The latest installment of the Game, which has Tracy getting in line for heaven knows what. Trump, Torcuil and Trump are quickly,... not getting there 'cuz Trump tower only actually moves at an oxen-pace.
Previous bread here:\r
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>>9982Ah, nothing. I was just sort-of proud of being able to write-up a shift to full size, without the transformation appearing awkward/forced.
>>9983Don't worry, its still a transitive element. It'll be fully defined by the next session
GM departing shortly. Player have ~ the next 3 hours to declare any meta, preparatory, or strategic elements they wish to apply to their characters.
Any participating players, the current situation begins with this:
>>9874>>9984Yeah, I get it. I ewas just figuring this battle would take a long time, so I separated my character development and transformation plans into separate levels (I took it this battle was going to last us all night), each level being based on stanzas of ancient Greek poems that described the increasing madness and transformation of the dreadful Mares of Thrace due to their unnatural treatment.
No worries though. I'll have it figured out later.
>>9985Yeah, I'm going to have Tracy go berserk and mow down some of the smaller guys as she's growing bigger (if she's not already big), before she moves on to the Big Fish, when it appears. I'm hoping to get a lot of kills on her, and practice that cleaving feat.
>>9987We 'may' finish tonight TBH, and that's a good call (cleave practice).
>NOT only meme magicianThere are others?
>>9987Hoping to get the change to burn a lot of the map too, desu.
>>9989its the fact that you called someone other than me the only one
Also what do you mean "finish"?
>>9991No, you're the only one. By finish, I am referring to what I've got cooked up for this latest situation
>>9993Be awake at the time, and you'll get it.
>>9994>awakeDid you guys think I was asleep?
>>9990Touch my city, and you shall die with the rest of the extraplanars
Don't forget Trollestia is mine
>>9998I was going to just take it. Why did I post that?
>tfw you dream you have a girlfriend that loves you then you wake up.
>>10003If you don't want death to part you sooner, you should not burn down Port Barry
Girls never really love you, you are always a way of satisfying some inner need for them >>10004Are you ready for the blood-orgy tonight?
>>10008No time!
Cast a spell putting out the fires in the city. Because the city is on fire. Then, cast whatever spells you have increasing the attack or defensive powers of the party, or maybe create a protected fall back area. Then, cast a mass area-attack spell on the enemy in front of us
See what I did in
LOVE IS REAL!>>10008I hope you have some spicy memes to get through this one.
Tracy rolls detect to look for useful dropped weapons or body parts from the hellions.
>>10012Why not take Trump's Halberd?
>>10014When did he get a Halberd? Is it even here.
Tracy isn't proficient with that kind of tool anyway. She'd be better-off with the kunai.
>>10011You really should.
Okay, I'm more of a faggot than I thought. My extra-curricular (cuz this is 'curricular') business isn't until Wednesday. I'm here for the duration,... with very cold feet and hands at the moment.
>>10015At the weapons shop. Same time he got Vanderiem. And he carries everything on him always
>If the weapon you wanted to use was the kunai, then use the kunai >>10017Eh, I'll give the Halberd to Fae.
She knows how to use the Spear-Axe-Hammer of death
>>10018No she doesn't.
"And what do you intend for me to do with this?"
>>10016What kind of enemy are we talking here?
>looks at TtollestiaI may need you for the battle
Go do some unicorn shit, but be ready
Oh no terry and his son are they still at his shop gm?
>>10021>being this rude to a ladyTrade her some of your Pepes.
>>10022Oh no!
>>10021Trollestia is still in the Tower, which is several miles off yet.
>>10022All essential civilians are safe inside the quarantine.
>>10021Seriously, read back.
>>10020Fae is not proficient with any martial weapon. She's got claws, fangs, pounce, and roar.
>>10021Demon, devils and the rats. The whole horde.
>>10021You need her now
And I'll need her later for entirely different purposes.>>10025She can teleport though, right?
Fae has claws. With those she can grasp a spear
>>10026>She can teleport thoughYeah, but she's kind of a bitch too. She didn't do anything while Soros was attacking the city.
>>10027You can still get her, but at the moment she's not present cuz she wasn't present when Thez poofed in and grabbed everyone. She can teleport, and though a troll I wouldn't assume she won't take up arms with what's going on, assuming someone doesn't retrieve her first.
>>10028>At least Trollestia has never contemplated buring down Port Barry, has never stabbed Inferius, and has never kicked TrumpTourcil was pussyfooting about taking Trollestia as a mount at that time, so she couldn't be summoned
>>10029She had to have heard the Arianna Huffington Tweet, and that has to be exactly the sort of thing that would interest her
>>10030I'm murder hoers, he's the guy who keeps trying to steal your waifu.
>takes a deep breath, steeling himself for what's about to go down.You ready for this?
"... yeah."
You know it has to be this way. The mechanics wouldn't work if we keep on how they have been going.
"... yeah, I know."
>>10030Yeah ya did. You've got time though
I gotta burn something big before the level up if I want to take the prestige class
>>10034Don't worry about that. There's gonna be a time-gap after this fight, with
plenty of exp to devote.
>>9924Oh, huh
So this is the shit we are dealing with?
>>10036Yeah, shit got real really quick, and under everyone's noses. I didn't plan for everyone leaving, but the rest I did plan for. It all happened at the same time, and 'this' is the outcome.
... all day yesterday, as the party continued with the 'standing in line' story (I'm not criticizing, but being aware of what was happening elsewhere there was a good deal of face-palming) I was thinking "Well that happened unopposed, and that happened unopposed, and that, and that, and that."
Honestly, I was busy and tired as fuck yesterday, so I just went with the flow.
Tracy closes her eyes and hones her Concentration skill, trying to focus on maintaining her larger shape.
>>10041Torcuil prepares his staffs (staves?) and studys his meme book, remembering an old battle anthem
[YouTube] Metal Shadilay
[Embed] as soon as shit pops off, infernuis is gonna charge the horde coming at us.
>>10043K, Infernius is set. That leaves Torcuil, Trump, and Tracy. I'll wait until they declare progressive (time-sensitive) actions.
>>10044What time are we starting?
>>10043>>10044actually i bull rush them.
>>10046Was intended for ~5pm PST, but I also thought I was gonna be occupied until then. So, whenever.
>Ready as soon as everyone is ready
>Infernius is ready
>>10048>>10049I gotta do some shit, but expect me at about 1900 est
In the meantime, Torcuil prepares for battle
>>10050Oooh, a suspensful delay. Any objections?
>>10049I need to know if I am
wife non-romantic partner throwing Tracy like a football
>>10052That is still an option, she is pony-sized at the moment.
kek >>10043Assuming Tracy is at full size by then, she'd run around the side of the horde and flank the weakest-looking links in a high-speed with a full Cauchemar's monstrous form attack (2 Flaming Hooves and substitute bite with slashing from a short blade), if not snorting a cone of smoke into the crowd first (idk if I can do that in one turn, but do it). After taking out the weakest link, she'd proceed to Cleave to the next enemy.
>tl;dr: hit the weakest faggot with everything she's got from the side.Do i need to activate improved initiative and power attack feats for them to work?
>>10045>handsPretty sure she needs all four hooves to air walk, or even run at full size, but I get the picture.
>>10048I might have to leave some time within the next two hours, for about half an hour... >>10054you have to atcivate power attack, improved initiative is passive.
>>10054Take all the time you need, won't kick off until proof of life. Until then, Tracy's set.
>>10054I take it that's a "No"
But the Horde is airborne and on all meaningful sides of us, and we're on a wall. There is no flanking the deomns
>>10056>>10053How big is she, because I'll change if she's small.
>>10058She's small at the moment. I leave the rest at your discretion.
>>10059Mostly no, but there are flying units inbound with a rapid pace. That they haven't attacked is a matter pf pacing.
>the Horde is airborne
Not all of those infernals can fly. In fact, most of them can't.
I'm throwing something damn it! If none of the pack animals will take my halberd I'm using it as a throwing spear
>>10059Probably? I'm not sure how demons work, but I would imagine most are in the air and some are on the ground. You have your fly-mount, so you can engage them in the air, or wait for them to land on the wall-top
>>10058Pony sized, see
>>10053>>10060If she's small, then I have to write a new plan, because she doesn't have the power attack, or cleave feats in that form.
>>10063Don't think too hard, with the way the scene has been (deliberately) scripted, any change is a snap.
>>10069(deliberate goading) So uh, any idea what Trump is gonna do when time starts again?
>>10070First, cast OFFENSE on all nearby players
Second, Tweet the Musolini Tweet so as to encourage the enemies to break ranks
What happens after Trump puts down his blackberry is a bit less certain, although I suspect I will have Thez play Blaze of Glory from any available speakers [Embed]If Tracy will have me Throw her, she shall be hurled headlong into their formations. If she does not, AND Inferius has no interest in the Halberd, I will throw it like a throwing spear into any larger nearby enemies.
After that, it's pull Vanderiem out, and charge the enemy on Dragonne back
[Read more] >>10071i like the throwing halberd idea.
>>10072Inferius can of course, pick up the halberd thereafter, if he can pry it from a demon's skull
>>10071>Blaze of GloryStop invoking my childhood u putz. Xp
Trump is rdy.
>Tracy only proficient in knives
>checks abilities
>use Magic device skill + Arcane knowledge
Can Tracy figure out how to use those Javelins?
>>10075There's nothing to figure out. Throw them at a target, they become bolts of lightning.
>>10075Literally any long pointy spear-type weapon can be used as a javelin if only thrown with enough force. Even a pony carry a halberd
>>10078>really wants someone to carry the halbardDoes anyone wanna throw it? No bully,....