Welcome back to Occupied Equestria, an RP set in a conquered Equestria, using D&D 3.5e mechanics, and based in large part on the My Little Pony mod for Hearts of iron 4, Equestria at War
The party has successfully stopped the Communists of Baltimare from importing guns and foreign advisers in preparation for a revolt. They have also raided a Griffin freighter involved in arms trafficking, and are prepared to leave and end their long night.
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>>74603"Well, he wasn't governor at the time. But he was the one who let me come here."
She is visibly impressed by the Changeling knowledge "I see you know about the eye test"
>>74604The foremare does not seem content with this
"Are you looking for a missing person?"
>>74602"And nice to talk to you." Silver is allowed to leave the room and the bar without incident, and is given his sword back
>>74605"Yes." She replies as she turns to leave
"The person I was looking for was last seen at a cannery in this region. But it seems I have come across the incorrect building. I bid you farewell."
>>74606The Foremare has a sort of anger in her voice suggesting she is not willing to accept "farewell" for an answer
"What did she look like, and where was she missing from?"
[1d20 = 16]>>74607>>74606Iron is getting a bit impatient. He spots for any changes on the room he and the dog was in.
>>74608Movement in the hallway and on the clock
>>74607"From the Church on the hill. She was one of the sisters." Sister replies
>>74605With that, he feels somewhat more satisfied, even if he still doesn't know who or what caused the incident at the pier yet. But at the same time, he's grown slightly worried by the talk he had. Changelings...Equestria struggled just to keep them from overrunning their positions during the war, and that was before New Mareland invaded and turned it into a two front war. Prancesco might have scoffed at the idea that the changelings could be this far east, but he knows what they're capable of, how they operate, what will happen if they're already entrenched in the various factions around the city.
He tries to shake his head clear of his troubles. It won't do him any good to get all worked up about just yet. He looks up at the sun, trying to judge what time of day it is now.
>>74605"yea sea breeze put me through it when i first applied at the hotel.it was strange but i just stayed calm."
>>74609This does not help Iron. He feels like this is the wrong place since there hasn't been a lot of movement trying to ambush Iron or there was no sounds of struggle for now.
>>74607"I beg your pardon, but I don't have very much time to explain the matter. I'm rather pressed for time." she continues, not looking rather anxious
>>74610>>74615She is contented by this answer
"Thank you. We will keep a look out for her. You may go now"
>>74612"That's recommended when subject to the test. If you ever want to do it yourself, I recommend having several other ponies around in ready stance. Changelings don't like getting caught"
>>746112:00 PMish I think. The Baltimare Governate does not share a border with the Changeling Empire, although you would need to pass it by sea for almost any sea based trade with Griffonia
[Read more] >>74617Sister Ash leaves.
>>74613She greets Iron in the waiting room, apologizes and explains that she fucked up, and says the correct cannery was on the north shore.
>>74618Iron is a bit frustrated and follows. "You know where it is now, right?"
>>74620"Yes..." She replies, gritting her teeth at her own incompetence
"I'm sure of it now..."
>>74618>>74618>>74620As they leave the waiting room, they see that two uniformed guards are standing in the hallway behind them, in the direction of the factory floor. Towards the entrance and to the sides are no fewer than three guards. One of them has a big black boxy looking gun of a make Ash has never seen before. None of them say anything to Ash or to Iron, and they stand in positions that would effectively block the path were she going any other direction than out, but do not block their exit from the structure
>>74619It's on the exact opposite side of town, and in fact isn't even actually in town. I was under the impression Ash would go back to the orphanage where she could have gotten a ride from Priestess Sundew Okay, sorry for the fuck up.
The two make their way towards the cannery that Ollie described, on the North shore.
>>74617"good to know. what do you like to do for fun?"
>>74623Iron is a bit suspicious.
>>74623Sister Ash leaves the building, paying the guards no mind.
>>74627Sister Ash is suspicious too, but she has more important priorities.
>>74617His stomach grumbles in response, reminding him that his body is no longer running off of his breakfast. He begins to wander around to look for someplace where he can grab a late lunch.
>>74625"Oh, I like to go to bars and... You know I haven't had that much free time since I got here, since the Blackhooves have been working me fairly hard. I enjoy my work. Before I came here I would like to do racing competitions with the other pegasi, see who could fly the best or fastest. I rarely won but it was something to do with the other pegasi. I would try to hunt wolves and other creatures on some occasions"
She looks away, almost embarrassed "I like to read novels," Then she looks back. "what about you?"
>>74630For all of Baltimare's other sins, the city has a sufficient number of restaurants within walking distance to provide choice. What sort of restaurant is Silver looking for?
>>74629She can deduce that the Cannery in question must be the Lunar Ocean Cannery in the town of North Point. Does she know how to get there?
[Read more] >>74632>Does she know how to get there?Well, I thought so, unless otherwise specified.
She had hoped not to involve that many ponies, but she's also desperate.
>>74632"you would have loved the wonderbolts. Novels huh?" Dark Star looks at her slyly
"well,i like going hunting. and i like watching those moving pictures they make."
>>74634This gets her exited
"Ooh! Have you seen that 'Gone with the Whinny'? I read the book, and I saw the motion picture many times! It's a nice tale about Romance and the Old Equestria. Before and after the Lunar Civil War"
>>74633Some sort of dice roll would be appropriate
>>74635Didn't we get the location through gather information?
>>74635"I think i Saw that one a long time ago with mom. it was Interesting."
>>74632One idea takes hold above all others: meat. It would repulse most other ponies, as it's still taboo across most of Equestria, but he's grown rather fond of the flavor of beef roast over the past few years.
>>74637"Aww.... That must hold fond memories for you. It sort of reminded me of a wholesome era, like my homeland used to be"
The food has arrived, a sandwich and spaghetti, and Apple whiskey
>>74636True, and you got the name a specific town, but this one is further away
>>74638Have you noticed I've made all of my food descriptions vegetarian?
A shop that sells meat foods exists, although he has to journey a little further away towards the east to find it.
This shop seems to cater predominantly to Griffons, although Diamond Dogs can also be found in here. He is able to get a seat and a griffon waiter
[Read more] >>74640>>74639Guess this roll should do it, even without the bonus success chance.
>>74639To the West into the City, then North along Percheron Avenue into North Point, West 10 blocks, north 2 Blocks. It's right there on the shore. 1 hour and 20 minutes to get there from the present location
>>74643>>74642That should be ok. Right, Player posing as Ash?
>>74640Dark star slips the waiter 5 bits and whisper to him
"Hey there would you do me a favor and play something Romantic?"
>>74643Sister Ash trots there, making haste.
>>74640Let him enjoy his meat.He takes a quick look at the menu, to see if they have some sort of roast available.
>>74645For Ash and Iron, the sunset is coming soon. This facility is abandoned, and dominated by grey walls and roofs. It looks a little larger, and has some concrete areas around it. The whole lot has a chain linked fence around it that is locked
>>74648A couple ponies prancing by give him dirty glances through the window... Even though he is not the only pony inside this particular shop. At least he's not a Changeling.
Yes, there is a roast. Cow flesh. A polar bear at the other end seems to be enjoying the roast. A griffon waiter takes the order
>>74645"Glimmer by Starlight" by Frank Sintrota, a popular love song, is played by the band
Blue Skies: "D'aww"
Sister Ash looks around furiously for any signs that might lead her to a clue, as does her dog.
Rolling survival
>>74651>Cow fleshWtf?! Burn this satanic hellhole to the ground.
>>74652Iron is not that bothered. "We can go inside. I will just jump over the chain link fence and buck the lock there. After that, it should be easy to explore for clues." Iron starts unstrapping all of his armor for that inmediate jump.
[1d20+3 = 15]>>74651Listen: While he waits for the roast to be cooked, he decides to see if he can't overhear some of the other patrons' conversations.
>>74651At this point, she's so frustrated that she just walks through the fence by melting it.