Welcome back to Occupied Equestria, an RP set in a conquered Equestria, using D&D 3.5e mechanics, and based in large part on the My Little Pony mod for Hearts of iron 4, Equestria at War
The party has successfully stopped the Communists of Baltimare from importing guns and foreign advisers in preparation for a revolt. They have also raided a Griffin freighter involved in arms trafficking, and are prepared to leave and end their long night.
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[1d20+12 = 21]>>74395Probably one that smells like fish, I guess.
Rolling survival to look for any clues that might lead us there.
>>74397"Sure" says the employee. She circles an area in North town on the map, with an arrow of the exact position.
"Actually though, I think what you want to do is go to a real estate office and ask about the property. When you go in, tell them you are looking to clear the Silver Springs quarry."
She circles a spot on the map
"It's this office right here you want. They might even pay you"
>>74399Ash can smell what smells like, well, Diesel fuel and gasoline. Unless there's been like a spill or explosion, this area seems like it isn't really fit for food processing
>>74398"Alright then, 'Silver.' Let me tell you that the Waterfront gang does not, and would not, rob a transaction like that. We-they value their reputation and repeat business. They would never attack a crew like that. But rogue elements... Untrustworthy members... Now they just might."
[Read more] >>74393Whats the most romantic restaurant in baltimare?
>>74402>>74400"Maybe we should ask the locals. They may know where the 'cha-neh-rie' is." Iron is stumped like she is.
>>74400Spark smiles and thanks them for their help. He then goes off towards the real estate office.
[1d20 = 17]>>74403"That's a good idea."
Rolling to gather Information
>>74401Now that's a hard question. If you mean fanciest period, that'd be the Gramarecy. If you mean the fanciest that could be eaten at within what remains of an
extended lunch break, that'd be the Wobbly River Cafe
>>74403>>74406The Darrien Cannery, on the East Shore and kind of to the south. The Griffclaw cannery, on the North East of the bay on the peninsula. The Lunar Ocean Cannery on the North Shore in the city of North Point
>>74404"Well, you know, certain Underbosses and capos who don't really have any loyalty to the organization. Who want to run operations on their own. Who want massive piles of bits for themselves. Ponies whose actions most definitely cannot be linked to me in any sort of criminal conspiracy charge the DA can think of. Ponies who are a threat to the Waterfront gang and the public"
[Read more] >>74408"I say we pay a visit to the Darrien 'cah-neh-rie' since it fits the description you provided the most." He whispers to Ash.
>>74408He nods, following along with the information he's gathering from this not-gang-member pony. "And you believe these 'rogue elements' are behind massacre?"
>>74408>>74409"That's what I was thinking."
The two proceed to said cannery.
>>74408>>74393"how about the wobbly river cafe?"
>>74410The pony pulls his cigar out of his mouth, because why the hell have I not already described him as smoking a cigar, and he moves forward.
"Now of course I'm not saying the gang was on those docks at all. But if they were... A certain specific underboss would be responsible"
>>74411>>74412This is a little south of the main seaport area, and away from the diesel smell, in an area that is more forested. A single road goes by the area
>>74413She looks back at him, wagging her tail so that the view from Dark Star's angle is rather nice
"That sounds like a good place to go"
>>74405The building is designed like a home, with white walls and a red tile roof. Horizon Reality it says
[Read more] >>74414Dark Star gives her a smack on the plot
"lets head that way so we can finish before you have to go back to work."
>>74414He smiles to himself. "And I don't suppose certain 'upstanding citizens' like yourself would know where one such as myself could perhaps find this underboss?"
>>74415She can see a subroad that goes down to a west entrance, and a center subroad that goes to a loading area. Behind the building are large docks where a trawling vessel is parked at the docks. A more regular entrance, evidently for workers, is on the East
>>74416'Why hello there" says a mare from behind a nice white counter
>>74420And this gets him suspicious
"For what purpose?"
>>74417"Ooh! hehe. Well, let's go then"
Blue Skies puts on a green scarf before she goes. They walk out of the room, outside and down the street.
[Read more] >>74421Dark Star leaves without his coat because its covered in blood at this point
>>74421I walk up to the counter.
"Hello. I was told this is where I need to go. I am here to clear out some sort of problem in the Silver Springs quarry."
[1d20 = 17]>>74415>>74421Iron decides to spot from here how many ponies there are for a possible firefight.
>>74421He remains perfectly calm to the pony he's speaking to. "To see what this underboss you speak of has to say on matter."
[1d20+5 = 12]>>74421She creeps closer, silently.
Rolling Spot to see how many workers there are.
>>74427Nah, I didn't see that you had already rolled.
>>74422"I'm sorry about that coat. Just another piece of equipment lost in the service of the cause I guess. We'll get you some more equipment soon enough. I can't say I know that much about bloody clothes because I almost never wear clothes, but I did lose a flak jacket
>>74424>>74426Pretty sure Iron wins this one. It's kind of hard to say. No ponies seem to be outside the loading bay, but ponies are inside. Two ponies stand outside the east wall, but it isn't immediately obvious if they are armed. Several are on the dock, but they aren't in line of sight, as they are behind the building
>>74423She is a bit surprised by this
"Well, I guess I'll ask around to make this happen"
>>74425His eyes narrow
"You can speak to my lawyer"
>>74426>Silently>With no rogueIf only you hadn't thrown out the rogue NPC
[Read more] >>74429And with that, Silver goes back to confusion. "What does your lawyer have to do with this?"
Iron approaches Ash. "There are two ponies on the east wall, I cannot see if they have weapons. Many are on the docks, so if we are going for stealth, we should not go there." He whispers to Ash.
>>74429"Thank you."
I wait for her to return.
>>74428Questing is PC-only business.
>>74432Tbh, I was cleaning all day, and I'm terribly tired right now.
>>74429looks at the corner where my Destroyed flak jacket is in
>>74436We can stop if you want. It is your quest, not mine. You are the mastermind here.
>>74430"And what do I have to do with 21 counts of first degree murder, eight counts of attempted murder, and numerous weapons violations? Nothing. Nothing at all"
>>74437"We'll get you a new one...." she says with a kind of 'sorry'
>>74434She comes back. "Well, Glass Horizon is willing to make a contract, if you know somepony willing to clear the quarry
>>74436Did you mis-link that post and made it trying to be a dick?
[Read more] >>74439"its not your fault its the communists, ill send the bill to them."
>>74438>not mine>You are the mastermindAwwww, don't say that. Your input is just as important. It's a party.
I am really tired though, so I think I'll turn in for the night.
>>74439His confusion is joined by annoyance. "I did not accuse you of these things. I am merely asking for directions."
>>74442Night then. I'll go out with you since I am basically on pause until you come back. Night everyone else.
>>74439"Of course. Do I need to meet with Horizon, or do I just need to fill out information?"
>>74441"Hell, I'll send those bastards the bill myself"
There's the bitchy mare you know
They are able to walk down to the cafe in a short enough time
>>74443"Oh I see. If I know where he's located, then that means that am a part of a criminal conspiracy. Well, you can find him yourself"
>>74448"Well, definitely fill out this information here"
>>74451I fill out the form with my information.