Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The long train ride to Bales is over, with Brie, Onyx, and Spark reaching their destination a little bruised but not dead or arrested. Before them lies a new and unfamiliar city and world, at the crossroads of Equestria's past and present, and also the Changeling Occupied Zone and East Equestria. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares to set out on a mission to track down and arrest unfaithful and unreliable local law enforcement that have been leaking information to rebel forces. Silver may finally have a new toy he can use to clear the Catacombs of their undead presence. Iron, meanwhile, has drifted further into an temple in his search for a treasure sough by an archaeological expedition that was ambushed by bandits.
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>>102829It’s the Silver pony! When Dark Star comes back, I am going to have to ask you and him a question
>>102828Woowee, look at ya!
>>102831>>102832>>102833Take this chance to delete your posts and merge them into one to have more post space.
>>102835Is that who I think it is?
>>102836>>102835I wonder if he has that ear floof.
>>102839Yeah, I'll be available for at least a few hours in the afternoon for the next two weeks
Maybe there was more, but last I recall Brie was at an arms store, getting a creeped out vibe from the shopkeeper
>>102841>>102841He was asked by a shopkeeper to come to the back of the store
Also, If you’d like to skip this or any other part, Brie can do most tasks with Skill roles >>102842"May I ask why you keep armor in the back of the store?"
>>102843He looks past Brie, then to Brie
“Keep armor? We do not sell any such regulated goods here”
>>102845Armor may not be illegal, but it’s purchasers are recorded. Of course he does not have any armor in plain sight
>>102849"Very well, I'll see what you have in the back. Lead the way."
Brie checks his short sword, in case he should need it.
finally back>>102850He looks at Brie for a moment longer, then past Brie, then back at Brie.
“If you will follow me.”
He goes towards a door in the back, and opens it. What are visible are a number of items and cardboard boxes. There are mechanical clocks, lamps, a radio. There’s ittle tin piggy bank of a green unicorn with a black metal cauldron, and if you place a coin in its hoof, it will move over and place the coin in the pot.
“Here is some of our inventory”
Then he closes the door. With a flash of magic, a box is moved up, revealing little steel plates
“What are your needs?”
>>102853"Apologies, I wasn't aware armor was regulated in this area. I regret that I'm not buying, I'm actually selling."
>>102854He raises an eyebrow
“We can do that as well. What do you have?”
>>102857Your character is full of holes.
>>102858No u!
>>102859You’d better surrender that love
>>102861Can't really contest that with the amount of metal in Iron currently.
Iron confirmed changeling [1d20 = 8]>>102864>>102863You think that's bad? Wait until you see this!
>>102855Sorry for the delay"A pair of carbines, a shotgun, and about 20 rounds for the rifles."
>>102868“Oh really?”
He places his hoof to his chin
“That’s all bit different from armor, but we can take it all the same. May I see it?”
>>102869Brie nixes the disguise on the case carrying the rifles and places them on a(?) nearby counter.
>>102870A table
“Hmmm.... I can offer you 450”
>>102871Brie blinks twice, then nods. "That's fair. We have a deal then?"
>>102867Oh no, my love, naoooooo…
Also, lewd.>>102869EaW updated. They added focus trees and events for Sicameon, Asterion, Cyanolisia, and Gryphus. Makes me think Zebrica is coming
very soon.
>>102872He offers a hoof
>>102873Oh now you want to post it
>>102874Brie bumps hoofs with the pony.
>>102875And he passes over 450 in bank notes to Brie (unless he demands coin). Brie may now buy something else, ask questions, or proceed to elsewhere
>>102877"Thank you my good stallion."
No, Brie is entirely disinterested in buying more things for the moment. At this point he would return to the Lings and Spark, wherever they were doing cute changeling things at.
>>102878Some blocks back down is the hotel. In the main hotel room, Spark has delicately balanced petting the two ersatz foals
>>102874I have absolutely no clue what you mean.
>>102879"I hope I'm not interrupting" Brie says with a smirk.
>>102881The little ersatz foals have no idea what Brie just said, but they look up at him, cutely
>>102882"Spielen sie?" Brie says a bit more cutely than he intended at the Lings, then looking to Sparks to see if he seems,... eated.