Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The long train ride to Bales is over, with Brie, Onyx, and Spark reaching their destination a little bruised but not dead or arrested. Before them lies a new and unfamiliar city and world, at the crossroads of Equestria's past and present, and also the Changeling Occupied Zone and East Equestria. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares to set out on a mission to track down and arrest unfaithful and unreliable local law enforcement that have been leaking information to rebel forces. Silver may finally have a new toy he can use to clear the Catacombs of their undead presence. Iron, meanwhile, has drifted further into an temple in his search for a treasure sough by an archaeological expedition that was ambushed by bandits.
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>>102953“Well, you see, an off road version would have wider wheels, a higher clearance, and more durable axels, while being heavier over all. Long distance, you want something slimmer and more comfortable, and preferably lighter. For colder weather you want some insulation and protection from the elements, and of course different thing are required for rain, flooding, and worst of all mud. What sort of ride you need? Functional, or more comfortable?”
>>102955"That depends on the price variance." He says with a wink.
>>102956“We’re looking at from 250 to 350 bits here, on the higher end”
>>102957Brie waves a hoof dismissively. "Would a heavier duty carriage require more than one draft pony?"
>>102958“It can, If you have a long distance or need speed”
>>102959"Alright. So assuming a heavy-duty carriage, with insulation, rain, and mud traction wheels, how much would that go for?"
>>102960“That’s higher end, with steel parts. Around 380 after all expenses”
>>102962"Mmmkay. You said something about flood protection, what is involved with that?"
>>102963“Waterproofing on the undercarriage, and fewer rusting parts. Still don’t drive it through moving water, it will float away
>>102964Brie thinks for a moment, then visibly mouths the words "What does fording the river mean?", then shakes his head.
"So with flood protection, what are we looking at?"
>>102965“420. Normally it would be less, but material like chrome are more expensive under the war mobilization”
>>102966"I've got 450. Can you use the remainder to make it a bit cushy?"
>>102967“We can add luxury seating, yes”
>>102968"Splendid. Do you have one like that already available?"
>>102969“Yes. Allow a few minutes for modifications, so it may meet you specifications”
>>102970"Excellent" Brie proffers the funds, silently thanking those revolutionaries for funding this leg of their venture.
>>102971He hooves over the bank notes, the salespony counts them, and Brie has a new wagon, courtesy of the Everfree partisans. It looks like those Sun worshipers did something good after all.
The carriage is kind of big, very high with a step, has large wheels, and is mostly blocky with some curves in the front. It is black in color, with a partly metal, partly wooden look
[1d20 = 18]>>102972Brie attempts to pull the cart
>>102973It’s heavy, but the axels are well lubricated. It pulls, and least so long as it’s not going uphill
Don't ask me why, but I had the weirdest dream involving some kind of 4chan golf game on the Nintendo Switch.
>>102975Can he make it back to the hotel?
>>102976Ok, I won't ask why, but what did it look like?
>>102979... I'm scared to ask what you mean by that.
>>102980You might break parking rules.
>>102978Like the 4CC, but golf, so every character was a meme. You could upskirt a lot of the female models. I didn't spend enough time in that part of the dream to see ponies, but I did see John Cena wearing a magical girl outfit.
>>102980It’s a city. Is there parking space?
>>102985Permanent parking space. Otherwise it could get tolled or stolen.
>>102986Don't make me get the newspaper would declare some real awesome come back for Onyx, but to be honest I have no idea what the fuck is going on and there's a lot of posts.
So; Hi, how is everyone tonight?
>>102988Onyx, Sparks, Brie, and the 2 Lings are at a hotel in,... a city. Brie is just returning to the hotel that they're all currently stationed at, with a swank-ass carriage for the remainder of the trip.
>>102989An interesting situation to say the least
>>102990You're gonna love the next part then
>>102991Now you're really filling me with confidence
>>102989If you've forgotten the name of the city, it's Bales.>>102984So, if I remember correctly, Silver was continuing his epic journey to the Baltimare Zoo.
>>102993I think GM needs some time to progress with the monthly players.
>>102994Fair enough.
>>102992It is good to see you, buddy. Thought you were a goner.
>>102996Life's been a bitch recently, but it's good to be back
>>102992Oh come now, it'll be fun
>>102998You have a tendency to cause unease by your lateral thinking.
>>103002Well I wasn't expecting that reaction from you.
Good luck trying to hide the twist.>>103003Try not to make you and your companions succ'd into slavery now.
>>103004He likes his gets
>>102999Oh you have no idea
>>103003How'd you access your IRL stats?
>>103002Love you too
In case anyone's been left behind here, there's a new bread at
>>103001 →