Welcome back to Occupied Equestria, an RP set in a conquered Equestria, using D&D 3.5e mechanics, and based in large part on the My Little Pony mod for Hearts of iron 4, Equestria at War
The party has successfully stopped the Communists of Baltimare from importing guns and foreign advisers in preparation for a revolt. They have also raided a Griffin freighter involved in arms trafficking, and are prepared to leave and end their long night.
1692 replies and 83 files omitted.
>>74554>>74554The pony is a bit confused
"I... guess that could arrange. May I ask your business here and who sent you?"
>>74555"I came here on my own accord." Sister replies
"I'm looking for a particular pony that may have stopped by here.." she continues
>>74556"In that case, I think you do want to go through the other entrance. Let me take you there"
The pony steps down from the steps and seems to start to head around the building
>>74557Sister Ash follows him, her companions close behind.
>>74558The red pegasus takes Ash and and Iron around, with the green pony staying in his place, although mostly watching Iron and watch the red pony's back. They arrive at the entrance, and go through. At the entrance is a small waiting room that leads into a hallway. Past an open door that is evidently to a break room, the pony leads them into a hallway on the left, that leads to a room with a mare at a desk outside. the red pony tells Ash "this is the foremare's office." He says to the mare there, evidently filling the role of a secretary, "she says she is looking for somepony and wants to meet the foremare"
He leaves and leaves Ash with the secretary
>>74560"Good afternoon." Sister Ash says with a polite bow
"I would like to speak with the manager of this establishment."
>>74561"She is on a call. She will be available in a few minutes. The guard told me you were looking for somepony?"
>>74562"Yes..." Sister Ash replies, somewhat nervous
"A pony that goes by the name of.. Sage?"
[1d20 = 12]>>74562>>74561>>74563>>74560Iron decides to scout the room for how many guards there are, see if they have weapons as well.
>>74564Doggo is also on guard, using his sense of smell to detect any new creatures that enter the vincinity
>>74564>>74563"I don't recall a 'sage.'" the secretary responds
"Are you looking for an 'other mare'?"
>>74564There don't seem to be any guards in the room, after the first guard left
>>74566"Possibly..." The ex-nun replies, rummaging through her bag
"Please, allow me to speak to your manager. I would like to have a word with him."
>>74566This information puts Iron on edge.
>>74568>>74567"She'll be available shortly. She is on a business call"
>>74569"Alright then..."
Sister Ash sits down and waits
>>74567>>74568>>74569She asks
"May I ask this stallion's business?"
>>74571Iron interjects. "I am a bodyguard for her. If you do not plan to hurt my client. I will act according to the rules you place."
>>74571"He's an associate of mine." Sister Ash replies
>>74573Iron shrugs. "I guess that is another way to put it."
I have to go eat. I am not sure if the meeting with the foremare will need to wait or it can be done from mobile>>74574>>74573>>74572"Alright, but she only wants to see one pony at a time."
>>74575"... So be it..."
She signals to her doggo to stay in the waiting room (it already knows the 'stay' trick)
Then she turns to Iron with a determined glance
"Wait here for me." she says, with conviction
Are donkeys equivalent to spics?
>>74529Dark Star looks perplexed and a litte saddened by this statement.
"Well, i do want you Blue more than anything ive ever wanted. But ive never been the strongest Pony Around, my dad died before he could teach me a lot of things. im sorry if i disappointed you. thats one of the few things im very good at doing."
Jesus, I take like an hour and a half at most to eat some lunch/dinner. I think he drowned in pizza or something.
>>74580She reaches over, and pats him with a hoof
“You haven’t disappointed me. Or Seabreeze. You’ll prove yourself, have faith. Now, what is it you wish to accomplish?”
>>74578Silver is welcome to respond in character to the two paragraphs of a dialogue made by Pransesco in response to his character
>>74579Mules abd dinkeys are only seen in about three episodes of the TV show with no homeland or kingdom, and are not in the Hoi4 mod, so I am basically omitting them. In this story, the jungle natives represent the Nuhuatl peoples of Mexico, who are the descendants of Aztecs and basically Mexican Native Americans. I have contemplated having NPCs occasionally refer to Natives as “Indios,” which is a Spanish Mexican racial slur for native Mexicans
>>74583"Well,ive always wanted to have a foal ever since i was a colt. and id like to be the next mayor."
>>74582I went to a steakhouse with my mother, father, and grandmother. Pic is for you
>>74584I did not realize that that post was in character>>74586She takes a drink of whatever she had before her (probably water) as if it were alcohol, and says "If you do well enough, and I mean damned well, Halcyon Shores might install you after Larry Berry runs his patience thin"
>>74547He looks at Silver funny
"Changelings? You believe that government propoganda about Changelings? No, there are enough secrets and lies among ponies for this city"
>>74587"Alright, next person. You can just open the door." Ash goes up to the door and opens it to see a rectangular office. There are a few shelves on the side, and a desk near the center, with a window that seems to enter into the factory floor. There is another door on the other side from Ash to the left of the desk. Sitting at the desk is a white unicorn with half green and half blue mane.
"You wanted to see me?" She has her hooves together, and seems inquisitive
[Read more] >>74588"Yes..." Sister says, stepping forward
"I came here with directions for finding a particular pony.. named Sage.."
>>74588Ah. I never really go out to eat. I just cook food.
Mostly leaves and tomates, maybe peeled cucumbers. >>74589She looks at you
"Who sent you? I don't recall any full time workers with that name. Nor any recent contractors"
>>74588I will admit, it was a lot of spoiler text for an IC post."I fought in Great War against changelings. I know enough to know their propaganda is not necessary. If they are here, then we are all in deep trouble: you, me, Restorationist, Communist, Fascist, it will not matter."
>>74591Fuck. I really hope I didn't come to the wrong fucking cannery... Fuck.."I came on my own accord.." Sister replies
"Although, I don't believe this individual would be a worker.." she continues
>>74594Can you do a roll to determine this?
>>74592He raises an eyebrow
"The only business I have with politicians is to make them stay out of my business. The War shut down shipping routes and caused some clients and employees to be drafted, but besides making some items impossible to export or import, making some more available, and some more profitable to sell on the black market, not much has changed around here. They didn't even bother to change the mayor or police chief after the war."
>>74593This question makes her take a double take, and she looks closely into his eyes
"The Military Governor. Our Benefactor"
>>74594"Then who is this person to you?"
[Read more] >>74597"Someone who's safety I'm concerned for.." she continues, now unsure
Oh god dammit!
>"They took us all to a building by the north shore. It must have been a factory or something. Maybe they put fish in cans, I don't know. But they were taking us together and I kicked the one carrying me and I ran"
>North shore
Fuck! We came to get wrong damn cannery! I thought it was the East shore. Fuck!
>>74599Player-wise, I thought that too, since you went East and all. That sucks. No wonder there were little security here.
>>74598And now she is suspicious
Who are you and
who are you looking for?"
>>74597He stays silent for a couple seconds, letting that sink in. "With that, I believe I have no more questions to ask of you. Thank you once again for seeing me, Mr. Prancesco. It has been pleasure."
>>74597"oh, my Brother Never Mentioned him." He whispers "Blue im me. i have a flash light if you wish to check after we leave."
>>74599What a fucking waste of time. I should have double checked
It suddenly Dawn's on Sister Ash that she's made an awful miscalculation.
She excuses herself and leaves.
>>74601"I'm just a wandering volunteer, trying to assist some vulnerable ponies in any way I can. I'm looking for a mare whom I thought may have resided in this building, but it seems I was mistaken. I beg your pardon for the time you have set aside for me, and I appreciate your hospitality. Goodbye." She says with a polite bow