The latest installment of the Game, which has Tracy getting in line for heaven knows what. Trump, Torcuil and Trump are quickly,... not getting there 'cuz Trump tower only actually moves at an oxen-pace.
Previous bread here:\r
909 replies and 58 files omitted.
Flashes of energy fire off intermittently from the city, as devils and demons alike unleash the full capacity of their nature upon the previously bustling city. The streets are strewn with rocks and rubble, and the occasionally torn apart remnants of an unlucky citizen.
Thez continues to unleash assault after assault, and at one point states the Lawful Dictum, leaving the area around her momentarily still and quite dead.
Everything will be explained at the conclusion of this series of skirmishes and fights. This is something of a season finale, and I'm working to make it a proper climax from which to progress the story in a more coherent and less-rigid manner. What is occurring is/was entirely inevitable and unavoidable.
Game-faces everyone. From the character's position at the wall, they have the opportunity to advance-cast any preparatory spells or make any battle-arrangements.
Tracy's retarded faggot is back to check on her single-file march to hell.
>>9881No, she's back at the wall of the Quarantine area. Her weapons unfortunately are still at,... fug what's it called,... oh hell, they're still back in line.
>>9882>back at the quarantine areaInterdasting
>Her weapons unfortunately are still at,… fugREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>>9882You mean the quarantine area in Port Barry?
>>9884Whats left of it, yes
Tracy realizes the familiar (and unpleasant) environment and begins to wonder Wtf is going on. Why were all these faggots getting lined up in the giant dome when they could've entered through Port Barry?
Its really a shame. I hadn't expected the whole party to go north to Cardishore, nor take the Tower with them, but it fed nicely (almost too nicely) into the unveiling plot-twist. Thez was literally the only person in the city when things started habbening, and she wasn't even present until the invasion was already well underway.
>>9886I think you're misunderstanding. There is a several mile stretch between port Barry and Cardishore and they're entirely independent cities.
Can Tracy see what's ahead of her yet?
To give an idea, this all was set in motion by a variety of momentary choices starting with Thez. One doesn't simply speak a level 48 Blasphemy (that's her ACTUAL level btw) and have nobody notice. I again allude to the earthquake metaphor. Further, one doesn't speak the Lawful Dictum AND the Word of Chaos at almost the same time and location and with the same level intensity. What's more, ever since George first appeared Tracy has had 3 characters tailing her. One was Fae obviously, while more discrete was Bob (you'll hear more about him), and a third was an invisible Imp who has been providing recon of the party's activities. The imp was hoping for an opportunity to pick off or otherwise compromise the "one who kept wandering off", but instead was in a prime position to detect the party's arrival at Cardishore.
>>9888Yes, the scene of destruction and decimation I described above.
>>9889Why was George so interested in Tracy specifically from the beginning?
>>9890Not her specifically, but the party in general. The imp was dispatched when George got BTFO (the imp doesn't work for George, but rather those who are allied with George) to watch the party. After relaying his observations to his masters, the Imp was directed to follow Tracy, as it was assumed that in her wanderlust she would be easy to pick off.
Up until Thez first spoke Blasphemy, this entire dimension/realm (the Game) was unknown to any of the outer realms. Its appearance, or rather the signal that was detected from it opened it up to interaction/intervention from all sorts of factions and observers.
Ordinarily only those native to or brought to the Game can interact with it, excepting those with a legitimate grievance or business arrangement. Thez, who is wanted both legitimately and illegitimately on many planes gave plenty of 'others' all the cause they needed to explore this strange new world.
>>9892Trumpaladin, as a preliminary spell, will cast TWEET - a spell that redirects all hostiles to converge on him
>>9893An ear-piercing referee whistle cuts through the sounds of the destruction. For a moment there is silence, broken only by the sound of roaring and crackling fires.
All attention is directed at the wall of the Quarantine area. From inside the quarantine, the citizens cheer hopefully, while from everywhere else bestial and savage roars can be heard as both sides rally and focus on the gleaming Trump, standing atop the wall along with port Barry's Football-given protectors.
Thez <whooofs> back up to the wall, bleeding from dozens of wounds that slowly mend themselves.
"Good move. Can you guys keep their attention while I tend to the gate?" she says between labored breaths. She looks at Tracy for a moment, and sees that she has no weapons. "You of all ponies? Now?!" she growls, taking her quiver off and throwing it to Tracy. She immediately <whooofs> away.
>>9889Tracy once again becomes increasingly agitated, really wishing she had her knives.
>>9894[suppressed roaring]
>>9896Inside the quiver you find Thez' broom, a pair of strange gold and jewelled devices that don't appear to have a function, 8 Javelins of lightning, and 99 shurikens. The quiver also has a side pocket that opens to a small cell-sized room that has,... lots of wealth in it. Lots. Like, apparently Thez absconded with a bit of the treasure from way earlier.
Any chance I can cast DEPORTATION FORCE, which would send a large number of any entities from foriegn dimensions back, or at least have as an individual but very effective attack, YOU HAVE TO GO BACK, which would do the same to individual foriegn entities?
>>9898So, I got Thez's quiver?
(watching pony, pls wait)
>>9898Thez' Broom is a multiple-use item. In normal form, it is a Darkwood Staff of Ki Striking, which has been permanently made metal by an Ironwood spell. Halfway up the shaft is a small onyz ring with a button on it, which when pressed causes the staff to split into two parts, each bearing a 2' blade (Damascus, Keen, Longtooth blades).
>>9900I always forget about new pony. ~_~
A few minutes later, as the Tower continues to slowly make its way toward port Barry, Lenos and Thez both <whooof> into the sea of faces rushing the gate of the Quarantine. Thez resumes flipping out, now armed with only her sword, while Lenos quickly goes dark-dragon and starts unleashing gouts of flaming murder at all-comers.
>>9904Am I allowed to cast mass spells like DEPORTATION FORCE or SUPERBOWL XXXII (Technically a permutation of Holy Word), or do these bad hombres need to be sent back Juan by Juan?
>>9901Commercial break
>ki strikingCan I actually do that?
(the "charge ki" was just a silly expression of impatience and a dumb reference to the first Khajit RP where Tracy bought the sword for Mitsuko as a gift for giving her some Bushido lessons: she can charge it, but she doesn't know what to do with it)Tracy momentarily considers disassembling the complicated weapon to just take the blades....
Can Tracy see the crystal from where she is?
>>9906Ki striking is an enchantment that allows a monk to do unarmed damage with a weapon. This is due to a monk doing ridiculous damage with their unarmed strike at higher level, to the point that weapons are kinda superfluous. Thez does 5d8 with her unarmed strike.
>>9906The tower is still a few miles out and making slow progress. Its currently in autopilot, and is sealed against intrusive forces (no one can break in at the moment).
>>9906It requires magical crafting ability beyond Lenos' to dissect either the broom or the two weird devices in the quiver, which are themselves the blades which inhabit the broom when its split. The devices are the housing to the blades, the ring is the focal point where the magic occurs.
The staff is not actually split, it is dimensionally rent in half, and inserted magically are the two blades. The ring is a device which causes any small-handled item to become a pair of concealed blades. One could put the ring on their finger hand have a finger-blade and hand-blade if they wanted.
>>9909>>9905I doubt they could ALL be repelled so easily, if they were able to destroy the city. You'd have to have a God-level holy word to instantly banish evil of that magnitude.
>>9904"Dammit, where's all my shit...!" Tracy begins
>>9908The question was, can Tracy SEE the rest of the group? Furthermore, can she see any of the infernal forces?
>>9909>no fingers[reeeeing intensifies]
>>9910kek, I was just alluding to one time where Thez wore the ring on her thumb, and another time it was on her tail.
You're quite right though. Trump can and will do that deportation spell, but for the moment he is out of range and such spells only work on the weaker opponents.
Tracy can see everything. The party is involuntarily gathered at the same 'starting' point (the wall), and though they're not her preferred assortment of weapons (she still has her armor) she's no longer unarmed. Shuriken=kunai btw
"I leave to get a break for three days, and everything turns to shit...! Tracy murmurs, getting a handle of a few of the kunai in the bag
>agitation grows
What about the other goys who were sopeacefully herded into the portal? How are they reacting.
What obstacles are between Tracy and the group? Is it a clear charge between them?
"What in Tartarus happened while I was gone?!"
>>9912The situation at Cardishore will (maybe) be resolved in time. All that has happened from the perspective of the people in line where Tracy was at is that suddenly some purple chick burst in through a dimensional fold, grabbed Tracy by the face (thats how you can tell its bad) and pulled her back through the same fold. So, there is one less person in line and the line quickly shifts to account.
>>9912There are no obstacles between Tracy and the group, they're all standing around with the same bewildered and not-entirely-sure-WTF-is-going-on expression she is.
>>9913"What the FU-!" *gets grabbed*
>>9914[Confusion rapidly being replaced with ANGER]
"Can anyone explain to me like I'm an idiot just what the fuck happened while I was away?! Did the town get invaded?"
>>9915That actually occurred prior to her arriving at the Quarantine, but yeah that's what happened. Thez knows that the face is how to get ppls attention, so she grabbed the face.
>>9917When did she pic up Thez's quiver?
>>9909Fuck itAll accross the city, in every closed room and in every corner, there is heard a suddened wistling sound - a tweet, if you will. This is followed by a loud voice, heard everywhere, saying "Arianna Huffington is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man - he made a good decision"
All the demons in Port Barry hear the tweet, and are so enraged as to seek its source. They see a man - though perhaps more than a man, almost a God Emperor. He stands astride a big, beautiful wall - You may even call it yuge - with amber armor and a yuge, flaming sword. He says to everyone around him, "you know when they send demons over here, they're not sending their best," which enrages the demons even more. As the armies of Hell converge around him, he spreads his arms out and lets out the words OFFENSE, and casts the same in spell form on a number of allies surrounding him. They now exhude a beautiful golden glow. And finally, he moves his flaming sword up, and with a laughing nod at all of the bad hombres around him, lets out the words "You have to go back," casting DEPORTATION FORCE
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>>9917Ponimaru sneaks out of the shadows behind Tracy.
"The city is under attack. The largest group of the enemies are demons, which are being supported by both devils and (((rats))). The assault first began at the city wall, which then increased in magnitude once the funnel cloud opened overhead. Ever since then, an endless stream of infernals has flooded the area killing everyone in sight, destroying all apparent buildings and structures, and setting themselves on everything good, decent, and Football."
>>9918Thez tossed Tracy her quiver in a recent post. This one
Outside the Quarantine Gate. Dragon-Lenos and Thez unleash a veritable cacophany of murder and destruction on the seemingly endless hoarde of attackers. While they have cleared a space between the armies and the gate, their enemies are replenished as fast as they are dispatched.
>animal instincts activateLets get a clear scan of the quarantine area and the area beyond
What's the blood-orgy look like out there?
>>9920"Thanks for the quick rundown, white ninja."
*grows to full size and grabs Ponimaru to give him a jestful nuggie*
"And where have you been all this time?" (she inferred he wasn't in the crystal) she asks, as she walks towards the rest of the group, drawing her new kunai (she's been practicing with ponimaru's for concentration, so she's pretty profficient with them by now)
>>9919>Arianna HuffingtonWe need moar meme-tier enemies like that.
*sneaks up and nuzzles you from behind*
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[5d20 = 47]>>9922fucked up the roll
Pic related is a quick update map. The red is fire, the black is swarms of infernals, and the gold x is where the party is.
Is the group actually in battle now, or just getting ready for the charge.
>smell of blood
Tracy energetically kicks at the Earth, anticipating the blood orgy, like the crazed hematolagniac she is.
>>9919 ~\\_/~# he's still out of range,... oh fuck it.
Even though the spell he's casting is an area of effect spell, I'll ignore that for the time being. His spell sends a wave of Football coursing through the amassed attackers. 2/1, easily half of them disappear with a percussive <CRACK>, though leaving behind those who are immune or not subject to such magic.
>>9924>If only there were a Trump meme to put out firesWith a few movements of his thumbs, and then with a mighty tweeting wistle, the words "It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep" are heard everywhere. Several infernals recoil at the words
"Did he just quote Mussolini?"
"OMG, I just can't even!"
>>9926Trumpaladin puts away his Blackberry, and holds Vanderiem like a baseball bat, ready to swipe away at any and all infernals (and did he feel a horse muzzle against his back?)
>>9925Getting ready at this point. This has all been cinematic buildup. I mean, Thez and Lenos are in combat, but its also cinematic.
With the number of assailants essentially halved, Lenos Wing Beats and sends those in front of him flying. Thez takes a devensive stance at Lenos' feet. Both effectively block the gate from assault.
>>9928What do the enemies look like? Is there blood everywhere?
(this will factor into Tracy's reaction to the situation)
Meta-spiel for a moment.
One of my issues with D&D or w/e game engine is that its always "The world waiting to respond to the party"
IMO, thats a false paradigm to put the players in. Obviously the players are pinnacle and the most consequent aspect of any story, but to assume that any group or faction or whatever is just sitting there going "Gee this sucks, sure would be nice if,...." is backward.
This world was designed to allow groups and interests to operate and develop as is their nature. As such, the players can often (and will) find themselves on the defensive, or (case in point) trying to fend off an army that they neither saw coming nor are particularly prepared to surmount.
>>9927>(pic related)*nuzzling intensifies*
[happy to see you hoers noises]
>>9929With Trump's spell, all the dretches, lemures, bearded devils,, succubi, erinyes, imps, and quasits have been expelled. What remains is a mix of barbed devils, ice devils, chain devils, bone devils, and horned devils (on one side) as well as (the greater multitude) Hezrou's, Babau, Bebliths, Nalfeshnees, and the occasional Marilith.
>>9930Well, this isn't DnD; it's mixed nuts. Do it however you see fit. Whatever allows a good amount of memes/fun is fine by me.
>>9933And thats why its going like it is. ^_^
It is currently bloody war/murder though
>>9929"Pay no head to the enemies ahead of you little pony. It is the people behind you and to your side for whom and with whom you fight. They are your brothers, and together you form one mighty, immortal, powerful whole. For you can never die nor be alone so long as your countrymen live"
>>9932>all these weird unpronounceable foreign sounding namesAt your removal hearing, the Immigration Judge will ask you to designate a country of removal, should you be ordered removed. Should you decline to designate a country, DHS will recommend one for you, generally corresponding to your nationality.
>>9932>>9934Spoiler, fun fact: I wrote Tracy's combat instinct flowcharts based in part off of shark biology (that's part of the reason why she didn't go berserk on the golems, since they don't have blood)*literally shaking*
[frenzied predatory hoers noises]
>"Pffffft...!"'.. I hope I'm not too late for the party...' she silently whinnies under her breath, . She's grown to the size of a light war hoers and is snorting fumes as she itches for the charge.
>>9935"Whatever you say, my dear.." she coos, still shivering
>>9936>Still not getting itsighs
>>9935>namesReferences mostly. The party is free to wage against or defer as is their individual proclivity. Thez and Lenos are tirelessly making short work of all comers at the quarantine gate, eliminating any immediate threat to either the party or the citizens. Trump's whistle will have consequenes, and to that end some blue streaks come up from outlying areas toward the party. They're not there yet, but they're closing fast, along with some darker shapes that done exude magic like the streaks do.
>>9936Don't hold back now, I designed this situation so that among other things, Tracy can let go. I gather she's been aching to do so,....
>>9935>foreign namesThey're all extraplanar infernals: illegal immigrants of the most dangerous variety, possibly religious extremists as well.
>OP only just realized he misspelled Peanuts in the topic field
>>9940Sounds pretty bad. *pulls out copy of the INA*. Are any of them claiming a fear of persecution on account of a protected ground if returned? *readies State Department reports*
>>9938>Trump's whistle will have consequenesIt got the demons to stop attacking the civilians, and that is all that matters
>>9936Can she learn?
>>9944Yes, that is all that matters. Bonus exp for insight. Also, TY
Tracy is much bigger now than normally is, and though she may nor realize it her mane, tail, and hooves are fully aflame. This latest 'situation' seems to have fully cemented many of the changes occurring within her. She still has no means of controlling it, but for the time being she's a full Cauchemar, with all the requisite abilities and modifiers.
>>9942*rubs against you feverishly, as she waits for the signal to cut loose*
>>9944I thought to set her as a Wilder hybrid so that she could learn to concentrate her emotions into power instead of just throwing herself all over the place. She could use something to focus her passion on though.
>>9945I'm actually a huge mythology nut. I'd figured that Tracy's frenzied state, even canonically, was similar to the dreadful mares of Diomedes: crazed, bloodthirsty, starved for battle, and performing feats of unnatural strength, speed and vigor
(similarly, like the mares, she's sometimes, depending on which artist draws her, shown as rather skinny, with sharp teeth, or in this case spouting licks of white-hot fire). As for character flowcharts: there will be no blueballing her when she's like this, after being pent up for so long. I asked for a nightmare state for her because the Nightmares of DnD are so similar to the Mares of Diomedes.
Like the Dreadful Mares she could be potentially be quelled and tamed as an uncannily superior warhorse, but only by a hero that rivaled Hercules.
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So Trump w/ Fae, Infernius w/ Uatchit, Torcuil (Troll is in the Tower), and Tracy (full rage) are situated along the wall. The massed armies are aware of their presence, and are either making their way there or are attacking wherever they can with the hopes of engaging the party. Alex is welcome to join in, or he can watch from the tower (the displays on the dais show whats going on on all fronts).
>>9946And I knew from that pic I reposted earlier that this was an inevitable evolution of her character. After this is resolved, you'll be more free to develop her per your inspiration, which is what I intended all along. ^_^
>>9947Trump's tweets should be bait of the sort that sends the demons into immediate, perhaps unorganized, attacks
>>9946Would Trump even recognize Tracy, or would he think that an extraplanar enemy somehow came too close for comfort?
>>9948It would/will, but at the moment the only thing they can attack is Thez and Lenos, who are rather busy as a result.
I forgot to mention (although he's since disappeared into the surroundings) Ponimaru is wearing Thez' golden martial belt, as well as a pair of bracers she had adorning her legs.
>>9949This should be obvious, but if Trump is at all within earshot of any of Port Barry's Militia, he directs them to use all remaining organization to rescue and evacuate civilians, then put out fires
>>9951The current survivors (and its most of them) are holed up in the Quarantine area, either maintaining defenses or tending to themselves (there are many who are wounded or infirm).
>>9947>is the ThiefAre there any simple weapons or body parts That Tracy could salvage from the battlefield (I'd love to make a weapon out of those chain devils later), like a sword?
>>9948>recognozeWell, she hasn't caught fire yet, so she wouldn't look that different from the energetic blue lawnmower she was in the first thread when she was fighting the zombies, only larger.
The key difference is that this time, to to weeks of Concentration training, she seems earily more focused than she was that day..
>tweetsThere has to be a Taunting feat he could use for that. I imagine his Charisma stat is pretty high.
>>9953>is on fire, just doesn't know itTaunt is a Bard ability, which Trump is not proficient with (can make rudimentary attempts, but the whistle was far more effective)
>>9954Reeee! I wanted to save the fire for dramatic scenes and transform in advancing stages!*rears in anticipation, snorting steam*
>>9955If that's what you want, I was just assuming that Tracy was agitated enough to start to morph.
<poof>Tracy is mad, and snorting steam, but no fires and still normal size.
>>9956>normal sizeGosh darn it! I'll take the fire then! (I gotta train her to assume a hybrid form at some point)
>>9957e_e Oh, suddenly Tracy wants buffs and advantages. Too late,... Xp
Don't worry, this is all just establishing where/what the party is at/doing when shit kicks off later this evening. Funny, this was supposed to be the kickoff of the newly formed Denver Broncos which Trump painstakingly arranged wrt to the teams, the stadium, Football, his Generals, Football, and the development of Football.
Also, how big is a Cauchemar Nightmare anyway? All the descriptions i find say that it's in the Huge size class, but they also say "about the size of a light war hoers" (large): is that only a question of hit dice? I'm trying to figure out her height and weight at full size (it's yet another factor in my flowcharts to determine opportunistic actions, confidence.. etc)
Subtext - in chess, one's opponent always has an equal and opposite move to make in response to the principle's move. Never forget that for however many gains have been realized, the opposition is still in the game until they are utterly destroyed.
>>9960I'm basically resolving them as being clydesdale-sized nightmares
Can Trumpaladin summon an ICE storm to put out the fires in Port Barry?
>>9963Nope, weather spells or elemental spells are not within the Paladin spell assortment.
>>9959Trumpaladin never would have arranged for the kick off to occur while he was away
>>9955Jut play a pony. It's cuter that way
>>9965Maybe not the 'maiden game', but certainly an expeditionary scrimmage.
>>9962>clydesdale-sized>The conformation of the Clydesdale has changed greatly throughout its history. In the 1920s and 1930s, it was a compact horse smaller than the Shire, Percheron, and Belgian. Beginning in the 1940s, breeding animals were selected to produce taller horses that looked more impressive in parades and shows. Today, the Clydesdale stands 16 to 18 hands (64 to 72 inches, 163 to 183 cm) high and weighs 1,800 to 2,000 pounds (820 to 910 kg).Fug! That's bigger than I thought. (I'm guessing this is Heavy War Hoers sized).
>>9965B-b-b-but I wanna play super saiyan Genocide Mode!
>cuterYou do have a point though...
*cuts off four development plans, for future notice in terms of shipping*>>9966GM, how big is this battlefield going to be? Would all of the characters be in close proximity,
(because I have to factor that into limit releases) Also, were you serious about
>>9958 , because that'll also factor into how she charges.
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>>9967>Not TracySure you are(n't).
Clydesdale size is what she is when fully Nightmare. She isn't at the moment, per request, (though she's showing evidence of with the smoke and all). Don't worry, you still have Genocide mode, just not yet/atm.
The battlefield will depend on the area the players occupy, though I'm hoping that except for the stadium players can keep it within the recent map.
>>9932When I say, Not Tracy, it's because I want to make it absolutely clear that those thoughts are mine, and are unrelated to hers.
There's no consistency though. I just felt like the clarification was important in that comment.
>>9969K, just checking/trolling. Pay no mind, this momentary timeframe is all about making sure everyone is on the same page, so that the crisis can effectively launch in the appropriate directions.
Please, do not hesitate with game/meta-whatever.
>>9932Interesting these are Demons AND Devils together: a mixed-evil alignment.
Are the memes hammered into this game at all yet? Are all the Demons globalists like Soros?
>>9972The memes are relatively unestablished, though no less in efficacy, You're the only meme-magician to date, so its up to you where that goes.
Yes, there are observable groups of devils AND demons operating in the periphery. As said, all will be explained, but for the time being I have an endless assortment of baddies to throw at the party.
>Note, I will be leaving from 1:00pst (about an hour from now) until 4:30 (about 3-1/2 hours from now). Make all lasting preparations and measures in the interim.
>>9973>I have an endless assortment of baddies to throw at the party.>mfw
>>9973Can I throw a pony at them or is she too grown up for that?
>>9976GM nerfed her back to pony size, because I was being nit-picky, so... maybe..?
>>9976By her request, she is still a range-weapon for the moment. ^_^
>>9964>Trump can't into weather spells>Trump can't help Puerto Rico with Hurricane reliefAlso
>Pony is too big or is now an open flameEh, I'll find a new pony to throw if necessary
>The Norwegian should be playing as a pony
>>9979She is neither big nor on fire at this point, but she could change later on... (is starting to smoke)
>all my dramit lead-up>gone