue both ways. Theres merit in saving commies, theres merit to dealing with the SOURCE of the problem. Not dealing with this problem might bute us in the ass, or it could save us time and effort. Brie thinks the airship is probably about to take off and doom the planet, so going around is agreeable
>>184826That's the decision we were deciding on: attack from range where we are and draw them away from the commies, or sneak in closer for the attack and risk further harm coming to the commies.
>>184827OOC, I don't think it's the Traveler's plan to use the airship. It would risk exposing itself to danger traveling to the airship, the airship would still need repaired, and it's pretty well safe where it is right now. It just needs to get the ship unbeached so it can get to Stalliongrad and gain access to the bodies and minds it needs. >>184826Does she ready her bow at 150 feet distance?
>>184825The thief can go in, but how he goes in will affect whether he gets a surprise round, or the enemy gets a counter initiative roll
>>184823"Hey there mister put down ya vape
I got the best rhymes on my mix tape
Cause' I'm the fine stiped fellow ev'ry unicorn wants to rape"
>>184826But... But my cool moment....
>>184830Alright I'm gonna be doing more than booping
>>184830Well, all hes gonna do is position himself for a delayed action charge attack, waiting on....
Silver to.move first
Aimed at the abomination. The charge attack grapple.maneuver
Alright everypony, figure out what you want to do
You can get closer, but if you don't, range increments are a thing
>>184831"Cause this hero don't wear no cape"
Cavaliere moves closer along the right side, attempting to remain concealed or behind cover, so he won't have 4 range increments to deal with.
>>184828Brie gives Silver a signal "I move on your lead"
Uhhhh,... is this thing bigger than 'large'?
>>184833How far away are we?
I would like to be within 100 ft before beginning the surprise round
Silver should be within 60 ft, so he can charge into melee
Also, pony movement speed should be 40 ft
It's already close to midnight. Can we wait until tomorrow to start combat and use this time to strategize?
>>184830She moves to 120 ft distance.
I forgot she's using a bone bow.
>>184839I'm sorry if my absence messed up the session. I had to go minutes before GM posted that long description.
>>184839If Posey is right, strategizing is most of the work
>>184790>>184834He can take advantage of a 3 foot wall, and the stone storage hut.
>>184840Nah, you're fine. I've just had a shitter week and I need sleep
>>184840Ur fine, it didnt come together, thats okay
>>184837And griffons? Their mismatched limbs might mean they're not quite as fast.
>>184842What's his distance now?
I'm fine with leaving this off until tomorrow.
Our highest initiative characters are almost guaranteed to win initiative after the surprise round. If the abomination has as many hit points as an ettin or similar melee monster of expected challenge rating, we may be able to kill it before it moves if we focus fire. If we end this combat on the first round, we can start tomorrows session with more exploration, so I would rather do this now.
>>184842Since the fog is white, can I claim a +2 circumstance bonus on any Hide checks to avoid potential notice for moving within the first range increment of my bow?
>>184846Brie has a 23 on initiative, but set to synch his attacks with Silver. We might all want to synch attacks, come to think of it....
Assuming we all hit vs a flat footed creature...
>1d10+3 + [???] Iajutsu
>2d6 + 2d6
>1d4 + 3d6
We can probably kill the big guy on the surprise round. My bigger concern is if the stargish has any telepathic abilities that could alert the enemy.
I say we attack anyway.
[Read more] >>184849Oh wait, I forgot two characters. Oh well
I would like to make our attack rolls tonight, so this encounter will be settled for next session.
What say the ponies?
Err… creatures
>>184852Oh, I thought the ponies were the ones under attack.
If there are dominated ponies, this encounter might be a bit
>>184852I'll ammend my previous to say, Brie will wait on somepony else to START moving, intent on a charge attack at the biggun
>>184853GM Pone is talking about us, not the ponies under attack. Those ponies are definitely not dominated.
I want Dust to have his cool moment, though.
>>184856I would prefer to have a surprise round, tbh