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Airline Peanuts
9673 9675 9677
The latest installment of the Game, which has Tracy getting in line for heaven knows what. Trump, Torcuil and Trump are quickly,... not getting there 'cuz Trump tower only actually moves at an oxen-pace.
Previous bread here: https://mlpol.net/vx/res/8954.html
909 replies and 65 files omitted.
Did you really create flowcharts
Yes. I crafted a system that I call "Yandere calculus" to determine how I'll play her with each given development, all for the sake of staying in character.
... Couldn't you just intuit what Tracy's character would do at each given crossroads, and not need to map out all possible outcomes with probably dozens of variables?
Yay me
10598 10600
Wut? We're not going micro-chimerism are we?

"Thus far"
GM hasn't even turned up the volume on "level-advanced aversaries"
"Oh shoot, I forgot the chain" she says at GM.
Keep it, no one is proficient, and you might need it.
"Okay... but tell Infernius"
Please stop.
Infernius, its absurd, but for what its worth she thinks you're amazing. This is seriously autistic shit, given that both are figmentary and all, but its important to her that I iterate that you're something special. THERE, are ypou satisfied?"
"Nope! At this rate, I may make a move for Godform!"
10595 10597
The flowcharts give her structure: the mess of different paths are her "mind" per say. I can still nudge it in any direction, or ignore the charts altogether, but I prefer to keep her in character (so it's not me making the decisions; it's her). They also give a rational order to the mind of a seemingly irrational character.
I work hard to make this fun.
10597 10599
Its supposed to be fun. Thats my pinnacle agenda.
This is what is happening here
What would be the most relevant classes to spend the upgrades on?
>tfw your Egregore, manifested over 24 years, is the waifu of another fictional character

>When everything I do feels like a power struggle
Maybe I'm not doing this right
infernuis feel honored
10602 10603
Where is Lenos right now?
i also wish to know.
Lenos is busy hitting things with a hammer. It works for him.
"Whadya want?"
Tracy's faggot finally goes to bed.
... and sleeps soundly, guarded and warded by friends and their thought-forms.
10607 10609
you show me how to make gold-steel?
10608 10609
"I don't know how to MAKE it, but I DO know how to make 'er move! With a hammer I mean,...."
ok so you show me intro to metalurgy?
>Flowchart calls for casual acts of good nature, when Tracy is feeling this good
Tracy's faggot is to tired and lazy to write it out, but assume Tracy dug up the golem parts and dumped them in the crafting area, some time later in the next couple days after she woke up.
She did it when nobody was looking, in stealth.
For his tired posturing Trumpaladin could not go to sleep, however fluffed up his pillow may have been, or however soft the mattress. He thought of the football he gave Tracy and of the first time he played it.

It was late December that year he graduated and started with CBP, and though not quite a rookie, he had been an officer only about eight months. A group of officers from the patrol in nearby Harlingen came to visit for group training that week. The lead officer was a man named Medina, a shuffled haired 28-year-old whose family was from there in the Valley, and could be traced back since the Spanish. He had that friendly and jesting personality to him. He had heard that Trumpaladin – and Trumpaladin was not known as “Trump” the time – was a college football player. He wanted to see this star player in action. So Medina challenged Trump and his patrol to a game against his Harlingen patrol. They played on a plowed farmer’s field, since the station did not have free land, and the farmers allowed CBP on their property, since they tended to scare away aliens, who cut barbed wire fences and clogged canals with litter. It was a brisk morning, perhaps 55 degrees besides a breeze, as it is often not very cold in the winter in South Texas, and with the sun rising over the fields it was truly a nice morning. This is not to say Trump felt nice, not by any means at all. He had driven in 12 hours from his home, where he stayed for Christmas, and was up late the night before with his companions. Though he did not drink and was not hungover, he had a headache that dominated over the otherwise tranquil and pleasant feel of the field.

Being the star and all, it was he who supplied the ball ad placed it on the field. He had run in to purchase the football at an Academy sporting goods store in McAllen just the day before, almost as an after though, but just in case they might want to play a game. He had missed playing ball in college, however intense and injurious it may have been to play. He did not miss it that morning. Trumpaladin always blamed his poor performance that morning on sleep deprivation and his head ache, but for whatever reason, he could not muster much more than Medina or the team from Harlingen. He won, to be sure, but it was that sort of victory that, under the circumstances, feels more like a mitigated defeat. “Good game” medina said to him as he tossed the ball to Trump. He was smiling as he did so, because he knew he had shown off Trump. Medina closed the gap by six points, down to only three points, 24-21, in the last quarter. Medina was a very good player that morning, and again in future matches. He was a very good officer, always did his work well. He was a good person, pleasant to be around, and always had a joke, even if he was somewhat teasing of Trump. He was shot and killed one morning on patrol, evidently by a group of Mexican drug smugglers. Trumpaladin would mentioned Medina in some of his later speeches, when speaking on the situation on the US Mexico border. He wished he could have told the audiences how well Medina played Football that day; how he loved the sport as did Trump.

The football, the same football Medina carried across the goal line twice that game, was probably the only physical memento that Trump had of Medina. Really, it was one of the few he had remaining relics of the two years of his life he spent in CBP. And he gave it to Tracy. He truly did give up a piece of his soul when he handed it to her. But that was okay, because he had given up far more to his country, or for his career. Certainly, Medina gave far more. He knew that delivering the ball was probably for nothing, and that that football would probably remain in Tracy’s room indefinitely, cluttering up a corner. Worse, it may form a part of some bizarre shrine, its true use never appreciated. But that was also okay. Over the years, Trump became used to vain sacrifice. So many times he removed criminal immigrants just to see them come right back again. The man suspected to have killed Medina was himself removed three times. And Trump had equally fought against corrupt politicians and sports announcers just to see them come back again and again. But that was okay, because he had done all he was able. He did all he could to stop the bad hombres. He did all he could to fight against the corruption of the NFL, and he did all he could to stop the globalists in his time. So when he failed, and it all came to nothing, he could say he was admirable. He played a good game. So too, it will not be his fault when Tracy turns.

He thought about Port Barry. He told them to gather the bodies – the bodies of those who did not make it to safety – and burry them in the monastery. Tomorrow he would assess the damage to the structures, and determine how much of the town needed to be torn down, and how many of his own buildings were damaged. For a moment, the thought crossed into his mind that Port Barry was attacked while he was away on a fruitless expedition. Medina was killed on a day he had taken off. But the thought was banished from his mind. He thought about Thez, how she disappeared, and how she had sealed the outsiders away forever. Such meaningfulness in her sacrifice, He wish his own death had accomplished as much, or that he could have done as much service to the citizens of Port Barry. They’ll have their own new football tomorrow, and he hoped to make this new one count.
That was awesome. Well done. One good turn then 'eh?
The character who would eventually come to be known as Thez logistically began just short of 30 years ago, on OP's 8th birthday. He could wax idiotic about what was happening at the time, the events of the day as they unfolded (it wasn't a good day even before this next bit) but long story short, his closest and most dear friend and her mother were killed by a drunk driver while en route to his birthday party. Birthdays have never been the same since.
A few years later he would find himself in a new state, at a new school, and it was his birthday again. His teacher had a tradition of having all students tell everyone about themselves, answer questions, and allow everyone to get to know them on their birthday. The class would take this information and write a short paragraph about the student in question, and most students loved the attention and would readily soak up the opportunity to tell everyone all about themselves. Instead, OP had a nervous breakdown (Thez' loss was not the only shitty thing that had happened). 9 year olds were not supposed to have nervous breakdowns in class, so this garnered attention.
Around this time he was introduced to D&D 2nd edition, and the "really nice lady" who met with him once a week encouraged him to explore the potential of a world that he could create, which he took to with great enthusiasm. He had a few successful and unsuccessful characters, all of whom ended up dying or languishing cuz boring. Then, during a campaign with older and (to him) newer players, they killed off his favorite character in a death trap. He'd never experienced D&D death traps, but these older guys were into that, and when he enthusiastically offered to challenge the narrow passage that they were presented with, the DM killed him quickly and finally, and had the gaul to hang his character sheet on the wall like a trophy.
The DM told him he could make a new character, but they would start off at 1st level, and with nothing. Not consciously aware of what he was doing, OP asked if the character could be slightly different. He wanted to play a 1/2 elf, 1/2 dwarf character. The DM thought for a moment and said "Ok, but no stat modifiers."
Op looked through the book of Dwarves that was piled on the table, looked through the list of names and said "Okay. Her name is GIlana".
Gilana de Fatima Korragar al Thez, as she would fully emerge, was OPs favorite character from that point on. She's the only character who has never died, as well as the only character who has killed another character, legitimately and with cause.
As she has experienced and developed, she has taken on all sorts of proportions new. She's Nightcrawler meets Deadpool meets Lady Death, meets,.... Its kinda ridiculous how many literary and media references and influences OP has piled into her.
In time his gaming ceased and he lived his life to the best of his ability. He found a career, established a household with an incredibly understanding young woman who is an oldest of oldfags (we're talking a 4chan.net oldfag), and ultimately forgot about Thez. Then one day his spouse purchased a used D&D 3.5ed book set from a garage sale.
That was about 3 years ago.
OP knew nothing of 4chan - I mean he knew OF it but never bothered to visit 'cuz the reputation he'd heard was "Watch out for the child porn" - nor the first thing about Tulpas, but as soon as he opened the books he immediately remembered Gilana and all her adventures. But being not your average character and being something of a reflection of him, she had taken on new proportions and aspects in a parallel of how his life had developed. So for kicks, OP started to play again, first by himself and later incorporating others. At first it became a hobby to him, guiding Gilana through all sorts of adventures and circumstances, relying solely on the dice and his imagination to explain what, how, etc.
She wandered through Limbo, the Abyss, the 9 Hells, Tartarus, and so on. Eventually he exhausted all the available options of the prescribed worlds and dimensions, had run through most of the creatures in the Monster's Manual. So then he decided to make a world where she could inhabit that was a synthesis of all the worlds and dimension, somewhere where there was some of everything. Somewhere where when a character died they were brought to to live on. This was all very Freudian, and if he had been psycho-analyzing at the time he would have (and later did) say "Oh, that's why".
He would eventually find his way to 4chan during the Republican primaries, would lurk and occasionally post but mostly just browse.
And then in time April fools day happened.
Its important to note that the young girl who he'd known as a child was a huge fan of 80's MLP. She insisted they play MLP even though he knew nor cared for it (his favorite was TMNT). So when 4/mlpol/ happened, he discovered some things and rediscovered others.
He rediscovered a deeply buried part of himself that he regretted having put away, and he discovered a place where not only was he welcomed, but SHE was as well. They had a NAME for what she was, and it was not a bad thing or a dirty secret but something to be recognized and appreciated. And now, here on Mlpol.net, though OP is quite certain that there are detractors in the audience lulzing their asses off, he finds that there is something here that he didn't even think was possible. Thez (her infernal mother made 2 conditions for her leaving Hell with the 2 stones, one of which was adopting the name Thez) had friends. SHE had people who were important to her.

And so it should come as no surprise that though it will take an indeterminate amount of time (time is different in the outer realms) and who knows how OP is gonna figure out how it works (cuz the wish was pretty explicit), at this very moment there is a purple and pink streak tearing through armies with purpose and wild abandon.
"GTFO my way! I've got somewhere to be!"

Now. the stone of Law and Chaos are hidden in a compartment in one of her garters. Its a combination lock, so don't expect to get anywhere with that, but neither will they be detected or will anyone come looking for them.
The 'garter belt' is actually a Girdle of Cloud Giant strength, and the stone Infernius ate is a durpey ioun stone of regeneration. It doesn't fly properly like an ioun stone should, it just kinda rolls around requiring it to be contained (usually in hand, but she found eating it to be more effective). I called it the durpey stone before I'd watched MLP btw Xp.
Thats all for now!
Mrs. Sentry
Okay, after looking into the prestige classes, it's actually just bullshit for Tracy to level up as a Slayer and Elocater while being something else because of the "Powers Known" trait: she could take the classes, but she'd have to choose which abilities to manifest.
Guardian Paramount was the class the Flowcharts call for in the Good Ending, so forget about the Spring Attack feat and take the Feats of Blinding Speed, Superior Initiative, and Lightning Reflexes.
The bracers for Torcuil have a permanent Shield spell affixed to them, which in addition to granting a +2 to AC, cause an invisible tower-shield of force to hover with the player, direct-able by thought (no hands!). The two rings (I forgot one of them) are Defense +3, and Climbing+5/Jumping+10.
There is also an ear-cuff of Blinking (same as ring) which causes the wearer to strobe granting a 50% chance of incoming attacks to miss entirely.

Amongst Tracy's stuff (in addition to the raw gold and gems) are:
The golden dragon tiara-thing that blinks
A butterfly hairpin that flaps its wings
A ladybug that crawls around on the wearer (Cha +2)
Dozens of rings, necklaces, circlets, etc.
2 oversized tarot cards, all gilt and gems, of the Queen of Staves and the Queen of Swords
Oh, and I forgot to mention the Mask as well. The mask is a Mask of Disguise +10, granting whatever illusion the wearer desires.
Also for Infernius is an Endless Bandage. Its the stamp-roll thing, and its never ending. It would be great for TPing someone's house.
I'm reasonably certain that that's all, but don't quote me on that.
Mrs. Sentry
Wow... That'll help with the ceremony.
10621 10645
BTW, I totally nerfed the Soros fight. It was gonna be long and drawn out, and super exhaustive/ing, but when we got to him I found that I was super exhausted. It would have been a battle of attrition, but even if ppl died they would have lived cuz Thez has the random stick. I was gonna make everyone work for it, but the outcome was kinda inevitable anyway cuz Thez is herself a Deus Ex Machina.
Now, Lenos is still around (he's no slouch), and Slag is somewhere in the periphery, but from this point on there are no safety nets. Trump tower has an Entertron which heals/revives anyone placed in it (but you're still hungry), and Trump will probably want to get to work throwing deceased civilians in there. That said, I'm going to be getting more creative with these sessions, as I won't be split between deciding what Thez wants to do while determining what is happening.
Mrs. Sentry
Can Tracy try a diplomacy check with the residents of the Hive to see if they could help her excavate one of those caves in the mountain into a secret lair?
I wouldn't even involve a diplomacy check, go nuts.
Basically, the players have about 3 weeks of 'interim' game time to decide what developments they want to apply to their characters, and what additions they want to apply to the world and their environment. As port Barry is rebuilt, new buildings, stores, and resources can be made to order (within reason) and established. Players can rp or describe what is/will/has happened, whichever they prefer. Also, though there are 2 rules expressly forbidding it, word around the Port (especially in light of last night's events and the sudden participation of the ne'er do wells) tells of a Fight Club, something Thez started weeks ago when the party first liberated the city from the rats. ^_~
Mrs. Sentry
10628 10645
Tracy gathers up a few books on Foosball, divegrass, dungeoneering, and anything else that seems useful, and heads off to the Hive.
She should bring paper and a pen
Mrs. Sentry
She'll just write it on Ponimaru's skin.
10631 10645
Uhm, I mean for the ants. They don't have mouths, and they lost their potato. Also, Thez taught Ponimaru a few tricks. She's the one who brought him back btw, and after a few unscripted interactions she took him as an apprentice.
She IS a grandmaster monk after all.
Mrs. Sentry
10632 10645
>took him as her apprentice
So what you're saying is, he won't just run and scream like a bitch when he sees Tracy again?
I kept meaning to make him a soccer ball out of the skin on his butt as a consolation gift (he wouldn't know what it was), but Trollestia kept getting in the way..
No, and he'll be much less of a newb if you ever fight again.
Mrs. Sentry
10634 10635
Well, when they do meet, Tracy would probably have a set hierarchy in her mind (getting 1-shot K.O'd knocks you down on the totem pole).
10636 10647
Tracy can still whup his ass, but he could probably rival Fae at this point.
Were you wanting to 'game' an interaction with the ants, or were you asking to determine possibility?
Mrs. Sentry
Well, I was planning on turning one of those caves into a secret >rape dungeon, so yes.
I was more wondering if you wanted to RP the exchange or was simply getting it done your interest?
Mrs. Sentry
I gotta do stuff for the next few hours, but I'm not exactly sure what I'll do atm..
I assumed Tracy would first have to butter-up the ants to get them to help her out; maybe impress them with foosball knowledge.
That would certainly impress them, but since they don't have a Queen anymore and aren't working to keep her safe/cozy/pregnant all the time (not to mention catering to her every whim cuz mind control), they would not be opposed to a side project. They're excellent diggers and engineers, and they feel they owe the party anyway, their quality of life has shot through the roof since she got squished.
Mrs. Sentry
That's what she'll do then.
Any options/limitations on the dungeon, before I plan it out?
Well, the only restriction would be technological, as ants don't use tech or tools at all. Other than that, I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Mrs. Sentry
I suck at planning shit... I'll try though.
No tech needed though, mostly just lots of dark, private, secretive space.
Perhaps you mean "I've had less success with planning things in the past."
Take your time, try not to get frustrated or discouraged. ^_^
>Trump tower has an Entertron which heals/revives anyone placed in it... and Trump will probably want to get to work throwing deceased civilians in there.
Tell me more!
I saw that! I will end you you globalist shill
Can the ants be conscripted to do manual labor for purposes besides building a bat cave?
>As port Barry is rebuilt, new buildings, stores, and resources can be made to order (within reason) and established
Okay, this is what I really want and need. I need a damage report on Port Barry
Well, its a booth, and whoever is put in it is restored to life and full health (eliminating status ailments, etc.). Its basically an instant revive, except at least one person has to be alive enough to get anyone there (so if everyone dies, GM has to get creative) putting the ball more in the players' court.
The ants can be conscripted to do labor, in fact that's what they're good at. For a larger-scale project they would probably require some sort of incentive or remuneration, and also note that they don't know the first thing about aesthetics.
Alot of the damage is superficial, with over half the buildings showing fire damage. Still, some of the inner buildings have been entirely reduced to rubble. The sticky wicket has been entirely spared, because Thez liked the place and performed an unhallow on the place (so when invading, the demons and devils were like "Hey, this place is kinda nice. We'll leave this one"), as is the Rusty Duck, which was a rallying point for many of the civilians and a point from which the people began to fight back. Also the brothel was untouched, as well as the rich neighborhood simply 'cuz there weren't really any people there (no victims = boring).
10648 10651
Reeee! Why is Fae so weak? Is there anything I can do to increase her strength and speed?
Certainly. As a character she's level 1, but can easily train, develop, and progress as any character would. Have her do stuff, she'll get better.
Well shit, then I'm signing her straight up for fight club, and spending other time teaching football to the citizenry. Teaching involves playing of course, which is a very physical activity. Eventually, I think I'll move her over to the Military Order
Mrs. Sentry
10652 10654
She's just a level 7 monster.
>sign up for Fight Club
You don't know how that works do you? I get your meaning though.
For one she's a 9HD creature, but for two that's just her baseline. Any creature can advance, esp by way of player intervention
"Ooooh! I would SO have whupped some shape into her! You're such a faggot!" Thez says in response to the latest, and at OP.
10655 10658
Then why the hell is white knight weeb horse at the same level?

Nope, search the tower for power crystals
Mrs. Sentry
10656 10658
Interesting. Is there anything else I should know about improving monsters?
Ponies are the superior species.
10657 10658
But Ponimaru is not a pony, he''s a horse
Mrs. Sentry
Good point.
Not the same level, but Thez taught him some techniques and forms which put him on relatively equal standing in terms of combat ability.
Thats a broad topic, so I'll give a quick rundown.
Monsters and creatures are designed to be, right out of the book, <blam> there's a thing. It doesn't incorporate history, etymology, conditioning, etc. For the most part, they're there to get owned on. Advancing a creature is not dissimilar to advancing a player or character, in that experience and circumstance allows the creature to refine its self. To be quite honest, given Fae's participation in recent events, I'm not opposed to giving her a level as a fighter or another mundane (no bully) class.
He's a young colt, and he's got spirit, even if he is squishy. (he is though)
Mrs. Sentry
If Tracy has Ethereal abilities, could I at least say that she's gotten to the point that she could glitch through walls?
She'll develop the dungeon based on that.
The answer depends more on where you put her at the end of three weeks and with 2 additional levels to assign. Tl:dr probably.
10662 10663
If Tracy is now an outsider, shouldn't she be banished from the realm along with all of the other outsiders with Thez's spell?
Good question! No. Thez' spell (wish, its a Pit Fiend thing) was particular to full-on outsiders, and while Tracy has developed outsider traits, she is still quite natural-ish-for-Tracy. So yes, there is a 'taint' of outsider to her, but no that does not compromise her ability/nativity to the environment.
Mrs. Sentry
[Infernal hoers noises!]
Tracy still has a dual body and a corporeal form through: she's different, maybe closer to a Native Outsider.
10665 10666
All Outsiders must now be removed
>Native Outisder
Per the Outsider Exclusion Act of 1882, you no longer have valid legal status in this realm, and shall be removed
Mrs. Sentry
Say she's been honing her concentration and focusing on her Su type abilities, including psionics and etherealness.
The Dungeon largely functions as a private place for her to focus her powers.
No. Activating the Anchor-Baby clause: Tracy, as a Native Outsider, is originated and tied to the material plane; she even still needs to eat sleep and breath. She cannot be banished due to having been born material.
A disembodied hand appears above Trump for a moment, and <WHONK> he has a lump on his head.
"It was business."
Were you born in this realm? No? You have to go back
Neither was Trumpadin.
Nobody said the God Emperor couldn't have a foreign waifu, anyway.
Thez stated none who were born, native, OR BROUGHT to this realm,... everyone in the party is excluded.
why did I have to put so many feels into that scene?
10671 10672
Actually, speaking of which, GM, can I import a Slovenian Unicorn for Waifu purposes?
Thats not the first time you've asked that, I thought you were kidding. First step - per your description - is how do you intend to contact Slovenia?
Import? As in trade? No. I'll look into how to put a Slovenian unicorn into the mix, but if I were in Vegas my money would be on "Tracy's gonna kill".
10674 10675
>You changed IPs, and your new hash is now h0LO. Congratulations, you are now "Holocaust" user
Well, whichever foreign land has hot unicorns looking for visas. Port Barry is, well, a port, so it must have contacts with far off exotic lands
>Tracy's gonna kill
Why is she so eager to lay an exclusive claim on Trumpaladin but so uneager to be waifu material? Oh well. The hot new unicorn can stay in the heavily guarded areas of Trump Tower, and give public speeches that she plagiarizes from Twilight Sparkle. And if Tracy succeeds, then at least Tracy will have committed an aggravated felony, and so can have her visa revoked and be deported back to the outside regions
The power went out, my wifi reset. I'll see myself to the gas chambers.
>why is she...
<smack> I'm <smack> working <smack> on <smack> it! Surely you know the plot of the Taming of the Shrew?
10676 10678
>Why is she so eager to lay an exclusive claim on Trumpaladin
Have you leaned nothing these past 4 months?!
>...can stay in the heavily guarded areas of Trump Tower...
>bla bla
Try telling that to a level 15 extraplanar rogue. I'll turn her into prenatal smoothies and make it look like a skiing accident, if you tempt me.
GM, were you intending to add quests to this game? I really want to take that Assassin class.
I'll get right on it
"You know,...."
You have no idea what you've just done.
10679 10681
Okay then. I'm turning in my >>8888 →, my >>9999, and my >>10000 for official waifuing of Trollestia. Tourcil can still have her as a mount, so long as Trump can mount her in other ways. And yes, all ponies are impressed by quads. To further impress her, I show her my twitter account which is nothing but global-scale trolling
I was gonna say something snarky, but since Thez is now Infernius' waifu I suppose I don't have a leg to stand on. Also, you're right, the twitter is some topkek trolling.
Can I just,... for a moment?
If you have a chance, check the board statistics, and hit on /vx/ on the bottom. You know that's pretty much all us right? Thanks fam.
10682 10684 10686 10687 10689
Anyway, the >Rape Dungeon, just as a pre-draft design, was meant to mostly just be a development of existing underground caverns furnished into into separate rooms with designated functions. Multiple passageways would be opened-up or collapsed to make different areas more or less easy to transverse.
The important part is that, not unlike a phase spider's nest, the dungeon isn't reachable from the outside, and several passageways (to be specified later) wouldn't be accessible without an ethereal host even with the dungeon. Nobody could get in or out without Tracy's powers.
The many of the ants are small and able to fit through small cracks, so altering a preexisting cave to make it furnishable and inescapable should be within their capabilities. Tracy will reward them generously by crafting them ant-sized futbols and teaching them rules and strategies to reenact 4cc tournaments, as a step-up from foosball.
I'll describe it in better detail later. Tracy has moderate ranks in search and survival, and dungeoneering knowledge can be attained through the tower's library (Tracy would have the patience to read about it, because dungeons are a topic of her interest).
The ideal purpose of this project is to give Tracy a place to unleash her powers in private, and to give her a place to retreat to when my flow charts call for her to require 'alone time' yest becoming violent.
>Tourcil can still have her as a mount, so long as Trump can mount her in other ways.
This is worse than hogging her to yourself. Learn to commitment.
It wean we're building board culture.
So far, /vx/ is a board where RPG's become dramatic to supernatural proportions.
it means we're building board culture
10685 10686
I will fucking murder you
Not if I murder you first!
>wistful sigh
Ahhh, young love,....
Thats fine. You're basically describing a Fortress of Solitude (less on fortress), where Tracy can do her thing(s) without interruption. Done.
>RPGs become dramatic etc.
I'd be remiss if I didn't state that this is/was/has-always-been one of my agendas.
It works along the same lines as voodoo desu
>All this shit for privacy
Literally just walk a little further away from town, and pay any outdoors-men to be quiet

>GM never answered his request for advice
As far as I can understand, Paladins don't exactly multi-class (epic paladin is already best class though), but they can take prestige classes. Being as how your character is based on the President of the united states, who (((some))) would call a populist, I'd suggest going for the epic prestige class of High Proselytizer for maximum leadership (could command armies of converts), and dedication to football-related spells. Another class could be Divine Emissary (probably better for combat and spells), although it seems like it'd take a bit of planning to meet the requirements.

(Both of those classes would be perfect for Infernius too as a cleric, if he hadn't wasted all his feats on force powers without even taking a psionic class, instead of honing his dedication to Hitler)
You're missing the point. Tracy wants to make a space for herself that is unoccupied, unknown, virtually (physically) impassable, unique, safe, structured to her proclivities, etc.
<BOOF> approved
This. Sorry I missed the post, though it was buried in a sea of autism. You're right though, except that Infernius had already begun learning Psionics from a book he found in the library.
Plan to Make Port Barry Great Again, Part 1
Alright alright, first thing is first

Forget burying the dead, we’re reviving them one by one through the undead booth, and healing any sick or injured. This should also vastly reduce insurance premiums, so consider the “Repeal and Replace Obamacare” prong of “Make Port Barry Great Again” satisfied. Also, if there are any other dead who may be revived (that are not evil), try to revive those as well. Trump needs all the citizenry he can get. This process will be carried out by townsfolk conscripted into doing this, or is directed by the Broncos.

Second, any and all Denver Broncos (reeee! I named them “The Port Barry Generals” in reference to Trump’s New Jersey Generals), any Ne’er do wells who fought against the demons, any militia men, and really any NPCs who Trump can lead who fought in the battle against the demons, are now promoted to fighters to the degree their experience permits, except perhaps for those who can be promoted to Clerics with relevant experience. Fae took part in the battle as a melee fighter, so this should include her

Of the buildings Trumpaladin ordered constructed, these are the Stadium – built at the cost of 50000 shekels and now complete – the Monastery, the school, and the additions to the town forge. These should all be complete, or if not, should be completed. I believe the monastery is located outside of the city wall to the north on the western side of town, basically near the stadium.

It’s official, Trumpaladin is now ordering the creation of a Military Order – a set of battle monks to fight on behalf of Football. To this end, Trumpaladin will now order the construction of an official enclosed training field, and a second monastery-style building with a large court yard to be used for military training.

All promoted fighters mentioned above will now participate in mandatory training each day, at least to the extent they are not essential personnel elsewhere. In the morning, they will practice gridiron itself, learning tactics, teamwork, and the essential skills to play the sport. Because Gridiron is an insanely intense and dangerous physical sport, a team activity, and also the relevant religion, they should simultaneously gain points in strength and as well as religious skills. In the afternoons, they shall practice melee and ranged combat, in weapons of all manner, as well as hand to hand combat. Formation practice will occur as well. Trumpaladin will personally train the citizens where he is available, and should gain points in the applicable fields in the process, besides leadership. Further, to this end, all books on the art of war and combat will be collected and distributed to the library of the monastery. They will be taught to the new fighters in the live exercises, as well as in class on weekends or later at night. Correspondingly, they will be taught the history of Football. Fae will assist as competent. Likewise, relevant books on classes of enemies shall be moved from the Tower to the Monastery, and taught to the Church Militant

As a corollary of the above, the Church of Football – the United States Football League – shall be reorganized. It shall consist of one giant class – the Church Militant, which is the group named above, of those who participated in the fight against the demons. They will be divided only by leaders and followers, experience, and by those who can be there full time. The Broncos/Generals will of course play the Gridiron for the citizenry every Sunday, but all train together and worship together as one. There will of course still be several divisions of the church. The Secular Clergy – the Broncos/Generals – are those who administer the religious services in Port Barry. They shall consist of those with the highest religious and physical strength. Those with the highest charisma, but also high on religious knowledge, shall join the Mendicant Order. They shall preach the gospel in new and foreign lands. Those with the highest skill in combat, and also not essential elsewhere, shall join the Military Order. They shall be Football’s mighty sword. Those also strong on the battlefield, but unable to leave the city for extended periods of time, shall join the Town Militia. They shall be Port Barry’s shield. Those with high knowledge in other fields, as well as high charisma, shall be a part of the Monastic Order. They shall help to educate and train the citizenry of Port Barry in every field.

Trumpaladin shall meet with Lenos and try to determine if he is interested in being any part of this, and shall assign him accordingly, perhaps to teach advanced crafting materials, to teach martial arts, or to teach about what dangers lie in the world.

Trumpaladin shall try to involve Inferius, specifically approaching him and comparing the military order to the Teutonic Knights of Prussia. If he is interested, he may teach and train in combat. (and probably teach Rockwell in the process).

Any exceptionally knowledgeable citizenry in the crafts who possess any teaching skills shall be recruited to the Monastic Order, though not necessarily enrolled in the Church Militant. They shall begin teaching these skills in the School, to improve the skills of the citizenry. Likewise, all of the youth of Port Barry now have mandatory education in the school. This includes playing Football, at least so far as physically able, which is administered by any free members of the Church Militant who are likely to be assigned to the Mendicant Order

I should also mention that by this point the Church should be collecting Tithes – by which of course I mean charging the cable companies insanely high rates to broadcast their games, and the city should be collecting customs duties on goods traded, especially with an influx from the jeweling industry. The city should likewise be able to levy soldiers, and to conscript corvees for work.

Don't worry, I have much more planned
10696 10706
good story op
10697 10704
I get where you're aiming, and you're not far off, but can I suggest that you're more fixated on the destination and may be overlooking the origin? I mean, it is good to be ambitious and you present some grand ambitions, but these things take time. I'll go ahead with "this has begun, but is a long way of reaching fruition".
10699 10701
I do not understand
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You and I are on the exact same page here.