Welcome to the Mongolian political horsewhispering forum, also known as /mlpol/. This thread is dedicated to helping out newfags coming to the site with integrating into the local culture. If you have a question about something, or need spoonfed on something, don't be afraid to ask me or any other Anon willing to help.
Here's a few things to start.
1.- Read the policy page first:
https://mlpol.net/policy.html2.- When in doubt, lurk moar.
3.- Praise American, Praise Football.
4.- MODS = GODS.
5.- Anonfilly did nothing wrong.
6.- No one knows what /1ntr/ is for, not even /1ntr/.
7.- Check the catalog.
8.- Go away, Zald.
9.- Don't start shit.
11.- This is nice board.
And finally...
12.- The right to bare ponies SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
1385 replies and 790 files omitted.
>>281602America could survive without the rest of the world.
China couldn't.
Russia couldn't.
The middle east couldn't.
For decades, America has intentionally traded at a loss while allowing foreign countries to rip them off because jews run it and jews want more competition for "Piggy bank and unpaid world police" America.
America is big and if whites formed an ethnostate there for each white race, they could all become numerous and successful enough to dominate the world without jew influence.
>>283673Not sure what you mean by survival. But if it is about industrial goods, then America is in the worst situation as produces mostly weapons and services.
Anyway newfag, this is a welcome thread, you are posting in the wrong place by dumping your political statements here.
Let make a deal with kiwi farm to take down sjw and trannies from the internet
>>285488I admire their hatred for trannies and sjws but I wish they didn't waste so much of their time harassing ugly/untalented no-name e-celebs when there are pedophile co-conspirators in government. Knowledge of their crimes should be spread around the world to accelerate redpilling and positive change, instead of DragonLord's feet pics.
Leftypol faggots were raiding /mlp/ on 4chan. Here is their data:
https://discord.gg/CuFkkXG discord server
766044365096484895 Discord ID
#9862 Owner
736020953552650341 ID of the owner
>>285489Kiwi farms is full of SJWs and trannies. They populate the MGTOW and MRA threads. Null doesn't care who uses his site as long as people do.
>>286316this, it's ending like EncyclopediaDramatica, a SJW wil lbe shilled at the head because mostly autists runs these, and don't have time or interest of being influential like them.
most kiwifarms was from «fuck that degen, have dox» to «wow that's a bit harsh, have your thread to the dumpster» even if it's a facebook pedophile like aichinger wolves
>>286789They'll lose control of their site if they don't kick out the degenerate shills.
One big appeal of places with free speech? People who hate degeneracy are no longer artificially turned into a minority by "be tolerant of le genderqueers and agefluids or we ban you" policies.
You get to enjoy being part of a community that hates that degeneracy and isn't afraid to say it. You get to say "fuck niggers" without nigger-lovers drowning your voice out.
Twitter is already a lefty circlejerk where those who say "Fuck trump and whites" are the protected majority.
The world needs a place where people are free to say "Fuck e-celebs, fuck feminists, fuck jews, and fuck niggers".
Can we ban trannys from coming on here permanently because holyshit they are ruining /pol/ also Fuck Trannies
>>287718>trannies ruining /pol/They're kikes larping, or not, like homos.
>>287718I approve! Trannies are degenerates with autogynephilia. The thought of having a vag and being a desired woman pleases them sexually. Being able to use government/police force and social pressure to force others to respect their nonsense delusions makes them feel powerful and untouchable. They're all scum best kept away from civilized places before moralfags decide we "need to play nice" with trannies and their easily-hurt feelings.
I hear you lads did a raid on crystal cafe. Good on you. Fucking condescending bunch of whores who all deserve to be buried alive in a mass grave IMO. If you are ever doing any more, I am eager to join in.
>>287718Here's why this idea is cancer. We dont have a problem with trannies, because mods are a. Not trannies, jews, faggots, sjws, etc, and b. Do their fucking job. Tranny shilling, spamming, and whatever other promotion is already not acceptable. The only thing that is not already expressly against the rules is open and honest discussion. So, what are you on about? This is not /pol/
>>287849When has anyone ever asked you to play nice with trannies? This is /mlpol/; (you) already know what you are supposed to do to detractors, shills, etc.
>>287718I met one tranny in my entire life. They reaffirmed all the stereotypes I had in my head about them being mentally ill. Trannies ruin everything they touch. They have ruined a lot of boards of 4chan, and they seem bent on ruining any piece of media they can.
>>287999Found the tranny.
>>288018I’m not a tranny at worst I’m a glimmer nigger
>>288021She gave up communism and embraced national socialism and we all know it
>>288019That's pretty gay, my guy.
She's a boring badly-written character with a lot of wasted potential.
>>288045Tv show yes but the glim glam I’m think of is one from a fanfic so yea
4 /pol/ the whole board is unusable even with a shiton of filters, every good thread right now just gets spammed with shilling and retards fall for it.
>>288103Shill back. Post images of tranny suicides, necklacing, Islamic terrorism, ect. Do your worst and have fun with it.
>>288115Basically this, make sure your post in involves women or children it usually the most effective post
>>288103It's all so tiresome after a while. 4/pol/ has gone to hell, and it's going to take some time before we can push back. Even with a hand full of filters it is hard to find to good threads. Although I saw a few havens among the refuse.
>>288115>>288143Agreed. We need more people to post red pills and shock images.
>>288188better to find a way to share filters descretely.
>>288018It's wierd to me, I'm a tranny and I have never met anyone who made me feel like trannies aren't disgusting mentally ill people, but the only study I have on trannies politically suggest they are all more conservative than men. (This does not adjust for niggers obviously). This doesn't explain shitcord trannies though so I am just kind of left wondering what the hell is going wrong or right in the suicide club.
>>288190>It's wierd to me, I'm a tranny>better to find a way to share filters descretely.Not with you.
>I have on trannies politically suggest they are all more conservative than men.>Thinks it is better than nignogsRenounce your evil ways. Transsexualism is not the way to the salvation of your soul, nor will it bring you happiness. Trannies are mentally ill because they reject reality. They are mentally deluded that they are something they are not. There is nothing conservative about trannies. Trannies are but the next wave on the sea of degeneracy made to destroy the nuclear family.
The tranny I met was a family member too. It was a sad display to say the least. They have renounced their wicked ways since then, and have embraced their real gender.
>>288195I dont need anyones help to create filters. 90% of 4cuck can't even figure out how to install a user extension on their browsers, and to be honest I'm not too trusting of anyones technological advice here considering you have a thread pinned in the archive that instructs users to install unmodified firefox.
>you have to go back>repent>trannies arethe next waveTrannies are fud to get you to care more about adult peepees as a psychological surrogate for what theyre doing to baby peepees. Anyone who considers circumcision to be the lesser of the two evils has a date with my delousing chamber.
>>288195oh, and if your vision of the family is from the 1950s you're a retard. There's nothing great about the disconnected atomic family. Real families should resemble a small company or tribe, exist on an estate property or several adjacent homes. Teaching our countrymen to throw out their children into the world at 18 and start nearly from scratch is fucking stupid. The rich and elites don't do this, why the fuck do we? Stop idolizing and perpetuating this gaslit fantasy as some kind of healthy society.
>>288196>anyone who considers circumcision the lesserTranssexualism is a symptom of circumcision.
I mean really, what do you think happens in the inherited instinctual brain of a people when you spend thousands of years mutilating their genitals?
>>288198And yet I may as well be screaming into the wind when I say this on 4cuck.
>>288195>second picWait a minute... Aren't those just unown?
>>288204>trannies are just gallos region unownkek
I guess it's apt now that pokemon has gone to shit.
Thanks for the welcome. Text entry is a bit slow on phone but probably to do with the new code.
Is everypone here friendly? Am i going to make new frens?
I like to scuba dive.
newfag here. just got banned from /pol/, so I'll chill here for a couple of days.
>>288603>>288609>>288621>>288686Newfrens are always welcome, stay as long as you like
>>288686this is the price you pay for not owning a router
>>289396Router? What do you mean?
Hello frens, longtime lurker of 4chan, but I wanted to help make this place more active so please excuse my newfaggotry as I learn the ropes of posting. Will lurk moar as necessary.
>>290308Welcome fren. Please check the policy page, but otherwise enjoy yourself
>>289604>he doesn't know what a router isI seriously hope you guys don't do this.
What is it with the horse porn I don’t understand? Are you guys all incels jerking off to beastiality 100 times a day?
I love you guys but how to you proceed to claim normalcy in fighting degeneracy when you’re obsessed with cartoons of naked horses? Serious question.
We all spend our spare time getting buff to go pretend to be Mongolians and wrestle mares while wearing MAGA hats and rainbow dash hoodies in gestapo boots, it's a sport.
>>290350Okay, the idea of cartoon pony pussy is very off putting to most normal fags so in theory and practice it keeps away most of the unwanted attention which creates a slowness in posting but an increase in quality.
It just works.
Degeneracy is a touchy subject but pretty much anything including dicks or niggers is degenerate to most faggots here.
I'm probably the best one to write about what is morally degenerate or not given my current stance in this subject. >>290358So it’s all a facade? That’s lie. You love it.
>>290348>>290358It takes all kinds. Some here unironically want to fuck horses. Some want to fetishize pastel cartoon ponies. Some just want to discuss politics or raids or wtfe else without shill/newfag/reddit interruptions. ALL hands want a moderation team that gives a shit about and actually listens to the user base. The /pol/ side at least recognizes that ponies and ponyfags are pretty harmless, and some of us learned the magic of frenship from them and their influence. It's really a long story, and parts of it appear early on ITT.
Tl;dr Ponies are preferable (and in some cases, a delightful balance to being severely red/black-pilled) to the /pol/ side, and nazis make for wonderful and protective friends for the /mlp/ side. And when 4/mlpol/ was shut down, we set out to capture the mutual spirit, intent, and family (cuz let's face it, alot of us are pariahs in our personal spheres because of our 'excteme'views and interests).
>>290350No one cares about degeneracy, we're fighting the normalization of it. yknow, commification. normalization, demoralization. There will always be wierdos and sickos, even if we did a purge today and killed every one, like weeds they;d be back again the next year. Rather, we let weeds grow where they want, except for the farm and garden.
>>290364A facade? You underestimate my power level.
I fucking love that shit and you're damn right that i do.
>>290366>>290370These anons explain it pretty well, better than i would be able to anyone new.
>Some here unironically want to fuck horses.This is not to be taken lightly, it's a very small minority of specific individuals who partake in this. >>290371Cringe as fuck you degenerate faggot.
>>290366Tl;dr just realized you fucking weirdos claim to want to end globohomo and be nazis to rid the world of non White means while you’re jacking off to cartoons of naked horses and posting them incessantly on a website 24/7.
It’s all coming together. Stop pretending like it’s some glorious campaign to keep normies out lmfao pathetic faggots
>>290396Incels will ever do shit to productively change anything in society. You guys are just complaining to eachother in an echo chamber lol. I’m out.
>>290395>>290394>>290398Ah, the typical shill, always responding the posts they think they can handle while conviniently ignoring the ones that blow them the fuck out. you are right that it's not a glorious crusade. It's a japanese lite novel. We're a bunch of degenerate isekai protagonists that accidentally wound up being the only ones standing between the destruction and enslavement of humanity. That's what makes it all so hilarious.
>>290394>>290395>>290398Suit yourself, if you can't handle horse pussy or swastikas then you were never meant to be here in the first place.
We are doing fine without you.
>>290395>stop pretending it's some campaign to keep normalfags and intruders out>>290398>I'm outAnd yet clearly horsepussy is still effective at it's intended purpose
So, for anyone who is still paying attention, the general practice around here (aside from not whining about either ponies or politics) is beautifully illustrated by a phrase I recently learned;
Wholesome to wholesome people, and toxic to toxic people.
>>290395But Anon, Nazis have always been crossdressing degenerates!
>>290601Eh, I've posted here more than there. I'm a nomad. /fascist/, /liberty/, /leftypol/, /monarchy/, everywhere. No use pretending I'm right before I hear everyone out. I'm a weird blend of most of them.
I was only half shitposting. The Wehrmacht, just like ponyposters, weren't insecure about unusual or socially unaccepted sexuality.
https://worldwartwo.filminspector.com/2016/08/cross-dressing-in-wehrmacht.html So are you the one bumping dead threads?
>>290605Not me, that was done before I arrived today. Mods can probably verify.
>just got bannedhaha come on janny! no fun allowed on a /pol/ board?
>>290606It was like 5min before your post in this thread. Is this part of a discord raid or something?
>>290608I have no idea. Certainly not a /leftypol/ board thing (check it yourself. they don't even have a board discord because it's capitalist US botnet) but there's probably a sekrit club of trannies somewhere being keyboard warriors, or maybe one autistic tranny/nor/mlp/erson.
Did you know you can still browse mlpol on a fucking PSP? Neither did I...
>>290899Now I wish I still had a 3DS, so I could check if this site works on it.
As a kid I'd stay up late talking to virtue-signalling fair-weather friends on pony forums full of faggots.
>>290603Why would anyone call themselves lefty? Do you believe leftists own monopolies on the nice-sounding things they claim to support?
>>290395Fun note: about six months ago the brony site Derpibooru instituted a massive crackdown on "hateful" content, which received backlash from over half of the biggest artists there–and it's clop which sells on the internet. It was legitimately heartwarming to see a bunch of degenerates rise up and say "no" to a communist takeover. Say what you want, but some degenerates make for surprisingly staunch allies.
>>290990Funnier note: they were doing the usual "we're protecting (((you))) by banning nazis!!!" infantilizing shit to which Mittsies (a jew) and a bunch of other minorities, including a native american and a whole bunch of niggas, responded with "fuck no, stop trying to decide for us".
>>290990>TSPMan, I wonder if this is a wierd dream I have. I seem to remember seeing something like TSP is part of antifa, but I really don't remember where I saw it or if it was part of some fever dream.
>>174798how come .jfif images (they're like jpegs) can't be uploaded as files?
>>291168Cuz ur a fgt who cant post questions in /qa/ where they belong
still love u tho Hi /mlpol/. I am a 4chan refugee. Mostly here to lurk and collect some rare pones. Not many places left on the internet for wholesome intellectual discussion. Will probably drop in on discussions of modern physics, philosophy, western civilization, and of course magic of friendship.
>>291239Poners and politics are always welcome here fren
> Originally come from 8/pol/
> remembers when this site started
> came here once in a while
> then just said, meh whatever
> stayed in 8/pol
> 8/pol shoah
> Zeronet a litttle
> bounced around the other zites
> Stayed mostly in 4/pol cancer
> am I welcome here?
I just want a home.
>>291277No offense, but we've already had an 8chan migration, and they fucked off when it was convenient
>>291277Dont take that as a refusal though, we of ALL boards know what it's like to have to find/build a home for ourselves. That's literally why you can post here. So, for the time being at least, feel free to get comfy.
We do have rules tho, they're at the policy page o the top
>>291277These fags can tolerate a turbofag like me, you can stay here.
>>291277You're welcome here anon, i myself used to browse /pone/
and /horse/ so i will assume your no worse than me to stay here.
I made my residing place here from the rest of the internet because it's a lot more comfortable being in this horse whispering forum than hanging around 4 cans till my dying days, you know as well as me that those places died years ago.
You are welcome here so be nice and we can even be friends.
>>291132Given his
>murder the channers, murder the nazis, or I'm retaking the site with iron fist<ha ha except he is a spineless coward whose only capability was hiding in a bunker and buddying up to people ENTIRE staff team hatesshit in the leaked logs, yes, he is 100% antifa, that is, a frothing untolerant piece of cowardice.
Is this thread a right place to question the legitimacy of national socialist movement? Not to shitpost or start shit but as a geniune interest? I was born in Leningrad. A city that faced a great siege in 1941, coming from german agressors. My grandmother (who passed away 6 years ago, god bless her soul) had to watch dozens of dead bodies being thrown in the Neva river, homes being bombed to no end, food supplies running out to an extent of citizens making their ends meet with glue and perfume. By the time Hitler's army was invading USSR, millions of people suffered. You can say that "If you want peace then prepare for a war" or "good deed covers the losses" type of arguments or even "the whole thing was staged" shenanigans. I shall say that I believe in you, mlpol. You've been the voice of reason that I wanted to listen to all this time. You are heroes to oppose diversity, humble neighbors with insightful truths and simple believes a man can understand. There are two genders, black people are less adapted to society compared to whites, women rights is a myth.
With that being said, all I want is your take on why those truths come through the mouths of nazi apologists? Is it purely for comedic purposes or is there something that I am missing?
Also did you know a japaneze word for dick has a smiley face?
>>291441No, it is not. There are several threads you could do that in, check the catalog (check the policy page first)
>>291441your grandmother sounds like a jew. does she not have hundreds of horror stories of the communist parties crimes in your country? Have you listened to yuri bezmenov? It really seems like you don't even know what hitler was fighting. It was honestly a mistake for you not to turn around and shoot your commanding officers. To be fair to you, there is plenty of wrong with what hitler did. he was thinking in the traditional warmonger mindset of attacking the nations greatest asset, the people, to squeeze the russian government for surrender. However, the russian government cares the least about its citizens, and he would have been better served by attacking the resources germany needed for the war.
Over all I have little trust or love for the nazis as while there are plenty of reasons they are based a lot of their war decisions on the strategic layer make them seem like theyre loosing on purpose. I think the reason they are so popular is the prevelence of hatrerd for them from groups that are absolutely disgusting. Much like trumps position now, no matter who you are, you are mortal. You cannot buy the kind of credability you get from being hated and feared by monsters. Hitler is over all an invokation of the lefts hatred for whites. he is much more than a man. If you want to speak of history, speak of history. But this is not the real reason we embraced the wignat labels.