>>74506She looks at him with curious eyes
"Last night I was... Shall we say, a bit aggressive. The active partner in the relationship. And it makes me feel... kind of like a wolf hunting down lambs. An innocent, little virgin lamb. But I consider myself a romantic and, well, a mare hunting down stallions? That's not romantic at all. I want to be the passive one in the relationship. One who is given love and affection. One to whom courting gestures and romantic overtures are made. I saw what you did yesterday with the Communists. You don't need to impress me more than you already have. I only need to want me and make me know it. So you tell me how you feel. I'll take what you want to give, and I think you've seen what I have to give."
>>74507"Back in olden times, in places like Yakyakistan, there was this group known as the 'Buggee.' This was a particular Changeling Hive that had this practice of raiding traveling caravans. What they would do is find a caravan travelling between cities, and join it as if they were just new members. And the merchants would be unawares. The caravan would travel on, and eventually have to stop for a night at a point between towns. After the merchants went to sleep the Buggee would come out, and by the light of the full moon would slaughter every merchant and take their wares. Now, that particular hive was crushed long ago. But you don't need to be a shapeshifter to make that tactic work. Simply walk into a group that is relatively unsuspecting, pose as new members, and then attack when they are are vulnerable. Maybe that is what happened there.
Or maybe the answer is simpler. A pony dropped a cigarette in the wrong place, and that started a fire which created tension between the weapons sellers and the buyers."
>>74514Iron is or was actually basically considered to be a member of the Waterfront gang as a faction, or at least have his foot in the door. For instance at the guarded warehouse. Iron was recognized by Cauldron, and thus it was easier for the group to pass on through, whereas Dark Star's lies about being Communists weren't going to help him that much at the checkpoint because the ponies he was talking to were not Communist
For another instance, the cannery. This is actually an operation run by the Waterfront gang which iron has done work for and has (had) a contact in. Iron could variously, through Black Cauldron, get her to use her contacts to simply let them through the front door, plan a secret backdoor operation, or inadvertently tip the whole gang off that they are about to be robbed and so set a trap or move from that location
I like to reuse NPCs and story pieces because I think that that makes you feel like you are getting to know the world, and because it gives you a sense that the actions you take in the world have meaning. If the pony you are talking to today is the same one you met yesterday, and they behave differently today because of that, then you can feel like what you did yesterday actually did something in the world.
>>74520Generally what you need is a set of proclivities or motivations that affects the way they interact with the story.
Iron wants to bully people. This helped him because it lead him to do work for the Waterfront gang, which is all about bullying people that are actually weaker than him.
Dark Star wants to advance Fascism. This
immediately lead him to the Black Hooves faction, who hired him first to spy on Communists, and then to destroy a communist operation.
Ash wants to help the unfortunate. This lead her to a group of nuns at an orphanage, who have a problem with the Waterfront gang
I tried to recruit Onyx into the Communist faction, but he turned that downSilver actually does have a sympathy already, and that is his Restorationist sympathies. Maybe it's just a problem with how I have written the story, but in the area of Baltimare, the restorationists are pretty passive, and mostly go along with the Blackhooves. The nuns Ash contacted were actually Restorationists with an issue with the Blachooves, but the political side of that was not explored.
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