Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The long train ride to Bales is over, with Brie, Onyx, and Spark reaching their destination a little bruised but not dead or arrested. Before them lies a new and unfamiliar city and world, at the crossroads of Equestria's past and present, and also the Changeling Occupied Zone and East Equestria. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares to set out on a mission to track down and arrest unfaithful and unreliable local law enforcement that have been leaking information to rebel forces. Silver may finally have a new toy he can use to clear the Catacombs of their undead presence. Iron, meanwhile, has drifted further into an temple in his search for a treasure sough by an archaeological expedition that was ambushed by bandits.
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>>102148So, ready to continue as if he had read the newpaper?
>>102149At the last moment, he can hear clopping on stone. The presence moves back slightly as Iron faces it. In the darkness, a yellow and orange colored pony can be made out, and when she speaks, her identity is confirmed
Pear: "Are they still there?"
>>102151Iron shakes his head.
"They fell back for now."
He motions Pear over as he rummages through Cauldron's saddlebags for the potion.
"Do you have any experience with taking out metal bits from ponies?"
>>102151As Silver looks down into the quarry, having read his newspaper and returned to the lot, he wonders how much longer this is going to take.
It is not like I am going to life forever, here... >>102152Pear looks relieved at first, and then confused
"Come again?"
>>102153Poor Silver
The water line has receded somewhat
>>102154Iron motions her again, urging her to come closer and see the wound.
"She has been wounded by metal. Come closer."
With that, he keeps trying to find that potion.
If there is one. >>102154He sighs. At least the risk to life and limb is currently very slim.
Hmm...well, I suppose I could go see those colts our group rescued, while I wait. I wonder if they are doing alright...everything considered. With that decided, he puts into his cart any of his supplies that might scare the foals, before trotting his way to the orphanage.
Where is Dark Star
>>102155"Oh..." She moves closer to Cauldron, and mumbles to herself
"I thought you asked if I accepted bits from stallions..."Cauldron has already pulled put some herbs, and struggles with a lighter to try to light them. In her bag, there are a few class containers, though it's hard to say which one is a potion
>>102156So you want to put off the final assault on the catacombs?
I have been wanting to show those other characters again though, I just though Dark Star would get to them first>>102157For just a bit, while the pump does its work. By the time he returns, I imagine he'll be prepared to finish this job once and for all.
Just how it happens, I suppose. >>102157Let's try to follow the healer's footsteps thenSlightly confused at Pear's mumbling, he shrugs it off as he tries to assist Cauldron in her current action by trying to light the lighter himself.
"Pear, order the containers in a neat, easy to reach row. We are doing some healing."
(Hopefully the process is not too complicated)
>>102158He walks thusly, arriving at the orphanage
"I don't believe I've seen you here before"
>>102159For a brief moment, Pear seems indignat. It fades fast, and Pear complies without comment, ordering the containers
Cauldron seems more than a little uneasy
"Hoof me an empty one"
>>102160Iron nods, picking an empty container and hoofing it to Cauldron.
(What would cause Pear to be indignant about this? Does she know any special attributes to heal her up and take the metal off of her?)
>>102161Cauldron lights an herb on fire, and places it inside the container, then tries to inhale the smoke
>>102160He nods at the pony (presumably a nun) who speaks to him. "You likely have not. I have only been here once before.
"Listen...there are couple of foals here who were rescued from...unspeakably horrific conditions. I was part of group that rescued them. I was hoping I could check up on them, see how they are doing."
>>102162Ah, an analgesic of sorts.Iron does his part by softly securing the container within her nostrils.
He glances back at Pear to see what she's doing meanwhile.
[1d20+2 = 9]>>102163She turns her head
"Part of the group who rescued them...?"
Then she turns her head back up
"Well, perhaps. They are out of class now. The police came by, and spoke with them earlier. They are in the back"
Also, sense motive
>>102164No, it's to help prevent Cauldron from drowning in her own bloodLining the beakers up neatly. What do you expect?
>>102166Oh. I guess that's that then.Iron, unsure of what to do next, decides to check Cauldron's bags for anything that could extract metal from the insides of ponies.
(She must have been shot before.)
>>102166You can certainly tell that most of the ponies in this setting expect ulterior motives in everything.He's concerned about the little ones after what they had to go through. "Спасибо. They are not too tired, yes? I can not imagine having to relive that horrible experience, even for police, can be easy on them."
>>102167Because getting shot is hardly unforeseeable, a pair of Magill forceps can be found deep in Cauldron's bag
>>102168Well, I figured that if Silver had been a hired gun sent from the Mafia or whoever to kill or kidnap the two little ponies so they couldn't testify at trial, then the nun would be thought of stupid for not at least investigating this possibilityBut now that you mention it, I guess it does make the setting seem darkerShe looks down
"Well... no. They are awake. It's getting them to go and stay asleep that is the hard part"
>>102169He nods again, more somberly this time. "I could not blame them..." With that, he trots towards the back, where she indicated the foals were.
[1d20 = 3]>>102169Nice looking forceps, actually.Iron returns with the forceps equipped, looking down in the wound, aiming the medical tool.
"Here it comes. Try not to move when I extract the metal off of you."
With that, he starts the probably hurtful process of getting a bullet removed from her body.
Rolling heal
which is a d20 without modifiers. [1d20 = 12]>>102171I'll just reroll that. You can keep the part where Cauldron gets hurt by this roll.Iron, sweating nervously after moving the forceps way too slugish, focuses on the tool and tries again.
>>102170I don't remember if Silver knows their names or not
The larger white earth pony is closer towards the center of the room, trying to make a toy train on a circular track go forward, pushing it along. The aqua marine unicorn colt is in a chair in the left corner, kind of
just sitting there>>102171>>102172"
Cauldron barks
"Do you want me to do it?" Pear asks
>>102173Why sad? You want pony to cheer you up?
[1d20 = 17]>>102174Aw... Well, I'll try one more time."Let me try once more."
He takes a deep breath to steady his hoof and tries to take out the bullet from his partner
and currently platonical friend, Cauldron.
>>102174He definitely does not, that much I know.
Silver stands by the entrance to the room for a couple seconds to watch them before knocking on a nearby wall. "May I enter?"
>>102176And.. grab
Cauldron bites down on a piece of rope, then asks Iron
"Pull it out"
>>102178They both look over to Silver and are left silent. They do not say anything
>>102173How does Dark Star feel about Bat Ponies?
>>102179Not exactly best omen... Silver clears his throat, still sounding a bit strained from the damage it took yesterday. "My name is Silver Sword. I was part of group that rescued you two." He looks from one of the colts to the other. "Could you perhaps tell me your names?"
>>102181Adults don't ask them permission, adults just doThe white one speaks
"I think I remember you. My name is White Orchid"
It takes the aqua unicorn a moment to respond
"I am Mint Marine..." he says, looking away at the end
>>102179Iron nods, pulling out the bullet as carefully and swift as possible.
>>102182Uh...okay...?Tentatively, Silver steps inside the room. "I wanted to see how you two were holding up, maybe spend some time with you, if you wanted." After a second of thinking, he pulls out the last two milk chocolate candy bars from his saddlebags. "Oh, and I suppose these are for you."
>>102184The last two posts for Dark Star are
>>102068 >>102067Skies is there with Dark Star
And if you want a new marefriend for him... I may be able to insert a batpony character>>102183The bullet is pulled out. Pear responds by touching a handkerchief with some sort of green paste on it over the wound
"What about your wounds?" Pear asks
>>102185This gets eyes focused on the bars. For a moment, a brief moment, there is silence. Like the silence awaiting the town clock to strike noon in an Old West duel. Then, the aqua pony jumps up, as well as the white one. Each comes and takes a milk chocolate bar
>>102186Silver smiles at the sight.
At least that has not changed. He sits down where he is and pulls out a chocolate bar with almonds for himself, enjoying a bite of it with a satisfying crunch.
>>102187It is indeed crunchy and almondy
The aqua pony now lies down on his belly as he tries to much the chocolate, as the white pony remains standing
>>102186"You Have 10 seconds."
He Scowls at them while pointing his shotgun at them
>>102186Iron shrugs.
"I will be fine for the time being."
He casually sets down the metal piece taken out of Cauldron.
"I will need some tending after we get out of here, but for now we should advance if possible."
He kneels over to Cauldron, presenting his crest for her to support her hypothetical standing up.
"Can you stand up?"
>>102188Silver looks at the two foals after swallowing down the tasty bite. "Could you maybe tell me little bit about yourselves?"
>>102189He replies
"I never ratted on the Gang"
>>102190She stands up
>>102191The white pony blinks, before looking up
"What do you want to know?"
>>102192He nods.
"Good. We need to move out before they set an ambush for us. We shall leave the pots back there until we deal with the bandits. Any objections?"
Alright, time is up. Good night GM. >>102192"Well...what kind of things do you like to do, for instance?"
>>102196“Who sent you! I’ve not gone back on our agreement!”
The mare looks surprised
>>102195Uh... not a great roll, but he is indignant
>>102193Both shake their heads
>>102194White Orchid: “Well... the nuns have me help around as they need me. They also teach me the writings of the Saints, and about harmony. I got this train yesterday”
He points to the train
“It’s pretty nice”
>>102197The rear of the train takes on a blue glow at the same time as Silver's horn, as it's pushed slowly around the track. "It looks very nice indeed." He releases his telekinetic grip on the train, letting it roll a few more inches underneath its own power. "So, is that what you like doing? Helping nuns out and learning about Harmony?"
>>102198“Well, and playing with other colts. We play games around the woods sometimes”
He looks down at the train
>>102199"Sounds little bit like me when I was colt." He looks over to Mint Marine. "What about you? What do you like to do?"