Carrying on with the ongoing RP Game, since the last bread got extra-stale (GM really should get a bread-box). Characters are in development and progress, with a variety of tasks and agendas. Nothing is trying to eat anyone for the moment, so there's no pressure to GET IN, but who am I kidding? Stuff is always more or less happening.
Come on in, the water's fine.
No homo, can't forget that bit
903 replies and 61 files omitted.
>>21710If Thez still had a tail, she'd use it to literally rope him in
>>21712I don't think I ever got a response....
Fuck it.
Go to the crafts room bringing Slovenia
>>21716Fucking shite..! muh flowcharts; muh math..*ears perk at detected movements outside*
>>21714Again, I apologize for being a faggot. Let's see,....
"This is amazing! There's several lathes
yes of COURSE I'm including real-life elements!, a variety of saws, air tools,... I could furnish the whole TOWER with all this!" Slovenia says wide-eyed. She grabs a pair of safety-glasses
safety first. "Is there a ready supply of lumber? We can cut it if needs be," she is looking around furiously, and Trump can tell she is doing a variety of calculations without really being aware of it.
>>21719Is this the same room as the location Inferius and Tracy are located, or a different one?
>>21719"Well, as I said before, if you want to do something big - really big - we'll need to collect more lumber"
Tracy meanwhile, has finished all her projects. Yes, all of them. I figure you guys put up with my flaky-ness today, the least I could do is nix any time-requirements on projects (assuming they're not excessive). I know there was a bow and some Nithing poles, please list any omissions.
>>21720They were originally mapped as different areas, but (gasp) there's a staircase that connect the two areas, almost like the Tower is morphic.
>>21721"I see. From what you describe, these trebuchets will require not just lumber but timber as well. There,... doesn't happen to be a mill does there?"
>>21717Crisis averted, they are separated by one floor
>>21723"Yes, there is a mill in town"
*does not know the difference between lumber and timber*
>>21719*sees unicorn that did not in fact get eaten by the tarrasque she accidentally unleashed upon the forest*
[surprised pony noises]
"Y-y-you're alive!" she says, toned with relief.
"I.. I was looking for you earlier.."
>>21722There was the Assassin's Dagger too.
>>21725Alrighty then
"Hey little Pony! I heard you two were friends! So I don't need to introduce you two?"
>>21724Her mouth drops soundlessly, and her expression is that of a child who just got told that there is an entire cake with their name on it. A sound of dripping can be heard.
>>21725S> "You're here too? Where have you been! When you didn't come back I thought something had happened! OMG is this where you LIVE?! This is INCREDIBLE!" she crushes Tracy in an overly excited hug.
>>21722gm infernuis is feeling a bit sad so he decideds to take a walk to this mountain range
>>21729... maybe....
>>21728K. That's the same range that the walled circle is on the edge of.
>>21727*hugs back*
"A whole bunch of things came up, including pirates, a giant monster, an evil sorcerer attacking, and some kind of time warp. I'm glad you're okay.:
"Yeah.. this is where I live.. I had another place around here that I wanted to show you, but it's not really in peak condition right now..."
>>21735No, the starting point, that has the (ruined) ant hive and the former location of the Tower.
>>21734"Don't worry about that, I'm just glad to see that you're still alright! This world,... you're the only hospitable people/pones I've met."
>>21730*group hugs*
>>21736"I see you've met my husband?"
>>21736"We'll be making the world more hospitable. Friendship will be spread"
*places hand on flank*
>>21737*places hand on flank*
Cardishore is between x and court, sparintenar is on the right, Krenshall-blur is on the left. Circle is walled
>>21738>*places hand on flank**eye twitches*
>*places hand on flank**twitching lessens slightly*
>>21738Slovenia doesn't seem to notice, and continues talking to Tracy. "Gimme a suggestion! I wanna make something!"
>>21740*moves fingers towards pussy*
"Have you been crafting a bow, little pony?"
>>21741"Why don't you make a bow for Tracy?"
>>21741".. I only know how to build cucksheds.." (learned from marker)
"The stables could use an upgrade though, maybe some room-dividers?"
[1d20 = 2]>>21735While walking amongst the hills and mountains, Infernius notices an increase in wildlife. Birds fly where previously the sky was more barren, animals can be seen flitting from tree to tree in the distance, and out of nowhere,....
... an arrow comes thudding into the ground at Infernius' feet.
>>21744Wait, Infernius went to Cardishore?
shoot, I meant to accompany him.. >>21746Not that far, just on a walk
"Hibbity!" can be heard cried from a concealed position, while from another comes the response "Hooblah!"
"Hibbity hooblah?" "Hooblah!" the voices exchange in apparent dialogue.
The lankiest orc Infernius has ever seen (has he ever seen an orc?) pokes its head out of a bush, and then pops it back in. Another arrow sails harmlessly by him.
>>21747Still meant to go, but whatever..."Hey, where did the bull disappear to?"
>>21751"Yeah, just a few minutes ago.." *ponders*
>>21743"That's a GREAT idea!" Slovenia runs toward an easel and - using magic and mouth - begins furiously working out designs and plans.
Thez, observing the whole deal from aback wonders quietly: "Whatever happened to that adorable filly, and that,... lovely blond vixen?"
>>21753"heh, glad to see you are having fun here. If you need anything, just ask. I'll show you the mill sometime"
>>21752"Wanna go find him?"
>>21753*a bit taken aback at the unicorn's diligence*
"Okay.. you said you needed wood?"
Bonjour les faguettes.
Whats going on?
>>21754Okay, then the lankiest green-skinned, angular-faced bipedal homonid he's ever seen.
>>21759im being ambushed by orcs
>>21761Did you roll a 3 again?
GM, where is Torc and what is happening in that general area
>>21764its fine they look like beanpoles compared to me.
>>21755I went to the tailor and had pick relatrd made but instead of pants
>mini skirt >>21761Not ambushed, just shot at.
>>21756"Hibbity!" "Hooblah!" "Hibbity hooblah!" they cry as they run from the location.
>>21758Yeah, that could be taken a couple ways (also a double-entendre)
To both Trump and Tracy. "I wish to see this mill.
>>21769"Well then, I can take you"
>>21770"Please do, I'll need to see what these bitches are capable of." Yes, I'm giving Slovenia my professional disposition.
>>21771Don't be in a hurry, you didn't miss much except for some inter-personal dialogue.
>>21772Infernius almost thinks they went toward the Tower, but realizes that can't be right.
>>21766*hugs back*
>>21753>>21769"Hay.. a
storm recently blew by and knocked down a bunch of trees in the forest. Maybe when we find the bull, we could carry back some of those?"
>>21772>no Track feat >>21775"fuck it"
infernuis continues his walk
>>21773Oh, and Tracy let the Terrasque loose. That's important.
>>21779I already heard that, that fucking bitch
>>21779Oh wait, that's right, no one knows this. That's all meta at the moment.
>>21775"Do you mean the workers at the mill? Do you think you can lead carpenters as well as do it yourself?"
>>21776"Huh. I would have noticed a storm"
>>21780It was an accident!
>>21768Good evening.
>>21783"It went by pretty quickly. Didn't catch it myself..."
>>21777Where does he want to be? You just got trips.
>>21782Slovenia gets a stern look on her face. "When it comes to shaping wood, I don't mess around."
>Nordfilly hasn't been aroundBut where will I get my diabeetus?
>>21787Uh, tower heading to the stables. Knowing he is heading to almost certian death.
>RIP in peace Torc [1d20 = 18]>>21778Infernius continues walking around the hill/mountains. Shriveled brush and trees occasionally dot the area, but its mostly bare or mossy-covered rocks. The area escalates in elevation the further south he travels.
>>21785"Well, if she needs wood" *giggles* "We can go collect some."
*said a bit more secretly and directly*
"We shall have seige engines
>>21787"Excellent. I can help you live up to you full potential."
>>21787>>21785To Tracy and Slovenia simultaneously
"Tell you what. Tracy, why don't you go find inferius, and see if you can get some timber."
"Slovenia, I can take you to the mill,
and use my contacts to see what I can get set up for you"
[Read more] >>21789Death? News to me, and issuing death is my job,....
>>21792"I really hope there are lazy faggots there." she says as she and Trump depart for the mill.
>>21791>>21794Silently, Thez laments that she no longer produces her own lethargy poison.
>>21793Doesn't Slovenia want both wood and to see the mill?>>21794Kek
>>21795"If there are, I'm certain your attitude can help beat them into shape"
[Read more] >>21795Oh, you know exactly who Torc is going to talk to you bastard
>>21795>they left without her[sad pony noises]
>>21797You can cast Daylight once per day at will, being an Aesmiar.
>>21798If you don't want to do it, I can show up to break the news. Then comfort her afterwards when she feels hurt and betrayed and looking to cheat back
>>21790i continue a little more on guard.
>>21804No one asked you, ye cunt
>>21797... within reason.
>>21798And Trollestia is calmly (almost smugly) waiting in the stables.
>>21800You're not being excluded, but Slovenia's on a mission now.
>>21803Nope, too late. You're being dragged along.
>>21808Oh god, Torc's fucked. Nice playing with y'all
"H-hi Trollestia. I h-have s-something to say.........."