Carrying on with the ongoing RP Game, since the last bread got extra-stale (GM really should get a bread-box). Characters are in development and progress, with a variety of tasks and agendas. Nothing is trying to eat anyone for the moment, so there's no pressure to GET IN, but who am I kidding? Stuff is always more or less happening.
Come on in, the water's fine.
No homo, can't forget that bit
903 replies and 56 files omitted.
Also, if I ever find the energy to meme (aka, make mediocre recolors or shoops) at all, just what does a half elf/dwarf look like? I can't find any pictures on Jewgle (elves and dwarfs don't usually get along very well, apparently), let alone half gray dwarfs.
>>22016Thats really good. Basically a curvy elf, or a slender dwarf. Typically, elves and dwarves don't mix, and when I made the character it started as a way to be spiteful to the GM for killing my previous character.
>>22017Alright. That was a desaturation and recolor of pic related I found on Jewgle. She does have slightly-pointed ears, correct?
>it started as a way to be spiteful to XI know that feel, bro...>>22018I guess I'll use it as a reference from here on out then.
Did she start wearing clothes when the Gold lady transformed her, or is she still nekked? (I imagine gray dwarfs don't handle bright sun too well, but i don't really know anything about it).
This is just for recolor purposes.
>>22019>clothesYes, she wears a simple martial-arts uniform (gi). Perviously - though naked - she would drape her wings over her body in a comparable manner, except in combat.
>>22022>day is now betterGM can I have heights for all of the hoerses?
>>22020Alright, I've got a good image of her now.
Basically, a Half Wood Elf, half Duergar, dressed in karate gear.
As for her height, I don't think I ever got it, but racial stats tell me like about ~4 feet?
>>22024Yeah, I have her listed at 4'2"
>>22023I have Tracy and Slovenia ~4' (not specifically determined) while Trollestia is more like ~5'
As a note for clarification, Infernius getting shot at yesterday was not intended to discourage his exploration, it was me introducing another faction that has previously been dormant (and who though initially hostile, is rather incompetent and not really a threat given his character level and experience)
One last word on hoersfucking, etc. Its difficult for me to role-play multiple female NPCs with any authenticity. Having mulled it over, I'm not opposed to romantic/intimate advances toward ponies, maintaining a stance of "It wouldn't/shouldn't happen" defies the very purpose and nature of the Game. Tl;dr, feel free to shag the hoerses, and if I can't think of an adequate response, I'll just say "she/they go with it".
>>22028Sure. I never responded to
>>21975 so,....
"You're too kind. Don't sell yourself short."
>>22025Tracy did finish her shoes earlier, right?
>>22030Yes. They have little Hermes' wings on them.
I'm resisting the urge to quip about women and their shoe collections Also, I hate to ask more meta questions, but does Tracy really have to hold the arcane focus for her Assassin spells whenever she uses them? I'm not exactly sure how Assassin spells differ from other kinds..
>>22031Nah, I'm going to hoard as many kinds of hoers-related items as I can, seeing as how she probably can't use half the items on the list.
Tracy decides to enjoy testing-out the shoes in the training area (let's assume they're clip-ons, like in the show. I don't want to deal with her having to nail them in), getting used to the hovering mechanic.
>>22029"Thanks, so are you here for a book or did you come to find me?"
>>22032That's fine in an experimental and developmental context. Tracy finds (verbatim) that" they allow her to travel without actually touching the ground She must still run above (always around 4 inches above) a roughly horizontal surface."
So basically hover-shoes.
>>22033"I came for you. I wanted to bury the hatchet so to speak, such that you wouldn't feel uncomfortable coming to me if you ever need a steed or an ally."
>>22034"I can accept that answer. Thanks Trollestia, it means a lot."
>>22034"This is pretty neat..." Tracy says, jumping a little to test the stability of the shoes. "I won't trip or step on any caltrops this way."
Delighted with her success at having finally crafted a single magic item, Tracy turns to her alchemy set and begins to work on brewing poisons.
How well do the supplies at the tower accommodate poison-crafting? I want brew some potent stuff.
>>22034>if you ever need a steed or an allyFor the record, THIS is the reason I wanted romantic touching. Not because I wanted it to lead to anything the same day, but because I wanted to avoid being friend-zoned
I also want to add that if there had been no "drops heard on the floor," there would have been no "puts hands on flank"
>>22037Stop groping other mares.
>>22038Tracy's still got a good chance, I just want to keep options open
>>22037Fair point. I misunderstood your meaning/intent, and did not help matters by responding generally or specifically in the way that I did. Mea culpa.
>>22036Concocting poison for use on weapons doesn't appear to be much of a thing, the concocted poisons appear to only be useful when ingested. IIRC Tracy had some hydra blood though, which
Hey look! seems to have survived the Dog's rampage.
>>22040>hydra bloodMan that was a while ago
Torc parts ways with Trollestia and looks for the rest of the party
>>22040Can she concoct some Drow poison, to make her injury attacks render targets unconscious?
What's the damage scale on the Hydra poison?
>>22042>Drow poisonSorry, no. Drow poison is a closely and meticulously guarded proprietary mix that is derived from ingredients only available in the Underdark
GM has read LOTS of books and novels about the Drow.
>>22041>Looks for the rest of the partyFucking thank you
>>22043Trumpaladin returns to the tower walking with Slovenia, evidently not needing to tell her to go-fuck-herself on the trebuchet thing. Head towards the library after entering
What strength of poison does she have currently?
>>220452d6 Con initial damage, 2d6 con secondary.
Also on the Assassin spells, they're essentially an arcane ability, not requiring daily memorization or any of that.
>>22046>high horseK, that was funny
>>22047>not requiring daily memorizationDo normal spells require that?
For the record, Tracy can know one Assassin Spell, and use one bonus per day, right? How does the known spell differ from bonus spells? Is it more easily used?
>>22048Ordinarily yes, but I've waved that requirement. I was just referencing the difference
>>22049Reeeee! Walk to the library
I gotta run for a few hours. I'll post when I'm back
>>22050Is Trump looking for Torc?
>>22052He's looking for any way he can help Slovenia construct Trebuchets or other wooden artilery. Ideally, this means Torcuil, since he's basically engaged on the same goal. At minimum, it means going to the library to look for books on the subject, and probably then going to speak to Trollestia to ask her to hunt down Torcuil so he can be dragged into this
>wakes up in the forest alone
K, I'm back. I'll be in and out (literally, inside and outside), but I'm here
>>22056Head to the tower library with Slovenia!
>>22055Tracy said she was heading back
with Infernius
>>22057K, Torcuil wanders in as well, and unless I missed my guess, Inferniius and Tracy are also arriving.
>>22055I thought he went back?
If not, Tracy's wherever Infernius is.
>>22056How did Tracy's Assassin's dagger come out, with Infernius's help?
>>22061"'Sub, dumb frog-summoner."
>>22062I'd call it a success. The Assassin's dagger doesn't have much in the way of enchantments, so it wouldn't take long with 2 ppl (combined skill and crafting)
>>22063"Hi Psycho-hoers. What are you guys up to"
heard you guys talking about me.
>>22061>>22059"Torcuil! I've been needing you. Anyways, this is Slovenia. She's the Unicorn we rescued from Korak. She is an expert craftsmare and loves to work with wood. She is interested in constructing a trebuchet, which I believe you are as well. She does not know how and will need your assistance on this point."
To Slovenia: "Slovenia, this is torcil- torquill - he is our party's wizard, and more importantly for our purposes here, our engineer. He's a bit socially awkward at times, but he is well-intentioned I think. He has been of great service in our fights against Kefka and Korak. He will be working under you as you construct our Terbuchets. I believe he can supply you with many of the details"
To Tourcil more privately, said in his ear:
"She is very agressive when wood working is mentioned or near equipment. Be very careful. Do not make eye contact, but if you do, do not break eye contact, as that may provoke an attack. Try not to get >raped. If you do, your faggot will be banned for three days"
To Torciul more loudly
"Thank you!"
>>22063"Tracy! How have you been?"
[Read more] >>22066"Making knives. I have to restock, since most of mine disappeared inside that weird dog-thing."
>>22069"Just fine, ~Flashy."
>>22071I spread a headcanon that Sad Alex's powers sometimes cause him to become so sad that he turns to stone for some time,
and that's why we don't see him for a while sometimes.Glad to have you back, Alex.
>>22067Yes, it was assumed you had been killed by globalists. Good to see you!
>>22069Alright. From Slovenia's skills and comprehension, Torcuil has no difficulty in communicating the design and function of the Trebuchet
"This is going to require some serious lumber, but the forman at the mill seemed competent enough. All that remains is actually harvesting the lumber. Tracy, you know your way around the forest better than anyone, can you suggest a good spot? We'll need logs of a good diameter, nothing too thin."
>>22072which room did you leave me in?
>>22075You said earlier that you went back towards the tower, so let's assume you're in the workshop.
>>22071Nothing at all
>>22072*pets pony*
"Weird dog thing? Do you mean the Tarrasque, or do you mean the weird dog thing you were chasing down this morning and you said caused trouble down south?"
>>22074"This, we can do"
>>22077"brain force make me smarter?"
>>22077good to hear that.I made a meme for you here
>>22008 >>22011 >>22078"The first thing.
I never saw that other thing. I assumed it was a dog..." *trails off*
>>22081"Are you okay little pony? You used to great me more enthusiastically..." *trails off*
>>22074its good to be back. can i get a quick rundown of what ive missed?
>>22080i love them.
>>22079brain force can make the dimmest spark of intelligence into a shining star.
>>22082>hormone factors on the charts"I've just been working pretty hard lately.." she say's, as she pours into the mold for a ring.
>>22083:O That will take some time. Give me a minute
>>22083We killed one of the globalists and his pet! An arch-demon thing. We also removed the Globalist elements from Thez. Now, we can take the fight to the enemy as we spread the proper political philosophy across all the lands
>>22084But we're in the library... Also Trumpaladin is never going to think of hormones causing her to act coolly*places an arm around small horse and talks in a soft voice*
"Well what have you been working on so hard?"
*feels like he should really follow up on that weird dog thing, but is more concerned about Tracy's attitude*
>>22087"You sure about that? It just may change who you are. You should think about it first"
>>22089"Well... I just wonder if you'd still be Inferius afterwards...
I don't know, I feel like we lost Tracy before we knew what we had... I completely trust Sad Alex's Brainforce, 100%, but...
Carry on"
>>22087your money is no good here big guy its free for you guys.
>>22086which one is thez?
"Cause we let you since you wanted to do it..."
>>22092The one who greeted you
>>22093"Well, yes, but I wonder if your lack of intelligence gives you a perspective on the world that the rest of us overlook and... nevermind"
>>22094"continue me think you might have point."
>>22096"me have some left over from when me did tattoo"
>>22096"Don't be an asshole Torciul. I'm trying to help you. I praise you for your service. Do not hog glory"
>>22098"Well then give me due credit. So when can we build trebuchets?"
>>22097"Thanks Infernius"
>>22083>Quick rundownHere's a half-hearted attempt:
>korak died in a 1v1 duel with Torc>threads get salty because of some drama that occurred one weekend (it has passed)>Two new characters enter The Game, both bards: Queen Taylor Swift, and Nordfilly>The "Emperor", Kefka, arrives in the football stadium (overpowered Archmage with shitty taste in cospla)>came to bully the people of Port Barry out of their lunch money and/or just destroy everything>He brought his weird "dog" (actually a Tarrasque, the strongest monster pic related), which was the biggest threat of the encounter>Boss fight ensues>Kefka was naive and underestimated the party: party succeeds in defeating him due to luck and group synergy>gets finished-off by Torc's recreational nuke meme>Tarrasque is the bigger problem: fight takes hours because it's immune to almost everything and keeps regenerating>archers from port barry enter the fight>finally kill it>Torc has to use Wish, the strongest spell, to keep it dead, by turning it into a football>"hooray, we did it!">celebration>then Soros shows up with his army of antifa faggots>but some strange golden goddess lady shows up, and only a few characters can move in her presence>Soros gets shot in the head, while Tracy tears out his innards; all the while the golden lady is saying something to Thez>Golden lady banishes all outsiders: Thez (the pit fiend you lost to earlier) loses her ebil powers and turns back into a half-elf/dwarf. Soros (still alive) flies off into another dimension, to be battled in another fight>level-up>dialogue and character development>characters discuss ambitions>Jerky made out of the Tarasque's flesh comes to life and grows into another one;
wrecks Tracy's dungeon and hibernates somewhere we'll never see it until GM feels like it. Nobody but Tracy knows about it.>Tracy's unicorn friend, Slovenia, turns out to be a skilled carpenter>Party is mostly focused on crafting items and researching siege equipmentI missed a lot of stuff, but that's all I have the patience for.
[Read more] >>22100If you don't mind waiting, you can delegate for the citizens to acquire it, or the party can lead an expedition and get it now. ^_^
>>22092*pony ears perk*
"Do you have any prenatal vitamins?"
>>22095"Well, here's the thing. We're both dedicated to doing good, at least I think we are. I hope we are. But I'm concerned with a bigger vision... Something grand in scale. But when doing that, I often lose the trees for the forest. I lose the sense that persons are persons and see them as pawns in a much larger game. You can always sense the immediate, you can see what is there.
For example, the voidstone affair. I knew damn well that it was folly and would only result in you getting killed for no real reason. You saw it as a way to impress Thez. It took me a while, but I realized... You were right. The nature of Love - real Love - is the willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the other. If you had gotten yourself killed and still failed to retrieve the stone, you would have won, because you would have shown just how far you were willing to go for Thez. I would not have seen that but for you and your short-sightedness. If you were like me, we may all have missed that point, too concerned about avoiding risks.
Besides that, I don't know, I love you as you. Tracy was formerly the representation of 'your OC sucks and you should have put more effort into it,' the embodiment if the spirit of a dying culture. And I did not appreciate that. And now, she's a monster out of 'shadowfell' or whatever. I realized only afterwards that I loved the Element of Originality, and missed it... her, and got instead a barely tolerable... something. I don't know, maybe I would miss you as well.
But it's your decision. The stuff Alex provides is not poison. not like the Soros blood"
[Read more] >>22099She turned back into a half-elf/dwarf, after some strange goddess stripped her of her powers. For visuals, see:
>>22016 >>22103i think a combination of dna force. biome defense, b12, and super female vitality would do you just fine.
>>22106id fug.
>>22107"Thank you very much."
*accepts bottles and occupies herself with reading the proper dosages on the labels*
>>22107"Any thing to recommend for me? Also, you should stay away from Thez... That's Inferius's girl"
>>22108You killed the Element of Unoriginality for a damn 'shadowfell' creature. Shame on you! >>22104"hmm you right trump, me not take brain force"
>>22111*hugs Inferius, hopefully keeping him from killing Sad Alex in a fit of rage*
GM, you said the Robe of Scintillating Colors could be used to perform sneak attacks while observed, if used properly? How exactly do you do that? I'd try it out through game, but it kind-of needs some enemies to test that kind of function.
>>22112[angry bull noises]
[calming down bull noises]
I gtg for a while.
See yall later