Welcome back to Occupied Equestria, an RP set in a conquered Equestria, using D&D 3.5e mechanics, and based in large part on the My Little Pony mod for Hearts of iron 4, Equestria at War
The party has successfully stopped the Communists of Baltimare from importing guns and foreign advisers in preparation for a revolt. They have also raided a Griffin freighter involved in arms trafficking, and are prepared to leave and end their long night.
1692 replies and 84 files omitted.
>>74451Dark Star smiles at her when she says it
>>74451Complete newfag question: how does one add to a dice roll made in the email box.
>>74455I believe you just add to the end +[number]
Like: Dice 1d20+3
>>74458I don't think so... not to my memory at least.
>>74452>>74454"I've been glad to shoot a few of those fuckers in the face. And may I shoot many more"
>>74455Just a +. Like 1d20+7
>>74452A tan unicorn in a blue suit with grey hair comes up to him
"You can do something about the Silver Springs Quarry?"
>>74458I shit you not, they ahve all left and it looks like they all want to do quests on their own for some reason
[Read more] >>74460Welp, I'm useless for now then.
>Cleans glasses >>74460"I believe so. I'm Shimmering Spark. Pleased to meet you."
>>74461Not quite yet... Apparently the quest giver hinted to needing to bring someone along. "If you know somepony willing to clear the quarry" as she said.
[1d20+7 = 11]>>74457>>74460Thanks. Here's hoping this works.>>74451Annoyance turns to frustration. He glares daggers at the pony in front of him. "Listen here,
boy. I have reached end of my patience with you. You know where to find this underboss, and you
will tell me. Or so help me Celestia, your funeral will be closed casket."
Rolling for Intimidation
>>74465Watch as the other pony rolls a fucking 20.
[1d20+8 = 20]>>74464She smiles, "I think this might be the beginning of a beautiful co-working partnership"
She looks forward
"We're here"
You arrive at the restaurant, a minimalist themed cafe with green coated seats, white walls and white carpeted floors. You are able to be seated quickly
>>74462"I am Glass Horizon. So can you kill things that are undead. I don't mean that in a metaphysical philosophical kind of way, I just mean can you make these damned things stop moving so we can dump them onto a landfill"
[Read more] >>74465>>74468"The DA didn't send his best" says the unintimidated pony in the grey suit. Recommending Silver leave quietly
>>74468"Yes. I also have a friend that might be interested in joining me, if you don't mind that is. We will make quick work of your problem."
>>74469I feel unreasonably miffed about that, I will admit.He snarls, seriously considering doing something unseemly here...but realizes now is neither the time, nor place. With a huff, he turns, and heads out of the area, with nothing to show for his investigative efforts.
>>74471It appears our undercover police officer did not manage to find out more information.
Until he is approached by a scrawny ugly looking fellow on the way out
"If you are looking for information"
>>74470"Oh I don't care who clears it, just kill these... entities a second time so I can build a department store and use the quarry as a basement"
>>74472"You got it. Let me fetch me him and they will be gone in no time."
I head out to the tavern.
>>74472Silver stops, turning his head to look at the relatively sad-looking pony.
>>74468"oh is that all it is?"
Dark Star looks at Blue coyly
>>74474>>74475She sits up in her seat, and looks at him with those eyes
"We're only on our first date. Let's see where this takes us"
>>74474"He won't speak to you, but for a price, I will. If you want to know where the underboss is, I can tell you for 20 bits"
>>74473It is so
>>74476"So what looks good here? to you"
>>74476This is where I would get the bartender to come and help out a friend... for money, because he really likes the money. Something tells me that the bartender is asleep on the job again though.
[1d20+3 = 17]>>74476Let's try this again with a different skill.Sense Motive: He looks the pony up and down, trying to make a judgement as to whether he could be a trusted source of information or not.
>>74477She looks down at the menu
"Well you don't have to go through so much trouble for me. Some of these sandwiches look very nice, and the breads too... What are you getting?"
>>74478Did you link to his post?
>>74479He's a sketchy bastard, but he really does just want the money. He will not snitch on Silver to the DA
>>74480He nods, and pulls out a small sack of Bits, using his magic to remove enough Bits from it to make 20 Bits, then tossing it to the pony. "Where are they?"
>>74480"hmmmmm maybe some of the spaghetti?"
>>74461I walk up to the bar.
"Hey there bartender. Interested in a little work?"
>>74481"His name is Prancesco. He can be found in a bar on 9th and East."
>>74482"Did you see that judgmental look that mare gave me? She's fat enough herself. That or pregnant, and I don't see a stallion. Oh yes. Spaghetti sounds lovely"
>>74484"It is appreciated. You have good day, now." He makes his way towards 9th and East.
>>74485When he goes that war, he enters a bar with, well, a number of ponies. Some play pool, and some are at a poker table. Several of them look pretty vigilant
>>74484"i bet shes eats her weight in food daily."
>>74486Figuring the bartender would know where exactly Prancesco would be, he heads up to the counter.
>>74487"heh, damned cow. You should see this Stallion at one of those awful meetings I had to sit through. Brought literal grass into a damned book reading. I mean first, it's not the time or place, second, at least get some dried hay or alfalfa. Don't eat plain grass like a savage. He was even chewing it like a cow"
>>74488"What may I get for you today?"
>>74489"no way. really? Did he smell like one too?"
>>74489He keeps his voice low, as to not be heard by the other patrons of the bar. "An audience with Prancesco, if it pleases you."
>>74490She laughs a little "Uck! No way I was getting that close to him to find out. I guess he was eating all of the leftover food in Stalliongrad. Now, what really smells is some of the griffons we have around here. The ones that work in the reserves we try to force to clean themselves, but some of these griffins come back proudly smelling like fish"
The waiter is here, and Dark Star may order drinks and or food. He may likewise bring up any topic of conversation that he thinks might interest her, although he can get the impression that she likes dislike others
>>74491"We'll see if he pleases
>>74492>>74491Damn it
"We'll see if it pleases him." Two large stallions appear to each side of him behind him
>>74493He turns to them. "And I suppose you are here to take me to him, then."
>>74494"We might" They search Silver, and quickly find his sword. "Can't have this if you are going to meet Prancesco"
>>74492"Waiter, my mare friend here will have the Sandwich and some of the bread. and for me ill take the spaghetti. do you have Alcohol here?"
>>74495He nods. "Perfectly understandable, as long as I get it back when I am ready to leave." Other than the sword, he has no other weapons on him currently.
>>74496"Why yes, we do. What would you like?"
>>74497The ponies take him to a darkly lit backroom, where a golden Earth pony with greased black hair sits besides several others at a table playing poker
"I heard you were looking for me. Who are you?"
>>74498"Bring me some apple whiskey my fine pony."
>>74498"I am Silver Sword." He bows down to Prancesco. "It is pleasure to make your acquaintance."
>>74499"Right away, sir"
>>74500"Alright. But who are you, and what do you want?"
>>74501"I am nopony interesting, Mr. Prancesco. As for what I want, I have heard many rumors and stories about so-called massacre at pier last night. Some have pointed hooves at police, some at you and your gang. I would like to hear what you think of incident. Help set record straight, so to speak."
>>74502"Bah! We didn't do much but offer protection on the scene for a client, and a few trucks. We were just going secure a couple warehouses, then secure them the next day after some one else stocked them, and provide lookouts at a safehouse in the city. No, I tell you resolutely, it was not me. I doubt the police could have executed it either"
>>74499>>74501And thus Apple Whiskey is delivered