Carrying on with the ongoing RP Game, since the last bread got extra-stale (GM really should get a bread-box). Characters are in development and progress, with a variety of tasks and agendas. Nothing is trying to eat anyone for the moment, so there's no pressure to GET IN, but who am I kidding? Stuff is always more or less happening.
Come on in, the water's fine.
No homo, can't forget that bit
903 replies and 51 files omitted.
>>21911>Trump has been setting me up this whole time>eye twitchTorc turns about 20 differrnt shades of red, and fails to say anything (though not for lack of trying)
Then he teleports away in a puff of smoke, leaving behind a note
"I'm sorry. I was trying to salavge a boat that never made it to port in the first place. -Torcuil"
Torc, now in his cave, breaks out the scotch
>>21915Does Trumpaladin know where Torc's cave is?
>>21912THAT is a question/assertion which necessitates a response. I can't give it, cuz last time I attempted to emote Tracy it was declined, but still.
>>21916If you're testing the boundaries re: sexual intimacy, I have a hard time legitimately sanctioning a hoers who would be open to a sexual relationship with a human.
>inb4 Trollestia didEmphasis on
trollSorry, hate to break it to you, but it sounds bass-ackward to me.
>>21919What? She's an Equestrian pony
>>21922Who is "Not a character I'm directing"
>>21920>>21923It's an Equestrian pony. They have sexual relationships with humans
>>21924Lets assume what you say is true and objective. Even then, it wouldn't be a case of "Oh snap, there's a penis! I better,..." shoomp onto.
>>21926Hands down weirdest thing I've read all day
Sorry for being a faggot.
What did I miss?
>>21927Execpting Lyra and NEET-pone, I get the distinct impression that every
other pone isn't going "Oh well, you got dubs/trips, so have at it."
>>21912The rest are learnin' about waifus
>>21912*averts gaze*
"I.. I don't make friends very easily..."
Trumpaladin turns to Slovenia as they are walking, and says the following:
"I'm sorry Slovenia, but I think we are at an impasse. You want to build a trebuchet, but you don't know how to build one. I do not know how to build one. Adam asked at the mill what dimensions we needed, and I did not know the answer, and neither did you. There is one person who knows these things, and that is Tourcil. But I do not where to find him or how to contact him. He is like a cat, he shows up when he wants to. I would recommend going to the library in the Tower and seeing if there are any books on Trebuchets. I am not sure I have ever been to the Tower library myself, and I am also not sure that any book on Trebuchets are still in the library, and haven't been removed by Torcuil. I also don't know exactly what sized targets we'd be expecting, or what sized timber we'd need. So basically, there is nothing I can do to help you with your task further today. It will have to wait until more favorable conditions.
Unfortunately, I have other things I need to do in town and it's best I do these things before heading back, especially since I don't have anything else there I need to accomplish as of now, and without Inferius present. I must leave you now. I trust that you can find your way back to the tower on your own? Just follow the path and look to the sky. It's visible from far away. It's been great spending time with you."
>>21926What? It's not like I haven't been taking things slowly [Read more] >>21929>still not give troll's responceTorc settles down to a fire, some scotch, and a book hoping to doown out his spaghetti
>>21930"then why you track me all the way here?"
>>21911>>21934And ruin this moment? ^_~
Yes, GM is observable evil
>>21933".. Um.. ugh.. I was wondering where you went...." *trails off*
".. A bunch of trees got knocked over in the forest recently. Could you help me load them onto the wagon, so I could bring them to the mill?"
>>21936>pic >>21935>>21936You might want to be a little more cautious with your posting on, lest you inadvertently break any rules
>>21940"Alright.." *sees arrow stuck in the ground*
"Were you practicing archery or something?"
>>21941"some green humans attack me, me yell they run."
Found the perfect weapon for the party
>>21939If I were found to be operating in a manner inconsistent with the established intentions and guidelines (rules) of,
and I were doing so observably outside the consistent behavior of a number (a
gross number) of participants,
and were doing all that while
not contributing,... then I would accept that. Tl;dr Xp
P.S. If I vanish for a minute,....
>>21915I had thought that a rather final 'resolution' to the situation. Teleportation is a pretty final statement.
>>21948Okay, just didn't know if you wanted to add your two cents.
Torc realizes the Scotch isn't drowning his spagehtti, so he returns to the library to study somemore engineering
[1d20 = 17]>>21948i explore the area looking for any ruins other than the walled city.
>>21949"You should have brought the scotch." Troll says walking in.
>>21950Infernius determines that a number of breeds and genus' of wildlife and tribal life reside in the area, ranging from crude (biped) to indigenous animals.
[1d20 = 9]>>21942"Cowards.."
*inspects arrow nonchalantly while walking*
>>21950That sound like fun.
Rolling Search, to scout the area for any interesting structures.
>>21951how many breeds of biped are there?
>>21951>furiously presses the "i need an adult button""Uhhhhhhh, Hi"
What are my chances of surviving this?
>>21953From your cursory search (allowing for nice dice roll) 2.
>>21955Oh quit being a baby. Its not like she's gonna suck your blood or anything,... at least I hadn't planned on having her,... I might though. Xp
>>21955She telekinesis' a shot and then downs it.
"You're troubled, and awkward, and ashamed. Why?"
>>21957Impossible to determine from tracks and surrounding signs, but they are conclusively of slight build and sparse number.
>>21953*Peers over the ledge towards the structure*
>>21957>is bored"Want to go check it out?"
[1d20 = 14]>>21960"yes lets go."
tries to find camp of them or an equivalent.
>>21962Tracy flares all her detection abilities to assist him in searching the area.
>>21959*Tracy inspects the tracks available, and tries to make out a scent she can follow*
>>21964Tracy notices a liquid stain on the very occasional rock or stretch of grass. It smells like flesh, but bears none of the characteristics of flesh.
>>21958Wait hold up, is this at the library?
"I lived in a cave for years, and you're honestly wondering why I'm awkward?"
Torc sits down, and adopts the 1000 yard stare
"You see, even before that I had never been good with people. Honestly was suprised I got a girl to marry me."
He smiles a bit and chuckles
"I guess I thought I could change it, and be better with people. then that.... whatever you want to call it, happened between us and I don't know. I guess I really was wrong though."
>>21966*gravitates towards the area, carefully*
".. What's this supposed to be..?"
>>21967"Do you regret it? It was the first time I'd ever experienced such a thing. Many had,... presented themselves, but all did so wanting 'something' (not least of which was the obvious). You were the first I'd encountered who seemed to actually have an interest in who
I am. It wasn't a purely carnal thing, there was an innocence to it. I know you didn't ask for what happened TO have happened, and yet in the moment, I felt it would be a shame if I let the matter rest, or allowed the urge - the unspoken desire - to remain unanswered. You must understand, as a primal unicorn, I am particularly sensitive to natural impulses, to the fruition of desire and need. Though unspoken, I could sense a desire within you. I did not mean to offend, and if I did so, you have my sincerest apology," she finishes this statement, offering hoof and head in a bow of respect and supplication.
Didn't I say something about tyrants? >>21966>>21968*continues down the trail, beckoning Infernius to follow*
"I think I found something!" she shouts behind her
>>21968if tracy tells me about it i go over and taste it.
>>21970"No, you didn't offend me. So please stop bowing" Torc gestures for her to stand up "I just, I just imagined something that wasn't there. Thats all."
are they running maintenance on the site trump?
This Captcha sure is new.
I'm getting pretty tired. I might call it for the night, if there's no objection.
when i hover over a post number the post doesn't pop up.
Plus this captcha is annoying.
See you faguettes tomorrow
>>21972"I found something"
"I'll eat it"
Rly? It tastes like salt and tissue (like, living tissue)
Well on the ONE hand, there are a pair of new entries on the ban-list. On the other hand, I was deliberately (and unabashedly) goading Trump. Who knows?
>>21977 >>21978Feel free, tonight has been 'different', and not necessarily in a good way.
>>21980Again the previous
>>21981does it taste like a bitch?
Note: To post, scroll to the top and click the captcha FIRST, otherwise "ur a bot"
>>21984say what one more damned time
Apologies for suggesting and thinking - I did, I am a troll sometimes - that the site issues had anything to do with Trump's faggot or my deliberate trolling of.
>talks in her sleep
"... castle ... road ... forest .... candy ..."
Just wanted to let you guys know I have not forgotten, but I have a dog that is visiting me and it keeps me awake during the daytime.
>>21989Thez gently pets the mane of the most adorable of fillies.
"If you choose to wake, there will always be someone here. If you choose to sleep, there will always be someone watching over. Don't mistake me saying; having chosen a filly your player
faggot invokes ideas of protection and watchfulness, and on behalf of
ALL the other faggots I thank you for that. Whether you wish to play or wish to sleep, there will always be
someone here, adorable filly."
>>21990infernuis heads back to port barry.
loving these new board themes.
>Is a faggot
I'm still not finished sorting myself. If I offended, I ask for the means to make it right. I'm done saying "I'm sorry.". I knew what I was doing, did it deliberately, and dared consequence. Thats not who I want to be.
I want anons to feel/be welcome, but don't know how to be welcoming.
I'm gonna step back from everything. Tell me what you (players, and even lurkers) want, and I'll try to make it happen (it still has to make sense tho, and there is an adverse world outside). This isn't my show, it's yours. I forgot that, and its a mistake I won't repeat.
>>21993i know the feel its alright bro.
>>21993you've been super welcoming
>>21994Thanks, but its not alright. It will be though.
>>21996i walk back to port barry, if were still on for the night
some of it was my fault to i probbably shouldn't have wandered off like that. >>21997>thinking this is cuz he wandered off"I'nis,... sweet I'nis. No, this is not your doing, don't mind yourself over it."
She's right. GM is in a state of non plus. Players and characters have no fault in this.
I feel that I have done you - the participants (and perhaps the lurking observers) - a disservice. I did not choose to act in a way that would avoid or mitigate a disasterous or unnecessary outcome. All kidding, all maneuvers aside, I recognize and own that. Simply put, I got careless. I won't diminish my role by citing this or that. It is what it is, it is my fault, and there is little more to be said.
That I am sorry is a matter of consequence and hind-sight, which looks all fine and good after the fact but does not eliminate the choices I made nor does it explain or excuse my behavior. I will not ask for forgiveness or pardon because I don't feel they are warranted.
I hope to continue, to write and depict all sorts of outlandish stories for all to engage in, but I'm uncertain that I am adequately skilled. As a person, I have more issues than a magazine rack, and there is no doubt in my mind that such will color any future interactions.
Simply, I am a fool. I can't but be a fool. I will be less of a fool in time.
The desires of the players will entirely determine the continuity or cessation of my foolishness.
>>22001I don't really know what you're talking about, but I don't have any serious problems as is.
>>21998Don't sweat it, m8. This has all been really fun so far.
Mind that you don't need to do this every week if it's too difficult. I appreciate it any way.
>>21991Tracy wake up from a coma in the middle of the woods and follows Infernius back.
>>22004>>22005Tl;dr Last night I started acting a damn fool, and behaved inexcusably. That's really all there is to it.
>>21989Feel free to drop in whenever you can. There's no pressure. Your character brighten's up the place.
Sad Alex is still petrified, until his player decides show up again. His angel guards him though, and he makes for the most badass statue.
>>22007>behaved inexcusablyYou're excused.
Let's have more fun in the future.
>>22009Appreciated, but I don't accept that. Its one thing to bant/shitpost, another thing entirely to deliberately disregard player's equally (if not more so) valuable time and efforts.
>>22010Yeah, I sensed you were a bit stressed out at the time...
Just try a bit harder in the future. We all have bad weeks
like the time I was acting like an insufferable loot whore to the party, just to piss-off Trump's faggot. >>22011Also, I've already grown very fond of this Weeping Angel headcanon. Makes it so much cooler for Alex to just pop-in at interesting moments.
Don't tell Alex though. He doesn't actually realize it when he turns to stone.
>>22010On that note, were you planning anything tonight?
I would like to further explore those crafting options, and I'd be glad if anyone else joined.
>>22011I will, I can think of a number of "cheeky/douchy" aspects which may not have been particularly malicious, but may also not have been the best choice. Ex: referring to players as "faggots" was thought to be a way of reminding myself and others to not take themselves so seriously, but over time I saw/took it as an excuse to belittle. Another example is insisting on rules at one point and then arbitrarily throwing them out at others. Yes, I was stressed, but that's not an excuse to act petty and confrontational. I've dealt with GMs like that before, and seeing myself act that way is a bitter pill.
>>22013I have some business to attend to in an hour or so, but I will be here at length in the early afternoon (~3 PST)
>>22007>>22010>>22014>inexusablyAs long as no one died, I don't see the problem.
I'm enjoying it, besides sometimes rules need oo be ignored for fun