Welcome back to Occupied Equestria, an RP set in a conquered Equestria, using D&D 3.5e mechanics, and based in large part on the My Little Pony mod for Hearts of iron 4, Equestria at War
The party has successfully stopped the Communists of Baltimare from importing guns and foreign advisers in preparation for a revolt. They have also raided a Griffin freighter involved in arms trafficking, and are prepared to leave and end their long night.
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>>73680Silver turns to ask Onyx if he knows about any leads into work, but stops when he notices him deep in thought. "Something on your mind?"
>>73681Iron hugs back. "There is no need to worry about me, Cauldron. I actually have something interesting you might just like. But it has to be a quiet place. Anyplace that fits the description?"
>>73685"Sure, there are rooms upstairs. The bar owner lets couples go up there at night for privacy."
As she goes with him, she says "They are blaming us for it, but I don't know anypony that would have done that. I think it was those Sunset police. They had a really vicious crackdown in Manehattan last month, they could do it here"
>>73688Iron stays silent until they both enter one of the rooms upstairs. "I know. Want to see what was stolen?" Iron leans closer to Cauldron, expecting an answer.
[1d20+9 = 14]>>73681Rolling to soothe the beast
(+2 familiarity)"Don't worry. I can take care of him right here." She replies
She casts Naturewatch to peer into the full extent of the animal's health and injuries
>>73682"I see. Well, I suppose I will keep up search." He raises the beer bottle up to his mouth, but he slowly lowers it back down when he sees Onyx deep in thought. "Something on your mind?"
>>73690She looks at him silently, then back away a little and sits down. He receives no answer, as the mare is left speechless
>>73691Rover is soothed in part. She can see that indeed the dog has both electrical and fire burns, some to the third degree into flesh
>>73694"Is that all you think about?"
>>73694He nods, and returns to his drink.
>"..Can't say I didn't warn you...."She casts Cure Minor Wounds to regenerate a bit of the skin/fur.
"He's a big boi... Just what were you intending to do with him?"
>>73695Onyx shrugs
"It is when I need food."
>>73693Iron cocks an eyebrow, but disregards it. "I have some stuff of great value here." He pulls out one of the gold bricks. "Got it by fighting through the crowd of ponies there. Ponies there had that same speech about equality and stuff at the bar. It was hidden in a chest on the ship, as well as a lot of guns."
>>73698"Yeah... all that food... but if you find anything Silver, we would be glad to help you out. I'm sure bartender here would want at least 50% of the cut though... if not more."
>>73697The spell does more than nothing, regenerating some of the more severely damaged flesh and muscle. But that is not readily apparent from the outside, where the animal is still visibly burned - though not nearly as critically
"I was going to keep him as a pet. I had a big dog when I was younger. I figured rover here might be worth trying to domesticate. It's not like he'll make a great coat with this kind of damage anyways"
>>73699"But the gunfight. The robbery.
Many ponies died"
>>73700"..." He looks from Spark, to Onyx, and back to Spark. "...It is joke, right? More than 50% for one pony?"
>>73701>Pet>".... Really..?""Dire Wolves aren't so easy to train as large dogs.. I hope you have experience in handling large animals."
>>73701Iron shrugs. "I was very beaten after that onslaught. I visited a doctor afterwards. Told me I almost died, and was very lucky that I even survived." Iron waves the gold brick around some more. "So, I have this and I want to give it out for some bits."
>>73702"Nope. I bet you he would. Though some might argue he does earn it. This guy is ridiculously strong."
>>73705He looks back at Onyx, trying to see if he can get a good idea of how strong he is just by looking at him.
>>73703"Oh I know that. I was looking for a challenge. When I was younger I would break horses, make them listen to commands. That was when i was a drill instructor in the Army"
>>73704She's still a little concerned
"Y-you're lucky to get out alive" She takes the brick. "That's a lot of gold you have there. Worth many bits. No wonder they" She pauses at the third person plural, 'they.' "They wanted to kill for it"
>>73707Iron scratches his side. "So, what do you think? How much is that thing?"
>>73707>I would break horses, make them listen to commands.>I would break horses>HorsesSister Ash's jaw drops to the ground, and she takes several steps back
"Y-you what?!"
>>73710Do you want to fight a possible slaver or something?
>>73709She holds it in her hoof, moving it up and down as if weighing it
"I don't think this is a bankmare's bullion brick. Looks like it's straight from a mine. the luster is definitely right for gold. Of course I can't tell you that there isn't just lead in the center. But this looks like at least 3000-5000 bits depending on the purity of the gold and the exact weight
>>73710>>73708>>73711"Breaking a horse" means training a horse. That's all the phrase means. To take a horse that otherwise would not listen, and make it able to be ridden or pull carts. When Ash asked about animal training, horses were the first thing that came to mind. But I realized that in this world, horses wouldn't work. Then I thought Buffalo, but that also doesn't work in the My Little Pony world. Then i thought cows, but those were sapient in an episode as well. So I thought fuck it, i will make a joke about training horses, but what he is referring to isn't like agricultural work, he's R Lee Ermey from Full Metal Jacket, but retired. He used to discipline new recruits and train them to be fit soldiers. It was a bad joke, mea culpa
[Read more] >>73713Iron placed a hoof on his chin. "Do you know where I can sell this thing?"
>>73706I'm going out on a limb here, but I think the bartender fell back asleep at his job.
>>73713Fancy apology in Lingua Latina accepted.>>73716He chuckles a bit. "He sure does seem very...preoccupied, with money."
>>73717"Have you been here long?"
>>73713Sister Ash snaps out of her momentary paranoid confusion.
"Oh, that's fine then..."
[1d20+7 = 10]
Also, heal check on the dog
>>73714Because she isn't quite sure if Iron was a a part of a group that killed a dozen creatures, or if he is claiming that he was just there, and managed to grab the money in the confusion, she is still reacting as if Iron had released an unrestrained Changeling in the room before her
"I think I know a few who will do it, no questions asked"
>>73719reee>>73720Ash hits a sore area of the dog, causing it to whimper in pain
>>73723Iron smiles. "Great. You think I can meet with them? I want to sell this. It has no value in this current state and I want to increase my defense after that shit on the docks."
>>73718"No, I only got here yesterday. You?"
>>73725"About the same. This place is mad I tell you. Everypony wants somepony dead. It's crazy. Just keep an eye out if you try and go out alone."
>>73726Iron nods. "Alright, do you mind showing me the way? I surely can compensate." Iron leans closer, touching coats with the zebra. "It does not need to be just bits."
>>73731She's still just a little bit uncomfortable, and she walks past him, out of the room, and downstairs, then outside. Evidently she is complying
>>73730He nods. "Tensions are high here. Communist rebels, Restorationist sympathizers, New Mareland occupiers. It is powder keg." He finishes off his beer with one last drink. "It has been long time since I was part of group. But I may just have to, if I am to survive."