Welcome back to Occupied Equestria, an RP set in a conquered Equestria, using D&D 3.5e mechanics, and based in large part on the My Little Pony mod for Hearts of iron 4, Equestria at War
The party has successfully stopped the Communists of Baltimare from importing guns and foreign advisers in preparation for a revolt. They have also raided a Griffin freighter involved in arms trafficking, and are prepared to leave and end their long night.
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>>73631"That we do have. These suits have strips of steel that give them some resistance even to things like bullets, and I can't promise they won't slow you down but they are not bad protection. This cheaper one here allows you some mobility. This bigger one gives a little more but less mobility, while this set here offers the most protection and more mobility, but it's expensive. As for shields, we have some metal ones for use by police or if you are dealing with fire"
Now I'm wondering if he has enough currency to buy these things (at least 350 bits just from the loan sharking). The gold is certainly way more than enough, it's just a question of who will accept it without asking who he murdered to get it>>73632What luck! There's a set of mud tracks and wolf hairs that could only have been made by Iron, heading east
>>73634>tfw not sure of thisShe follows the tracks anyway...
>>73630There are still patriots out there it seems. Equestria is gone, but it is not forgotten
>inb4 another motherfucking wolf
>>73634Dark Star did give me 400 bits, remember?"I will go for the most protection. Mobility does not bother me."
>>73636It brings a smile to his face, knowing Equestria's spirit lives on.
When he arrives, he takes very little time to move his supplies from his parked cart to his room. Once everything is moved, he unfolds the map of Baltimare, places it on his bed, and studies it to get a better idea of where everything is.
>>73635The hoofprints and hairs grow more sparse, but she's determined to find him. It appears he went into a residential neighborhood
>>73638"We have this set of steel plate that covers much of the body and has a ballistic nylon base. It has overlapping bands that move with the movements of the body, to a degree. Damned near looks like a knight, but the Griffins trust it for their elite soldiers. 1500 bits. We have another version that is less agile and is only 600 bits. It doesn't having overlapping plates but rather solid pieces, making it less friendly to wear and not quite as protective, but also cheaper. Titanium and Tungsten versions of the same can be ordered specially, but are
far more expensive"
>>73639The city looks like it is built around a natural harbor and bay on its east side. There is a seaport with most industry besides it, and quite a bit of businesses and housing further west. The city center and the commercial center are past this, followed by bands of mostly lighter residential with scattered brick mills, cement plants and whatnot further west. There is still another coastline only a few miles to the north with another municipality, and some more residences. Also to the east and the north is a peninsula made by the bay that protrudes eastwards and provides cover from weather to the harbor from the north. This peninsula is not fully developed, has residences, a municipality and a lighthouse on the end of it. While water is to the north and the east, to the south is wilderness forest of the hayseed forests. To the west is agricultural fields, leading to the towns of the moonlight shores
[Read more] >>73640Iron nods. "What about those shields you offered?" He might need to find Cauldron sooner than later.
>>73640She follows the tracks dutifully.
Onyx wakes up at the bar.
Just the other side of the bar than most people expect to.
"I gotta stop falling asleep after my shift"
>>73643"Indeed. How are you today bartender?"
>>73640With a greater understanding of the area, he begins to feel more confident in his ability to not get lost, and he closes the map back up.
Deciding to see if the bartender on duty has heard about any potential leads into lines of work, Silver makes his way down into the tavern itself.
>>73644"Hungover, but that's to be expected. How about you?"
>>73641"Sure. Steel ones are rather cheap. It's big enough to cover you if you need that, and while I don't know if I'd fight a tiger with it, it'll block some blows. You can also bash with them. This here is a police model, for civil unrest and such"
>>73642She arrives at a house that has a large fence. She sees a somewhat quirky looking older pony trying to wash a very very large chained wolf in a kiddie pool. The wolf is several times larger than he and barely can sit in the pool, is muzzled with steel, and chained to a large pole, trying to move. The wolf has barren - burnt? - patches on him where the fur has been burned away and hair is falling off.
"It's okay Rover, we'll get you fixed up"
The pony is trying to wash the spots with water, which causes pain to an already irritated animal
>>73645It looks like the alternate bartender is on duty.
>>73646. Say something nice to him
[Read more] >>73646"I'm doing surprisingly well. Not too sore considering last night. That doctor was alright."
I look into my glass.
"Do you think we got in over our heads though? We might be new go-to guys. And I don't know if I can keep doing this for free with the risk involved."
This is the dog I burned yesterday, isn't he?
>>73647"I could take the police model. It is very large, so it will cover me a lot." Iron ponders. "Is the police letting you sell this?" He may be receptive to the gold if he's not allowed to sell these.
>>73649>>73647Sister Ash approaches the fence.
"Good morning, sir."
>>73647>>73646Silver sits down at the bar. After a couple seconds of silence spent considering the alternate bartender, he nods at him. "Greetings."
>>73653He puts some Bits on the counter. "A beer, if it pleases you."
>>73649>>73651>>73651"Good morning to you!" The dog whimpers and shakes
>>73650"It's just from the same manufacturer as what the police use, it's not illegal to sell in this jurisdiction"
>>73655He waves back. "Hello. It is good to meet friendly face."
>>73656"That hound.." she starts up, with a bit of a sad tone
"Was it injured yesterday?"
>>73656Iron is a bit dissapointed. "Alright, what is the cost for this?"
>>73657"I'm Shimmering Spark. It's good to meet you."
I nod to the bartender.
"And this is bartender. He likes to be called Onyx though."
>>73661Onyx gives the horse a bottle
>>73658“Yes, Rover here looks like he must have been struck by lightning, or struck by a burning branch. Or both”
The pony is pretty friendly and readily willing to talk about his new pet.
"I had been working in the eastern field when a friend drove up with Rover here in the back of his truck. He said that he had been working in the North-western track of lucky mills when he came across Rover here. He said this dog had been a part of pack there, but the mill gave him permission to hunt them for their hides. he had shot several of them with his manticore gun, and captured two of them in traps over the last month. He found this one in a trap this morning, said it was probably the last one. Normally the ones taken alive go to wealthy customers over seas, but this one he wasn't sure about because of the injuries. I told him 'well hell, I'll take this one for the money you owe me if you think this unlucky dog won't fetch full price for that damaged hide.' And so I took him home right then and there. Stopped what I was doing in the field"
Rover is unhappy
"You're lucky to be alive after being struck by lightning boy" the pony says to him as he washes sensitive burns
>>73659"Only 30 bits, it's a single piece of metal"
[Read more] >>73662>>73663He takes a drink from the bottle, smiling at Onyx. "Thank you." After another small drink, he turns towards Spark. "I am Silver Sword. Most call me Silver, though." With his other hoof he offers a hoofshake to each of them in turn.
>>73664Iron nods. "I will take the shield for now." He passes 30 bits to the shopkeeper on the counter. "However, I will come back for the full plate suit. I have to do something before I am ready to buy the armor. Please keep it reserved for me."
>>73666"There'll be some on stock, don't worry"
>>73667Iron nods. He walks out of the shop. He needs to find Cauldron. He remembers that the Watering Hole is somewhere nearby. He decides to look there, if he remembers where he is.
>>73665"What brings you to this city, Silver?"
>>73664"... How unfortunate.." Ash says, making awkward eye contact with the wolf
"... Say, I'm a bit of a veterinarian trainee. I would like to have a look at those burns, if you wouldn't mind."
>>73669"Work. Or, search of it."
>>73668I do have the shield on me, right?
>>73668Iron has a sense of where he is, as he has been here before, and East town is dominated by a few important avenues running straight north to South and East to West. He may go there
>>73670When as looks at rover, the wolf tries to bark, then whimpers, and moves its head away
"Hmmm, I'm not sure he likes you, but you can certainly take a look
The wolf definitely has room to move, which makes physical contact a bit difficult. There are three burned areas. There is significant swelling and skin that even looks like it has been charred. Some fur is burned right off, much has fallen off, some is loose, and some is falling off in the pool
>>73672If you want to carry around a big shield, I guess you can, it's just awkward
>>73671"I suppose I should be looking for the same. You have any leads yet?"
>>73675The light grey unicorn laughs. "That is funny, I am actually here to ask bartender...er, Onyx...about leads, myself."
>>73674Eh, he does not really care. As long as the shield has the police logo, it's okIron, shield strapped on his back, goes to the Watering Hole to see if he can convince Cauldron to buy one of the gold bricks for the gang.
>>73673*Walks up to Rover*
*Pets wolf*
>"Now now, don't fret"- she beams, rummaging through her spell components sack for herbs 'n shieet
She turns to the pony
"I can treat him, but it will take a while." she says to the poner
Onyx considers where he'd swap his bars for cash, and where he could use that cash to get what he wants.
>>73677He goes in, and it is kind of crowded. he doesn't see Cauldron there, and is about to give up. Then from behind him
"Iron!" the familiar voice exclaims, and the worried mare comes up to him. "You were at that event on the docks last night. I heard there was an explosion at the building we had been guarding after I left. Then somepony killed some police officers, and soldiers were called in. They say there was some sort of robbery there and more than a dozen were killed."
The exasperated mare hugs Iron
"I was worried you were dead. Thank goodness you're okay"
>>73679The wolf does not like the contact, whether because it is feral or because the area touched was sensitive
"Well, I don't know if I want to move him from here"
[Read more] >>73676"You'd have to ask my boss, other than that I got nothing to help ya. Sorry"