Welcome back to Occupied Equestria, an RP set in a conquered Equestria, using D&D 3.5e mechanics, and based in large part on the My Little Pony mod for Hearts of iron 4, Equestria at War
The party has successfully stopped the Communists of Baltimare from importing guns and foreign advisers in preparation for a revolt. They have also raided a Griffin freighter involved in arms trafficking, and are prepared to leave and end their long night.
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>>74039The griffin smiles and moves forward, offering a claw to shake
"Of course, my name is Josef Silverwing. What kind of needs do you have? Collector?"
>>74040For the love of God, say something specific so I don't have to try to find an online random word generator to try to get an idea >>74040"I was going to look for any sort of landmarks to see...but deeper sounds like good idea." He folds the map back up and puts it in a side pocket in his saddlebag for future use.
>>74041"Uh, sure. I'm looking for a halberd with a blade that was very common in the Crystal Empire. Usually a bluish crystal, with the power of ice in it."
+1 Crystal Frost Halberd, 2,310gp >>74041>>74042"Ok then. How about we try the city hall? It might have a better map of shops and areas of interest."
>>74044"It could. If map is correct, then city hall should be over there." He points in the general direction they need to head. "Lead on, my friend."
>>74046Silver follows close behind, whistling some song whose tune is unknown to Spark.
>>74043"Well, we do happen to have a number of Crystal empire relics." He motions to a pony. "Mrs. Inn Fringe, can you watch the counter while I show this pony some stock?"
He says to Onyx, "Follow me" and opens a door to the basement
Okay, so you want a Halberd with a Frost Enchantment?>>74045West relative to the current position
>>74048He periodically checks the sun's position to make sure they're heading the right way.
>>74049The Sun doesn't
seem to have altered course or pace since the Changelings took the Princess
>>74050When he gets downstairs, he sees a real armory.
Silverwing: "Alright, you wanted, what was that, a Frost Halberd to deal some cold damage?"
>>74051Onyx let's out a low whistle at the sight.
"Huh? Oh, yeah that's the idea"
>>74051"Thank Celestia for small miracles." He chuckles to himself about the irony of that thought.
>>74052>>74052"You want like a steel one?
Anything else?"
>>74053City Hall is a very large marble rectangular buiding, with 4 floors, a vaulted green roof, and a dome in the center, in a Neocolonial style. A public fountain is in a square before the building. There are bronze Manticore statues on either side of the steps that lead up to a large entrance to the Structure on the second floor.
>>74054Silver lets out a long whistle at the sight of the beautiful building. "That is fanciest building I have seen."
Did >>74046 fall asleep? >>74055There are a number of ponies walking by, and some going in and out. As you look closer, you can see some bullet marks, and the left Manticore is missing a stinger, while the other is missing a paw
>>74056He frowns as he notices the damage. "Must be from back when New Mareland invaded." With a shake of his head, he makes his way up the steps and into the building, paying little attention to the ponies around him other than to avoid getting in their way.
>>74057As he goes through the front door he can see the building's interior. The floor is tile with an ornate pattern of the sun, with rays flowing out from the center. A large hallway goes off to the left, another to the right, and another forwards. Though the area of the entrance has a ceiling going up 20 feet, there is a railing for a hall of the second floor. To the left of the center is a portrait of the current Mayor: Larry Berry, a dark looking unicorn. Now, what is he looking for?
>>74058Without much of an idea of where to go from here, nor what he is looking for, he heads down the hallway to the right.
>>74059I've never been inside a city hall before. If you had asked for a courthouse...On the right is the office of the city clerk, then the department of roads. Further down are the offices of the bureau of health, and offices concerned with welfare
>>74060>>74059Of course, there are many floors to the building
>>74060Don't blame me, Spark's the one that picked it out."No, this is not right, I think..." He backtracks to head down the hallway that was on his left, looking for something that at least sounds more interesting than all of that.
>>74059Behind the entrance area, towards the center hall, are grand staircases. To the left are the city auditor, the city treasurer, the department of water, and the office of zoning
>>74063He heads up one of the grand staircases, grumbling slightly to himself.
>>74064>>74064Too bad, I had quest ideas for the department of water and the zoning commissionTwo wings again. On the left is the office of the Mayor and the meeting place of the Aldermen, as well as the clerk of communication. To the Right is the superintendent of schools and offices of education, the city assessor's office, and the meeting location of the common council
>>74065I mean, do they sound much like quest locations?"Aldermen?" With his interest piqued, he looks inside to see what it's about.
>>74066Quest givers, not locationsThe room must be open to the public, because he is able to simply open the door and walk in. There is no pony to greet him, and this room must not be in use at this exact time. He can see a large semi circular table of solid hardwood
Okay, maybe not solid, but it looks like it with big black tall chairs. On the open side of that semicircle is a wooden desk elevated well above the rest, in a way kind of like a judge's chair and stand in a court room. There is a small wooden wall behind the wooden semicircle, with a number of wooden rows, again like a courtroom. When a pony is asked, "The Aldermares are the elected City Council of Baltimare. They pass legislation in managing city affairs"
>>74067Same basic principle, it's not a place one would expect to find quest givers. Either way, I wouldn't take Silver to be one to look inside the Department of Water to see if anypony there would need help with something.He heads back out to the railing overlooking the entrance, having learned nothing particularly interest.
>>74068Have it your way then, I just finally overcame writer's block to get ideas for adventuresFrom this location, he can see circular sun pattern very well. Opposite his position are a few windows, although it is hardly a glass wall above the entrance. To left and right hand portraits of who must be past Mayors. in the center is an open area he may speculate was once filled by a portrait of Princess Celestia
>>74069Sorry, I just didn't know.He has to look away, knowing full well all it will do is make him upset.
"She was our Sun. How could they..." He shakes his head clear, heading back downstairs to try to clear his head.
>>74070Ponies go back and forth to places like the Assessor's Office, or the City Clerk, as it seems to be a weekday with these offices in business. It isn't
that crowded. Iron gets the sense that he has not seen every department and every section of the building - there are more floors - but he has seen a representative sample, as it is mostly department offices and administration
>>74071"That seemed...unusually uninteresting." He looks around to make sure he's not missing anything.
>>74072I mean, there is more building that was never explored, but the building is exactly the way you would expect a reasonably functioning government building to be (in a fantasy world, were the actual day to day operations of the departments explored). Except for a few protesters against police brutality outside, it's mostly normal
Silver did
not see a portrait of The Duke hanging in the building
>>73981The moment I took a nap on the keyboard you respond? What timingIron shakes his head. "I already told you that I would not take you because of your responsibilities. You do not know how important it is for me that I even considered you." Iron stands up. "Do you even know why I could have chosen you? Because you are a great mother. It is not because you are just good looking. You are better than just a little statuette to decorate and play with on the side. The act of coitus is really important to me, because I choose the mares that go back to my home with me through it. I basically admitted that you are worthy to me, but... I cannot take you with me," Iron looks to the side, somewhat frustrated "unless you drop everything and leave, and I know you cannot do that. Family is more important than love."
Arlight, I'm out for the night
>>74076>>74075Damn, my timing is shit. Sorry for that guys. Bed forced me to sleep
>>74075>>74076Also night to both of you, as well as you
>>74029 One last thing while I still have a tiny bit of my mental faculties: I probably won't be on until 4:00 Central Time or something close to that tomorrow, in case you guys find I'm needed for something.
Anyways, time to pass out.
>>74074After hearing this, Cauldron still appears angry, but calmer than she was before. She no longer seems to be intentionally provoking a response from other patrons in the bar.
"And so that is how you show affection? You say 'hey, there's some other fillie that's better than you, but if you want to have just sex let's go fuck? Do you think that I would feel 'blessed' to have the
privilege of being a side bitch,
your side bitch? Do you think that is what I want to tell my father when I see him next? 'Hi Cauldron, did you find a nice stallion? No, but I got to be the sperm dumping ground of some native who told me he'd rather have some dragon girl'"
There are definite tones of sarcasm
>>73928She is a bit surprised by this, but she quickly leans into it, and places a hoof around Dark Star's neck. She continues kissing him, until she pulls away and says
"I guess we could find a hotel room, if you're not too tired"
She has a very big smile, and her eyes damned near glow with enthusiasm
[Read more] >>73981Dark Stars player finally gets around to posting
"oh trust me ill be able to manage."
Dark Star gives a sly grin and a wink
>>74081"I already told you. I would have chosen you if you were not so tied down by responsibilites out of your control. Besides, there are no side... 'beet-cheese', only mares who are worthy to bear children and ones who are not." Iron scratches the back of his head a bit too strongly, making small screeching sounds. "The mere act of intercourse is such a sign of commitment and the most important choice on my land, and I believe you could be part of it if so many resposibilities did not weigh you down. The act of sex you denigrate is my way of showing affection of the highest level. It shows that I care enough to bind myself to you through the bearing of a child. To have the physical embodiment of love through the existence of a foal. Did you expect me to just leave you after the deed is done? Like I said, you are better than just a plaything. You are more than a toy. You are a mother, one of the best mothers one could ask for, and there are not a lot of mares who can compare." Iron sighs and looks at the empty glass. "Maybe I just wanted to be with you and I could not, so I downgraded our relationship to mere friends and believed you would not mind a bit of wishful thinking of mine." Iron looks to Cauldron, ears drooped. "I guess you do not feel like we are friends, but something more as well, and I hurt you for telling you my frustrations because maybe you feel them too."
>>74082She holds his hoof, and pulls him in one direction
"There's a quaint little place on 6th, that's between the tavern and the Headquarters. Hell, we could probably take one of the unused rooms at headquarters. It used to be 'The Grand Baltimare Hotel,' after all"
Her smile is more joyous and ordinary now than is typical for her, and her tail seems to sway slightly
Sister Ash continues treating the wolf until she's satisfied that it will be capable of fending for itself.
>>74084She looks at him with an extreme degree of skepticism
"If that were what you meant, then why oh why would you start of by telling me how you love some girl, and then say '
but we can have sex right now'?"
[1d20+13 = 17]
Also, worth noting.
What season is it in game?
Has the Equestrian seasonal/weather management been affected by the fall of the empire (as in, I would imagine a lot of ponies would have difficultly managing the climate, with the changeling occupation and the regime change)?
Rolling knowledge (Nature) to see what sister Ash knows about Equestrian Weather in the current era.
>>74085"it would be exciting to take a room in Hq. but what if we get caught?"
[1d20+12 = 23]
Also rolling Survival to predict the weather for a number of days (spell-prep reasons).
>>74087"Because I felt powerless to take you with me." Iron looks down. "I know that without you sacrificing everything else for me, it would not work out. I simply wanted to vent my frustrations with you because I know you care about me." Iron then looks at the glass again. "I feel like I have no chance of getting you to go with me forever because you are tied down by all the responibilities you have. I do not want your body, but you, the pony, and it is impossible in your current situation. That is why I lost hope of being with you. Why I thought you did too. It is an impossible love. I know it is. It would require a great deal of sacrifice for one of us, and I do not have the strength to leave behind my aspirations or force you to cut ties with your family. Do you know I mean?" Iron sighs again. "I just wanted to vent out my frustration with you. Becuase you would understand. Maybe you dislike the idea of sex itself, but I knew no other way to express my love to you than to share the essence of life with you." Iron shakes his head. "I know I am wrong now. You do not need to cater to me just because I vented to you. I know that it is impossible now after your reaction. I thought it was acceptable. Now I know it is not." Iron takes off his wolf helmet. "I guess what I mean is, I wanted to be with you, but I cannot see a way to be together and I felt frustrated because of it. Therefore I lost hope and thought we could at least be friends who tell their deepest secrets to eachother." Iron's ears are still drooped. "That is how I feel."