Carrying on with the ongoing RP Game, since the last bread got extra-stale (GM really should get a bread-box). Characters are in development and progress, with a variety of tasks and agendas. Nothing is trying to eat anyone for the moment, so there's no pressure to GET IN, but who am I kidding? Stuff is always more or less happening.
Come on in, the water's fine.
No homo, can't forget that bit
903 replies and 61 files omitted.
>>22517>>22512I should probably go help with the stolen goods, but damn it if Tracy runs off with that stallion after the battle, I'm running off with a mare
>>22518i ask ben what hes on about
>>22520"Oy, it wasn't me freunlewen!" Ben blurts. "I dunno, I didn't do anything wrong!"
>>22521JA WIRKLICH? why so tense ben?
>>22522Because he's a jew who just lost all the money. Roll a sense motive if you're in doubt.
>>22522GM, can I confirm that 1. Charm potions exist and 2. That I slipped one off of Torcuil during a fight? Is the one who consumes it the one who is charmed?
>>22525he did. i remember the fight.
[1d20 = 3]>>22523I have a +23 on sense motive, so I'm going to roll on Ben just because I can
>>22525"Charm Person" re the potion/spell, yes. Also yes, they who drink potion r spelled toward the "1st influemce"
>>22527He's for real. He thought the cash was safe,"
"It was a team," Torcuil says.
>>22529By the way, I do all of the stuff in
>>22516I guess that means tell Adam the loggers are safe, and tell Slovenia I can give her wood if she wants it
>>22531I want to hold at this moment, see what Tracy does before deciding how to proceed
>>22531>>22532See if she chooses to go to the vault with me or if she ignores me and runs off after that stallion. Again
Its to the point where if I sleep now I'll get 5 hrs, so I'm gonna sleep now.
The trolls were am opportunity to creatively and visually murder some shit. Also I was gonna throw weak memes (and maybe some board-specific though not explicit trolling. The party strategized in a waythat was effective neypnd the dice. Victory was assured. At the same time Port Barry was getting jacked, in a way that was unavoidable given the existing securty measures of the vault The only place that might have been safe is the tower treasury.
The method of theft is unknown, but did involve magic.
The party is still well-paid, but the port is broke.
>>22534GM, if Fae is sent alone after Ponimaru, what is the chance of success? She has Track as a feat and +4 racial modifier on search and listen checks. She eats those kinds of things right?
Also, does her Command work on horses or just Dragonnes and perhaps dragon like creatures?
[YouTube] Heat of the Moment - Asia - With lyrics
[Embed]The trolls r kill. Ponimaru played a notable job in the death of the trolls and Tracy learns that he can throw 8 kunai per round (she only gets 4!) but his accuracy sucls.
>>22535Yes, she has a favorable (75%) chance of tracking Ponimaru.
Locating him however is <50%
>>22536You have very good taste in Music
>That rat bastard has the audacity to show himself in the openATTACK! ATTACK! ATTACK! And now a fourth attack, because I'm level 16, so ATTACK! Plus Dragonne pounce
>>22537>He can hideHis cover is flammable, damn it!
>>22539Wait, ur seriously attacking him?
>>22540Tracy was asked to accompany her Flashy on a mission where her skills would be useful. And she agreed. But then she reneged and ignored him. Why? She decided she'd rather go see a certain Stallion. Well she needs to learn her lesson somehow.
Why not? Is murdering possible romantic competitors in front of witnesses not within the Paladin code of conduct or something?
>>22540>>22541I can just go after the Unicorn instead
>>22543Why you betray me too Inferius? Can't you see I've been betrayed enough today?
*Sad Trump noises*
>Fug @_@'
Well, I'm back on my normal schedule, so I'll be around all afternoon with no distractions, giving details to what Torcuil discovered from his investigation as well as what Ponimaru learned about the Trolls and the situation in the forest, and whatever else is in progress/development.
>>22545Trumpaladin wakes up, still heart broken, tired, and having overshot the time he intended to wake up, and wonders what the actual fuck was his state of mind earlier
"Why you do this shit sober?"
>>22545>>22546Wait, wait, got a question for Ponimaru before leaving the scene
Trumpaladin spends what seems to be an inordinate amount of time giving death glares at Ponimaru, but eventually approaches, not really breaking eye contact as he does this:
"Do not trust the Blue One. However much you want to believe that she is different from the last time she fucked you over, however much you want to tell yourself 'its not the same as it was the last time,' she's the same as she has always ever been. Do not trust her as it will only harm you... I learned this the hard way.
I have one question for you about the trolls, just one: based upon your knowledge and experience with trolls, is the incursion that occurred here out of the ordinary, as if caused by some outside force not formerly present, or is this an ordinary troll attack?"
[Read more] I'm going to be at work all day. For the moment, has anything changed since last night?
>>22458Trolls are all kill and it turned out the better choice was the missing money.
My paper is turned in (late) but I still have other things I need to do
>tfw you want to die but you can't because you haven't done all of your work yet >>22545Hi, I'm here
What did Torc find out last night? I passsed the fuck out.
>>22549>trolls are killAww.. I wanted to have some fun with them...
>Gotta get back to work >>22546>>22544"me do right thing you no kill ponimaru"
>>22552*crying paladin noises*
"But Tracy chose him over me..."
>>22553>>22552What the hell did I miss?
>>22553"that not his fault, you should chastise tracy instead of trying to murder a horse whose only crime is helping us fight the trolls."
>>22555"What can be done about Tracy? She's unchastizable. But if she loses Ponimaru, then she'll learn"
>>22556"theres always a way to punish someone without murdering horse."
>>22558"And what is that way exactly?"
>>22561"That sounds... Very difficult to accomplish"
>>22562"Now that could work. Could you make a magical one?"
I think a cup could have really helped Torcuil in an important scene a few nights ago >>22563Go die in a holeRmember only quotes when Torc is speaking. He isn't even close to you faggots. But he could, when everyoe rejoins
>>22565Oh that's right. They are not together
>>22564"We need to do
something. Do you know of any helpful magic? We could also take some of her items"
>>22566"torc knows hold person."
>>22577So does Bill Clinton, would you be opposed to us cutting his balls off?
>On way home from work
>Trump's faggot is trying to steal my yandere gig
Oh stop it you. If I can figure out the math to stop her from killing Fae (who you insisted on riding instead of Tracy), you can play a rational human being. Wait until I get done before y'all start acting like idiots.
Anyway, the first thing Tracy would've done upon seeing Ponimaru would be give him brutal, "friendly" Indian sunburns, for running off by himself, and ask him if he's been practicing with his soccer ball.
Also, skin the Trolls and bottle their fluids. Their hides, bones and tissue will make for good upgrades to her spooky armor.
>>22581>I can't be YandereWrong. I can do it better than you can
>being mean to PonimaryWrong. Also my thing
>Doing bizarre shit to trollsBurning them
>Math to stop her from killing Fae (who you insistent on riding instead of Tracy)It's taken the intervention of Inferius to prevent Trumpaladin from killing Ponimaru (who you insisted on going to see instead of Trumpaladin)
[Read more] >>22581>>22582You need to go investigate the crime scene, mrs. "spot check"
>>22583Trumpaladin came too, so what's the issue?
Also, I really wish we could've had that troll fight in session...
>>22585Because it fucked up the plan! Tracy would have been more useful at the crime scene, which was the real incident, and not the troll fight
>>22579yea but bill is a rapist ponimaru is not.
>>22587I think Torcuil taking Ponimaru as a sort of pet or assistant would be a neat idea
NO! Don't be friendly to the fucker
>>22583>Burning themShe's a seasoned body-snatcher: she already hauled off the remains earlier; which is when she didn't react when Trumpaladin was attacking Ponimaru.
>>22586Troll fight sounded like a lot of fun though.. Tracy is a professional troll-slayer, and I wanted to try a Sneak-attack, ride-by, cleaving combo...
Did the trolls drop any inorganic items? Any clubs, tridents or magnets?
>>22591If flashy asks her to accompany her, she says yes. Imagine if he were raped by some mare while she was away?
>>22592Tracy became confident in his ability to not get >raped after she, the queen of >Rapists, failed to >rape him (I marked it off of the "Worries" list: it's no longer a concern factor).
Posts keep disappearing and changing order, is there a bug or something?
>>22543>>22542the only reason i did that is because murder is wrong AND illegal...
>>22601Y those posts though? I don't see any wrongthink there.
>>22602hes jealous of you running of with ponimaru.
>>22603>running of withIsn't the group still together atm? Tracy only disappeared momentarily to process the troll parts (while I was at work).
Oh shit, g2g. I'll resolve this autism later.
>>22604that seems terrible.
>>22605im at bens with torc i dunno where you are.
>>22605Trump and Inferius returned to the Tower, to show off to Adam and Slovenia their work in rescuing the lumber crew (and the lumber) and to ask Ben an Torcuil about the heist. Inferius even interrogated a jew
>>22608ben and torc where in the tower?
>>22610where is port barrys money kept?
>>22611It was never explicitly stated, but I got the impression it was in Ben's building
>>22612we should construct a town hall and appoint sechs mayor. that way when we move to the capital we know port barry is in good hands.
>>22612yea that was the impression i got too.
>>22613That hasn't happened already?
>>22615not technically i don't think.
>>22615>>22613how much autonomy do we want port barry to have?
>>22613>when we move to the capitalI love that line of thinking, although we could perhaps move the capital of all lands to Port Barry
>>22616I kind of feel like I said "build a town hall" at some point, and Sechs has got to be some sort of official leader, but sure, we can do that
>>22617As much as we can give it while it still does everything we want, which is a pretty decent amount
Wait, where are all ofd the characters atm?
I don't have much time for this...
>>22618>>22619Idk, shouldn't a capital of a country be further inland, normally? It'd be better to check out surrounding areas first, and then see what territories want their own autonomy, unless the plan is to just conquer everyone.
>>22621What's he doing at the tower?
>>22619>>22619It's easy with Port Barry because they are enchanted with us. They do pretty much anything we want just by being asked. Where it will be difficult is when we expand into different cities. A lot of them will probably have civilian populations that feel they are being oppressed and so might respond to having their government overthrown as being liberated. But I don't know. In general, the less direct control we take, the easier it will be to claim we have good intentions
>>22622>Capital be further inlandWell, here's the thing. I personally believe the ability to move by ship is insanely useful, especially on a map split into multiple continents
>see what territories want autonomyI'd assume autonomy is the default and most of them want it. I'd rather conquer the Court City, and then see which territories want military protection, or at least trade relations
>Why at the towerTo tell Adam we retrieved his men and to give wood to Slovenia. That, and I assumed Ben and Torcuil were at the tower, but I honestly do not know
>>22624>the Court CityIt's highly likely that the court city may not have the same centralizing function now that the nerd who bullied everyone out of their lunch money is gone. Keep that in mind.
>To tell Adam we retrieved his men and to give wood to Slovenia.Tracy would've followed back that way then.