Welcome back to Occupied Equestria, an RP set in a conquered Equestria, using D&D 3.5e mechanics, and based in large part on the My Little Pony mod for Hearts of iron 4, Equestria at War
The party has successfully stopped the Communists of Baltimare from importing guns and foreign advisers in preparation for a revolt. They have also raided a Griffin freighter involved in arms trafficking, and are prepared to leave and end their long night.
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>>73532Pretty much.Iron, not content with his round of scavenging, keeps searching the area for food.
She who had learned to live without love received it anyways. She who could not live without, went without. Such is the way of the world, and an irony not lost on her.
>>73520“If you need to know a few places, I can help you.
You know we killed, I think a dozen of those communists. And what did we accomplish? There are a million communists out there. They dream of a world with no want, and no jealousy.. it’s a dream they will kill and die for, and however shaky their faith in the final result may be, they have more faith in it than the status quo. And we killed a hemchworker of Chrystalis. But there are another ten million, eager and ready to replace the one, because they still believe Chrystilis offers a better future.
I have to work tomorrow.”
[Read more] >>73536They'll be eating like kings.
>>73536>Nat 20Iron is astonished at her natural skills in surviving, judging by the food collected. He strokes her mane.
Going afk I guess Silver is stuck on his own once again.
>>73541I think the rest of the gang will join you shortly.
>>73541Indeed he is. He lives next to Onyx though, and Dark Star and Spark are probably close enough nearby
I guess in game it would be about time to begin Day 3. I'm still not quite certain of what the next quest will be. I have some ideas but I'm not sure what works best. I have a great many ideas for the South Junglelands, but I don't really want to leave the Baltimare setting quite yet.
>>73544Well, you did set up something with the changelings infiltrating the ranks of the communist rebels.
>>73543Hopefully, though how remains to be seen.
>>73544Was Sister Ash able to send her letter, as mentioned in
>>73507 >>73521 ?
Sister Ash's next priority would be to figure out what's going on in the cannery, and how to liberate the foals inside.
... Whatever happened to that gold..?
>>73547Let's just pretend she has all 10 pieces for the time being. Also back>>73546Iron is ready for action. He will follow you wherever you go.
>>73548Sister Ash will be spending the first hour or so of the day in meditation.
>Preparing spells >>73548He will follow Ash, I mean.
[1d20 = 6]>>73549Iron focuses on finding more rocks for his rock pouch. Rolling survival yet again for success rate. Before that, he munches on some of the abundant food available.
>>73547It was distributed. Iron and Onyx, the greedy fuckers, got their two pieces each after all
>>73548>She has the goldNo, Ash does not have all ten pieces
>>73549It will be later in the morning than Ash started yesterday, with sleeping later than normal because of staying up later as well as time spent foraging. At least 9 AM by this time
[Read more] After a quick breakfast from his remaining provisions, Silver heads out into town, to both get a better idea of where everything is, and to find a decent place to restock his diminished store of supplies.
>>73552>It will be later in the morning than Ash started yesterdayWill I still have time to prepare my spells?
>>73553"I may be a 'tramp' and a cold-hearted bitch, but I am not avaricious. And I would feel disgusted to kill for money."
The money is distributed at the end of the night to avoid the need for the participants to have to come back to the Blackhooves to be paid later
>>73555Baltimare is not Manehattan, nor Canterlot, but almost anything a pony could want is available for purchase. What is he looking for?
>>73558I never said Skies was a tramp in character or in the sense motive check. The second one is applicable though.
I gotta step out for dinner
>>73558On his list are general provisions (namely 2 weeks worth both of canned food and water rations), a carton of cigarettes, a bottle of whiskey, a new bedroll, a 50 foot length of rope, fuel for his empty lighter, a new canteen to replace his damaged one, a map of Baltimare and the surrounding area, and a first-aid kit.
>>73558Iron inspects carefully the two gold bricks. Where could he exchange these bricks for currency? He puts them inside his hide armor. He may reconsider buying that nylon armor the vendor from Jungle Rush was offering there. He scratches his chin for a bit, deep in thought.
>>73561A trip to a single general store provides pretty much everything on this last. Canned food comes in the form of yams, corn, sweet potatoes, regular potatos, beans, green-beans, pears and apples. The storekeeper is a bit confused by your request to buy water. "Who the hell would buy or sell
drinking water? Do you want it in like a can or something? He has a variety of flasks an containers, as well as disinfectant tablets for water. Contrary to the storekeep's implication, the store does have distilled water if you need pure water for something like steam ironing, and mineral water. Cigarettes are available in several brands. Old Guard cigarettes are the personal choice of princess Luna on her long nights, while the Fleetfoot brand is known for its smooth flavor and use by the Wonderbolts. Unfortunately, it appears the New Mareland government has stuck its hooves where they don't belong: the literally Fascists have levied a 1 bit tax on cigarettes based on some superstition that smoking is "bad for the body" or something. This puritanical fake science is the clearest sign of oppression you've seen thus far. Whiskey, thank Celestia, has not been taken away by the Fascists
yet and thankfully Prohibition has been repealed in Equestria. The brands are mostly cheap and from the northern part of East Equestria. Naptha fuel for Silver's Hippo brand lighter is readily available. Hempen rope (or nylon) can be found as well. Canteens, you bet. A map of Baltimare is readily available, and you are glad to have bought one before wondering off into the forest with the hopes of later finding a building at an unknown location on the opposite side of the city. The otherside of the map shows the "state" of Baltimare, or this section of the Hayseed Forests. A bedroll and a first aid kit are available likewise. First aid kits come in many varieties, but since I doubt that this is the sort of thing he'd go cheap with, some include basic poison antidotes and even stronger painkillers.
>>73562There are several
>>73559>in character>>73563>exchange bricks for currencyThat is a bit of a dilemma. These bricks look like they are in the form that they were set in the mill, rather than Bank bullion. As stated before, they are marked with the signature of the Winding River mine in the East Forbidden Jungles
[Read more] >>73564Iron ponders for a bit. Maybe the criminal underworld would buy it. He may need Cauldron to hook him up, but is unsure if the gold bricks are practically their stolen property somehow.
I forget. Am I proffient in firearms?
>>73566Guns, I think, are exotic weapons, so it's very unlikely.
>>73567Just checking.
I'm looking at modern and archaic weaponry atm.
>>73564He looks at everything he has gathered for purchase thus far: 28 cans of food, split evenly between corn, beans, green beans, and apples, about half that in distilled water, a bottle of disinfectant tablets, a carton of Old Guard cigarettes, a bottle of whiskey, Naptha fuel for his lighter, hempen rope, a new canteen, a map of Baltimare, a bedroll, and a large, high-quality first-aid kit. His mouth contorts into a worried frown, not at the price or at the weight of it all, but at its shear volume. He looks around the store to see if they have a cheap cart for sale, to lighten the load of carrying everything back to his room.
I might want some dynamite...
>>73570I know what I'm putting my craft ranks in.
>>73569"You looking for a nice cart to haul around the family with?" Says the overly nice and enthusiastic Unicorn at the first cart dealership. "Whether it's work, taking the foals or grandfoals to hoofball practice, or for the fields, we have just the thing for ya"
>>73570>>73571[Worried Fighter Horse Noises]
>>73564Do I have enough time to summon my Animal Companion before the evening?
>>73570I'm sorry, which character is this?
>>73574There is enough time for satanic witchcraft rituals, yes
>>73572He seems confused by the demeanor of the cart salespony. It's a profession he's had very few dealings with, obviously. "...No, I do not have family anymore. At least, I do not think..." He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck. "I just want something to carry things with. For hauling."
>>73576"Well I'm quite sorry to hear that. Celestia rest their souls if they are dead. Or Celestia bless them if they are out of the house, or Celestia damn them if you are divorced. What do you want to haul? Lumber? Rocks? Trade goods? Dead bodies? Just kidding about that last part, although if you are looking for a hearse cart we have a nice selection in our Western location"
>>73574>>73575Iron is waiting on Ash's readiness to start her personal quest.
I think I might summon a gorilla to lend me a hand for this mission.
Are there any armories that sell equiptment in minotaur sizes?
>>73578"I'm going to be busy for quite a bit. Go buy yourself some heavy armor and a tower shield, you'll need it."
>>73580"Are you certain? We are quite far from the town, are we not?" Iron shakes his head. "Nevertheless, if I do not find you here, where will you be?"
>>73577His confusion turns to worry as he wonders if there's something wrong upstairs in this pony's mind. "Uhhhh...trade goods, I think."