This session promises to be,... I was gonna say out of the ordinary, but that's ordinary for this continuing Game. Blah blah, this is an RPG thread, blah blah, new players welcome.
Lets get to it.
931 replies and 46 files omitted.
>>14919i cast plane shift on myself after healing torc.
By all means, ask GM's opinion
>>14926Planar shift affects touched things too you kike
>>14921Tracy phases and is gone. Infernius heals damage to Torcuil, before,... which plane exactly?
>>14919Torc walks up, pistols in hand
"Guess you weren't so lucky, bastard"
Torcuil puts the pistol to his head
Those listening closely can hear a faint whisper as he pulls the trigger
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you honey."
>>14927You forgot to CAST IT
Also, can cast etherealness again at will
Trumpaladin retrieves anything from the pirates
>>14928Tracy brings the pirates body to >Rape Dungeon, along with all of his gear.
>>14935No, he just grabs you like Fucking Freddy Kruger. It affects touched objects
>>14933I'm actually going to fucking kill myself
Wha the actuall fuck is this shit
The pistol explodes in Torcuil's hand, causing non-damaging cold burns across the surface.
GM, make Tourcil kill Koarak and don't let that Kike take the body to her Jew cave
>>14937Game is irrelevant. Fuck off for now.
What are you on about Torcuil's faggot? This comes from Thez' faggot.
>>14940Tracy is already well on her way to impenetrable dungeon
>>14946She doesn't have the body though
>>14946*grabs body, just in case it didn't work the first time*
[1d20 = 16]>>14939t
"Hmmm, maybe you are lucky"
Roll for Torc to shove dagger throught the heart of Korak, then expand it to fullsize
>>14944It was a joke, I'm not actually gonna kill myself
>>14948Grabs horse, in case it didn't work the first time
>>14951You have to be in the material realm to grab the body
>>14953Oh No You don't. I've got you like fucking Freddy Kruger
GM, this is why I need Dominate Monster
>>14956Plane shift works by touch
>>14957If it worked once, she could just do it again and you would've used up the spell.
>>14949You had better not. You (both Torcuil and his faggot) have given color, shape, and mystery to my(her) life. Neither will say what you should do, but both would,... well I suppose both would carry on to the best of their ability.
Neither would be the same. Torcuil is part of the Game, and his removal would be levels of catastophic.
>>14959Tracy takes body to her dungeon
>>14958>>14960But each time she plane shifted it would affect touched creatures. How do you think you got Slovenia? Because your plane shift works by touch. How do you think you would take his body? Because your plane shift works by touch. How does someone ride a cauchemar? Because plane shift works by touch. So he grabs her like a cow at the rodeo
>>14961Death roll like an aligator
>>14959Are there living crew members or dead crew members anywhere in sight?
K, so Korak is done, and no sooner. The jew hoard is safe/secure, Korak himself is unkilled but at mercy, and I need a minute. Fuck off
>>14959OH OH
>>14962Hold on Like a fucking Rodeo champion
[3d20 = 56]>>14964>he has to be willing to become ethereal, unless he's deadFull Attack
*stomp him to death with flaming hooves (full weight), then maul his throat out* (he is helpless, so it
has to land)
>>14966>no ride check "TOURCIL! PARALYZE THE MONSTER!"
>>14965K, that rattled me a bit, I'm not ashamed to say. Whooah. Good the. Lets continue.
>>14968He already dead
*drag his body through the floor*