Welcome back to Occupied Equestria, an RP set in a conquered Equestria, using D&D 3.5e mechanics, and based in large part on the My Little Pony mod for Hearts of iron 4, Equestria at War
The party has successfully stopped the Communists of Baltimare from importing guns and foreign advisers in preparation for a revolt. They have also raided a Griffin freighter involved in arms trafficking, and are prepared to leave and end their long night.
1692 replies and 80 files omitted.
>>73326Well, her modified 24 was enough to provide for 8 people, so he's welcome to tag along.
>>73332L-lewdIron sleeps on the same camp as Ash's, a small distance away.
>>73327Goes with blue skies to the eastside tavern
>>73333Your football has been checked.
>>73335I would've figured she would look for a dive.
>>73327>>73329Do I really need to have 10 skill ranks to take 10, or just a modifier of more than 10?
I distributed most of my skills in such a way that I should be able to take 10 on them in non-combat scenarios.
>>73337This, she likes
"So, where do you want to go from here? When we analyze what we found today, we'll be able to hunt down more communist cells"
>>73340Oh fine
>>73338Look for a dive?
>>73341Another name for a bar, pretty much.
>>73341Dark Star smiles at this
"I love it! hunting them feels great."
>>73343This thrills her
"I know right? We got something like 12 of them tonight, and another half dozen alive. They were going to send those guns and the advisers to safe houses. We'll track those down soon enough.
With what you've accomplished tonight, I think they will let you be a full agent. After just 36 hours. That's quite an accomplishment"
>DiveIs that like a New York City term or something?
[Read more] >>73329*builds makeshift tent*
*Makes a bed of grass*
*Avoids direwolves*
*Finds something edible*
*Lights campfire*
"~Ah.. What more could a pony need?"
Pic unrelated
>>73346"That is the truth, Ash." Iron pipes up. "The absolute truth."
>>73347Oh bother...
Can I add my survival mod?
[1d20 = 1]
Survival mode is +12....
>>73351Good think I'm with you... I think.
>>73345"I Didnt Do it alone,you were a big help."
>>73351Have we confirmed yet if Atlas is controlling the dice or not? This many meme rolls is too much just to be mere coincidence.
>>73351A pair of yellow eyes appear in the night. Then another, then another, then another, then another
>>73354She blushes
"Those fuckers ran me out of my second home. I am not about to lose this one to them as well. Your team did pretty well. All of the major objectives were accomplished"
>>73351And *this* is why I'd prefer to take 10 on survival checks...
>>73356"Yea Especially the bartender he was untouchable."
>>73353Well, I can fly away, idk about you though...
[1d20 = 4]>>73357Rolling to check the extent of Altas' influence.
>>73360I can climb the trees. I have +7 for it.
>>73361Not sure how to take that result.
>>73359"He was certainly a killing machine.
The official story tomorrow will read that an explosion happened on the docks, police responded, two police officers were killed by an assailant with a machine gun, with some suspicion of a changeling being involved, and so MPs were dispatched to secure the area... Only to find that an illegal weapons transaction had evidently gone sour.
There will be those who think that the Black Hooves knew all along and murdered them. What the Communists don't know that we know, is that they have plants in our reserve soldiery. Remember Red Feathers? He didn't show up at the meeting tonight. He also didn't show up to work on time. He finally arrived on a different shift with evident injuries to his right eye. He was placed in the group that responded. He and another plant will report to the communists that they were not scrambled to respond until after shots had been fired, after the fire, and arrived on scene to hear gunshots. And he will tell them that he found corpses of creatures killed in all sorts of ways - stabbed in both eyes, impaled, flame. They know we only use bullets. They will not believe it was us"
>>73362At least 4 in front of her
[Read more] >>73366.... Do I recognize any of them?
>>73367Why yes, Jimbo from school, Bob from summer camp, Rosestein who she sees at Temple.... Hell no she doesn't recognize any of them
>>73368I think she meant that she could find the dire wolf that attacked her and the civvies.
>>73369That individual was a sole survivor
>>73370>>73371That won't work then. Do I have tall trees to climb and escape their reach?
>>73371>>73368>Not the one from this morningSister Ash stands up with her broom, looking rather flustered with her bed-mane, and looks towards the wolves quizically
>"Oh what now?" >>73374>>73374Trees are of moderate height, reaching maybe 30 feet in height and 1 foot in diameter
>>73376She looks at Dark Star with a look of uncertainty. "Any plans for tomorrow? Or tonight?"
[1d20 = 12]>>73377Can I stand on them with that diameter?
>>73377"Recover from my injures, maybe drink a little,maybe look for a bounty."
>>73378Disregard the dice. I misrolled.
>>73379"Should I leave you alone to that?"
>>73378Perhaps. Roll dice