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Get It Off Your Chest
2788 3130 3259 3261 4114 6411
>Nazi Horsefucker Edition
Vent frustrations and life issues that don't deserve their own thread here.
384 replies and 197 files omitted.
I really, really, really hope i am wrong here.
But i have the feeling certain anon might take a step further in minecraft one of these days.
And i really don't want to feel like i've contributed to it; Cuz he's not exactly a bad dood, he's just...deranged af
I'm sick, it looks like intoxication.
- muscular weakness
- last night I've got shivers and I woke up at least 20 times
- dizziness
Now I'm getting better, but my autism is dead.
5781 5782
I vomited this morning. I wonder what caused it.
Your body is getting rid of toxicity.
Too much semen
I knew it... the dark side of nofap nobody talks about. ...lol jk
Makes sense. But what toxic thing could I have eaten? I only eat fresh meat and veg. Or rice. Sometimes frozen veg if running low on fresh veg. The water purifier boils water and filters it through activated charcoal, and while it smells like shit after use because I live somewhere with shit water nothing foul in the water should be able to survive that water cooking.
>Jesse. Jesse we need to cook water, Jesse.
probably cancer
What cancer causes one session of vomiting and a day's worth of diarrhea? I feel fine now anyway. Whatever sickness got into me has been thoroughly and intensely ejected.
All kidding aside, its beginning to sound like food-borne contamination
5790 5791
I blame the chicken and pasta I ate before this started. Must not have cooked the chicken enough. Cooked it for the proper time and the meat thermometer said it was fine. Guess that was just some bad chicken.
Eh, it wont be your last random/inexplicable vomit. Git gud.
You always gotta be careful with chicken, crazy eights. Especially since store-bought cock can very easily be a mixed bag depending on where you get it from.
You can get great cocks from rising guys like me via Tractor Supply every fall/winter. Give 'em enough attention and you'll have great, godly mouthfulls of cock for free that won't make you sick if you clean it right.
Just make sure to keep a cock around to keep your hens laying eggs, teighty teights.
You could also consider raising ducks, but they stink like (You)s.
I wish my landlord wasn't a faggoted karen. She says "No pets on the property. No dogs, cats, or chickens". I tried saying "Chickens aren't pets, they're food. I'll keep them outside at all times. I won't even give them grandma names." But no, she just hates fun.
Why are chickens given grandma names anyway?
5794 5856
Why don't you get a job and buy at least a small piece of land?
>grandma names
I have no idea what you're talking about. I've never referred to any livestock by name except for a favorite cow that wasn't even mine. Daphne was a big, slobbering sweetheart that birthed many calves and was beloved by everyone in the tri-county area that was worth a fuck, excepting subhuman carpetbaggers that will be pig food someday. Probably did more for the White race than you ever will. You would do well to honor her, faggot.
Daphne is not a "granny" name and you will love and respect the righteous Aryan cow.
5795 5798
>just get land
You know land isn't cheap and neither are houses, let alone in driving distance of sustainable jobs, right? Most people who don't own land wish they could, and that's probably the case for Anon here.
5796 5798
>Most people who don't own land wish they could
In the States the federal government grabbed huge portions of land to itself. Americans have the land, only the government is on the way.
That in addition to the fact that bankers (Jews) control the real estate market, and are more interested in buying up housing for corporations to rent instead of making that housing available for consumers to buy.
If you looked, you might find an amenable anon who might share their land, if that was of interest to you
full (13).png
You can get arable land for $1250/acre if you know literally anyone in a rural area. The problem is covering legal and zoning bullshit for sectioning off land or otherwise not having enough money to buy in bulk. It could be even cheaper if you want a starter lot in a tiny town.
Travel shouldn't be a problem for white collar wiz kids that can work remotely or for a blue collar guy worth a fuck that wasn't raised by a single mother and knows basic vehicle maintenance.
This issue warrants its own thread. Billionaires and kikes should be executed en masse, French Revolution style.
Not gonna happen. Said anon would either get murdered by one of his own /pol/tard serfs or black bagged by feds. No one really wants Ram Ranch IRl but with sperg wars. Plus, I'm committed to being a degenerate horsefucker. Only cute mares (redundant, I know) allowed.

In closing, cartoon equine vagina.
I'm getting better and my autistic levels little by little are returning to normal.
>Said anon would either get murdered by one of his own /pol/tard serfs or black bagged by feds
Either attempt would be hilarious, Ill let you know in such a case
If faggot roommate isn't watching copaganda on tv he's watching Netflix jew fantasies about blacks being enslaved by whites and mistreated. It's loud, it's obnoxious, it's divorced from reality. It's another shameless display of his failure as a man. He feels guilty for being a spoiled rich bastard now and then and if he doesn't feel like acting feminine and shopping his woes away, comforting his habit of purchasing overpriced clothes by telling himself second hand purchases of overpriced clothes makes them a good deal and not a massive waste of money, he watches something to make the world feel safe and reasonable and orderly, like tv shows where the cops hurt unruly poors, or """true stories""" of fictional white people long ago acting almost as badly as the BLMafia niggers today. If only I had any say in who my chicken-hating cunt landlord chose to be my roommates.
I hate your roomie, too. He sounds like an over socialized fagazoid. You know what you have to do, Anon.
Bleach+Ammonia=Mustard Gas. Make it look like he somehow accidentally locked himself in the bathroom while cleaning it.
Lmao no.
>>>/vx/165476 →
I don't consider myself particularly smart. Not dumb either, just...unbalanced when it comes to intelligence types. (If those are actually a thing.) I am partially Jewish, so that's probably why I suck at math, heh heh.
But as a kiddo, I was smart enough to ask the wrong questions to the clerics around me. My family was and still is a hard-lined Evangelical Christian family. Most of my questioning came from the perspective of "LHP", and the more they dodged the questions, the harder I pressed.
Needless to say, as a twelve - fourteen-year-old boy that was already deep in the shit with the mexas; ´nother story for another day. Let's just say they weren't exactly pleased with the only filthy "gringo" on the classroom. I basically further ruined my childhood. My family almost treated me as some sort of demonic possessed dipshit.

I dunno what to say Ninjas. Most of what you've said about this, resonates with me positively. But at the same time, I had a dream so vicious that slowly materialized into my life. And it send me straight back into Christianity, albeit with mayor disagreements with the Evangelicals.

If you are to answer seriously to this one, I ask for you to think thoroughly before posting. Not implying anything regarding your previous post; but empathizing the importance I give to this situation.
Your cow is not a chicken.
Chickens have old lady names like Agatha and Edith and Henrietta.
Theres definitely something to be said for the correlation between being an outcast of sorts, and adopting a Lhp philosophy. When an 'in group' both refuses to admit an individual while also condemning a certain course of action - especially for reasons not clearly innumerated - it becomes natural for the individual to go against the grain in pursuit of some degree of self-agency. Though, with certain groups one is anathema simply for diregarding the positions of the group. When a person is effectively shunned they quickly learn to devalue the group in question and whatever prescriptions and prohibitions the group maintains, effectively defying any presumed authority of the group or participation in it.
Can be a powerful impetus, no doubt. Im curious to pick your brain about the dream, tbh.
5860 5861
Thanks Anon.
>Im curious to pick your brain about the dream.
Sorry for being vague about it, I felt like I was already abusing it. Me! Me! Me!
About the dream. My friend was present, I had managed to make some friendships. Or rather, agreements. (They still needed my help for a lot of subjects other than Math) He stepped outside of the walled backyard in my parent's house. And turned back staring blankly towards the house. I asked him what the heck was going on, he wouldn't reply. I said fuck it and went to check it out by myself. There was a satyr and the moment I saw it I felt dizzy as hell. I walked back inside with my hands on the wall, trying not to fall.
When I woke up, I started searching about interpretations and what not. Turns out is rather varied, most obvious one is le Satan.
I just said, oh well, whatever and call it a day.
The dream was only the beginning tho.
Barely 8-ish months passed, and I was eating alone everyday at school. My friends either died in the middle of a gun-fight as unlucky by standers, or they were diagnosed with some late form of cancer.
I could barely sleep at all. I couldn't eat cuz I struggled to swallow anything. gimme a break Nigel.

Later on I started having sleep paralisys. At that point, I just couldn't take it anymore. I prayed to God for forgiveness.

Afterwards, it was a complete 180 tbh. It was at that time when my Sis became a giant source of peace for me. As the only one I could trust and talk to. She's a smart girl, Mensa-tier in fact. She did, and still has influence over my family. It helped me a lot.

Am I just a pussy? Perhaps, then again; I did probably went a bit too far even for you.
I did blasphemed against the lord quite extensively. Yes, I know what the Bible says about blasphemy and I deeply regret it everyday. But there is nothing I can do about it.

I dunno what am asking from you Anon, sorry. You don't owe me an answer.
But if you have anything to say, I'd like to hear from ya.

>Pic unrelated
>My friends either died in the middle of a gun-fight as unlucky by standers,
5862 5867
>most obvious one is Satan
I assume you mean Baphomet, specifically; my first thought was Pan from Shakespeare, but idk. And not that you necessarily asked, but the following obervations occur.
What is it about your parent's house that you unconsciously associate with the devil? It depends on what your mind associates with your parent's house. A house is a very significant image, usually used to illustrate safety, shelter, security, etc., but just as easily one can have a 'complicated' situation wherein their parent's house might be associated with anxiety and an absence of security. And in the dream, your friend effectively notified you by noticing first.
Your friend also means more than simply the personification of the indivdual, its a symbol of a trusted, reliable, etc. person. An easy trick to interpreting dreams is to pretend that the dream is a book or movie, and apply creative/symbolic analysis.
Yeah, that one.
>What is it about your parent's house that you unconsciously associate with the devil?
Oh, sorry, I should have cleared that up. I was like 14 or so. In that case, it makes sense I'd dream about my parent's house, cuz I still lived there at the time. Or does it?

Otherwise, I would say I generally have bad memories about that place. Either by what I already told you or the general behaviour of my parents. They are certainly Narcissistic people, nothing you wouldn't expect from that statement.
It didn't involve physical abuse tho. Overblown threats of violence were made, but I never pushed any further once it got to that.
By overblown I mean that my parents frequently started discussions about anything religious or political with me. Only to shut me with threats of violence after the most minimal sign of discrepancy.
I mean, I was respectful and everything. At least no other adult felt offended or even mildly bothered by the way I conducted myself.
This was already the case way before I even started questioning the idea of submitting to God's will. But it just got unbereable afterwards. I still remember my Dad yelling to the sky, "What did I do to deserve this?". He went back and forth from the living room to my bedroom, ranting about it for hours.
I genuinely thought he was going to kill me, and my mother, and my sister, and then probably himself.

Naturally, I tried to cool it off by then. But they weren't stupid, they knew It wasn't genuine. And they let me know I must prove it to them.

>your friend effectively notified you by noticing first. Your friend also means more than simply the personification of the indivdual, its a symbol of a trusted, reliable, etc. person

Yeah, I guess that ONE friend was genuine.
Thanks for the help Anon.

Not that I can't see human value on them. But they weren't exactly my friends. They expressed their disdain towards me and all gringos. Lmao. They tried to screw me over like everyone else. Until they saw I could be useful to them, I was kinda forced into it.
>Inb4 Why didn't you told yer parents.
Despite my relationship with them, I did. And when I finally got beat, hard. They started to help me. (pretty much by complaining to the school.) They insisted on the idea that racism only goes one way tho. So they refused to believe it was racially charged, despite the increasingly creative slurs. I said, "alright that's cool". Atleast I was getting helped.
They eventually got tired (under two or three weeks, lol). So they assumed I must've been the problem. They did not even changed me from school, I wasn't despised in 109 schools or something like that.
I got beat a couple more times, nothing as bad as that other time.
Enough blogpostin' for the entire year. Consider it curbed.
Thanks a lot fren, I really appreciate your input. I learned a lot.
I learned alot too. In a way, I was set on a Lhp from a very early age. Long story short I was 4, and for about 8 mos my 5d/wk babysitter physically and sexually abused me. It wasnt about sexuality or anything for her, she just felt that 'proper positive reinforcement' amounted to playing with genitals, and 'proper negative'was pain compliance with a large wooden spoon.
But it was okay, cuz she was a high school cheerleader, right?
Suffice it to say, I lacked the vocabulary to effectively communicate the situation, so she had an easy time convincing my parents that I was just having tantrums. Until I showed up to swimming practice covered with leopard spots.
As such, I've had a distrust of 'authority' as long as I can remember, and Im really good at sussing out evidence of insufficiency, whether familial, social, religious, etc.
In all honesty, I cant say that my aversion to authority isnt a result of those experiences, and that has everything to do with my motivation to figure my own way, on principle that MY way has proven far less injurious/consequential than what has been prescribed or insisted as 'correct', and that includes social integration.
You know how Jordan Peterson absolutely insists that parents not let their child become an outcast by age 4 or thats it for them? Yeah, he ain't lying.
And to that end, I CAN say that whether one opts for the Rhp or the Lhp, both roads lead to the same conclusions/realizations. Or at least, that was the apparent consensus between Anon27 (Catholic) and myself (Luciferian) during a very animated (though entirely unantagonistic) discussion/debate.
So, while I promote Lhp-ideologies - mainly to oppose the idea that theres anything wrong with it - I acknowledge it's not for everyone, and there is plausibly an element of conditioning involved in which path lne gravitates toward.
Sorry for taking that long Anon. I read your reply the day you posted it, but I had to sort out something important. God knows I hate having to take these long pauses.
Sorry to hear that Anon. I honestly don't think my own childhood was as rough as you guys'. Seen that bread. But I am relieved to see that everything about you indicates you don't need my pity.
>In all honesty, I cant say that my aversion to authority isnt a result of those experiences
>and there is plausibly an element of conditioning involved in which path lne gravitates toward.
This. Obviously my own views on the subject can't be exactly objective; for they were most certainly influenced by a traumatic event. Which is kinda what has been bothering me. Am usually very good at disposing from emotions and feels when making a call. Which includes developing my worldview. But this is the one that's beaten me. Religion has always been my neglected arm at that, but I'll make sure to change that.
>You know how Jordan Peterson absolutely insists that parents not let their child become an outcast by age 4 or thats it for them? Yeah, he ain't lying.
Yeah, it’s tough. But I assume you’ve been able to improve enough to hold youtself. The good news is that it’s perfectly possible to do so.
I do remember him, not the discussion tho. I'll make sure to check it out, thanks Anon.

This has been very constructive, thanks. You are surprisingly chill when you try it. (No bully)
I hope I can count of ya if I have another inquiry in the future.

Deleted cuz original clip was heavily buffering.
>But I assume you’ve been able to improve enough to hold youtself
Certainly, and in recent years Ive bee able to provide a situation for a handful of people spoiler alert, ALL the guys who work with me have deep-rooted scars that otherwise render them undesirable to normalfags. This is why Im so unreservedly proud of what I/we have been able to accomplish, because left to the devices of the aggregate, all of us would remain zero solvency, zero upward mobility, corporate wage slaves with a good chance of suicide,statistically speaking.
The discussion with Anon took place during a Rabbit stream (Passion of the Christ, fittingly), but his ass is still kicking around if you know how to getin touch with him. A pity he left imo, but he's all about his business (no criticism) so no fakt in that.
>You're surprisingly chill
Shhh, I have a reputation to uphold. I default to tough love, but I also mirror the apparent disposition of my interlocutor; Im wholesome to wholesome ppl and toxic to toxic ppl (to steal the line from Nux).
Feel free to stop back by here, or the pub; these are both my threads ^_~
>Certainly, and in recent years Ive bee able to provide a situation for a handful of people
Yeah, and I can congratulate you on that; as it does sound like an actual contribution. Btw, I meant no offense when I called it a white plantation. It's just the type of humor am into. It's actually a pretty neat business you are running.
>Rabbit stream
Oh, guess that's why I missed it.

>Feel free to stop back by here, or the pub; these are both my threads ^_~
I will, thanks. Am "Carlos" here, If it wasn't obvious already. Oh, and the clip isn't hentai either.
5876 5877 5880
It's great that DMC is reaching a wider audience but isn't this repeat of the "rickroll" meme just an excuse to show someone much of or even most of a porn animation before the cutaway? Doesn't seem like much of a bait and switch if the bait is something pornographic that would be hard if not impossible to put on youtube.
Thank you for your input, anon of a specific geography and bent that shall remain nameless. I know its hard reading into subtlety and all, but anon's video post is quite on topic and relevant to the discussion, in its own right.
Yours,... well,... is consistent with your other posts, though I credit that you've grown less obnoxious than you have observably been.
Still, if you have nothing to say, you're best suited to saying nothing.
Let's not revive the saga please
Will get back to you in a moment.
Be quick about it, then
>Two hours later.
Never change paco.
"Get back at you" was not the phrase I was looking for heheh. Am still ESL ye know?
>>>/ub/5879 →

No need to worry.
Mares are marvelous!
This is mostly a reiteration of what I have posted in this place during the past, anyways, I felt like typing some stuff because it is somewhat relieving in a way.
In solitude from girls during my youth and an absence of education in the teenage stage has resulted in my urges being led down a path of deviancy, within the passing of time, it has degenerated into a insatiable obsession and a frantic fixation. In the personal perspective of my eyes and thought, equines are a logical sexual substitute for this perverse predicament of modern women in the western world.
My views, or rather, my Weltanschauung on the relationship I had and currently have with mares and filly's, is that it's more a want than a need and has become a kind of erotic addiction but I admit I glory in the bestial deed greater than I ever would in masturbation. In reflection of my acts, it is superior to using my hands and due to being in daily contact with a pony I have been doing nofap for more or less 8 weeks without really trying since the outlet I have right now is more pleasurably rewarding than touching myself, thus it is a larger hit of dopamine. But I digress.
I seem to be under the spell of love with a filly at the moment and the emotions I undergo around her when I'm alone are intense, she gives me a type of motivation and purpose to do things. Everyday I question if what I am doing with this pony is in some way beneficial to me or her, if it is worth it, then I recount all the times I ejaculated inside that young womb and all the hours of happiness I have had from those orgasms. On the other hand of my self interrogations. I see the taboos and wrong-think that normies perceive upon this kind of interspecies romance. I consider the dishonor of being degraded to what I am now, the dread regarding being shamed for having a clandestine affair with mares.
There is something so enticing about those pretty ponies...
6173 6174 6175
>343 replies
What a shit company, ain't it? Some kike gets fired and is replaced by some ape nigger.

Man is literally just a fucking animal after all. There is fundamentally no fucking difference. Human consciousness is nothing but a glorified orgy of chemical substances from which no higher value can be derived. Science was right all along and everything else was a gigantic cope. Only practical and material reality truly matter. All phenomena that might've ever hinted towards the other direction was a byproduct of the same meaningless chemical orgy.
Remove the "human" factor, and you can still achieve the same or better.
Only the animal purpose of self-preservation justifies our continuous existence.
To think that so much of it, or rather, everything was resting in such a weak foundation for so long.
Whomever is stupid enough to even bother anymore?
6175 6180
Ah, but the details matter. Alphabet glowies will say"ah everyone is the same, because we do these things in these ways and we get the same results." In the same breath they exclaim as well "yet, if they are irregular, abnormal, different somehow not the same these things that are tried and true don't work."
In chemical orgy there not yet remains a more eldritch spread than humanity and the various breeds. Doubtful such an orgy arises in such a rapid manner with the exquisite physical interactions at play which may at some strange eon be different from this point of time.
Yet.... There is a vast gulf of all knowledge and what the smallest iota there is now.
On a different vein although similar, if it's all meaningless that means you can supply meaning. Such a bizarre happenstance with an organic cocktail by many measures cease to be decide to be contrite instead.
What is real? Once people find the right ingredients could it be possible to feel, be, exist, know, learn anything? Possibly, but does that change anything?
Not really, a bundle of chemicals making more chemicals using other chemicals.
What it boils down to is this simple yet effective idea.
Enjoy mare.
In absence of spiritual highs?
Enjoy mare.
In the infinite of what may be more?
Enjoy mare.
With the option of not enjoying mare and enjoying mare.
Enyjoy mare.
Severed with a side of horse pussy and pony donut.
From one chemical amalgam to another. You are loved.
Terrible lie.mp3
Good. Embrace materialism and laugh at hysterical fags and women who believe in supernatural shit.
>Embrace materialism and laugh at hysterical fags and women who believe in supernatural shit.
Your training on disrupting chans won't work here, kike.
Just saying.